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09-02 投稿


clangorous 发音


英:  美:

clangorous 中文意思翻译



clangorous 网络释义

adj. 叮当响的;嘹亮的

clangorous 短语词组

1、clangorous soul ─── 部族灵魂

2、clangorous synonym ─── 宗族同义词

3、clangorous beauty ─── 铿锵之美

4、clangorous means ─── 宗族手段

5、clangorous scales ─── 响鳞

6、clangorous define ─── 宗族定义

7、clangorous meaning ─── 宗族意义

8、clangorous def ─── 宗族的定义

clangorous 词性/词形变化,clangorous变形

动词现在分词: clangoring |动词第三人称单数: clangors |形容词: clangorous |动词过去分词: clangored |动词过去式: clangored |副词: clangorously |

clangorous 相似词语短语

1、clangors ─── n.连续的铿锵声;丁当声;vi.铿锵作响

2、chancrous ─── 下疳

3、clavigerous ─── 克拉维

4、cankerous ─── adj.溃疡的;腐蚀的;使害溃疡的

5、canorous ─── adj.音乐般的;音调优美的

6、languorous ─── adj.怠惰的;无力的

7、cancerous ─── adj.癌的;生癌的;像癌的

8、clangorously ─── 铿锵地

9、clamorous ─── adj.吵闹的;大声要求的

clangorous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Clangor n. ─── 铿锵声;

2、He has a large bell in his hand and this he swings mechanically, awakening a deafening clangor ─── 他手中拿着一个大铃,呆板地摇动着,发出了一阵震耳欲聋的铃声。

3、the clangorous locomotive works; a clanging gong. ─── 叮当响的机车厂;响锣。

4、Chinese creation is clangorous slogan from the Orient. ─── 中国创造,那是来自东方响亮的口号。

5、Its fireworks are famous far and wide for their unique technics, exquisite shape, bright color, clangorous detonation sound and rich culture. ─── 这里生产的花炮以其独特的工艺、美观的造型、鲜艳的花色、响亮的声音、精美的装潢和浓郁的传统色彩而享誉世界。

6、Based on reasons mentioned above, the artist endows the work with such the clangorous and glorious title. ─── 这幅作品基于上述理念而拥有了这个响亮而充满光辉的名字。

7、Chinese creation is clangorous slogan from the orient. ─── 中国创造,那是来自东方响亮的口号。

8、Then, from up above and far away, down the tunnel they had so lately travelled was borne to their ears in a faint musical hum the sound of distant bells ringing a joyful and clangorous peal. ─── 接着,由远远的地面上,通过他们来时经过的隧道,隐隐传来嗡嗡的钟声,丁丁当当,奏起了一首欢快的乐曲。

9、It is in other seasons fiercely territorial, but now the birds are gathered in one clangorous flock to scoop up the winter feed laid down for them by farmers. ─── 在其它季节中,它们的领土意识很强,但现在它们喧闹地聚集成群,抢着享用农夫为它们准备的冬季美食。

10、Chinese creation is clangorous slogan from the orient. ─── 中国创造,那是来自东方响亮的口号。

11、Pure tones transform themselves into distorted, clangorous metallic noises. ─── 纯音转变为扭曲的、带有金属感的铃声噪音。

12、It is in other seasons fiercely territorial,now the birds are gathered in one clangorous flock to scoop up the winter feed laid down for them by farmers. ─── 在季节中,的领土意识很强,但现在喧闹地聚集成群,抢着享用农夫为准备的冬季美食。

13、After the clangor of organ majestic, or chorus, or perfect band, ─── 当庄严的风琴,或者合唱队,或整个乐团,演奏完了,

14、Now, we need -re and more clangorous independent brands, we need more and more vehicles with independent brands gallop on China s vast land. ─── 现在,在中国汽车产业中,我们需要更多响当当的自主品牌,我们更需要更多的自主品牌汽车在中国大地上驰骋。

15、Now, we need more and more clangorous independent brands, we need more and more vehicles with independent brands gallop on Chinas vast land. ─── 现在,在中国汽车产业中,我们需要更多响当当的自主品牌,我们更需要更多的自主品牌汽车在中国大地上驰骋。

16、The girls of the Chinese football team are worthy of the name "clangorous rose". ─── 中国女足的姑娘们真不愧为“铿锵玫瑰”!

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