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09-02 投稿


retort 发音

英:[r??t??rt]  美:[r??t??t]

英:  美:

retort 中文意思翻译




retort 词性/词形变化,retort变形


retort 常用词组

retort pouch ─── 蒸煮袋;杀菌袋

retort 短语词组

1、coking retort ─── [建] 炼焦罐

2、hydromatic retort ─── 水化干馏器

3、continuous vertical retort ─── [建] 连续的立式蒸馏瓶

4、retort upon sb. ─── 反驳某人

5、car retort ─── [建] 车式甑

6、distillation retort ─── 蒸馏罐

7、hydrolock retort hydrolock ─── 干馏器

8、rotary retort ─── [化] 旋转式干馏炉

9、case iron retort ─── [建] 生铁甑

10、horizontal retort tar ─── 卧式干馏焦油

11、retort pouch ─── 杀菌袋, 蒸煮袋, 软罐头

12、furnace retort ─── 炉室

13、retort carbon ─── [机] 蒸馏碳

14、cylindrical retort ─── [建] 圆(筒形)甑

15、retort upon sb ─── 反驳某人

16、horizontal retort ─── 卧甑

17、continuous retort ─── 连续蒸馏器

18、glover-west retort ─── [机] 格拉末-韦斯特甑

19、piled-up retort ─── [化] 成堆干馏

retort 相似词语短语

1、retore ─── 返回

2、retorn ─── 返回

3、detorts ─── 绕道

4、retorted ─── v.反驳,回嘴;蒸馏;在曲颈瓶里加热;(对侮辱或伤害)进行报复;n.反驳,顶嘴;曲颈瓶,蒸馏瓶;蒸馏,干馏

5、retorter ─── n.反驳,顶嘴;曲颈瓶(retort的变形)

6、retours ─── n.归还;回到原地;n.(Retour)(法、英、波、比)勒图尔(人名)

7、detort ─── 德特

8、pretors ─── n.执政官;长官(等于praetor)

9、retorts ─── n.反驳;曲颈瓶(retort的复数);vt.反驳(retort的第三人称单数)

retort 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A process for preparing ready-to-eat retort pouch oyster using oysters (Crassostrea talienwhanensis Crosse) as material was developed in this paper. ─── 以大连湾长牡蛎为原料,开发即食牡蛎软罐头。

2、He was still discomposed by the girl's Bitter and sudden retort ─── 他仍为那姑娘尖刻而突然的反驳感到心烦意乱。

3、10 Do you bring the Retort Kit, Methylene Blue Kit to the platform? ─── 你带了固相蒸馏仪和亚甲基蓝测试仪到平台上吗?

4、Retort type slag tap furnace ─── 坩埚式液态排渣炉膛

5、But that question was wrung from those men again the next night--and got the same retort. ─── 可是,到第二天晚上,这些男人又把这个问题搬了出来--照样受到呵斥。

6、This Hotplate accepts standard laboratory retort rods which enable scaffolding to be constructed so that vessels can be heated without direct contact with the hot surface. ─── 加热板使用了标准的实验室用搅拌棒,用它来架空容器,使容器在加热时不直接与热表面接触。

7、He made a rude sign by way of retort ─── 他做出粗鲁动作表示反驳.

8、The latest ditty to catch the imagination of the Chinese blogs and chatrooms is "Don't be too CNN" - a musical retort to the perceived bias of western media outlets such as CNN and the BBC. ─── “不要太CNN” 观察最近中国的博客和聊天室,可以看到这样一首曲子:“不要太CNN”--这首曲子意在反击西方媒体如CNN和BBC的故意偏见。

9、But he would not annoy her by such a cheap retort ─── 不过,他并没有用那种肤浅无聊的回话怄她。

10、In retort bag manufacturers, how different temperatures of packaging for testing, has always been a priority for the industry. ─── 在耐蒸煮袋的生产厂家中,如何对不同温度状态下的包装进行检测,一直是业界比较重视的问题。

11、The Horizontal Rotary Retort Continuous Baking Furnace ─── 卧式转筒连续烘干炉

12、The plans brought a quick retort from House Republican Leader John Boehner of Ohio. ─── 众议院民主党领导人贝纳(JohnBoehner)迅速对这些计划进行了反驳。

13、The analysts could retort only that the geometric proofs were clumsy and inelegant. ─── 分析学家只能回嘴说几何的证明是笨拙而不优美的。

14、PET/AL/PP packed retort porch bovine runnet was developed by pretreatment,precooking,frying,soaking,vacuum packaging and sterilization. ─── 以牛百叶为原料,以PET/AL/PP复合蒸煮袋作包装材料,经原料处理、预煮、油炸、浸汤、真空封口、杀菌等工序,制得牛百叶软罐头。

15、He shut up after this, and went in to his paper, but the retort rankled in his mind. It was the first cutting remark that had come from her. ─── 他就此闭上了嘴,回去看报了,但是这句反驳的话刺痛了他的心。这是从她的口里说出来的第一句尖刻的话。

16、Study on the Process of a New Type of the Retort Pouch Rice ─── 一种新型软包装米饭罐头工艺研究

17、He had to admit that his retort was not so clever as Farrington's. ─── 他只得承认,他的反驳不如法林敦的巧妙。

18、He scored a bull's-eye in their argument with that witty retort. ─── 在他们的辩论中他那一句机智的反驳击中了要害。

19、The paper analyses causes about inner raise of lower extension brickling of the zinc vertical retort furnace and describes the modification measures and effects of operation. ─── 分析锌竖罐蒸馏炉下延部砖套内凸原因,介绍改进措施及运行效果。

20、He withheld a strong retort. ─── 他克制着没大声反驳。

21、a cheap gibe, joke, remark, retort, etc ─── 低级的嘲弄、 玩笑、 言语、 反驳等

22、His sharp retort clearly made an impact. ─── 他的尖锐反驳显然起了作用。

23、I smothered the retort that rose to my lips. ─── 反驳他的话已到唇边,我又忍住未说。

24、The paper introduced the trend and recovery method of indium in its vertical retort process, togethered with the production practice, put forward method to improve the output of indium. ─── 介绍了铟在锌的火法冶炼过程中的走向及其生产工艺,然后结合生产实践,提出了提高铟产量的办法。

25、Bethlehemites retort that the wall's main aim is not to provide security but to entrench the new“ facts on the ground” established by the gradual appropriation of their vineyards and orchards. ─── 伯利恒人反驳说,修建围墙的主要目标并非用于提供安全保障,而是为了维护新建立的“既成事实”,以色列人蚕食盗取了他们的葡萄园与果园。

26、The Ogre did not at once retort. ─── “吃人精”当时没有立即吭声。

27、Development of Retort Pouch Food of Spiced Duck Liver and Gizzard ─── 卤鸭肝肫软罐头的研制

28、Retort is a pleasing/delighting thing. ─── 反击是让人很快乐的事情.

29、Mrs. enniman hesitated a moment; then she risked her retort. ─── 佩尼曼太太犹豫了一会儿便贸然反唇相讥起来。

30、Some now retort: not good enough for what? ─── 目前一些人反驳道:到底哪点让它不满意?

31、His retort was delivered with a strong note of vinegar. ─── 他的反驳带着强烈不满的口气。

32、Laminated retort film and pouch ─── GB/T10004-1998耐蒸煮复合膜、袋

33、Pasteurization technology for retort pouch in foreign countries ─── 国外蒸煮袋食品杀菌技术

34、The technology of improving the flavor, colour and yield of retort pouch dog meat and its sterilizing method have been explored. ─── 主要研究了改善狗肉软包装制品的风味、色泽及提高出品率的工艺条件,同时对其杀菌方法进行了初步探讨。

35、"Look! " I retort, I asked for "red doors", not "red lights"! ─── “我并不以为然地应道:“我要的只是要一扇红的门,不是红的灯!”

36、He retort that it is my fault as much as his. ─── 他反驳说我的错误并不比他的错误小。

37、Existing materials, including EVOH resin, were unable to meet the rising need for a retort material that retained gas impermeability following retort treatment; this property makes Kurarister particularly noteworthy. ─── 包括EVOH树脂在内的现有材料,皆无法满足对蒸馏材料越来越高的要求(蒸馏处理后仍保持阻气性能);该特性使Kurarister非常引人注目。

38、Perhaps the most characteristic expression of Amer-ican humour is the snappy retort. ─── 也许美国幽默最典型的表达方式就是快速反击。

39、Meanwhile some Greeks retort that 11 or 12 is too young to go looking for facts. ─── 同时一些希腊人反驳说,看待这些事实,11、2岁的人还是太年轻了。

40、low-temperature carbonizing retort ─── 低温炼焦炉

41、This paper is saying the history and actuality of technology for reducing retort manufacture,and is analyzing the future developing trend and direction. ─── 介绍了炼镁还原罐制造技术的发展历程和研究现状,分析了未来的发展趋势与发展方向。

42、The plaintiff may abandon or alter his request for litigation. The defendant may admit or retort the request, and has the right to file a counter suit. ─── 原告可以放弃或者变更诉讼请求。被告可以承认或者反驳诉讼请求,有权提起反诉。

43、He scored a bull's eye in their argument with that witty retort. ─── 他运用那种机智的反驳,在辩论中大获成功。

44、One of the newspaper's own online commentators had a wittier retort: "Sorry, folks, the paper isn't free. ─── 其中包括布什总统被指控;国务卿赖斯承认布什政府在发动伊拉克战争前就知道伊拉克没有大规模杀伤性武器;

45、ask in retort; counter with a question ─── 反诘

46、But bad behavior such as a daughter or son hurting themselves, others or property require a firm, quick and befitting retort from you. ─── 但是那些不好的作为,比如你的儿女伤害自己、他人或者财产,你就要坚决、快速且恰当的制止他们。

47、He pleads,"Please check the color in the morning and let me know." "Look!" I retort,I asked for "red doors",not "red lights"! ─── 他解释说“你明天早晨检查了颜色再告诉我。”我应道:“我要的是要一扇红的门,不是红的灯!”

48、internally heated retort oven ─── 内热式干馏炉

49、States the retort not solid public opinion for the Chinese! ─── 为中国人申述反驳不实的舆论!

50、He shut up after this, and went in to his paper, but the retort rankled in his mind. ─── 他就此闭上了嘴,回去看报了,但是这句反驳的话刺痛了他的心。

51、Great future for the market of retort pouch ─── 前景诱人的蒸煮袋市场

52、PET/AL/PP packed retort porch bovine runnet was d eveloped bypretreatment,precooking,frying,soaking,vacuum packaging and steriliz ation. ─── 以牛百叶为原料,以PET/AL/PP复合蒸煮袋作包装材料,经原料处理、预煮、油炸、浸汤、真空封口、杀菌等工序,制得牛百叶软罐头。

53、He made a rude sign by way of retort. ─── 他做出粗鲁动作表示反驳。

54、Their retort was: "Cool. ─── 他们的反驳是: “酷” 。

55、Anger poured over Harry from a place he couldn't name, but when he opened his mouth to retort, again nothing came out. ─── 怒火从一个无名之所涌出,淹没了Harry,但是当他张开嘴时,还是一无所有。

56、They would say that, other Europeans retort;they decry Britain's one-year taught masters' degrees as lightweight. ─── 他们尽可以这么说,其他欧洲人反击道,并将英国的一年制硕士学位斥为小儿科。

57、Development of spiced and fried pigeon retort porch ─── 五香油鸽软罐头的研制

58、He retort that it be my fault as much as his ─── 他反驳说我的错误并不比他的错误小

59、The retort raised a cheer in support of the speaker. ─── 发言人这一反驳博得了一片支持的欢呼声。

60、He would not annoy her by such a cheap retort. ─── 他并没有用那种肤浅无聊的话怄她。

61、"Of course." She bit her lip on an angry retort and brushed past him to the ramp leading into the ship. ─── “当然。”朱诺咬着嘴唇恼怒地回敬道。她从星际杀手身边草果,大步走向通向飞船的舷梯。

62、He was teasing me out of kindness, but touched me so accurately on the raw that I barely held back any retort. ─── 他是在善意地逗我玩,但是却正好触到了我的疼处,我差点没对他反唇相讥。

63、But Ms.Li, a hardened veteran of not one but two gao kao ordeals, had a ready retort: “Come on.Even if my mother kneels down before me, I will refuse to take this test again. ─── 但是经过不是一次而是两次高考痛苦经历的李小姐,马上回嘴说:“算了吧,即使我母亲跪在我的面前,我也不考了。”

64、Reply or retort to a critical or hostile remark ─── (对批评的或恶意的话的)回答或反驳

65、But the Wall Street firm had the ultimate retort: It found a way to make hard cash out of this disfavor. ─── 不过这家公司使出绝招:在不利的市场环境中找到一种稳赚之法。

66、If you are a man, you can point out that most poets and men of science are male. if you are a woman, you can retort that so are most criminals. ─── 参考译文:如果你是男人,你会指出,大多数的诗人和科学家都是男性的;如果你是女人,你会反驳说,大多数罪犯也都是男性的。

67、he looked at her with burning eyes , and was on the verge of becoming awkward , when a retort came to his lips. ─── 他用燃烧的眼睛望着她,快要露出窘相,唇边却冒出了一句反驳的话。

68、His retort made her angry. ─── 他的回嘴使她发怒。

69、Following the filling operation, the most critical step in the manufacture is the retort sterilization of the can and contents. ─── 在装罐之后,在生产中最重要的步骤是罐子和内容物的高压灭菌。

70、a reply,especially a quick,witty one; a retort ─── 回答,尤指快速的、机智的回答;反驳

71、"He pays his board, just the same ," was the retort. ─── “他可是吃和住都交了费的,”她反驳道.

72、The analyst could retort only that the geometric proofs were clumsy and inelegant. ─── 分析学家却只能回嘴说几何的证明是笨拙而不优美的。

73、On Design and Operation of Medium-and Small-size Vertical Retort Zinc Smelting ─── 中小型竖罐炼锌系统的设计和运行

74、Our challenge was to deliver a membrane end capable of withstanding the rigors of a retort process involving over-pressure. ─── 我们的挑战是提供一个膜为此承受了严格的蒸馏过程,涉及过的压力。

75、externally heated retort oven ─── 外热式干馏炉

76、A reply, especially a quick, witty one; a retort. ─── 回答,尤指快速的、机智的;反驳

77、He hit a bull's package in trapirs arguofficialt dawn aboard witty retort. ─── 他以机智的反驳赢得了辩论胜利。

78、"He pays his board, just the same," was the retort ─── “他可是吃和住都交了费的,”她反驳道

79、Planners retort that Los Angeles will continue to grow, and it is better to build new apartments on run-down commercial streets than plonk them next to bungalows or bulldoze virgin land. ─── 作为回击,规划者们称,洛杉矶必然不断发展,把新住宅建在快让人踏平了的商业街旁肯定比把他们扔在城乡结合部和荒郊野外强。

80、The Israelis retort that white phosphorus is legally used by many armies as a smokescreen provided it is not fired over densely populated areas. ─── 以方反驳说,在人口不密集地区,白磷作为合法烟幕弹被很多军队使用。

81、This is the Lady's retort. ─── 这是这位女士的反驳。

82、The “clever” camp retort that diplomacy is not about instant gratification. ─── "巧实力"阵营反驳到外交不是为了片刻的满足。

83、In order to make full use of source of coal fine, especially, in Vertical Retort, we have found a feasible way. ─── 为我国充分开发利用粉煤资源,尤其是在直立炉上应用,开辟了一条可行的途径。

84、She glared at the relief as if she expected some retort, but the eyes of Gith just glared back at her, their fury a mirror of her own. ─── 她怒视着浮雕,好像在等着对方反驳,但吉斯之眼只是对她回视,它们的愤怒像镜子一样反映着她自己的愤怒。

85、retort processing making sponge iron ─── 反应罐法

86、A cheap gibe,joke,remark,retort,etc ─── 低级的嘲弄、玩笑、言语、反驳等

87、Design and Research on the Side Water Spray Retort ─── 侧喷淋式杀菌釜的设计与研究

88、He opened his mouth to make a caustic retort. ─── 他张嘴开始进行刻薄的反击。

89、In retort, the god cursed the centaur, stripping him of his beauty and powers, leaving him only with his hatred and anger. ─── 在反击,神诅咒了半人马,剥夺了他美丽和力量,留给他的只有他的仇恨和愤怒。

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