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09-02 投稿



filleting 发音

英:[?f?l?t??]  美:[f??le???]

英:  美:

filleting 中文意思翻译



filleting 短语词组

1、filleting perch ─── 鱼片鲈 ─── 鱼

2、fish filleting machine ─── 鱼片加工机

3、filleting fish ─── 片鱼

4、filleting panfish ─── 鱼片

5、filleting machine ─── [水产]鱼片机切鱼片机

6、filleting trout ─── 鱼片鳟 ─── 鱼

7、filleting fish videos ─── 鱼片 ─── 鱼片视频

8、filleting catfish video ─── 鱼片鲶 ─── 鱼视频

9、filleting catfish ─── 鱼片鲶 ─── 鱼

filleting 词性/词形变化,filleting变形

动词过去式: filleted |动词过去分词: filleted |动词现在分词: filleting |动词第三人称单数: fillets |

filleting 相似词语短语

1、fleeting ─── adj.飞逝的;转瞬间的;v.迅速移动(fleet的ing形式)

2、fileting ─── n.肉片;鱼片;(猪、牛等的)里脊;n.(Filet)人名;(法)菲莱

3、filtering ─── v.[化工]过滤,滤除(filter的ing形式)

4、colleting ─── n.夹头;宝石座;筒夹;vt.镶进底座;装筒夹或夹头;n.(Collet)人名;(法)科莱;(西)科列特;(英)科利特;(丹)科莱特;(德)科勒特

5、filiating ─── vt.使加入;收作养子

6、filling ─── n.填充;填料;v.填满;遍及(fill的ing形式);n.(Filling)人名;(瑞典)菲林

7、filliping ─── n.刺激;弹指;vt.用指弹;vi.弹指

8、billeting ─── n.宿营;v.为…提供宿舍;驻扎(billet的ing形式)

9、fidgeting ─── vi.烦躁;坐立不安;玩弄;n.烦躁;坐立不安;烦躁不安的人;vt.使不安;使烦乱

filleting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、BSJJ-I starching machine is special designed for convenient food such as fish fillet,meat flake, etc. Products can be evenly starched through this machine. ─── 上浆机是专为鱼片,肉饼等方便条理食品上浆设计的。食品通过该机能被均匀的裹浆。

2、Beef fillet strips in balsamic vinegar served on a warm rocket salad or mature cheddar and ripe Brie de meaux. ─── 一款适合于热沙拉配香醋牛,鱼肉片或者熟英国干酪及熟法国乳酪一起享用的美酒。

3、critics worry about the loss of natural beauty and the yearly filleting of thousands of songbirds and ducks. ─── 而批评者担心失去了自然风光的美丽,以及每年数千只歌鸟和野鸭的身体碎片。

4、Jambalaya, craw-fish pie, fillet gumbo. ─── 什锦饭,河虾派,肉片秋葵,

5、The sauce matches the cheese and the fish fillet very well making it more tastier. ─── 喝一口汤底,很鲜美,带点微酸及腥羶味道,是以血熬成的汤头,没有错的了。

6、His favourite herb is lemon thyme.His best wine and food match though is simply "a char grilled eye fillet with a great red. ─── 他最喜欢的香草是柠檬百里香,他最好的葡萄酒食品搭配是“上等红葡萄酒配牛里脊肉”。

7、Barbecue sliced pork fillet over hot charcoal until almost done.Brush with Lee Kum Kee Barbecue Sauce and barbecue until done. ─── 将肉片放在烧烤炉上烧烤至九分熟,再刷上李锦记蜜汁烤肉酱烤熟,即可进食。

8、While the accuracy of the a analysis copy and the pros and cons of filleting is the key to moulding quality. ─── 而图样复制的不确性及嵌缝的长长是感化模压工艺质量的关头。

9、Season both sides of fillets with salt and black pepper. Brush the top of each fillet with 1 tablespoon cilantro sauce. ─── 在鱼片两面洒上盐和黑椒,鱼片朝上的面刷上芫荽叶沙司。

10、A bony fillet of fish. ─── 一块多骨的鱼片

11、Put the oil into a pan and heat it until fairly hot,place the fillet rolls into the oil,fry till goden yellow.Ladle them in to the plate and serve. ─── 勺内放油烧至六、七成热,将裹脊卷下入油内,炸成金黄色捞出,垒如入盘中即成。

12、Ellipse milling, filleting and chamfering etc. can be done by this method as well. ─── 根据同样原理,还可以实现椭圆、倒圆、倒角等铣削加工,充分发挥系统的潜能。

13、Spanish rice cooked in black ink squid, large prawns, shrimps, fish fillet, squid, mussels, clams &vegetables. Exquisite taste in seafood! ─── 万众期待下。终于趁现在我们眼前的这盘。。墨鱼汁炒饭!!

14、Would you like your salmon fillet sauteed or broiled? ─── 你希望你的鲑鱼片用煎的还是用烤的?

15、Furthermore,a new simplified elastic method called as inherent shear strain method is developed for forecasting fillet weld's angular distortion. ─── 在此基础上,进一步提出了一种用于预测角焊缝角变形的线弹性简化方法,即剪切固有应变法。

16、The main course, fillet tenderloin and potato, did achieve excellence in looking, tasting and smelling. ─── 前菜澳洲带子很新鲜,但烟熏三文鱼的放置时间稍长,边角食之稍有发硬。

17、Roll fish fillet into a round shape with skin facing in. Lightly steam fillet in medium heat to firm its shape, allow to cool. ─── 将鱼片卷成圆形、鱼皮向内。用中火清蒸鱼片以固定形状,再冷却。

18、She served a fillet of chicken with a rocket salad. ─── 她做了一道鸡肉片拌芝蔴菜。

19、The article introduces AWT series automatic fillet welding carriage and the main technical parameters and application in the industry. ─── 介绍一种小型MAG/MIG自动焊接设备及其在工业上的应用。

20、Yes, sir. Clam chowder, fried fillet of sole and coffee with milk . ─── 好,先生,周打蚬汤、煎抄鲨鱼片和牛奶咖啡。

21、The forces that developed from the deformation in the cross-frame were primarily transmitted from the connection plate into the web by the upper pair of intermittent fillet welds. ─── 因横向框架中的变形所发生的力最初由连接板通过较上面的一对间断贴角缝传入腹板中。

22、Weld joints with flush ends shall be beveled at the front side .Seal welds shall be welded with half the thickness of the carrying fillet weld. ─── 尾带红点的焊点应把前侧切成斜角。密封焊道应焊成现角焊缝厚度的一半。


24、CHÂTEAU Lavison will be at it's best served with osso bucco,chicken with wild mushrooms or a fillet of beef in wine sauce. ─── 产地名号:根据葡萄种植面积和葡萄酒产量计算,波尔多是法国最大的葡萄酒产区,波尔多所在的吉伦省各地使用顶级的葡萄品种:卡本乃.赤霞珠,品丽珠和梅洛酿造葡萄酒。

25、Sorry, I'm not interested in veal fillet. ─── 哎,我不太喜欢小牛肉。

26、Obviously there would be exceptions. Filleting knives, which turned out to be the most lethal of all, certainly need their tips. ─── 显然会有例外,圆角刀,后来被证明是破坏性最强的刀,毫无疑问是它们的末端所起的作用。

27、B: Yes, sir. Clam chowder, fried fillet of sole and coffee with milk. ─── 乙:好,先生,蚶汤、煎鲽鱼片和牛奶咖啡。

28、Non-watertight weld joints and fillet welding for stiffening member shall be painted after block inspection. ─── 加强构件的非水密焊接接合和填角焊应该在检查完分段后进行喷漆.

29、A transversely stressed fillet weld can sustain higher loads than one stressed longitudinally. ─── 受横向应力的角焊缝比受纵向应力的角焊缝承受能力强。

30、You certainly made a hash of filleting those fish. That is not to say, of course, that I'd have done it any better myself. ─── 你切鱼片时肯定弄糟了。当然,这并不是说我本人干这活会比你强。

31、Cut the sweet potato, fatty pork and fish fillet into slices of similar thickness. Add marinade to the fish slices and mix well. ─── 分别将各材料平均切成同等大小之厚块;鱼肉与腌料一同拌匀。

32、Remoe excess solder with small brush while plastic, leaing a fillet around end of ale as it cools. ─── 当焊料处于粘滞状态时,用刷子把多余的焊料清除干净。焊料冷却后,将一条嵌条环绕在阀门的端口。

33、The butt weld is easier to inspect nondestructively than the fillet welds. ─── 对接焊缝比角接焊缝更容易进行无破坏检查。

34、Do the same step with the right lofted object, remember : To circular fillet the right side object, you must turn on Reverse Primary Surface Normals. ─── 以同样得方式 circular fillet 右过得握手柄,记住:在 circular fillet 右边时,要打开 Reverse Primary Surface Normals 选项。

35、The main products of the plant are octopus ball, octopus cube, all kinds of breaded fish and shrimp, squid fillet, squid flower shape, squid croquette and many dried species. ─── 工场主要产品有:章鱼烧,章鱼丁,各类面包粉系列产品,面包粉虾仁,面包粉鱼片,鱼鱼片,鱿鱼花,鱿鱼饭团,及各种烘干水产品等。

36、By comparing the result with allowable fatigue stress, the fillet dimension, which is less than calculated from empirical-formula, is available for the strength requirement. ─── 将分析结果和许用疲劳应力进行了比较,结果表明曲轴上远小于经验公式计算所得圆角尺寸同样能够满足强度要求。

37、The work mechanism of crankshaft rolling is analyzed.Considering the deformation during the engine crankshaft fillet rolling,theories for changeably load rolling are put forward. ─── 分析曲轴圆角滚压的强化机理,考虑加载过程中存在的塑性变形,提出变力滚压,并加以探讨分析.

38、It describes the process of filleting contour in programming with the tool center track and tool radius compenstration. ─── 在数控技能大赛中轮廓倒角和倒圆角的宏程序编制方法有两种:刀具中心轨迹编程和刀具半径补偿编程。

39、A sub-model with fillet has been built and the stress distribution on the fillet has been obtained. ─── 建立了有圆角特征的子模型,获得在过渡圆角上的应力分布。

40、De-scale yellow fin fish, remove and and bones keeping only the fish fillet. ─── 将小黄鱼去鳞、除骨、仅保留鱼肉片的部分。

41、BSFJ-I powdering machine is special designed for convenient food such as fish fillet,meat cake, etc. Products can be evenly powdered through this machine. ─── 上粉机是专为鱼片、肉饼等方便调理食品裹面包粉设计的,食品通过该机能被均匀的裹粉。

42、Filleting my skin. pulling my teeth. ─── 撕裂我的皮肤。拔出我的牙齿。

43、Fillet welding experiments on the T-joint and the stiffened plate have verified that its... ─── 对T形接头和加筋板的角焊焊接实验证实了该方法对角焊缝角变形的预测结果具有一定的工程价值。

44、He put a fillet steak in the bun. ─── 他把一片无骨牛排放进小圆面包里。

45、One, base of the fillet that build dragon, base of pasturage of stimulative pasturage industrialization and bibcock enterprise are the key that drives pasturage industrialization. ─── 一、建龙头带基地,促进畜牧产业化畜牧基地和龙头企业是带动畜牧产业化的要害。

46、Shred beef fillet, green bell pepper, red bell pepper, carrot and fresh mushroom. Set aside. ─── 将牛柳、青椒、红椒、甘笋及鲜冬菇切丝,备用。

47、Well, it is sliced veal fillet, served with a wild mushroom sauce. ─── 侍者:嗯,是奶油野菇酱拌小牛肉丝。

48、Remove excess solder with small brush while plastic (soft), leaving a fillet around end of valve as it cools. ─── 在焊接部分成型后,用小刷子清除多余的焊料,使其在焊料冷却后形成一个环绕连接端口的圆角。

49、Jambalaya, crawfish pie, fillet gumbo. ─── 什锦菜,河虾派,秋葵加肉片,

50、We’ll take a fillet steak and roasted chicken drumstick. ─── 我们要菲利牛排和一份烤鸡腿。

51、Soon came filleting machines, echo-sounders and spotter planes. ─── 很快,切片机、回声探测器和探鱼飞机又出现了。

52、The modifications of gear tooth profiles like tooth thickness, tooth tip and edge chamfers and root fillet radius are easily manipulated in a editing window. ─── 如齿厚,齿尖和边缘倒角及根圆角半径齿轮齿廓的修改很容易操纵的编辑窗口。

53、B: How about fried fillet of sole? ─── 乙:煎蝶鱼片怎么样?

54、Remove excess solder with small brush while plastic leaving a fillet around end of valve as it cools. ─── 当焊料处于粘滞状态时,用刷子把比较多余的焊料清除干净。焊料冷却后,将一条嵌条环绕在阀门的端口。

55、Soon came filleting machines, echo-sounders and spotter planes. ─── 很快,切片机、回声探测器和探鱼飞机又出现了。

56、I, my eldest son, my daughter-in-law Liu Chandu must join the voluntary worker to organize, to become the `fish fillet ' the spiritual successor. ─── 我,我大儿子,我儿媳妇刘婵都要加入义工组织,成为‘鱼片’精神的继承人。”

57、Involute splines come in several varieties: Flat root side fit, fillet root side fit, and major diameter fit. ─── 以下是对渐开线花键配合方式的3种定义,供参考.

58、Automatic submerged arc welding is the method for medium/thick plate welding,but it mainly to be used in flat welding and fillet welding. ─── 埋弧自动焊是焊接中厚板常用的焊接方法,但常规用在平、角焊位置的焊接。

59、We had fish fillet congee with squid, fried clam and vegetables; it was light, delicious, and a total satisfaction. ─── 我们在一家小店吃了鱼片艇仔粥,炒蛤和青菜,很满意的清谈的一餐。

60、BSFJ-I powdering machine is special designed for convenient food such as fish fillet,meat flake, etc.Products can be evenly powdered through this machine. ─── BSFJ-I 上粉机是专为鱼片、肉饼等方便调理食品上粉设计的,食品通过该机能被均匀的裹粉。

61、The kangaroo fillet with baked quince, tomato jam and roasted chestnut dressing was an elegant rendition of our marsupial mascot. ─── 大袋鼠肉片配上焙榅桲,再用烤栗子和番茄酱调味,它是我们袋状吉祥物的精美展示。焙大黄和苹果屑配以桂皮玛斯卡彭奶酪,可满足众人的口味。

62、ReCently,simply equipped welding tractor is more popular for welding of flat fillet in shipbuilding inddustry in Japan. This technical method should be welding used in china. ─── 介绍了简易焊接台车在日本造船业焊接平角焊缝作业中的使用情况和这种工艺方法在我国推广应用的益处。

63、fish viscera and fish skin etc. are generally generated as waste from filleting process. ─── 在水产品加工中会产生大量的废弃物,比如鱼头、鱼内脏、鱼皮等。

64、Once she found out I was a journalist and not particularly interested in the cleanliness of the place, she was more amicable, showing me how to gut and fillet numerous species. ─── 当知道我是一个记者并且对这个地方的清洁与否没有特别的兴趣时,她变得很有好,向我展示了如何对各种鱼去内脏和切片。

65、Where the difference in thickness between the abutting member and the table member is considerable, the size of fillet welds will be specially considered. ─── 例1:当角接的两个构件的厚度相差甚大时,则该角焊缝的尺寸将予以特殊考虑。

66、Separation of the component lead from the solder fillet. ─── 元件面或焊锡面的零件脚旁焊锡裂开。

67、It can be used with superfine fiber together to get the effect of filleting dust and deodorization. ─── 可与超细纤维复合使用以逹到滤尘,除臭效果。

68、Mix minced fish fillet and diced tangerine peel with seasoning. Stir until sticky, chill in fridge for 1/2 hour. ─── 将鱼肉及果皮拌匀,慢慢拌入调味料,不断搅拌至起胶,放入雪柜内约1/2小时。

69、Fillet Mignon is a French word so it is pronounced Fi-Le, no t sound. ─── In Taiwanese steak houses (牛排馆), they generally serve Sirloin (沙朗)and Fillet Mignon (菲力).

70、Frank: Fine. Well, as you can see here we have a one pound salmon fillet. ─── 弗兰克:好的。嗯,你看到了,我们这里有一磅马哈鱼片。

71、Method:1.Cut the fillets into the flakes of 5cm.Long and 3cm.wide,3cm.thick Put sweetened bean paste on the flakes and roll them up into fillet roll. ─── 制作过程:1、把猪裹脊肉切成长约五公分、宽三公分、厚三毫米的大肉片,将豆沙在肉片上抹成条状,然后再卷起,即成裹脊卷。

72、Die structure based on the process of forming small fillet radius is introduced,and deduced the formula according to the principle of volume invariably. ─── 介绍形成小圆角半径的圆孔翻边模具的结构特点,按体积不变的原则,推导了计算公式。

73、Well,it is sliced veal fillet,served with a wild mushroom sauce. ─── 侍者: 嗯,是奶油野菇酱拌小牛肉丝。

74、The fatigue strength can greatly be improved by the method of the eng ine crankshaft fillet rolling, but the deformation may be produced at the same t ime. ─── 发动机曲轴圆角滚压可以极大地提高曲轴的疲劳强度,但滚压后会产生变形,传统的弯曲力校直方法会降低由滚压所产生的压应力。

75、Fine. Well, as you can see here we have a one pound salmon fillet. ─── 好的。嗯,你看到了,我们这里有一磅马哈鱼片。

76、Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet ... ─── 一路上,听着卡蓬特的一曲老歌,什锦菜-Jambalaya.

77、Products: catfish fillet, fresh water fish meat, fish meat products, gingko, taro. ─── 主要产品:鱼回鱼片、淡水鱼糜、鱼糜制品、银杏肉、香荷芋。

78、It's hard to tell, of course, whether Ms.Noonan seriously thought I was comparing myself to Lincoln, or whether she just took pleasure in filleting me so elegantly. ─── 当然,这也很难说,也许努南女士是真的认为我在拿自己和林肯总统相比,又或许她只是在取笑我把自己比喻的太过高调了。

79、The article analysed microorganism index, salinity,TBA general nutrition component and the component of amino acid of inebriated fillet which produced in Zhejiang province. ─── 对浙江地区所生产的三种醉鱼干的微生物指标、盐分、TBA值、一般营养成分(水分、蛋白质、脂肪、灰分)以及氨基酸组成成分进行了分析。

80、Mix sliced chicken fillet with salt, white pepper, cornflour and oil. ─── 将鸡柳与盐、白胡椒粉、生粉和油拌匀。

81、Durability of the bond can be improved by using smaller wire sizes which provide flexibility, and filleting the joint with some stress relieving cement. ─── 为了焊接的牢固,可使用一些尺寸小的丝,或在接合处填充焊剂来改善其性能。

82、Haven't had fillet steak on the menu for so long I've forgotten the bally taste. ─── 很久没吃到肉排了,我简直忘了它的味道。

83、They serve fish fillet combo. ─── 他们供应鱼排综合套餐。

84、He carried a sharp fillet knife. ─── 他带了一把锋利的片刀。

85、A small round piece of meat, especially loin or fillet of lamb, veal, or pork. ─── 小块瘦肉小块圆形肉,尤指腰肉或四肢上的肉,小牛肉或猪肉

86、Perfect with fillet mignon or rich pasta dishes. ─── 可与香椿炒鸡蛋、葱爆羊肉、椒盐排骨搭配饮用。

87、Remove fish fillet from marinate liquid, drain excessive liquid. ─── 将鱼片从鱼子酱中捞起,去除多余的水分。

88、We have prepared the sweet and sour fillet and the quick-fried shredded beef with white onion. ─── 我们做好了糖醋里脊和洋葱爆牛肉丝。

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