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09-02 投稿


Lisbon 发音

英:[?l?zb?n]  美:[?l?zb?n]

英:  美:

Lisbon 中文意思翻译



Lisbon 短语词组

1、lisbon me homes for sale ─── 里斯本我的房子出售

2、Lisbon Cathedral ─── 里斯本大教堂

3、lisbon furniture ─── 里斯本家具

4、lisbon morning journal ─── 里斯本晨报

5、lisbon lady crossword ─── 里斯本女士纵横填字游戏

6、lisbon weather ─── 里斯本天气

7、lisbon hotels ─── 里斯本酒店

8、Lisbon Metro ─── 里斯本地铁

9、lisbon earthquake ─── 里斯本大地震

10、grand lisbon hotel ─── 里斯本大酒店

Lisbon 相似词语短语

1、ribbon ─── n.带;缎带;(勋章等的)绶带;带状物;勋表;vi.形成带状;vt.把…撕成条带;用缎带装饰

2、lesbos ─── n.莱斯博斯岛(即希腊的米蒂利尼岛)

3、lesbo ─── n.女同性恋;adj.女同性恋的

4、Lisbon ─── n.里斯本(葡萄牙首都)

5、listen ─── vi.听,倾听;听从,听信;n.听,倾听

6、Lisboa ─── n.葡京(姓氏)

7、lissom ─── adj.柔软的;敏捷的;轻快的;瘦的;优美的(等于lissome)

8、Gibbon ─── n.[脊椎]长臂猿;n.(Gibbon)人名;(英、葡、匈、塞、巴基)吉本

9、misborn ─── 出生不良

Lisbon 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、MA findings publicly launched at press conferences and seminars in London, Tokyo, Beijing, Delhi, Cairo, Paris, Nairobi, Washington DC, Brasilia, Sao Paulo, Stockholm, Rome and Lisbon. ─── 在伦敦、东京、北京、德里、开罗、巴黎、内罗毕、华盛顿、巴西利亚、圣保罗、斯德哥尔摩、罗马和里斯本举办新闻发布会和研讨会,公开发布“千年评估”结果。

2、Accordingly, France set out to overcome Britain by extending its military domination from Moscow to Lisbon, from Jutland to Calabria. ─── 于是,法国将其军事占领从莫斯科延伸到里斯本,从尤特兰延伸到卡拉布里亚,企图以此来制服英国。

3、When I was in Lisbon, I used to spend a few hours on the beach. ─── 当我是在葡萄牙首都中的时候,我过去一直在海滩上度过数个小时。

4、The author concludes that in order to realize the Lisbon strategy,the EU should make necessary adjustments and reforms to overcome the existing difficulties. ─── 为了实现里斯本战略,必须抓住当前的主要问题,调整政策,进行必要的改革。

5、Sir Alex Ferguson has defended his assistant Carlos Queiroz over the row involving Sporting Lisbon midfielder Miguel Veloso, insisting the Reds are not interested in signing him. ─── 弗格森爵士为自己的助理教练辩护,强调红魔对维罗索的转会没有兴趣。

6、In the other match in the group Benfica beat Celtic 1-0. Roma, Milan's next opponents in the league at San Siro, beat Sporting Lisbon 2-1 at home on Tuesday. ─── 在其他比赛中,本菲卡1:0击败凯尔特人。罗马,米兰下一个在圣西罗的联赛对手。周二,2:1击败里斯本竞技

7、The European Union was thrown into a tizzy when Irish voters rejected the Lisbon treaty, which Eurosceptics see as an effort to impose the old draft constitution by the back door. ─── 当爱尔兰选民否决里斯本协议(这个协议被欧盟怀疑者看作通过秘密途径强迫执行旧宪法草案的努力)后,欧盟陷入了恐慌。

8、Sintra is located one houre driving west of Lisbon. ─── |辛特拉位于里斯本西部,大约一小时车程。

9、A small town at the outskirt of Lisbon, on the way to Roca. ─── 从里斯本前往罗卡角经过的葡萄牙小镇。

10、In the Palestinian Sa's 9 winning streaks, the Lisbon athletics is the first sacrificial victim, Palestinian Sa easily defeats the match. ─── 巴萨的9连胜中,里斯本竞技是第一个牺牲品,巴萨轻松战胜对手。

11、Lisbon and Seville succeeded her as the international store-house towards which all of Europe turned for its spices and other Asiatic and American products. ─── 从此里斯本和塞维利亚取代它继而成为了国际化的大仓库,所有欧洲国家都转去那儿购买香料以及其他亚洲和美洲的产品。

12、European courts collaborate closely and there is little reason for this to change, whether Lisbon is ratified or not. ─── 不论里斯本条约能否被审查通过,宪法法院和欧盟法院的密切合作都几乎不会受到影响。

13、They should be in Lisbon by now. ─── 他们现在应该已经到里斯本了。

14、In time of war, Lisbon Maru should have hung flags or signs to indicate that it was a prisoner ship. ─── “里斯本丸”既然用来运载战俘,在战时情况下,理应悬挂相关旗帜或明显标志,但“里斯本丸”未有任何标志。

15、It is unlikely to come to that, although Lisbon's fate could still turn into a race against the British electoral clock. ─── 但是,这种假设的实现微乎其微,虽然《里斯本条约》的命运仍然可能演变成一场与英国大选相抗衡的时间赛跑。

16、Giuseppe Materazzi won domestic and international fame as a coach, having guided teams such as Pisa, Lazio, Bari, Padova, Brescia, Piacenza, Sporting Lisbon and Chinese side Tianjin Teda. ─── 吉塞佩·马特拉齐因为其执教生涯而赢得不菲的国内和国际声望,他曾经执教过比萨、拉齐奥、巴里、帕多瓦、布雷西亚、皮亚琴察、里斯本竞技以及天津泰达等多支球队。

17、The same message came from a meeting in Lisbon, Portugal, in late October where a coalition of European countries, New Zealand, and several U. ─── 10月底在葡萄牙首都里斯本召开的一个国际会议发出了同样的信息。

18、The cape is in the Portuguese municipality of Sintra, west of Lisbon district, and also forms the westernmost extent of the Serra de Sintra. ─── 她隶属于葡萄牙首都里斯本管辖的小镇辛特拉,同时也形成了辛特拉小镇最西边的锯齿状海岸延伸。

19、At the same time Monroe cruises through Lisbon with a camcorder and tries to catch unseen pictures...A quiet immersion in a city. ─── 其实此时蒙路正拿著手提摄录机漫游里斯本,尝试把这个城市不为人知的一面捕捉下来。

20、Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho is keeping tabs on Sporting Lisbon winger Tiago Pinto. ─── 切尔西主教练穆里尼奥正在关注里斯本竞技边锋蒂亚戈-平托。

21、A city of western Portugal, an industrial suburb of Lisbon on the estuary of the Tagus River. Population, 50,8'3. ─── 巴雷罗:葡萄牙西部一城市,里斯本的一个工业郊区,位于塔古斯河港湾。人口为50,8'3

22、General William Erskine, after he jumped from a window in Lisbon, Portugal in 1813. ─── 威廉·欧斯金,当他于1813年从葡萄牙里斯本的一个窗户跳下去之后。

23、If the process drags into 2010, Lisbon's backers fear, a new Conservative government in Britain will withdraw its ratification and put the treaty to a referendum. ─── 如果这过程拖到2010年,里斯本条约的支持者担心英国新上台的保守政府会撤销批准并对条约进行公投。

24、"I was told that I am an important player and they want me to stay. I like it in Lisbon and I hope to remain. ─── "我被告之我是一个重要的球员,而且他们想我留下.我喜欢里斯本,我同样希望逗留在这里."

25、YDreams, a marketing and digital-media firm in Lisbon, Portugal, has developed an AR sightseeing viewer called VSS. ─── 位于葡萄牙首都里斯本的一家名为YDreams的营销与数码媒体公司开发了一种基于“增大化现实”技术的观光察看仪,取名为VSS。

26、And then back to Portugal to do sponsors things in Lisbon. ─── 之后返回葡萄牙在里斯本做一些赞助的事情。

27、The Eurocrat elite in Brussels might not admit it, but the Treaty of Lisbon is essentially a constitution for a "country" called Europe. ─── 布鲁塞尔的欧盟精英们未必接受它,但里斯本条约本质上是一个“国家”的宪法,这个国家被称为欧洲。

28、In the early morning of September 27, Lisbon Maru started its voyage to Japan, sailing northward toward the open sea. ─── 9月30日晚,“鲈鱼”号潜伏在上海南部海域侦察。10月1日凌晨4时许,“鲈鱼”号发现了“里斯本丸”及9艘小舢板。

29、Banco Nacional Ultramarino is established in Lisbon, Portugal, with the initial objective of acting as an issuing bank in the Portuguese overseas territories and to contribute to their economic development. ─── 大西洋银行在葡萄牙里斯本建行。建行最初目的为执行葡国海外殖民地发钞银行的职能,及推动当地的经济发展。

30、"This is the same Ferreira who I saw play for Portugal against Belgium in Lisbon last month and who was so good he looked a different class to everyone else on the field. ─── “何况这仍然是我上个月在里斯本看到的代表葡萄牙出战比利时的费雷拉,他仍然是那么优秀,风头远胜过当时场上其他球员。”

31、Lisbon's vertiginous rise began under Joao I the Great, founder of the Aviz dynasty. ─── |里斯本的迅速崛起始于Joao大帝一世,他建立了Aviz王朝。

32、Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal. ─── |里斯本,葡萄牙首都。

33、"I regret the death of this lady, she really was the sweetest person," town councilor Ivo Santos said in Tomar, central Portugal, 84 miles north of Lisbon. ─── “我对她的去世感到非常的惋惜,她确实是一个善良温和的人”托马尔镇议会议员如是说。托马尔镇位于里斯本往北84英里的葡萄牙中部。

34、Once the wedding present of a queen, the preserved medieval town of Obidos lying 100 km north of Lisbon is without doubt one of Portugal's most classic walled settlements. ─── 坐落在里斯本往北100公里的小城奥比都斯,是当初葡萄牙国王送给王后的结婚礼物。这是座保存完好的中世纪古城,无疑,也是葡萄牙最古典的筑墙防卫的殖民地。

35、But “Lisbon” will still be shoved through, one way or another. ─── 但“里斯本”之类的条约仍将以这样或那样的方式继续推下去。

36、He goes with the other guys to pick up the Lisbon sisters and he ends up with Therese (Leslie Hayman) for the night. ─── 他和其他小伙子一起去接里斯本家的姐妹,他最终和Therese(LeslieHayman)成为舞会之夜的舞伴。

37、The wall was among the winners of the New7Wonders poll announced during a televised ceremony in Lisbon, Portugal. ─── 在葡萄牙的首都里斯本举行的庆典宣布了新世界七大奇迹投票结果,当然也包括了中国长城。

38、It was first traded publicly in 2001 and has since added other exchanges in Lisbon and London. ─── 2001年开始公开交易,有里斯本和伦敦证券交易先后加入。

39、In April the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) completed its merger with Euronext, itself formed from the union of the Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels and Lisbon bourses. ─── 今年4月纽约交易所完成了对欧洲证交所的合并,而欧洲证交所就是由巴黎、阿姆斯特丹、布鲁塞尔和里斯本交易所合并而来。

40、A constellation of stars are set to descend on the Portuguese capital Lisbon Thursday for the annual MTV Europe Music Awards. ─── 一班明星准备周四云集葡萄牙首都里斯本,出席一年一度的欧洲MTV音乐颁奖礼。

41、It operates the stock markets in Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon and Paris. ─── 它操作阿姆斯特丹、布鲁塞尔、里斯本和巴黎的证券市场。

42、Academy Award-winning British actor Ben Kingsley announced the winners at a glitzy international show at Portugal's largest venue, the Estadio da Luz in Lisbon. ─── 在葡萄牙最大的会场位于里斯本的光明球场的一场璀璨生辉全球性的表演活动上,学院奖最佳男演员得主Ben Kingsley揭晓了最终获胜结果。

43、Similar powers are conferred to the Assemblies of the Paris, Berne, Madrid, Hague, Nice, Lisbon, Locarno, International Patent Classification (IPC), Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and Vienna Unions. ─── 巴黎、伯尔尼、马德里、海牙、尼斯、里斯本、洛迦诺、国际专利分类(IPC)、《专利合作条约》(PCT)和维也纳各联盟大会被授予同样的权力。

44、Last December, a full seven years after the last summit of EU and African leaders held in Cairo in 2000, the long postponed EU-Africa summit finally took place again in Lisbon. ─── 去年十二月,在2000年与开罗召开的欧盟和非洲领导人峰会整整七年后,长期被推迟的欧盟-非洲峰会最终在里斯本举行了。

45、In Lisbon I found the Portuguese captain, who took me in his ship to Brazil, all those years ago. ─── 在里斯本我找到了多年前带我去巴西的葡萄牙船长。

46、Similarly, it approved the Lisbon treaty. ─── 同样地,它也认可了里斯本协定。

47、One Manchester United fan landed back in England from Lisbon yesterday to be greeted with a fusillade of crowing text messages from friends who follow rival clubs. ─── 一位曼联球迷昨天在从里斯本返回英格兰后收到了支持和曼联存在竞争关系的俱乐部的球迷朋友的猛烈短信轰炸。

48、Lisbon would tilt the balance of power a bit toward Luxembourg, but not as far as its opponents fear. ─── 里斯本条约会将权力的天平向卢森堡稍稍倾斜,但并不像那些反对人士担心的那么严重。

49、He faces European and local elections in June and, in the autumn, a second referendum on the EU's Lisbon treaty, which recent polls suggest should be winnable. ─── 他面临着六月份欧洲议会和本国议会的选举,而今年秋天,根据最近的民意调查可能通过的欧盟里斯本条约的第二次公民投票也将举行。

50、Said by: General William Erskine, after he jumped from a window in Lisbon, Portugal in 1813. ─── 出自:威廉·欧斯金,当他于1813年从葡萄牙里斯本的一个窗户跳下去之后。

51、He was accredited ambassador to Lisbon. ─── 他奉派出任里斯本大使。

52、Fire was responsible for much of the damage and loss of life in the Lisbon earthquake of 1755. ─── 1755年里斯本地震中,火灾对生命和财产造成的损失占很大的比重。

53、The Great Wall of China was named as one of the new seven wonders of the world Saturday in the Portuguese capital of Lisbon. ─── 周六(7月7号)在葡萄牙首都里斯本中国的长城被评为世界七大奇观之一。

54、Inter and Udinese will face Shakhtar Donetsk and Sporting Lisbon respectively in the third qualifying round of the Champions' League. ─── 冠军杯资格赛第三轮抽签结果揭晓:意大利的国际米兰和乌迪内斯分别对阵顿列斯克矿工和里斯本竞技。

55、Foxcroft is now planning to expand the concept which he calls “Village Underground” to Berlin, Lisbon and Toronto. ─── 他把这其中的理念叫做“地下村庄”,他现在计划将这种理念推广到柏林、里斯本和多伦多。

56、President Klaus, an ardent euro-sceptic, has been holding out on signing the Lisbon treaty for months. ─── 克劳斯总统是激烈的欧元怀疑论者,几个月来一直反对里斯本条约。

57、Of poetry the teenager already knew some lessons, learned in his textbooks when, in a technical school in Lisbon, he was being prepared for the trade he would have at the outset of his working life: mechanic. ─── 在里斯本一所技校读书时,这位少年就已经知道了一些关于诗歌的训诫,他当时正在为充其量是一个技工的劳作生活而做着手艺上的准备。

58、I left Lisbon the 24th day of November, in an English merchantman, but who was the master I never inquired. ─── 他们都赤条条一丝不挂,男女老少全都围着一堆火,因为我看到有烟。其中一人发现了我,马上告诉了其余的人。

59、Even Lisbon is really only overrun with tourists in August and Easter weekend when most of Spain seems to have crossed the border. ─── 即使里斯本实在是在8月游客和复活节周末在西班牙的大部分只越位似乎已经越过边界。

60、Driving along the coast from Lisbon and a half hours to reach the pilocarpine Kok, on their way to Portugal after the famous port city covered Sadauskas. ─── 从里斯本沿海岸驱车一个半小时可到达罗卡角,途中会经过葡萄牙著名的海港城市盖斯卡斯。

61、Even the British Conservatives, who have wisely dropped their promise of a referendum on Lisbon, are slowly realising this (see Bagehot). ─── 就连当年明智地放弃就里斯本条约进行全民公投的英国保守党,也开始意识到了这一点(详见专栏Bagehot)。

62、Built by seafarers where the Tagus River empties into the Atlantic Ocean, Lisbon was once Europe's wealthiest capital and the center of world exploration. ─── 建筑者是一位航海家,那里塔霍河流入大西洋,而里斯本市过去是富人的首府和全世界探险中心。

63、CCB Cultural Centre WORK PERFORMED: Inspection and non-destructive testing of metallic structures, Lisbon, PORTUGAL. ─── CCB文化中心所做工作业绩:在葡萄牙的里斯本,对金属结构进行检测及无损探伤。

64、This newspaper thinks the Lisbon treaty is a useless muddle and should be binned. ─── 关键是他是否能认清欧洲的客观事实,相应调整外交政策。

65、A club statement confirmed: "Manchester United is delighted to announce it has agreed terms in principle with Sporting Lisbon for the purchase of the registration of Nani. ─── 俱乐部声明承认:“曼联很高兴地宣布里斯本竞技的纳尼将转会曼联。

66、After dwelling in Rio for ten years, she moved to Lisbon. ─── 她在里约居住了10年之后迁居到里斯本去了。

67、Hotel Vip Inn Berna Lisbon : Ideal stay. Fantastic rates. ─── 在世界100,000多的旅馆都得到优惠!

68、Ms Ramos, born in Lisbon, came to South Africa as a child with her mother and bricklayer father. ─── 拉莫斯女士出生于里斯本,儿时与母亲和身为砖匠的父亲来到南非。

69、The director Friedrich Monroe has trouble with finishing a silent b&w movie about Lisbon. ─── 导演法德力蒙路正在拍摄一齣围绕里斯本的黑白默片,过程却困难重重。

70、When he came to office in 2004, Mr Barroso set economic reform (ie, the Lisbon Agenda) as his priority. ─── 2004年当巴罗佐掌权欧盟时,他就将经济体制改革(在里斯本议程上提出的)作为其工作的重中之重。

71、Peter Jovanovic, who was one of the stars at the last World Championships for 1:10 200mm in Brisbane where he claimed a podium finish, is loving the track here in Lisbon. ─── 彼得约万诺维奇,谁是其中的星级在去年的世界锦标赛上为1:10二百毫米在布里斯本,他要求登上领奖台,是爱好的轨道在这里在里斯本。

72、One quarter of Lisbon's population perished. ─── 四分之一的里斯本的人口灭亡。

73、In Lisbon, the Europeans will be sitting down politely with not one but two leaders who are treating their respective peoples with extraordinary brutality. ─── 在里斯本,欧洲人将与不是一个而是两个领袖礼貌地坐下来,这两个以非凡的残暴统治对待各自的人民。

74、Four ships left Lisbon on July 8, 1497--the Sao Gabriel, on which da Gama sailed, the Sao Rafael, the Berrio, and a storeship. ─── 当1488年巴特罗缪.迪亚斯到达好望角时,葡萄牙多年对于西非海岸的探索得到了赏识。

75、Sayuri, a homey office girl in Nagasaki, yearns for a dream man to sweep her up off her feet and take her to July 24th Avenue in Lisbon, Portugal, her idealized paradise. ─── 一直居住在日本长崎的小百合自少爱幻想,常常幻想自己是漫画女主角,遇上白马王子,带她去到葡萄牙里斯本的7月24日大道过幸福快乐的生活。

76、Only these 3 British POWs escaped from Japanese in Lisbon Maru's sinking incident. ─── 在“里斯本丸”事件全程中,只有这3名英军俘虏逃脱日军之手。

77、After dwelling in Rio for ten years, she moved to Lisbon. ─── 她在里约居住了十年之后迁居到里斯本去了。

78、Estremoz, 200 kilometres east of Lisbon, is in a region where the siesta enjoys a traditional popularity. ─── 埃斯特雷莫位于里斯本以东200公里,这里的人们历来有午睡的习惯。

79、Actors dressed in eighteenth century clothes greet passers-by during street festivities to mark the reopening of the Rossio square in downtown Lisbon, Portugal. ─── 在葡萄牙里斯本市中心庆祝罗西欧广场重新开放的街头庆典中,穿着十八世纪服装的演员向过往行人打招呼。

80、A transportation hub in Lisbon has dozens of uprushing white steel columns topped with a canopy of striated, faceted glass that evokes a forest of tropical palms. ─── 在里斯本的一个客运枢纽中心,有十几根高耸的钢柱,顶上是用带条纹的多面玻璃做的罩蓬,整体看起来就象上一个热带棕榈树林。

81、The Lisbon treaty is meant to streamline the workings of the enlarged EU and give it a stronger voice in the world. ─── 我尝试翻译此句:里斯本条约注定要使欧盟扩大化的工作简单化,给予外界一个更强硬的解释。

82、It is not as if the Lisbon treaty is such a wonderful text. ─── 这并不是说里斯本条约是完美无缺的。

83、Prague was elected the best bargain city, followed by Budapest and Lisbon. ─── 布拉格被评为物价最低城市,其次是布达佩斯和里斯本。

84、A story by the Washington Post caused controversy when it was found to contain misinformation which originated in a Wikipedia article about the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake [28]. ─── 一篇华盛顿邮报的报道引用了来自维基百科一篇关于里斯本1755年地震文章中的错误信息而导致了一场争论[28]。

85、Chelsea have confirmed the signing of Sporting Lisbon winger Fabio Paim on a season-long loan. ─── 切尔西确认了将里斯本竞技的边锋法比奥-派姆租借到最终的交易。

86、THE reverberations from last month's ruling by Germany's Constitutional Court on the European Union's Lisbon treaty seem to be growing. ─── 关于德国宪法法院上月对欧盟里斯本条约裁定的反响不断。

87、Its remnant as the name of the first pillar is to be abolished along with the pillar system once the Treaty of Lisbon comes into effect. ─── 其残留的名称的第一个支柱是取消随着支柱系统一旦里斯本条约生效。

88、But United insist the ex-Sporting Lisbon starlet will not be leaving the club and remain confident the young attackers will line up alongside each other next season. ─── 但曼联坚持从里斯本竞技转会而来的新星不会离开俱乐部并且对年轻的攻击手与队友组成下赛季阵容充满信心。

89、With United determined not to sell Ronaldo, the former Sporting Lisbon youngster admits he would be happy to stay at Old Trafford. ─── 在曼联决定不出售小小罗后,这位前里斯本竞技球星承认他乐意留在老特拉福德。

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