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09-02 投稿



commode 发音

英:[k?'m??d]  美:[k?'mod]

英:  美:

commode 中文意思翻译



commode 词性/词形变化,commode变形

动词现在分词: commixing |动词第三人称单数: commixes |动词过去分词: commixed |动词过去式: commixed |

commode 短语词组

1、commode chair standard ─── 马桶椅标准

2、commode chain ─── 便桶链

3、commode step ─── 凸面竖板踏步

4、commode seats ─── 马桶座

5、commode lids ─── 马桶盖

6、commode definition ─── 便桶定义

7、commode liners ─── 便桶衬垫

8、commode chair ─── [医]大便坐椅

9、commode pics ─── 便桶照片

10、dropside commode ─── 落差式坐便器

11、commode toilet ─── 坐便器

12、bedside commode ─── [医]床旁洗脸台,床头柜

commode 相似词语短语

1、commove ─── vt.使骚动;使激动;使激烈摇动

2、commoves ─── vt.使骚动;使激动;使激烈摇动

3、commodes ─── n.洗脸台;便桶;衣柜

4、commoved ─── vt.使骚动;使激动;使激烈摇动

5、incommode ─── vt.添麻烦;使感不便;妨碍

6、commodo ─── 准将

7、commoner ─── n.平民;自费学生;下议院议员;n.(Commoner)人名;(英)康芒纳

8、commoney ─── 科莫内

9、commodore ─── n.海军准将;[水运]船队队长

commode 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After much deliberation , she finally came up with the old-fashioned term "BATHROOM COMMODE . ─── 经过几番慎重考虑,她终于决定用一个非常古老的词:浴用便器(Bathroom Commode)。

2、I brought this commode chair yesterday, but it′s broken now. ─── 我昨天买的座厕椅,但是今天就坏了。

3、two-drawer commode ─── 双屉柜

4、The lacquer commode was an ornamental requisite that any European royal household just could not do without. ─── 髹金漆柜是欧洲王宫贵族之家不可或缺的装饰要角之一。

5、16 The shuttle commode requires that astronauts align themselves precisely in the dead center of the seat. ─── 16. 在航天飞机上如厕可是一个技术活,宇航员需要毫无偏差地对准马桶的正中央。

6、He was not startled by the nurses. He did not interfere when Mom was fed,nor when she was transferred from bed to commode and back. ─── 护士们也吓不了它。给妈妈喂饭时,它不干扰;妈妈从床上下来去盥洗室又回来,它也没动静。

7、There are flat beds, but you can’t just slide down into them - you have to get up, put the back rest of the seat down like a commode, make your bed, then sleep. ─── 这里有设计用来平躺床,但是你根本就不能滑着躺下去,你只能起身,想坐一般的椅子一样,把背贴在床上,弄好床,然后再睡觉。

8、He bounded rather than climbed upon his commode, and resumed his post near the little peep-hole in the partition wall. Again he beheld the interior of Jondrette's hovel. ─── 他不是爬上那抽斗柜,而是一纵身便到了柜上,他又守在隔墙上面那个小洞的旁边了。容德雷特那个洞窝里的情况重新展现在他眼前。

9、bedside commode ─── 床旁洗脸台, 床头柜

10、chair commode ─── 大便椅

11、Wheelchairs, Blood Pressure Monitor, Patient Aid, such as Crutch, Commode Chair, Hospital Bed and Medicloth, Ward Linen Medical ─── 采购产品轮椅,血压显示器,耐心援助,例如拐杖、洗脸台椅子,医院病床和布,病房亚麻制医疗用品

12、wheelchair, rollator, mobility scooter, walking cane, blbble air mattress, sphygmomanometer, cold and hot pack, bedpan, commode chair, underpad, massage ball ─── 轮椅,拐杖,助步器,电动车,气垫床,血压计,冷热垫,按摩球

13、He descended from the commode as softly as possible, taking care not to make the least noise. ─── 他极其轻缓地从抽斗柜上跳下来,小心谨慎,不弄出一点声音。

14、" As she passed, she caught sight of a dry crust of bread on the commode, which was moulding there amid the dust;she flung herself upon it and bit into it, muttering:-- "That's good! ─── 走过抽斗柜时,她看见那上面有一块在尘土中发霉的干面包壳,她扑了上去,拿来一面啃,一面嘟囔:“真好吃!

15、commode table ─── 柜式台

16、So, developing a series of commode test equipments to protect water resource becomes an important research fields. ─── 因此,开发一系列新的检测系统正成为节约和保护水资源的重大关键课题。

17、He leaped down from the commode and seized his hat. ─── 他从抽斗柜上跳下来,拿起他的帽子。

18、The lacquer commode was an ornamental requisite that any European royal household just could not do without. ─── 髹金漆柜是欧洲王宫贵族之家不可或缺的装饰要角之一。

19、Marius absolutely had not the time to descend from the commode, reach his bed, and conceal himself beneath it. ─── 马吕斯说什么也来不及跳下抽斗柜,再去躲在床底下。“把蜡烛带去。”

20、He was not startled by the nurses. He did not interfere when Mom was fed, nor when she was transferred from bed to commode and back. ─── 护士们也吓不了它。给妈妈喂饭时,它不干扰;妈妈从床上下来去盥洗室又回来,它也没动静。

21、This patent pending product is the modern way to embellish your commode. ─── 这个正在申请专利的产品,是现代的方式,美化您的坐便器空间。

22、Sensors on the commode also will monitor body weight and blood pressure and check the levels of sugar and protein in the urine of kidney disease and diabetes patients. ─── 马桶上的传感器能够监控你的体重和血压,并且检测出肾病和糖尿病患者尿液中的糖份和蛋白质的含量。

23、commode handle ─── 上车扶手

24、We want to buy Wheelchairs, Blood Pressure Monitor, Patient Aid, such as Crutch, Commode Chair, Hospital Bed and Medicloth, Ward Linen Medical ─── 我们要采购轮椅,血压显示器,耐心援助,例如拐杖、洗脸台椅子,医院病床和布,病房亚麻制医疗用品

25、a chamber pot; a commode; a pail for stool; a closestool ─── 便桶

26、And the commode that our country major dweller uses generally is in 9 litres to reach 12 litres mostly to water quantity between, business chance of market of it may be said is infinite. ─── 而我国大部分居民普遍使用的马桶冲水量大都在9升至12升之间,可谓市场商机无限。

27、He climbed upon the commode, put his eye to the crevice, and looked. ─── 他跳上抽斗柜,把眼睛凑近那窟窿,望着隔壁。

28、Housewife or young white-collar always can disrelish the commode of toilet to be used not quite, feminine chest wants enough and capacious, feminine commode also should have enough large size. ─── 主妇或年轻的白领总会嫌卫生间的洗脸台不够用,女人的衣柜要足够宽敞,女人的洗脸台也要有足够大的容量。

29、4-drawer commode ─── 四斗小柜

30、Brief introduction Our factory is specialized in producing series products of wheelchair ,commode wheelchair, commode chair ,walker, crutch, stick and arm crutch etc. ─── 信息内容: 本厂是生产轮椅、座厕车、座厕椅、助行架、拐杖、手杖、肘拐等系列产品的专业企业。

31、He did not interfere when Mom was fed,nor when she was transferred from bed to commode and back. ─── 给妈妈喂饭时,它不干扰;妈妈从床上下来去盥洗室又回来,它也没动静。

32、what exactly is wrong with the current commode? ─── 现在的便桶有什么问题吗?

33、,Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of wheelchair, electric wheelchair,aid hearing,rollator,walkers,commode chair,cane,cruth series. ─── 轮椅车、电动轮椅车、助听器、拐杖、助行器、坐便椅分别由电子、机械、组装等车间生产。

34、Before the bathroom receives ark most to set the lower part in commode directly, or it is condole is hanged on metope, there is the tide that apparent front furniture turns this year. ─── 以往的浴室收纳柜多半直接镶嵌在洗脸台的下方,或是吊挂在墙面上,今年则有明显朝向家具化的趋势。

35、Now, with more than $5 million a year in sales, his company dominates the carria ge trade commode business, selling to people like Dave Bandauski, president of Black Tie services, a comfort station supplier. ─── 如今,唐恩公司年销售额已逾五百万美元,这使他的公司控制了豪华移动马桶的市场,其客户包括像黑领带公司总裁戴夫·班岛斯基,他本人就是一名公厕供应商。

36、There is a commode in my grandfather's room. ─── 我爷爷的房间有一个五斗柜。

37、25. Completed in 1982, this Manhattan skyscraper has a cap of symmetrical curls like those on an 18th-century Chippendale commode. ─── 这座曼哈顿岛上的摩天大楼有一个对称双螺旋形的顶,就像18世纪奇彭代尔式的五斗柜,

38、The commode will come in handy during major disasters such as earthquakes or when you are caught in a traffic jam, a company official said. ─── 公司负责人说,在遇到例如地震等重大灾难或堵车时,这款便携式马桶就可以派上用场。

39、Want to leave proper channel nevertheless, just can plan the position of closestool and commode. ─── 不过要留下适当的信道,方可规划马桶与洗脸台的位置。

40、And keep your toothbrush away from the commode — especially the powerful flush of toilets on airplanes. ─── 把牙刷放得离便桶远一些,尤其飞机上那种冲力很强的马桶。

41、The butter, too, is hidden away in the commode; after three days it tastes like the big toe of a cadaver. ─── 奶油也藏在柜子里,放了三天以后那味道就像一具尸首上的大脚趾。

42、The city is struggling with which style of commode would be best, acknowledging Westerners prefer seated toilets, which are more comfortable and convenient for the elderly or infirm. ─── 这座城市正在努力寻找使用哪种便桶可能最好,(他们)认识到西方人更喜欢座便器,这种厕所更舒服和更适合年长人士和体弱的人。

43、That the Bluetooth thing on his head looked like a flush handle for a commode? ─── 他头上的蓝牙设备看上去像不像马桶的冲洗手柄?

44、They clean out their commode. ─── 他们为病人洗便桶。

45、ome covered frame, seat with commode ; ─── 车架镀铬,带座便器;

46、Family expenses defends bath product to have 3 kinds roughly: Commode, implement, bath crock. ─── 家用卫浴产品大致有三种:洗脸台、便器、浴缸。

47、Moisture is compared in toilet, if direct handle paper is put on commode, lunt can make paper wet. ─── 卫生间里比较潮湿,假如直接把手纸放在洗脸台上,水汽会把纸打湿。

48、He had but three shirts, one on his person, the second in the commode, and the third in the washerwoman's hands. ─── 他只有三件衬衫,一件穿在身上,一件放在抽斗里,一件在洗衣妇人那里。

49、Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling clean. ─── 无论厕所还是猫都会干净的闪闪发光。

50、He fitted the book roughly into his inner pocket and, stubbing his toes against the broken commode , hurried out towards the smell, stepping hastily down the stairs with a flurried stork's legs. ─── 他把书胡乱塞进内兜,脚趾尖撞在破脸盆架上,朝着那股气味的方向奔出屋子,以慌慌张张的白鹳般的步子,匆忙冲下楼梯。

51、a commode; a toilet; a close-stool; a lavatory ─── 恭桶

52、commode chairs ─── 坐厕椅

53、There are also private initiatives, including one to buy commode toilets for disabled soldiers who can no longer use squatting pans. ─── 与此同时,很多个人也对残障士兵伸出援手,比如为不能蹲坐马桶的士兵购买残疾人专用马桶。

54、Want to leave proper channel nevertheless, just can plan the position of closestool and commode. ─── 不过要留下适当的信道,方可规划马桶与洗脸台的位置。

55、commode chair ─── 大便坐椅

56、She moved the chairs about,she disarranged the toilet articles which stood on the commode, she handled Marius' clothes, she rummaged about to see what therewas in the corners. ─── 她搬动椅子,她移乱那些放在抽斗柜上的盥洗用具,她摸摸马吕斯的衣服,她翻看每个角落里的零星东西。

57、And keep your toothbrush away from the commode -- especially the powerful flush of toilets on airplanes. ─── 把牙刷放得离便桶远一些,尤其飞机上那种冲力很强的马桶。

58、wheeled commode chair ─── 大便坐椅推车

59、12. Assist client to use bathroom, bedpan, or commode. ─── 协助病人使用浴室、便盆或马桶。

60、Now we can produce 8 series products: Wheelchair, Crutch, Cane, Commode Chair, Walker , Rollator, Powered Wheelchair, Tricycle and Spare Parts. ─── 我们拥有欧洲和美国标准的质量,非常有竞争力的价格。

61、commode step ─── 凸面竖板踏步

62、The butter, too, is hidden away in the commode;after three days it tastes like the big toe of a cadaver. ─── 奶油也藏在柜子里,放了三天以后那味道就像一具尸首上的大脚趾。

63、I brought this commode chair yesterday, but it's broken now. ─── 我昨天买的座厕椅,但是今天就坏了。

64、Haunted: you feel you did it and there's trace on the bumf, but nothing can be seen in the commode. ─── 闹鬼:感觉拉出来了,卫生纸上分明还有痕迹,但马桶里却什么也看不见。

65、I see Eugene hiding it away in the commode after the meal.It stays there, rotting away, until the next meal. ─── 每顿饭后我便看到尤金把它藏在柜子里,它就在那儿继续霉变下去,直到下顿饭再端出来。

66、Responsibilities:1. Audit new suppliers using standard evaluation tools and work with Program Manager and Commod...... ... ─── 公司名称:泰科流体控制(北京)有限公司上海分公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-4-16

67、The commode, bathroom, place that combs the water assemble collect such as the stage is like the word of too dirty chaos, shade gas is very heavy, can let amative carry become poor. ─── 洗脸台、浴室、梳理台等水会聚集的场所若太脏乱的话,阴气很重,会让恋爱运变差。

68、Fans suck waste into the commode. ─── 风扇会把排泄物吸入便器内。

69、He bounded rather than climbed upon his commode, and resumed his post near the little peep-hole in the partition wall. ─── 他不是爬上那抽斗柜,而是一纵身便到了柜上,他又守在隔墙上面那个小洞的旁边了。

70、Host says: "Agaric is in commode child on the head, you are taken!You are taken!! ─── 主人说:“木耳就在小橱子头上,你拿吧!”

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