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09-02 投稿


cirrhosis 发音

英:[s??ro?s?s]  美:[s??r??s?s]

英:  美:

cirrhosis 中文意思翻译



cirrhosis 词性/词形变化,cirrhosis变形


cirrhosis 常用词组

liver cirrhosis ─── 肝硬化;肝硬变;慢性间质性肝炎

hepatic cirrhosis ─── 肝硬化

biliary cirrhosis ─── [医]胆汁性肝硬变

cirrhosis 短语词组

1、cardiac cirrhosis ─── [医] 心病性肝硬变

2、cirrhosis of stomach ─── [医] 胃硬变, 硬化性胃炎

3、diffuse nodular cirrhosis ─── [医] 弥漫性结节性肝硬变

4、cirrhosis of the liver ─── 肝硬变 ─── 肝硬化

5、capsular cirrhosis ─── [医] 纤维囊性肝硬变, 格利森氏肝硬变

6、Budd's cirrhosis ─── [医] 巴德氏肝硬变(慢性肝肿大)

7、atrophic cirrhosis ─── [医] 萎缩性肝硬变

8、Cruveilhier-Baumgarten cirrhosis ─── [医] 克-鲍二氏肝硬变(先天性肝硬变)

9、cirrhosis mammae ─── [医] 乳腺硬变, 慢性间质性乳腺炎

10、cirrhosis of liver ─── [医] 肝硬变, 胆汁性肝硬变

11、biliary cirrhosis ─── [医] 胆汁性肝硬变

12、cardiotuberculous cirrhosis ─── [医] 心病结核性肝硬变, 伊廷内耳氏病

13、biliary cirrhosis of children ─── [医] 儿童胆汁性肝硬变

14、alcoholic cirrhosis ─── [医] 酒精性肝硬变

15、cirrhosis toxic ─── [医] 中毒性肝硬变

16、calculus cirrhosis ─── [医] 胆石性肝硬变

17、cirrhosis of lung ─── [医] 肺硬变, 间质性肺炎

18、Charcot's cirrhosis ─── [医] 夏科氏肝硬变, 阿诺氏肝硬变

19、annular cirrhosis ─── [医] 环状肝硬变

cirrhosis 相似词语短语

1、cirrhi ─── 西里

2、cirrhotic ─── adj.肝脏硬化症的

3、cirrous ─── adj.象卷云的;有触毛的(等于cirrose)

4、cirrhus ─── n.阴茎

5、cirrhosed ─── 肝硬化

6、scirrhosity ─── n.硬度

7、cirrhoses ─── n.硬化;肝硬化(cirrhosis的变形)

8、cirrose ─── adj.有触毛的;似卷须的

9、diorthosis ─── n.矫正术

cirrhosis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The number of deaths caused by chronic liver disease and cirrhosis for both sexes with unknown age is 1. ─── 年不详的男性及女性因慢性肝病和肝硬变引致的死亡人数是1。

2、Cirrhosis and pituitary hypogonadism were common in males with this genotype, and one man had cardiomyopathy. ─── 具有这种基因型的男性,肝硬化和脑垂体促性腺功能低下皆很常见,其中一位患有心肌病。

3、Objective The aim of this study was to describe the interdigestive gastroduodenal motility in patients with decompensated cirrhosis. ─── 摘要目的研究肝硬化失代偿期患者空腹胃肠动力有无异常。

4、It and liver cirrhosis have again different. ─── 它和肝硬化又有不同。

5、A blast from our queerest past is about to return to our fair capital for some cirrhosis inducing mayhem next week. ─── org大明王朝归来下周我们的首都将迎来一场久违的同志大风浪。

6、the total effective rate was 91. 7%. [Conclusion] It had definite curative effect to treat cirrhosis ascites with Yiqi Ruanjian Decoction. ─── 总有效率91·7%。[结论]益气软坚汤治疗肝硬化腹水临床疗效确切。

7、Dr Tsutomu Nishida and colleagues evaluated whether oral glucose tolerance test was useful in evaluating the prognosis of liver cirrhosis. ─── Tsutomu Nishida医生和同事评估口服葡萄糖耐量测验是否可用于评估肝硬化的恶化.

8、Prof Pinzani: I could argue with the statement that liver biopsy is the best test for liver cirrhosis. ─── 我可能要对肝活检是肝硬化的最佳检验方法提出质疑。

9、Globally, these hepatotropic viruses are the most important causes of cirrhosis and liver cancer. ─── 全球范围内,乙肝和丙肝病毒感染是肝硬化和肝癌发生的最重要的原因。

10、Serum lipids were measured in the patients with hepatoma, liver cirrhosis and controls. ─── 我们对肝细胞瘤、肝硬化以及对照人员作了血脂测定。

11、Two patients with HBeAg-negative hepatitis and 1 with cirrhosis had experienced drug abuse. ─── 2位在成年后肝硬化的组织学特征消失。

12、The number of deaths caused by chronic liver disease and cirrhosis for both sexes aged 1 to 4 years is 0. ─── 1至4岁男性及女性因慢性肝病和肝硬变引致的死亡人数是0。

13、Infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) can cause chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and even hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). ─── 摘要丙型肝炎病毒的感染会引起慢性肝炎、肝硬化、甚至肝癌。

14、We present a case of iliopsoas abscess with a history of Child's class C liver cirrhosis. ─── 我们提出一腰大肌脓疡,经手术治疗成功出院之案例。

15、Micronodular cirrhosis is seen along with moderate fatty change. Note the regenerative nodule surrounded by fibrous connective tissue extending between portal regions. ─── 伴中度脂肪变性的小结节型肝硬化。注意再生的肝细胞小结节被汇管区之间的纤维结缔组织包围。

16、Regionally, these infections usually accounted for more than 50% of hepatocellular carcinoma and cirrhosis cases. ─── 地区性的,这些感染通常占据50%以上的肝细胞癌和肝硬化病例。

17、Cirrhosis deaths, in both males and females increased during the same years. ─── 在这些年里,不论男女,因肝硬化而死亡的人数也同时增加。

18、Thus,the LVI was significantly lower([9.1+0.6]cm/s vs [19.1+1.9]cm/s,P

19、Following the liver cirrhosis of different degree progress,the abnormal rate of TBA,TSB,ALB,Ca 2+ tended to ascend(?P?

20、Here is another example of micronodular cirrhosis. ─── 另例小结节型肝硬化。

21、The number of deaths caused by chronic liver disease and cirrhosis for males with unknown age is 1. ─── 年不详的男性因慢性肝病和肝硬变引致的死亡人数是1。

22、Gynecomastia may occur with cirrhosis of liver, Leydig cell tumors of testis, or with drugs. ─── 您也可以在线咨询、在线挂号预约,诊疗更便捷、无需排队等候。

23、Micronodular cirrhosis is seen along with moderate fatty change. ─── 伴中度脂肪变性的小结节型肝硬化。

24、There was no significant difference in different Child-Pugh class of cirrhosis. ─── 不同肝功能分级的肝硬化患者间血清瘦素水平差异不显著。

25、Patients cycled between the following health states: viral suppression, ongoing viremia, seroconversion, hepatocellular carcinoma, cirrhosis and death. ─── 乙肝患者经历以下的疾病状态:病毒抑制、病毒血症期、血清转化、肝细胞癌、肝硬化和死亡。

26、Micronodular cirrhosis from chronic alcoholism is more common in the U.S. than macronodular cirrhosis following hepatitis B or C infection. ─── 在美国,慢性酒精中毒引起的小结节型肝硬化比乙型或丙型肝炎引起的小结节型肝硬化更常见。

27、LR for HCC in cirrhosis should be performed with caution;there were no long-term survivors in our data. ─── 对肝硬化的肝癌患者应该慎重采用LR手术,目前我们还没有这些患者长期存活的数据。

28、If it is initial cirrhosis, like initial F4 then it is a logical diagnosis. ─── 如果是初期肝硬化,例如初期F4,那么它确实是合理的诊断方法。

29、Chronic infections with Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C virus are well-recognized risk factors for cirrhosis and liver cancer. ─── 慢性乙肝和丙肝病毒感染已经被认知是造成肝硬化和肝癌的重要危险系数。

30、Cirrhosis of the liver is life threatening. ─── 肝硬化是威胁到生命安全的。

31、Hepatology Digest: This next question in on primary biliary cirrhosis. ─── 国际肝病:下一个问题是关于原发性胆汁性肝硬化的。

32、You say you have a case of cirrhosis? ─── 你说你有一个肝硬化的病人,是吗?

33、To osteomyelitis, diabetes, liver cirrhosis, cancer have the good curative effect. ─── 对骨髓炎、糖尿病、肝硬化、癌症均有较好疗效。

34、Following the liver cirrhosis degree progress,the abnormal rate of AST/ALT ratio tended to ascend(?P?

35、Liver cirrhosis was induced by oral administration of thioacetamide (TAA) solution(35mg/dl) for experimental group. ─── 以硫代乙酰胺(thioacetamide,TAA)诱导大鼠肝纤维化/肝硬化模型作为实验组。

36、It can cause liver cell damage, leading to cirrhosis and cancer. ─── 它可能会破坏肝细胞,导致肝硬化和肝癌。

37、AIM: To improve the diagnosis of early primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). ─── 摘要目的:提高早期原发性胆汁性肝硬化的诊断水平。

38、What distinction do chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis have? ─── 慢性肝炎与肝硬化有什么区别?

39、However, OKT4+ cells tended to increase when eAg-positive CAH converted into eAb-positive or/and progressed to cirrhosis. ─── 在HBeAb阳性的CAH和肝硬化患者中,OKT_8~+阳性细胞虽未减少,但OKT_4~+细胞相对增多。

40、Prof.Trauner: I think the standard treatment is ursodeoxycholic acid especially for primary biliary cirrhosis. ─── 我认为标准治疗药物是熊去氧胆酸,特别是对于原发性胆汁性肝硬化。

41、HBV has 7 genotypes A to G and it has been postulated that some may have a higher incidence of cirrhosis or and Liver cancer. ─── 乙肝病毒基因型和其变异型是不同的.变异型是在某一个核苷酸的新变故,而基因型则是一组不同的核苷酸.

42、The typical patient has obvious signs of advanced nutritional cirrhosis. ─── 典型的病人有明显的晚期营养性肝硬变的体症。

43、We present a66- year-old patient who has been a victim of HBV related liver cirrhosis and polycystic kidney disease for years. ─── 在此,我们报告一例66岁B型肝炎并肝硬化,多发性肾囊肿的妇人,因上腹胀痛经超音波图象检查发现一个左肝多囊性肝肿瘤。

44、Key word : Hepatitis. Cirrhosis(of the liver).chronic hepatitis. Acute hepatitis. ─── 关键词:肝炎、肝硬化、慢性肝炎、猛暴性肝炎。

45、Generally, chylothorax secondary to liver cirrhosis is hard to manage and the prognosis is poor. ─── 一般而言,肝硬化并发乳糜胸通常是难以处理且预后不佳。

46、Micronodular cirrhosis may also be seen with Wilson's disease, primary biliary cirrhosis, and hemochromatosis. ─── 小结节型肝硬化也可见于Wilson病、原发性胆汁硬化和血色素沉着症。

47、Here is another example of macronodular cirrhosis. ─── 另例大结节型肝硬化。

48、Objective To understand the variation of serum lipid and apoprotein in posthepatitic cirrhosis and biliary cirrhosis. ─── 摘要目的探讨病毒性肝炎肝硬化与胆汁性肝硬化之间的血脂、载脂蛋白变化及其临床意义。

49、Abstract: Objective To study correlative valuation of the degree of hepatic cirrhosis and indocyanine green. ─── 摘要 目的 研究肝硬化程度与吲哚氰绿排泄试验的相关性。

50、A team at London's Hammersmith Hospital is attempting to reverse cirrhosis of the liver by harnessing and enhancing the body's own repair mechanism. ─── 伦敦哈默史密斯医院的一个小组尝试以控制并提高身体自己的修补机制,来反转肝的硬化。

51、Paecilomyces lilacinus was the causal agent of a case of subcutaneous infection in a patient with liver cirrhosis. ─── 淡紫拟青霉是因果代理的案件皮下感染肝硬化患者。

52、MICE with a "human" liver could be used to study malaria, hepatitis and cirrhosis. ─── 人”肝脏的老鼠可用来研究疟疾、肝炎和肝硬化疾病的治疗。

53、Seventeen (77.3%) patients were associated with liver cirrhosis, nineteen(86.4%)patients had positive AFP by counter- immunoelectrophoretic method. ─── 17例(77.3%)合并有肝硬变,19例(86.4%)的甲胎蛋白对流法为阳性。

54、There are also some patients with liver cirrhosis showed a number of complications, such as melena, hematemesis. ─── 也有部分患者表现为肝硬化的一些并发症,如黑便、呕血。

55、Conclusion Autologous stem cells transplantation might be a safe and effective method for decompensate liver cirrhosis. ─── 结论自体干细胞移植治疗晚期肝硬化是一种安全、有效的治疗方法。

56、The degree of liver inflammation can range from mild to deadly, and cirrhosis of the liver can result. ─── 的程度从轻微到致命,而且最终可能会导致肝硬化。

57、This greater sensitivity to alcohol leaves women more prone to alcohol-related illnesses like cirrhosis of the liver and alcohol-induced brain damage. ─── 对酒精更为敏感,使得女性更容易罹患像肝硬化等与酒精有关的疾病以及因酒精造成的脑部损害。

58、Objective To investigate the upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage patients with cirrhosis of health education needs. ─── 摘要目的探讨肝硬化上消化道出血患者健康教育需求。

59、In any event, its seriousness must not be discounted because of the possibilities of complications in later life, such as cirrhosis of the liver. ─── 在任何情况下,都不能忽视这种肝炎的严重性,因为以后有可能发生肝硬化这样的并发症。

60、Excessive drinking can cause cirrhosis of the liver, and is linked to an increase in certain cancers, including that of the bowel. ─── 过量的喝酒会引起肝硬化,也增加患上某些癌症的危险,例如肠癌。

61、The number of deaths caused by chronic liver disease and cirrhosis for males aged 45 to 64 years is 93. ─── 45至64岁男性因慢性肝病和肝硬变引致的死亡人数是93。

62、We present a 66-year-old patient who has been a victim of HBV related liver cirrhosis and polycystic kidney disease for years. ─── 在此,我们报告一例66岁B型肝炎并肝硬化,多发性肾囊肿的妇人,因上腹胀痛经超音波影像检查发现一个左肝多囊性肝肿瘤。

63、Chronic hepatitis C irus (HC) has emerged as a leading cause of cirrhosis in the USA and throughout the world. ─── 在美国和世界范围内,慢性丙型肝炎病毒作为一个主导的肝硬化的原因出现。

64、Abstract: Objective To study the efficacy of prostaglandin E1(PEG1)for antifibrosis on active hepatic cirrhosis. ─── 摘 要: 目的观察前列腺素E1对活动性肝炎肝硬化的抗纤维化疗效。

65、This may eventually lead to a macronodular cirrhosis. ─── 它最终可导致大结节性肝硬化。

66、The amount of SCF and the amount and activity of MMP-9 have an important effect on HOC during formation and reduction of rat cirrhosis. ─── 干细胞因子(SCF)表达量与MMP-9蛋白及其活性表达对DMN大鼠肝硬化形成与消减过程中HOC数量的动态变化具有重要作用。

67、On 24 Feb 2006, TM was diagnosed to have jaundice. On 27 Feb 2006, he wasadmitted to the hospital for cirrhosis (hardening of liver). ─── 2006年2月24日,TM被诊断得了黄疸。2月27日,因肝硬化送进医院。

68、Serum LPO and red blood celI SOD,of 106 patients with virus hepatitis andposthepatitis cirrhosis were tested. ─── 对106例病毒性肝炎、肝炎后肝硬化患者进行血浆过氧化脂质(LPO)和红细胞超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的检测。

69、Although rare, deaths have occurred due to liver failure or blood infection, mostly in persons with cirrhosis. ─── 尽管发生的概率很低,但由于肝功能丧失和血液感染,死亡也会发生,大多数死亡的患者已有肝硬化。

70、We know very little as yet about the mental effects of severe cirrhosis of the liver. ─── 对于产生肝硬化的精神作用,我们知之甚少。

71、Choice of the Hepatic Vascular Occlusion for Resection of Large Liver Cancer with Cirrhosis. ─── 合并肝硬化的大肝癌切除时肝血供阻断的选择。

72、It has a higher incidence in postnecrotic cirrhosis and hemochromatosis than in Laennec's cirrhosis . ─── 坏死后肝硬变及血色素沉着症引起的肝癌比门脉性肝硬变所引起者为多。

73、Moreover, but may also use in diabetes, liver cirrhosis, cancer and osteomyelitis's treatment. ─── 另外,还可用于糖尿病、肝硬化、癌症及骨髓炎的治疗。

74、Globally, 57% of cirrhosis was attributable to either Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C. ─── 全球,57%的肝硬化是乙肝或丙肝造成。

75、Metcalf JV,Mitchison HC.Natural history of early primary biliary cirrhosis[J].Lancet,1996,348(9039):1399. ─── 张岩,白雪帆.原发性胆汁性肝硬化的研究进展[J].陕西医学杂志,2005,34(7):833.

76、Clinical impression was cryptogenic cirrhosis. ─── 临床诊断为不明原因的肝硬化。

77、In TCM, Cirrhosis belongs to hypochondriac pain, accumulation, distension of abdomen and jaundice. ─── 摘要肝硬化在中医属于胁痛、积聚、臌胀、黄疸等范畴。

78、Severe fibrosis or cirrhosis developed in 23 cases, especially in cases with biliary abnormalities in the periphery of the liver. ─── 23例患者发生肝纤维化或肝硬化,在肝周围胆管异常患者中表现突出。

79、Cirrhosis is usually described as compensated in its early stages and decompensated as liver failure develops. ─── 肝硬化在早期阶段为代偿性,发展到肝衰竭阶段为失代偿。

80、P: Doctor, I have got cirrhosis, haven't I ? ─── 医生,握手肝硬化吗?

81、Regionally, these infections usually accounted for more than50% of hepatocellular carcinoma and cirrhosis cases. ─── 地区性的,这些感染通常占据50%上的肝细胞癌和肝硬化病例。

82、Why " is strong liver soft firm soup " can you treat liver cirrhosis? ─── 为什么“强肝软坚汤”能治疗肝硬化?

83、About patient of ascites of cirrhosis of the liver total caloric is calculated. ─── 关于肝硬变腹水患者总热量的计算。

84、Most commonly seen in men, this disease may rapidly progress to cirrhosis or to a third common cholestatic disease, cholangiocarcinoma. ─── 最常见的男性,这种疾病可能迅速进展肝硬化或三分之一共同胆病,胆管癌。

85、Ten of 12 liver cirrhosis tissues were positive with a positive rate of 83.3%. 5 of 6 NRH were positive with a positive rate of 83.3%. ─── 22例癌旁组织中有14例阳性,阳性率为63.6%;12例肝硬变组织中有10例阳性,阳性率为83.3%;

86、For patients at the late period of cirrhosis, it effectively increases the plasma protein and holds in seroperitoneum. ─── 对于肝硬化后期的人,能有效地提高血浆蛋白,控制腹腔积水。

87、MMP_(1) gene expression maintained at relative high level in reversal of liver cirrhosis. ─── 在肝硬化的自发逆转过程中MMP_(1)基因表达保持在明显高于正常对照的水平。

88、Our data show that OLT is the option of choice in symptomatic PFIC and whenever liver cirrhosis is present. ─── 我们的数据提示无论肝脏纤维化与否,OLT是有症状的PFIC的选择之一。

89、Other cancers and certain noncancerous conditions, including cirrhosis and hepatitis, may also increase AFP levels. ─── 其他的癌症和非癌状态下,包括肝硬化和肝炎,AFP水平也可能升高。

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