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09-02 投稿


glucosuria 发音

英:[?ɡlu?ko?sju??ri?]  美:[?ɡlu?k???sj??r??]

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glucosuria 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 糖尿


glucosuria 词性/词形变化,glucosuria变形

副词: glucosidically |形容词: glucosidic |

glucosuria 短语词组

1、glucosuria 3+ ─── 糖尿3+

2、glucosuria aap ─── 糖尿

3、glucosuria 50 ─── 葡萄糖尿50

4、glucosuria ddx ─── 葡萄糖ddx

5、glucosuria dka ─── 葡萄糖尿

6、glucosuria aki ─── 尿葡萄糖

7、glucosuria dog ─── 糖尿犬

glucosuria 相似词语短语

1、glycosuric ─── 糖尿

2、glycosuria ─── n.葡萄糖尿,[临床]糖尿

3、lactosuria ─── 乳糖尿

4、glucosic ─── 葡萄糖

5、glucosidic ─── 糖苷的

6、glucosamine ─── n.[生化]葡萄糖胺;[生化]氨基葡萄糖

7、glucosan ─── n.葡萄综合物,失水葡萄糖

8、glucosuric ─── 葡萄糖

9、glucosin ─── n.葡萄糖硷,葡糖碱

glucosuria 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A Study of the Correlation of Glucosuria to the Renal Function of Severe Burn Patients at the Early Stage ─── 严重烧伤病人早期肾功能损害与早期糖尿症的相关性研究

2、emotional glucosuria ─── 情绪性糖尿

3、Chronic exposure to Cd mainly causes the renal proximal tubule damage, which represents that the excretion of proteinuria, glucosuria and aminoaciduria. ─── 慢性接触镉主要引起肾小管损伤,表现为蛋白尿、糖尿和氨基酸尿。

4、However, stress-induced hyperglycemia does not usually result in glucosuria (elevated urine glucose). ─── 然而,应激诱导性高血糖并不常会造成尿糖升高。

5、Genetic defects of SGLT2 result in a benign familial renal glucosuria. ─── SGLT2的遗传缺陷会导致良性家族性肾性葡萄糖尿症。

6、Results:We had found there were no statistical differences in urine glucosuria,urine occult blood and serum creatinine,blood urea nitrogen between the AHFS,CCO,MD group and the control group. ─── 细辛高剂量组三个月的尿蛋白定性变化与对照组相比都有显著差异。

7、Findings typically include persistent hyperglycemia (elevated blood sugar) and glucosuria (glucose in the urine). Often, ketones are present in the urine or blood. ─── 依据主要包括持续的高血糖和高尿糖.经常地,在尿或者血中存在酮体.

8、Familial renal glucosuria ─── 家族性肾性葡糖尿症

9、However, stress-induced hyperglycemia does not usually result in glucosuria (elevated urine glucose). ─── 然而,应激诱导性高血糖并不常会造成尿糖升高.

10、alimentary glucosuria ─── 饮食性糖尿

11、renal glucosuria ─── 肾性糖尿

12、However, stress - induced hyperglycemia does not usually in glucosuria (elevated urine glucose). ─── 然而,应激诱导性高血糖并不常会造成尿糖升高。

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