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09-02 投稿


costive 发音

英:[?kɑ?st?v]  美:[?k?st?v]

英:  美:

costive 中文意思翻译



costive 网络释义

adj. 便秘的(名词costiveness,副词costively);秘结性的;行动迟缓的;沉默寡言的;小气的

costive 词性/词形变化,costive变形

名词: costiveness |副词: costively |

costive 同义词

costive 反义词


costive 短语词组

1、costive heart failure ─── 慢性心力衰竭

2、costive meaning ─── 价格意义

3、costive define ─── 成本定义

4、costive def ─── 共渗def

costive 相似词语短语

1、costate ─── adj.有肋骨的,具中脉的

2、positive ─── adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的,肯定的;实际的,真实的;绝对的;n.正数;[摄]正片

3、coactive ─── adj.强制的;限制性的;相互作用的

4、conative ─── adj.意动的;意欲的;努力企求的

5、costively ─── 便秘的;行动迟缓的,沉默寡言的;(costive的副词形式)

6、costae ─── n.肋脉;叶的主肋

7、caitive ─── 开玩笑的

8、to stive ─── 煽动

9、captive ─── adj.被俘虏的;被迷住的;n.俘虏;迷恋者

costive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Improve abnormality pain of bowel and stomach, restrain costive and immunity. ─── 调理肠胃(痛、、)异状;改善便秘及膀胱无力等情况;强化消化系统功能及免疫力。

2、You must be frank; but without indiscretion; and close, without being costive. ─── 你必须坦诚而不轻率,掌握分寸而不吝啬小气。

3、CRANKYMAN怪人: "Great, After your promotion. we always got free dinner. It is very costive promotion." ─── 好啊,你一得到提升,我们总能搓一顿,真是很贵的提升啊!

4、It is good to drink honey water is heat to study costive effect, is cool still honey water good? ─── 喝蜂蜜水是热的治便秘效果好,还是凉的蜂蜜水好?

5、Is the tradition of the costive problem that treats middleaged person not medicaments method? ─── 治疗中年人的便秘问题的传统非药物方法?

6、Costive problem removed, does that thing meet haemorrhoid really swoon? ─── 便秘问题解除了,痔疮那颗东西真的会渐渐消失吗?

7、constipated; costive ─── 大便干燥

8、How should costive food choose? ─── 便秘的饮食应该怎样选择?

9、costive one tabloid of cascara sagrada ─── 便秘嘛,请服一片药鼠李皮。

10、Nature of costive good skin is very good oh! ─── 便秘好皮肤自然很好了哦!

11、Costive Causes Analysis and Countermeasure for Orthopaedics Patients ─── 骨科病人发生便秘原因分析与对策

12、Do not be so costive, pls open your own shuttlecock Bottle(It's my treat, do not always pay by your friends). ─── 别小气,开一筒自己的新球(不能老是蹭别人饭,总得买几次单吧?).

13、Use such method reducing weight, a lot of people reduce weight in 3 days of less than 3 kilograms. Next, costive symptom and the sense with uneasy angst also can be eliminated. ─── 采用这样的减肥方法,许多人在3天以内就减肥3公斤。其次,便秘的症状以及焦虑不安的感觉也可以消除。

14、You must be frank;but without indiscretion;and close, without being costive. ─── 你必须坦诚而不轻率,掌握分寸而不吝啬小气。

15、Is the tradition of the costive problem that treats middleaged person not medicaments method? ─── 治疗中年人的便秘问题的传统非药物方法?

16、Have costive pregnant woman, light person appetite bring down, function of more heavy bowel is consequently maladjusted; ─── 患便秘的孕妇,轻者食欲减低,因而更加重肠功能失调;

17、What fruit to eat to you can relieve costive symptom more? ─── 多吃什么水果能够减轻便秘症状?

18、Motion can enhance gastric bowel peristalsis, reduce costive happening. ─── 运动可以增强胃肠蠕动,减少便秘的发生。

19、The under water pelletizing system is relatively complicated and highly costive to maintain. ─── 水下切粒整个系统比较复杂,操作维护成本较高。

20、Accelerate bowel's motivity ,restrain costive caused by nerve system. ─── 增加肠胃动力,改善神经及肌体状况引起的便秘。

21、What fruit to eat to you can relieve costive symptom more? ─── 多吃什么水果能够减轻便秘症状?

22、Next, costive symptom and the sense with uneasy angst also can be eliminated. ─── 其次,便秘的症状以及焦虑不安的感觉也可以消除。

23、there is no one is willing to contact with him who is so costive. ─── 4.对于这样小气的人,谁也不愿意和他打交道.

24、Still can massage abdomen, passivity increases alvine peristalsis, in order to prevent costive happening. ─── 还可以按摩腹部,被动增加肠蠕动,以防止便秘的发生。

25、Improve bowel's motivity, restrain costive caused by nerve system. ─── 增加肠胃动力,改善神经及肌体状况引起的便秘。

26、All sorts of fruits that our country teems with, it is to settle costive sound strategy more. ─── 我国盛产的各种水果,更是解决便秘良方。

27、he is not a costive person with money and often buys lots of gifts to us. ─── 他对钱毫不吝惜,经常买许多礼物给我们。

28、The under water pelletizing system is relatively complicated and highly costive to maintain. ─── 水下切粒整个系统比较复杂,操作维护成本较高。

29、nobody likes to make friends with such costive people 。 ─── 没有人喜欢与这么一个心胸狭窄的人交朋友。

30、Costive patient should eat the food with embellish aperient bowel to wait like banana, honey. ─── 便秘病人应吃润肠通便的食物如香蕉、蜂蜜等。

31、For this costive person,nobody would like to contanct with him. ─── 对于这样小气的人,谁也不愿意和他打交道.

32、The farm hand is soiling a costive horse. ─── 农场工人在给便秘的马喂青料以通便。

33、Nature of costive good skin is very good oh! ─── 便秘好 皮肤自然很好了哦!

34、What is the dietary requirement of costive patient? ─── 便秘患者的饮食要求是什么?

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