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09-02 投稿


browbeaten 发音

英:[?bra?bi?tn]  美:[?bra?bi?tn]

英:  美:

browbeaten 中文意思翻译



browbeaten 短语词组

1、browbeaten crossword ─── 恐吓纵横填字游戏

2、browbeaten crossword clue ─── 威吓的纵横字谜线索

3、browbeaten meaning ─── 恐吓的意思

4、browbeaten synonym ─── 威吓的同义词

5、browbeaten define ─── 威吓定义

6、browbeaten husband ─── 威吓的丈夫

browbeaten 词性/词形变化,browbeaten变形

动词过去式: browbeat |动词第三人称单数: browbeats |动词过去分词: browbeaten |名词: brow-beater |动词现在分词: browbeating |

browbeaten 相似词语短语

1、browbeater ─── 吓唬,欺辱别人的人(browbeat的名词)

2、beaten ─── adj.被打败了的;筋疲力竭的;踏平的;v.打败(beat的过去分词);n.(Beaten)人名;(英)比滕

3、brown betties ─── 褐色贝蒂布丁

4、browbeats ─── vt.恫吓,吓唬;欺侮

5、browbeat ─── vt.恫吓,吓唬;欺侮

6、drybeaten ─── 干燥的

7、bowbent ─── 弓形

8、-beaten ─── adj.被打败了的;筋疲力竭的;踏平的;v.打败(beat的过去分词);n.(Beaten)人名;(英)比滕

9、browbeating ─── vt.恫吓,吓唬;欺侮

browbeaten 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He browbeat her into agreeing. ─── 他威逼她同意。

2、Why was I always suffering, always browbeaten, always accused, for ever condemned? ─── 我为什么老受折磨,老受欺侮,老挨骂,一辈子也翻不了身呢?

3、We shall never allow our police to browbeat prisoners into admitting their guilt. ─── 我们决不允许我们的警察对囚犯搞逼供。

4、Clarissa and our daughter also browbeat me into buying an extended warranty for a college laptop computer a couple of years ago, and it still bothers me. ─── 几年前,克拉丽莎还伙同我女儿胁迫我给一个大学笔记本电脑办理了延期保险,这件事至今仍困扰着我。

5、He dared not ruffle anyone, even had to make way for wild dogs. And yet here he was so browbeaten he could hardly breathe. ─── 谁也不敢招惹,连条野狗都得躲着,临完还是被人欺侮得出不来气!

6、Reporter: Platform shops on the net of Baidu be about to roll out inside year, can be tycoon of this Chinese search become browbeat newly greatly when what become? ─── 记者:百度的网上购物平台年内即将推出,这个中文搜索巨头会成为当当的一大新的威胁吗?

7、Modern other people sheds an activity to had browbeaten to environmental influence to our daily life. ─── 现代物流活动对环境的影响已经威胁到我们的日常生活。

8、They browbeat him into signing the document. ─── 他们恫吓他签署了文件。

9、Because of their health, especially crural health got browbeat badly. ─── 因此她们的健康,尤其是脚的健康受到了严重的威胁。

10、I won't be browbeaten into accepting your proposals. ─── 我不会在威迫之下接受你的提议。

11、Mr Angelides was a perennial thorn in the side of business, using California's state pension plan to browbeat bosses of firms he disapproved of, and he retains a dim view of Wall Street. ─── 安吉利迪斯向来都是商业界的眼中刺,他曾使用加州的养老金计划来威逼他不喜欢的公司老板们就范,而且他一直用悲观的眼光来看待华尔街。

12、His legal team argues that the woman combined an anonymous appearance with a steely character, iron nerves and a firm insider's grasp of the system to browbeat colleagues and circumvent the rules. ─── 他的律师团辩称,这名女子外表平常,但个性果敢大胆,敢作敢为,并且十分熟悉银行内部的运作程序,从而能够威逼同事并绕开银行规章。

13、Don't let yourself to be browbeaten or cornered into making concessions with which you are not comfortable. ─── 不要让您自己因为受到恫吓或者逼至绝境而做出让自己不悦的妥协。

14、Thereupon, finding Tess unfairly browbeaten, the husbands and lovers tried to make peace by defending her. ─── 那些丈夫和情人们,看到苔丝让人这样威慑势凌,有欠公道,就想帮助苔丝一下,好使争端平息。

15、If the child exceeds study of the life in the environment of mark for a long time in heavy metal, healthy likelihood is browbeaten . ─── 假如孩子长期在重金属超标的环境中生活学习,健康可能受到威胁。

16、After this, venture capital investment person be in all the time try to open this one mystery, namely how can they just browbeat financial system. ─── 此后,风险投资者一直在试图揭开这一奥秘,即他们如何才能够威胁到金融系统。

17、Beijing, therefore, does not want to see Russian aggression browbeat a region that is an important energy provider. ─── 因此,中国不希望看到俄罗斯的攻击性会威胁这一重要的能源供应地。

18、Virus tries to shut a variety of software that reduce toxin, the network safety belt that gives an user will browbeat. ─── 病毒试图关闭多种杀毒软件,给用户的网络安全带来威胁。

19、Browbeat the weak and fear the strong; cringe before the strong and Bully the weak ─── 欺软怕硬

20、Was not browbeaten by infection account password by this worm, because they are a course,add close processing. ─── 被感染账户密码没有受到该蠕虫威胁,因为它们是经过加密处理的。”

21、These tendency may arouse trade protectionism, browbeat thereby global economy is integrated. ─── 这些倾向可能会激发贸易保护主义,从而威胁到全球的经济整合。

22、1. The judge browbeat the witness. ─── 那法官威吓证人.

23、Capital is exceeding and in short supply, payment for goods is defaulted serious, production is maintained hard, the worker's income falls, the industry survives got browbeat badly. ─── 资金极度紧缺,货款拖欠严重,生产难以维持,职工的收入下降,企业生存受到了严重威胁。

24、Have more very person, give out " entire industry is faced with death to browbeat " alarm. ─── 更有甚者,发出“全行业面临死亡威胁”的警报。

25、In the meantime, I'm going downstairs to browbeat a scared, dying teenage girl until she breaks down like a scared, dying teenage girl. ─── 同时我要下楼去恐吓一个怕得要死的十几岁垂死女孩,直到她像怕得要死的十几岁垂死女孩那样崩溃。

26、At that time, this one message causes controversy in British home, relevant personage warning says, if this one behavior becomes reality, mean consumer privacy to will be browbeaten. ─── 当时,这一消息在英国国内引发争议,相关人士警告说,如果这一行为成为现实,意味着消费者隐私将受到威胁。

27、If the child exceeds study of the life in the environment of mark for a long time in heavy metal, healthy likelihood is browbeaten. ─── 假如孩子长期在重金属超标的环境中生活学习,健康可能受到威胁。

28、Of entire industry live to also be browbeaten badly by I. ─── 全行业的生存也受到I严重的威胁。

29、Women are referred to as "skirts" and lower-ranking officers are there to be kicked and browbeaten. ─── 他将女性称为“短裙”,对下级警官威逼恐吓且拳脚相加。

30、"Individual information is being browbeaten by abuse my life property of quiet, life is safe, make oneself feel pressure or mood unpleasantness. ─── “个人信息被滥用正在威胁着我的生活安宁、生命财产安全,令自己感到压力或者心情不愉快。”

31、They were browbeaten into accepting the offer. ─── 他们被威逼接受了提议。

32、1. For many Britons accustomed to watching Thatcher browbeat enemies and dress down aides, it seemed like only a matter of time before her support for Major would cool. ─── 对很多看惯撒切尔向她的政敌怒目而视或斥责僚属的英国人来说,她对梅杰的支持迟早都会冷却。

33、But just look at how they browbeat the IMF into giving favourable assessments of their economies. ─── 但是看看它们在争取良好经济评级时是怎样恫吓国际货币基金组织的,就会知道这很难奏效了。

34、A few days ago, kou Bin is browbeaten by the accused, stop to create, be in " start Chinese net " on publish excuse letter. ─── 日前,寇彬受到被告威胁,停止创作,并在“起点中文网”上发表致歉信。

35、They jostled, browbeat, and threatened one another, but they did not come to actual hostilities. ─── 它们彼此冲撞、威逼、恫吓,但是没有达到真正的战争状态。

36、They jostled, browbeat, and threatened one another, but they did not come to actual hostilities ─── 它们彼此冲撞、威逼、恫吓,但是没有达到真正的战争状态。

37、He was browbeat the witness into confessing he had seen the crime committed ─── 老板在办公室对他吹胡子瞪眼,这使他感到害怕。

38、Mr Obama's softly-softly tour of the Middle Kingdom suggests he knows Beijing cannot be browbeaten. ─── 奥巴马耐心谨慎的中国之行暗示,他明白,北京不可能被吓住。

39、to be spent from isogon of politics, sociology and law look, damage social fairness and justice, browbeat then social stability. ─── 从政治学、社会学和法律等角度看,损害社会公平和正义,进而威胁社会的稳定。

40、Inactive one side is, unemployment browbeats merely no longer manufacturing company, and also browbeat high-tech domain. ─── 消极的一面是,失业不再仅仅威胁生产企业,而且也威胁到高科技领域。

41、But the American public is not merely being misled.It is being browbeaten and kept in a state of ignorance and fear. ─── 但是美国民众还不仅仅是被误导,他们被吓住了,处于一种无知和恐惧的状态。

42、But the last laugh is on him when his not-so-cuddly companion has him for dinner!At last his browbeaten crew can sail home in peace. ─── 书中还为因肥胖而引起“三高”症状的人群提供了诸多有效的解决方案,同时介绍了一些成功减重朋友的故事。

43、The lawyer browbeat the witness into confessing he had seen the crime committed ─── 该律师硬威逼证人承认目击了犯罪过程。

44、In general, apt regards globalization as a kind to browbeat and I feel developing country and developed country appear is not a kind of opportunity more. ─── 总的说来,我觉得发展中国家和发达国家似乎都更倾向于把全球化看成是一种威胁而不是一种机会。

45、Thereupon, finding Tess unfairly browbeaten, the husbands and lovers tried to make peace by defending her ─── 那些丈夫和情人们,看到苔丝让人这样威慑势凌,有欠公道,就想帮助苔丝一下,好使争端平息。

46、refused to be browbeaten and insulted; ─── 拒绝被逼讯及被侮辱;

47、A few days ago, kou Bin is browbeaten by the accused, stop to create, be in " start Chinese net " on publish excuse letter. ─── 日前,寇彬受到被告威胁,停止创作,并在“起点中文网”上发表致歉信。

48、Current, competition of market carrying trade is very intense, highway, aviation, boat carries main impact carries the market, the dominant position that railroad carries got browbeat badly. ─── 当前 ,市场运输业竞争十分激烈 ,公路、航空、船运全力冲击运输市场 ,铁路运输的主导地位受到了严重威胁。

49、The drowsy browser knits its brows to browbeat the frowzy crow. ─── 昏昏欲睡的吃草动物皱眉头恐吓邋遢的乌鸦。

50、It has shown over the past year that it is too widely supported to be browbeaten into concessions either by sanctions or by pressure from Fatah. ─── 过去的一年表明,由于广泛的支持,无论是制裁还是法塔赫的压力都不会使得退让出现。

51、"I'm not going to be browbeaten," I replied flatly. ─── “我不想看人家对我吹胡子瞪眼的,”我直言不讳地说。

52、Inquisitor and recreational company win the lawsuit will browbeat " pirate bay " of the website live. ─── 检察官和娱乐公司胜诉将会威胁到“海盗湾”网站的生存。

53、1.Don't let yourself to be browbeaten or cornered into making concessions with which you are not comfortable. ─── 不要因为受到恐吓或陷入危机而做自己不情愿的让步或妥协。

54、to intimidate; to threaten; to browbeat; to hector ─── 威吓

55、Mr Obama's softly-softly tour of the Middle Kingdom suggests he knows Beijing cannot be browbeaten. ─── 奥巴马耐心谨慎的中国之行暗示,他明白,北京不可能被吓住。

56、Below a few circumstances, the divine sex of the contract is browbeaten. ─── 在一些情况下,合同的神圣性受到威胁。

57、The aggravation that is an environment then began to browbeat of our mankind oneself live. ─── 那就是环境的恶化开始威胁到了我们人类自身的生存。

58、Do not browbeat yourself with guilt if you need a nap, or if you need to close the books and go to bed because you are not getting enough sleep. ─── 如果你需要打个盹,或需要合起书本,上床就寝以补睡眠不足,大可不必因此内疚自责。

59、Of course, look substantially from what the businessman pursues interest, ad business did not realise this actively, the optimal choice that makes when be faced with an interest to browbeat however. ─── 当然,从商人逐利的本质上看来,广告商并没有主动认识到这一点,而是在面临利益威胁时做出的最佳选择。

60、Population expands continuously, resource supply is in short supply increasingly and the environment pollutes ceaseless aggravate, already browbeat severely can last of human society development. ─── 人口持续膨胀、资源供给日益短缺和环境污染不断加剧 ,已严重地威胁到人类社会的可持续发展。

61、noisily domineering; tending to browbeat others. ─── 吵闹、跋扈;倾向于吓唬别人。

62、browbeat sb into doing sth ─── 威逼某人做某事

63、The tree did not have water withered, for generations bilked the home with living to be browbeaten badly. ─── 树没了水枯了,祖祖辈辈赖以生存的家园受到了严重的威胁。

64、Maggie: Jason, I didn't say to browbeat her. ─── 麦琪:杰森,我没说要吓唬她。

65、They were browbeaten into accepting the offer. ─── 他们被威逼接受了提议。

66、For many Britons accustomed to watching Thatcher browbeat enemies and dress downaides, it seemed like only a matter of time before her support for Major would cool. ─── 对很多看惯撒切尔向她的政敌怒目而视或斥责僚属的英国人来说,她对梅杰的支持迟早都会冷却。

67、As a tactical maneuver, financial negotiators can browbeat the opposition much in the same way that technical negotiators can. ─── 作为一种战术策略,金融型谈判者可以以技术性谈判者同样的方式来吓唬对手。

68、The fox borrows the tiger's terror;assume someone else's authority to browbeat others ─── 狐假虎威

69、For this, this periodical gives this article, introduce technology of a few kinds of off contact printing briefly, what may browbeat with respect to its and affect is webby.. ─── 为此,本期刊出此文,简要地介绍几种非接触印刷技术,并就其可能威胁和影响到的丝网...

70、” He may still be able to browbeat enough parliamentarians from other, smaller parties into voting for any changes the ANC wishes to pass. ─── 祖马仍然可以恐吓来自其他较小党派的足够议员来通过非国大希望通过的议案。

71、Company credit is short of the seriousness that misses an issue, already browbeat of economy of our country market move normally. ─── 企业信用缺失问题的严重性,已威胁到我国市场经济的正常运行。

72、Globalization is handle Shuang Renjian, although can advance economy to grow rate, browbeat possibly also the economy of a country, violate the sovereignty of a country. ─── 全球化是柄双刃剑,虽然能推进经济发展速度,也可能威胁一个国家的经济,侵犯一个国家的主权。

73、Look in Professor Meng Xiangqing, western overmeasure capability of network espionage warfare, "Network technology of China has not browbeaten the ability of his country. ─── 在孟祥青教授看来,西方高估了中国的网络谍战能力,“中国的网络技术还没有威胁他国的能力。

74、But the American public is not merely being misled. It is being browbeaten and kept in a state of ignorance and fear. ─── 但是美国民众还不仅仅是被误导,他们被吓住了,处于一种无知和恐惧的状态。

75、Why American can be oppugned associate and buy IBMPC business to may browbeat their safety, do not give associate order; ─── 为什么美国人可以质疑联想并购IBMPC业务可能威胁他们的安全,不给联想订单;

76、His nature is very indrawn, cowardly, sensitive, often feel to the environment all round is oppressing to his generation and browbeat. ─── 他的性格十分内向、懦弱、敏感,老是觉得四周的环境都在对他产生压迫和威胁。

77、He says, associated press resembles a lot of newspaper same, in should browbeat to Internet respect action is too too little, slow. ─── 他说,美联社像很多报纸一样,在应对互联网威胁方面行动太少、太迟。

78、browbeat someone into doing something ─── 威逼着某人去做某事

79、Nowadays, vegetation of this one area is exiguous, zoology is exasperate, agricultural fertility is low, the person's vivosphere is browbeaten badly. ─── 如今,这一地区植被稀少,生态恶化,农业生产力低下,人的生存空间受到严重威胁。

80、Shortage of water natural resources has browbeaten the socioeconomy development of a few areas of Chinese and zoology safety, economic development will crisis of farther aggravate water. ─── 水资源短缺已经威胁到中国一些地区的社会经济发展和生态安全,经济的发展将会进一步加剧水危机。

81、The judge browbeat the witness. ─── 那法官威吓证人。

82、Climb the number that raise to mean soil erosion and the austere condition that land changes dene ceaselessly, zoology safety of the country is browbeaten badly. ─── 不断攀升的数字意味着水土流失和土地沙化的严重形势,国家的生态安全受到严重威胁。

83、His disposition is very indrawn, cowardly, without the lofty quality of a bit man, very sensitive much anxious, he feels to the environment all round is oppressing to his generation and browbeat. ─── 他的性格十分内向、懦弱,没有一点男子的气概,非常敏感多愁,他觉得四周的环境都在对他产生压迫和威胁。

84、Don't let yourself to be browbeaten or cornered into making concessions with which you are not comfortable. ─── 不要让您自己因为受到恫吓或者逼至绝境而做出让自己不悦的妥协。

85、Why was I always suffering , always browbeaten, always accused, for ever condemned? ─── 我为什么老受折磨,老受欺侮,老挨骂,一辈子也翻不了身呢?

86、2. I won't be browbeaten into accepting your proposals. ─── 我不会在威迫之下接受你的提议.

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