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09-02 投稿


glimmer 发音

英:['gl?m?]  美:['ɡl?m?]

英:  美:

glimmer 中文意思翻译



glimmer 短语词组

1、a glimmer of ─── 一丝...

2、glimmer tours ─── 微光之旅

3、a glimmer of ghosts ─── 幽灵的微光

4、glimmer original mix ─── 微光原味混合物

5、glimmer wow ─── 闪 ─── 闪发光哇

6、glitter gleam glimmer ─── 闪光 ─── 闪光

7、glimmer twins ─── 闪光双胞胎

8、glimmer studio ─── 微光工作室

9、a glimmer definition ─── 一闪而过的定义

10、glimmer ripples ─── 微光涟漪

11、foglight glimmer ─── 雾灯闪烁

12、glimmer shimmer ─── 微光闪烁

13、a glimmer in time ─── 时间的微光

14、gleam glow glimmer glisten ─── 微光

15、glimmer star ─── 闪烁的星星

16、a glimmer or ray o ─── 微光或光线

17、glimmer hunger games ─── 微光饥饿小游戏

18、glimmer she-ra ─── 闪着光的她拉

19、glimmer of blooms ─── 花开的微光

glimmer 词性/词形变化,glimmer变形

动词现在分词: glimmering |动词第三人称单数: glimmers |动词过去式: glimmered |动词过去分词: glimmered |

glimmer 相似词语短语

1、glimmery ─── adj.轻微发光的

2、limmer ─── n.沥青石灰石;下贱女人,荡妇;娼妓;无原则的人

3、slimmer ─── n.(通过节食、运功等)减肥者;adj.更苗条的;更狭长的;(衣服)更紧身的;(公司或其他组织)更精简的;更单薄的;(机会、份额等)更小的;更狡猾的

4、plimmer ─── 普利默

5、aglimmer ─── adj.闪烁发微光的

6、glummer ─── 闷闷不乐的;阴沉的(glum的比较级形式)

7、gimmer ─── n.小母羊

8、grimmer ─── adj.更严肃的;更令人沮丧的;更无吸引力的;更低落的;更阴森的;更不舒服的;更质量低劣的;更无情的;更恶劣的;n.(Grimmer)(美)格里默尔(人名)

9、glimmers ─── n.微光;闪光;少许;vi.闪烁;发微光

glimmer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I observed a glimmer in the dark. ─── 我看到黑暗中的微光。

2、To shine with slight,intermittent gleams,as distant lights or stars; flicker; glimmer. ─── 闪烁象遥远的灯光或星星一样发出闪烁的微光;闪烁不定;微光。

3、Every morning, in the first glimmer of dawn, some older people are seen practicing Taijiquan in Zhongshan Park. ─── 每天早晨,曙光初照,中山公园便有些上了年纪的人在那里打太极拳。

4、We could see a glimmer of light on the far shore. ─── 我们可以看到对岸微微闪烁的灯光。

5、Can't realize compelled helpless, time of urgent, the strain of the spirit, the life hang a glimmer of. ─── 无法体会被迫的无奈,时间的紧迫,精神的紧张,命悬一线。

6、No matter what happened, he never lost this glimmer of inner happiness. ─── 不管发生什么事,他从未失去那丝内心的快乐。

7、But hidden in all the gloom was a small, tantalizing glimmer of hope. ─── 但是在阴霾之后,依然有微弱却又令人难受的希望之光。

8、Dusknoir: That will finally put an end to Grovyle's glimmer of hope! ─── 夜魔人:解决掉你们,一切终于可以结束了。

9、Pure Moxie 9 Piece Color Collection: Dual Sided Face Color+ Tinted Mineral Veil+ Blush+ Glimmer...... ─── 纯净9色彩妆盒:面颜粉+遮瑕蜜粉+腮红粉+眼影粉......9件装

10、Glimmer, ye waves, round else unlighted sands. ─── 闪光吧,海浪,在幽暗的沙滩四周。

11、Where others see only doom and gloom, look for the bright glimmer of opportunity. For it is most certainly there. ─── 在别人只看到死亡和灰暗的地方,去寻找机遇的灿烂闪烁,因为它极有可能就在那里。

12、There was a glimmer of cupidity in those small, cunning eyes of his. ─── 他狡猾的小眼睛里露出了一丝贪婪的神情。

13、As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we will spare no effort. ─── 只要还有一线的希望,我们就要付出百倍的努力。

14、Cli: (If there were something I could say... Something that offers a glimmer of hope... ─── (如果有什么我能说的就好了...一些能带来一线希望的话...)

15、I ordered that quiet be maintained in the cave, and the electric lights turned down to a glimmer. ─── 我吩咐洞内的人别言语,并且把电灯光收小,只剩一点半明半灭的微光。

16、You find a glimmer of happiness in this world, there's always someone who wants to destroy it. ─── 当你在这世上找到转瞬即逝的快乐时,总有人想来破坏它。

17、There is still a glimmer of hope. ─── 仍有一线希望。

18、Resumed the Catalan,as he saw the final glimmer of Caderousse's reason vanishing before the last glass of wine. ─── 那迦太兰人看到卡德鲁斯最后的一点理智也消失在这杯酒里了,才又继续说道。

19、She showed no glimmer of interest in him. ─── 她对他丝毫没有兴趣。

20、After months of anguish, Jane and Ron Thurston at last had a glimmer of hope. ─── 在历经数月的痛苦之后,简和罗恩·瑟斯顿终于有了一线希望。

21、Even if it's just the tiniest glimmer of hope. ─── 哪怕只是最最微弱的希望。

22、The doctor's report gave us only a glimmer of hope. ─── 医生的报告仅给我们一丝的希望。

23、Mouse's clicking a square space of move the square space,same pattern can connect a glimmer of countercheck virus. ─── 鼠标点击移动方格、相同图案的方格能连成一线阻挡病毒。

24、With what an enticing glimmer shone the water of the faraway Danube. ─── 遥远的多瑙河的流水闪烁着多么温柔的光辉啊!

25、A glimmer of amusement showed in her eyes. ─── 她的眼中露出一丝笑意。

26、The glimmer of an idea formed in his mind. ─── 一个想法突然闪现在他的脑际。

27、There midnight‘s all a glimmer,and noon a purple glow,And evening full of the linnet's wings. ─── 半夜里微光幽幽,中午时紫光熠熠,黄昏时刻红雀的羽翼四处拍打。

28、J.M. Barrie: You find a glimmer of happiness in this world, there's always someone who wants to destroy it. ─── 当你在这世上找到转瞬即逝的快乐时,总有人想来破坏它。

29、As long as a glimmer of hope, we can not give up! ─── 只要有一线希望,就不能放弃!

30、I caught the glimmer of a smile in his eyes. ─── 我看到他眼里闪现出一丝笑意。

31、The last dying glimmer of hope in his mind now revived and became stronger and stronger. ─── 万分之一的希望又在他心头扩大而成为百分之十,百分之二十,三十!

32、He saw the phosphorescent glimmer of a shark, like a sea ghost, drift sluggishly by. ─── 他看见一只鲨鱼懒洋洋地从旁边游了过去,磷光闪闪的,宛如大海的鬼魂。

33、How glad he was when at last he caught the glimmer of a light! ─── 当他终于看到一丝光亮时,他是多么高兴啊!

34、I looked at her and felt a glimmer of hope. ─── 我注视她,感到了一线希望。

35、Only on the last day of his visit did I see a glimmer of hope. ─── 只是在他来访的最后一天,我看到了一线希望。

36、She could see a glimmer that was the surface of the mirror. ─── 她看到一线光亮,那是镜面上反射出来的光。

37、There midnight rs all a glimmer and noon is a purple glow. ─── 那儿午夜浮光微摇,中午紫光争耀。

38、He can see a glimmer of light through the curtain. ─── 他能透过窗帘看到一丝微光。

39、There's still glimmer in the old Asian tigers yet, don't write us off! ─── 亚洲队伍正逐渐崛起,不要把我们看扁了!

40、The doctor‘s report gave us only a glimmer of hope. ─── 医生的报告只给我们带来了一点点的希望。

41、A blaze of love, and extinction, was better than a lantern glimmer of the same which should last long years. ─── 一响热烈的爱情,虽然顷刻消灭,也强似那微弱的爱情,多年继续。

42、He showed no glimmer of interest in what you had offered. ─── 他对你给他的东西没流露出一丝兴趣。

43、Happy just like ginkgo of sunshine, wind glimmer in small, broken bits laugh once blowing. ─── 开心就像阳光下的银杏,风一吹著便闪烁著细碎的笑声。

44、Eva's wedding album holds only a faint glimmer of the wedding itself. ─── 伊娃的婚礼相册只留住了整场婚礼的一点浮光掠影。

45、Donnie looked up with love in his eyes and just a glimmer of a smile - the first I'd see on his face that year. ─── 唐尼抬头,眼里满是爱,脸上闪过一丝微笑,——在那一年这是我第一次从他脸上看到笑容。

46、Despite an occasional glimmer of hope, this campaign has not produced any results. ─── 尽管偶尔有一线希望,这次宣传活动并没有产生任何结果。

47、To shine with slight,intermittent gleams,as distant lights or stars;flicker;glimmer. ─── 闪烁象遥远的灯光或星星一样发出闪烁的微光;闪烁不定;微光

48、The only glimmer of comfort was the generosity and courage of the survivors. ─── 唯一能令我们感到安慰的,就是幸存者的慷慨和勇气。

49、The sky was pink with the first glimmer of the dawn . ─── 天空因第一丝曙光而呈淡红色。

50、There midnights all a glimmer and noon (is) a purple glow. ─── 中文:那儿午夜浮光微摇,中午紫光争耀。

51、I didn't have a glimmer of what he meant. ─── 我一点也不了解他说的意思。

52、Victims of the internet mob still have a glimmer of hope. ─── 这些网络暴民的受害者们仍还有一丝希望。

53、Studies on Detection Technique of Ultrafast Glimmer Molecule Spectra[J]. ─── 引用该论文 王水才,贺俊芳,彭菊芳,刘晓,蔡霞.

54、The mist thickened, and below in all the valleys, there wasn't the faintest glimmer of light. ─── 夜雾更浓了。 下面的所有山谷看不到一丝亮光。

55、You are thunder and lightning before rainstorm. Although it a glimmer , it arouses my courage to wrestle with wind and tian. ─── 你是暴雨前的雷电,虽然只是一闪,却激起了我同风雨搏斗的勇气。

56、The marked civility of Clare's tone in calling her seemed to have inspired her, for the moment, with a new glimmer of hope. ─── 克莱刚才叫她的口气,显然非常温文有礼,她当时听了,心里不由得一时生出一线新希望来。

57、The campers went to sleep watching the glimmer of their small fire. ─── 野营者看着他们的小火堆的微弱的闪光睡着了。

58、The lane was as quiet as the grave: every door was shut fast, and there was not a glimmer of light to be seen. ─── 这条小巷子却像死的一样,所有的人家都闭紧了大门,连灯光都没有一点。

59、Who knows when the chains will be off , and the boat, like the last glimmer of sunset, vanish into the night? ─── 谁知道什麽时候可以解开链索,这只船会像落日的馀光,消融在黑夜之中呢?

60、There was one glimmer of hope however, although it contracted, capital expenditure remained in positive territory. ─── 但也有一丝丝希望,那就是,虽然制造业活动萎缩,但资本支出依然为正。

61、To flicker or glimmer, as light. ─── 闪烁光等摇曳或忽明忽暗

62、A slight, intermittent gleam of light; a sparkling flash; a glimmer. ─── 微弱的间歇的灯光;闪光;微弱的闪光

63、I think of you, when the moon's glimmer Is reflected in the springs. ─── 我想起你,每当月亮在泉水中抖动彩笔。

64、After 10 years of losses, YSL is starting to see a glimmer of sunlight at the end of the tunnel. ─── 经过10年的亏损,YSL终于看见了隧道尽头的一线曙光。

65、east there is the slightest glimmer of light. ─── 东方有一丝闪烁的微光。

66、A glimmer of smile came to the dry lips. ─── 干枯的嘴唇漾出一丝笑意。

67、Who knows when the chains will be off, and the boat, like the last glimmer of sunset, vanish into the night? ─── 谁知道什么时候可以解开链索,这只船会像落日的余光,消融在黑夜之中呢?

68、There's still a glimmer of hope left for the lost climbers. ─── 迷路的登山者仍存有一线微弱的希望。

69、You find a glimmer of happiness in this world,there's always someone who wants to destroy it. ─── 当你找到一丁点快乐时,总是有人想方设法来破坏。

70、As long as a glimmer of hope, as long as it is possible survivors, we must make efforts a hundredfold. ─── 只要有一线希望,只要有一点生还可能,我们就要作出百倍努力。

71、The glimmer of light from his window showed that he hadn't gone to bed. ─── 窗户透出的一丝微光说明他还没有睡觉。

72、The candle made only a glimmer in the vast room. ─── 蜡烛在这个很大的房间里仅仅发出一线微光。

73、At zero intensity, the last glimmer of the light vanishes into the atoms, and the polariton comes to a dead stop. ─── 到了控制光强度归零之时,光的最后一丝光芒都消逝到原子里,极化声子就完全停止了。

74、We saw the glimmer of a distant light through the trees. ─── 透过树,我们看见了一丝亮光,来自远方。

75、The door, which I had shut behind me when I left, now stood open, and shed a little glimmer of light. ─── 我离开的时候曾经随手把门关上了,但现在那扇门却敞开着,透出了一点微弱的光亮。

76、She showed no glimmer of interest in them. ─── 她对他们没流露出丝毫兴趣。

77、She spoke enthusiastically, but her audience did not show a glimmer of interest. ─── 她热情地说著话,但她的听众没有一丝微弱的兴趣。

78、To shine with slight, intermittent gleams, as distant lights or stars; flicker; glimmer. ─── 闪烁象遥远的灯光或星星一样发出闪烁的微光;闪烁不定;微光

79、In the east we could see the first faint glimmer of dawn. ─── 我们可以看到东方的第一缕曙光。

80、In the east the dawn was unfolding out of the darkness. Its glimmer was yet dim in the plain below. ─── 东方晨曦初现,黑暗渐去。黯淡的微光,在平原依稀可见。

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