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09-02 投稿


circumfluence 发音

英:[[s?'k?mfl??ns]]  美:[[s?'k?mfl?rns]]

英:  美:

circumfluence 中文意思翻译



circumfluence 短语词组

1、circumfluence in chinese ─── 汉语回流

circumfluence 相似词语短语

1、circumduce ─── 搜索

2、circumferences ─── n.圆周;周长;胸围

3、circumference ─── n.圆周;周长;胸围

4、circumjacence ─── 周边

5、circumfluent ─── adj.环流的;周流的

6、circumambience ─── n.围绕;环绕;周围

7、circumflects ─── 外折

8、circumflect ─── 迂回

9、circumflected ─── 外折

circumfluence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Analysis of flue gas desulfurization performance of circulating fluidized bed with inner circumfluence ─── 内回流循环流化床烟气脱硫运行特性分析

2、Because of the center circumfluence, which can make the high temperate gas flow back to facilitate the combustion and ignition of pulverized coal, swirling burner has been widely used in engineering. ─── 旋流燃烧器因为能够形成较大的中心回流区,卷吸高温烟气,促进煤粉的着火和稳燃,在工程上得到了广泛的应用。

3、Theoretical analysis is discussed against the abnormal circumfluence i n two transformers operated in YongShan substation of JingDeZhen district. ─── 对涌山主变环流现象原因进行了探讨,指出负荷分布不均是造成涌山主变环流的主要原因。

4、Abstract: The reverse logistics is one of the contents of the circulatory economy, including rebuilding, refitting and reutilizing the merchandise in the circumfluence. ─── 摘要:逆向物流是对回流中的商品的改造、整修和再利用活动,是循环经济的一个内容。

5、A lot of new players are joined, old player circumfluence, player of RMB of game Central Africa is increasing. ─── 很多新玩家加入,老玩家回流,游戏中非人民币玩家越来越多。

6、Keywords COD;circumfluence time;statistical test; ─── 化学耗氧量;回流时间;统计检验;

7、TL and BR inhibitors have been prepared from green tea and rice bran by immersing circumfluence process. ─── 用直接浸泡—回流法从绿茶茶叶和米糠中提取了两种缓蚀剂TL和BR。

8、circumfluence ratio ─── 回流比

9、Circumfluence Characteristics in Lightning Strike and Hail Process and the Establishment of the Forecast System ─── 广西雷击、冰雹环流特征及预报系统建设

10、Project of Horizontal Magnetic-force Pump's Axis Force Balance and Circumfluence Hole ─── 卧式磁力泵轴向力平衡及回流孔设计

11、In some specific background of circumfluence,the stable atmosphere structure may turn to instable. ─── 同时指出在特定的环流背景下大气层结随时间的变化可能会由稳定状态变为不稳定状态。

12、boiling circumfluence ─── 回流法

13、Materials in the central region form circumfluence, which promotes the mixing effect and prolongs the mixing time of materials in the central region. ─── 中心区的物料形成环流,环流的存在促进了中心区物料的混合,增加了物料在中心区的混合时间;

14、Keywords traditional activated sludge process;corridor;inside circumfluence;reactor; ─── 传统活性污泥法;廊道;内回流;反应器;

15、Analyzing the characters of circumfluence, a control strategy ispresented which using active info to regulate the amplitude of voltage to achieve active powerequilibrium. ─── 在分析环流特性的基础上,给出了用有功功率调节电压幅值以抑制有功环流的控制策略。

16、The Daidzin was obtained with a purity of 90% using acetone circumfluence extraction and the hybrid extraction of acetone and ethyl acetate. ─── 利用丙酮回流萃取,然后丙酮、乙酸乙酯组合萃取可以得到90%纯度的Daidzin产品;


18、inside circumfluence ─── 内回流

19、The study and application of three-dimensional circumfluence and water quality numerical simulation in the shallow sea and lake ─── 浅海与湖泊三维环流及水质数值模拟研究和应用

20、moreover, the variation ranges of the jet impinging position, the circumfluence center and the wave height increase, the variation period decreases and the fluid flow becomes more unsteady. ─── 同时,撞击点、回流区中心深度和波高的变化范围增大,周期减小,结晶器内流动不稳定程度增大。

21、Circumfluence Analytic Theory of Cofferdam Based on Ideal Flow ─── 基于理想流的群围堰绕流解析理论

22、Research on Two Dimensional Temperature-field Digital Distribution of Sudden Spread Combustion Chamber Circumfluence Section ─── 忽扩燃烧室回流区截面二维温度场数值化研究

23、liquid phase circumfluence with activator ─── 液相催化回流法

24、Diosgenin was extractied with chloroform instead of circumfluence and then oxidized by Liebemann-Barcharad reagent and finally determined with a spectrophotometer. ─── 提取甾体皂甙元时采用微量样品以氯仿浸提代替传统的回流抽提法,以Liebemann-Barcharad试剂显色,用分光光度法测定。

25、inner circumfluence rate ─── 内回流比

26、Circumfluence is fit for mix. ─── 横截面方向存在环流,有利于物料充分混合.

27、Study of Mix-burning Circumfluence Bed Boiler Attrition Problem ─── 混烧型循环流化床锅炉磨损问题的研究

28、the area of circumfluence zones can be affected by the length of the spur-dike, and the longer the spur-dike is, the more extensive the circumfluence zone is. ─── 此外,丁坝长度对回流区范围的大小影响很大,丁坝越长所产生的回流区的范围越大。

29、Streamline along the guide impeller winds well, and the phenomena of vortex and circumfluence don't appear. ─── 流线沿导轮型线良好地缠绕,没有出现回流、漩涡等现象。

30、Compared with other natural gas combustor, this combustor can generate the second combustion and form circumfluence of smoke. ─── 同一般天然气燃烧器相比,这种燃烧器既能产生二段燃烧,又能促进一定量的烟气回流。

31、The result shows that the Quick Distill Extraction, fast and simple, is superior to the circumfluence extraction and the steam distillation. ─── 结果表明,快速提取法比回流提取法、水蒸气蒸馏法提取效率高,快速简便。

32、The microstructure of circumfluence and the characteristic of the mixing intensity on the cross-section of thermally stratified shear flow in curved flumes are studied experimentally. ─── 对弯段温差剪切分层流的断面环流微细结构与掺混强度特征进行了试验研究。

33、Some suggestions are also proposed in order to continue to study the circumfluence in dredged harbor basins in future. ─── 同时本文在最后也提到了进一步研究的问题,以便将来更好开展的挖入式港池回流的研究工作。

34、winter circumfluence anomalies ─── 冬季环流异常

35、The temporal and spatial changes of heavy fogs were closely related with the seasonal variation of atmosphere circumfluence, the vegetation distribution and so on. ─── 大雾的时空变化与大气环流季节性变化、植被分布等密切相关;

36、Furthermore, the influence of bluff body on the size of circumfluence area and the velocity distribution near the bluff body is researched. ─── 此外,本文还重点分析了钝体及旋流二次风速对回流区尺寸的影响。

37、Travelling wave characteristics of circumfluence component of double-circuit lines on the same pole ─── 同杆双回线环流量的行波特点

38、Block up double sufficient, lie low is on the bed or on sofa, in order to reduce pair of sufficient oedema, help haemal circumfluence, prevent lower limbs varicosity; ─── 垫高双足,平躺在床上或沙发上,以减轻双足的水肿,并帮助血液回流,预防下肢静脉曲张;

39、Various methods such as Soxlet extracting ethanol-extraction, circumfluence ethanol-extraction, extraction refine and resin absorption have been used to extract and isolate Astragalosides. ─── 摘要利用索氏醇提、回流醇提、萃取纯化、树脂吸附纯化法对黄芪皂甙进行了提取分离。

40、7.Special deign is the maze-design subassembly to prevent leakage of circumfluence. ─── 特别的是由一个迷宫式组件来防止少数的液体回漏。

41、An Introduction to a closed water-saving equipment by recycle water, it may resolve the problem of water waste resulted from distillation, circumfluence, negative-pressure filtration, etc. ─── 介绍了一种可解决化学实验室因蒸馏、回馏、减压抽滤等基本操作引起的,大量冷却水流失问题的封闭式循环节水装置。

42、Keywords thennal power plant;flue gas desulfurization;circulating fluidized bed with inner circumfluence; ─── 火电厂;烟气脱硫;内回流循环流化床;

43、The influences of circumfluence and back flow on the diffusion of contaminants were simulated and calculated in detail,and the visual result and averaged diffusion distance were obtained. ─── 主要针对河道回流、绕流对污染物扩散的影响进行了详细数值模拟计算,并分别给出了可视化结果及平均的扩散距离。

44、three dimensional circumfluence decomposition ─── 三维环流分解

45、Third it causes in the circumfluence effect of duality finance structure and region finance to counteract the validity of money policy. ─── ( 3 )导致二元金融结构与区域金融的回流效应对货币政策有效性的冲销。

46、It adopts new technics to resolve some questions ,such as self-inputing stuff without impetus, spining-flow, circumfluence with mixing, fixing bacterium to form membrane. ─── 与发酵装置相配套,探索出自流进料、旋流布料、强回流搅拌、固菌成膜的动态连续发酵工艺,解决了静态不连续发酵工艺存在的菌料分布不均和出料困难等技术问题。

47、Abstract:ObjectiveTo compare extracting rates of the circumfluence extracting method, the ultrasonic extracting method and the soakage extracting method in Tinospora sagittata(Oliv. ─── 摘要:目的比较金果榄回流提取法、超声波提取法、浸渍提取法等不同提取方法的提取率。

48、It is not necessary to install such kind of sets when the circumfluence is weak or the caliber is small. ─── 在回流小,口径小的情况下,不需加装此机构。

49、subtracter, monlchamus Groove on, but the ink must be derived from both ends, in the middle of the circumfluence, which also makes a good loop, will be banned from monolateral injected ink. ─── 办法二,不兵不朱槽不倒立,但油不朱务必从两脚同时注入,从洋间回流,这样也可变成很好的轮回,不成从单边注入油不朱。

50、Keywords four screw extruder;central area;circumfluence;flow field analysis; ─── 四螺杆挤出机;中心区;环流;流场分析;

51、Circumfluence soldering ─── 回流焊

52、Furthermore, the influence of bluff body on the size of circumfluence area and the velocity distribution near the bluff body is researched. ─── 此外,本文还重点分析了钝体及旋流二次风速对回流区尺寸的影响。

53、"Can foreknow, will circumfluence of more fund of 2 class market invest a domain to equity. ─── “可以预见,将有更多的二级市场资金回流到股权投资领域。”

54、The Phosphine Circumfluence Fumigation Insect-killing Experiment for Newly-built One-storey Grain Storage ─── 新建平房仓磷化氢环流熏蒸杀虫试验

55、The technique of circumfluence control for molten steel in RH ─── RH钢水环流控制技术

56、Experimental Research on the Cold Concentration Field in the Caput of a Circumfluence Combustor ─── 回流式燃烧室头部冷态浓度场实验研究

57、Special deign is the maze-design subassembly to prevent leakage of circumfluence . ─── 特别的是由一个迷宫式组件来防止少数的液体回漏。

58、circumfluence sludge ─── 污泥回流

59、Oxic zone and anaerobic zone were not set up separately in interchannel clarifier oxidation ditch system, gathering all the functions of the aeration, sediment and circumfluence in it. ─── 此一体化氧化沟不分设好氧区和厌氧区,集曝气、沉淀、回流功能为一体,符合当前污水处理工艺合建、简化发展的总趋势。

60、Keywords thermosphere;solar activity;geomagnetic disturbance;average meridional circumfluence; ─── 热层;太阳活动;地磁扰动;平均经向环流;

61、heating circumfluence ─── 加热回流


63、Afterward, this paper studies the pow- erline communication technology based on finished testing net of CAN bus and analyzes the disturbance of high and low frequency circumfluence on pow- erline for communication signals. ─── 然后,在已经完成的CAN总线实验网络的基础上,研究使用电力线作为传输媒介的CAN总线通信技术。 分析电力线上高低频回路环流对通信信号的干扰。

64、Study on Extracting Virtual Seaweeds Component by Circumfluence of Solvent ─── 溶剂回流法提取海藻有效成分工艺研究

65、Then, the program is used to simulate the flow across the backward-step, and the conclusion is testified that the circumfluence length is related to the Reyonlds number. ─── 同时,利用程序对后台阶绕流流动进行计算,验证了后台阶绕流回流长度和雷诺数有关的结论。

66、The Daidzin was obtained with a purity of 90% using acetone circumfluence extraction and the hybrid extraction of acetone and ethyl acetate. ─── 利用丙酮回流萃取,然后丙酮、乙酸乙酯组合萃取可以得到90%纯度的Daidzin产品;

67、ethanol circumfluence ─── 乙醇回流法

68、Special deign is the maze - design subassembly to prevent leakage of circumfluence. ─── 改性反应是在有机溶剂中,通过回流分水使反应充分进行。

69、As Shanghai entered the flood season and influenced by the outer air circumfluence of the Typhoon Sepat, the swollen Huangpu River flooded the shallow areas of the bund. ─── 当日,受台风“圣帕”外围环流影响,加上上海进入主汛期,黄浦江水位上升,在外滩几处低岸被淹。

70、Key word: reverse logistics, material of the circumfluence system, circulatory economy, reverse and reutilizing ─── 关键词:逆向物流回流物资循环经济再生利用

71、circumfluence distillation ─── 回流提取

72、Two-dimensional Numerical Simulation on Spur Dike Circumfluence and Local Scour Hole ─── 丁坝绕流及局部冲刷坑二维数值模拟

73、In chemical experiments, circumfluence will lead to the explosion of test tubes. ─── 在化学实验中,回流会造成试管炸裂。

74、The fluid field in the atomizing-combustion chamber can be carved up as three areas: inside circumfluence area, circumvolve shooting fluid area and outside circumfluence area. ─── 燃烧室流场可分为内回流区、 旋转射流区和外回流区3大场区。

75、Keywords constructed wetlands;in series;aerify;multi-inflow;circumfluence; ─── 关键词人工湿地;串联;曝气;多点进水;回流;

76、That can solve the jam-up and circumfluence in electricity transmission system. ─── 它的广泛应用将进一步解决电力传输中的拥塞、环流等问题。

77、Keywords tri-screw extruder;extrusion characteristics;circumfluence;polymer;numerical simulation; ─── 三螺杆挤出机;挤出特性;环流;聚合物;数值模拟;

78、Discussion on the Advantageous Influence of Circumfluence on Operation of Main Transformer ─── 浅议环流对主变运行的有利影响

79、Then cloud motion winds are derived from these tracers and after a circumfluence analysis on the cloud motion winds, the cloud motion winds are compared with the rawinsonde winds. ─── 对用该方法选取的示踪云进行云迹风反演,然后对反演出的云迹风进行环流分析,并与探空风进行比较。

80、Keywords loquat leaves;ursolic acid;circumfluence distillation;extracting conditions; ─── 枇杷叶;熊果酸;热回流提取;提取条件;

81、Experimental study of lateral circumfluence and pulsating water pressure in cushion pool with several sluices ─── 多孔泄水闸侧向环流及脉动压力试验研究

82、Study and Calculations of Capsizing Moment of Circumfluence on Ships in Curving Channels ─── 弯道中环流对船舶产生的倾覆力矩计算分析

83、The siltation relates with the circumfluence. ─── 淤积的主要原因是回流淤积。

84、Third it causes in the circumfluence effect of duality finance structure and region finance to counteract the validity of money policy. ─── 导致二元金融结构与区域金融的回流效应对货币政策有效性的冲销。

85、After inserting conduit, abdomen uses gasbag pressurization, oppressive vein finishing speech, in order to reduce haemal circumfluence. ─── 插入导管后,腹部用气囊加压,压迫下腔静脉,以减少血液回流。

86、the best rate of circumfluence was 100%. ─── 最佳回流比为100%。

87、Keywords jet flotation machine;throat tube;nozzle;self-stabilization system,,,,with tailing circumfluence; ─── 射流浮选机;喉管;喷嘴;尾矿回流自稳压系统;

88、This device is designed for the double-pot and double-direction hot circumfluence pick-up workshop, which can annually deal with 3000 tons of Chinese traditional medicine of whole grass kind. ─── 本设计为年处理3000吨全草类中药双罐双向热回流提取工艺车间设计,以金银花提取为例进行设计。利用现代的设备实现热回流工艺的生产为目的,提高生产效率为前提。

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