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09-02 投稿


forerun 发音

英:[[f?:'r?n]]  美:[[fo?r'r?n]]

英:  美:

forerun 中文意思翻译



forerun 短语词组

1、forerun 610 ─── 前奏610

2、forerun 35 ─── 预演35

3、forerun deutsch ─── 预演德国

4、forerun inc forerun ─── 公司

5、forerun kollam ─── 运行颜色映射

6、forerun def ─── 预运行def

7、forerun syn ─── 前驱syn

8、forerun define ─── 前驱定义

forerun 词性/词形变化,forerun变形

动词过去式: foreran |动词现在分词: forerunning |动词第三人称单数: foreruns |动词过去分词: forerun |

forerun 相似词语短语

1、foreman ─── n.领班;陪审团主席;n.(Foreman)人名;(英、西)福尔曼

2、foregut ─── n.[胚][动]前肠

3、to rerun ─── 重新运行

4、forerank ─── 高级

5、foreruns ─── v.预示;预告;走在……之前

6、foreground ─── n.前景;最显著的位置

7、foreran ─── 预示;预告;走在…之前(forerun的过去式和过去分词)

8、foreign ─── adj.外国的;外交的;异质的;不相关的

9、foremen ─── [经管]工长;工头

forerun 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、No, no, doubtless he was deceived, and IT was but one of those dreams that forerun death! ─── 不,不!他无疑地是错了,这只是那些飘浮在死亡之门前的梦幻罢了。

2、Preparation Study on the Forerun of Polishing Materials Used for Optical Glass ─── 光学玻璃抛光材料前驱体的制备研究

3、It have no the star's beauty,but can forerun the rays of light. ─── 虽没有繁星的美丽,却能预示光芒!

4、It have no the star's beauty, but can forerun the rays of light. ─── 虽没有繁星的美丽,却能预示光芒!

5、No, no, doubtless he was deceived, and it was but one of those dreams that forerun death! ─── 不,不!他无疑地是错了,这只是那些飘浮在死亡之门前的梦幻罢了。

6、the forerun of polishing materials ─── 抛光材料前驱体

7、The forerun overfull valve provides safe flooding function;At the same time, main pump equipped steady power control and automatic pressure cutting-off device, provides reliable protection. ─── 泵送液压系统具有安全溢流保护,同时,主泵送系统超压时,油泵压力切断自动开启,使主泵获得多级保护。

8、have no the star's beauty, but can forerun the rays of light. ─── 没有繁星的美丽,却能预示光芒!

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