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distension 发音

英:[d??sten?n]  美:[d??sten?n]

英:  美:

distension 中文意思翻译



distension 网络释义

n. 膨胀,扩张

distension 短语词组

1、distension gut ─── 腹胀

2、gaseous distension ─── 气体膨胀

3、distension in the abdomen ─── 腹胀

4、esophageal distension ─── 食管扩张

5、distension dog ─── 扩张犬

6、distension of the abdomen ─── 腹胀

7、adominal distension ─── 乳房扩张

8、abdominal distension ─── 腹胀, ─── 腹部膨隆; 中满

9、distension defined ─── 膨胀定义

10、jugular vein distension ─── 颈静脉充盈

11、over-distension ─── [医] 膨胀过度

12、relieve the distension ─── 缓解腹胀

13、distension of grain ─── 谷物膨胀

14、distension of the duodenum results in ─── 十二指肠扩张导致

15、distension due to cold ─── 冷胀

16、distension of abdomen ─── 腹胀

17、pulmonary distension ─── 肺胀

18、intestinal distension ─── 肠扩张

19、distension of the renal collecting system ─── 肾集合系统扩张

distension 词性/词形变化,distension变形


distension 相似词语短语

1、dissensions ─── n.纠纷;意见不合;争吵;倾轧

2、dispersion ─── n.散布;[统计][数]离差;驱散

3、distensions ─── n.膨胀,扩张

4、dissension ─── n.纠纷;意见不合;争吵;倾轧

5、distentions ─── n.膨胀,扩张

6、descension ─── n.降下(等于descent)

7、dimension ─── n.方面;[数]维;尺寸;次元;容积;adj.规格的;vt.标出尺寸

8、distention ─── n.膨胀,扩张

9、distensile ─── adj.会膨胀的;会扩张的

distension 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Revolving Moxibustion for Postoperative Abdominal Distension 58 Cases Reported ─── 回旋灸治疗术后腹胀58例

2、Background: Colorectal distension can influence the activities of autonomic nervous system, and heart rate variability (HRV) can reflect the functional status of autonomic nervous system. ─── 摘要背景:结直肠扩张可影响自主神经系统的活动,而心率变异性(HRV)可反映自主神经系统的功能状态。

3、distension theory ─── 扩张学说

4、Main Manifestations Acid fermented vomitus, epigastric and abdominal distension, belching, anorexia, thick, greasy tongue coating, slippery and full pulse. ─── 呕吐酸腐,脘腹胀满,嗳气厌食,舌苔厚腻,脉多滑实。

5、Small abdominal distension add the root of three-nerved spicebush, akebi; ─── 小腹胀加乌药、木通;

6、Is Zhang Lin's distension of the abdomen and the excess nutrient related, this cannot infer carelessly. ─── 张琳的腹胀是不是和营养过剩有关,这不能草率推断。

7、In untreated patients this symptom is usually due to stasis and fermentation of food or esophageal distension. ─── 在未经治疗的患者这种症状通常是由于血瘀和发酵食品或食管扩张。

8、Coloproctitis hyperalgesia and colon-rectum distension (CRD) can be smoothed by chemical lumbar sympathectomy in central nervous system(P

9、And signs include: abdominal pain, ascites, abdominal distension and abdominal mass and so on. ─── 和体征有:腹痛、腹水、腹胀及腹部包块等。

10、[Results] There were the stomache ache, abdominal distension, decreased appetite and uncomfortable in the hepatic region on the 10th day after infection. ─── [结果 ]受试者吞服 316个东方次睾吸虫囊蚴后 ,第 10 d出现腹痛、腹胀、食欲减退、肝区不适等症状。

11、pregnant thorax distension ─── 子悬, 胎气上逆, 子朝

12、Ovarian cancer 4 period, after cure is being changed after the operation, abdominal distension now have ascites again how to do? ─── 卵巢癌4期,手术后化疗后,现在腹胀又有腹水了怎么办?

13、(Difficulty of vomiting of 3) digestion symptom, disgusting, anorexia, self-conscious deglutition, laryngeal is discrepant content feeling, or abdominal distension bellyacke. ─── (3)消化系统症状 呕吐、恶心、厌食、自觉吞咽困难、喉部有异物感 ,或腹胀腹痛等。

14、feeling of distension in the thorax during pregnancy ─── 子悬

15、For indigestion , food retention and qi stagnation, diarrhea abdominal distension. ─── 促进消化不良、食积气滞、腹泻、腹胀的康复。

16、distension of small intestine ─── 小肠胀

17、Yi Ke companion sends not typical symptom, be like inappetence, abdominal distension, disgusting, vomiting. ─── 亦可伴发不典型症状,如食欲不振、腹胀、恶心、呕吐。

18、Constipation with fullness, distension, and pain in the abdomen due to the accumulation of heat in the stomach and intestines is termed “heat constipation” and belongs to the excessive syndrome. ─── 在外感热病中热结肠胃,便秘而腹满胀痛者,称为“热秘”,属实;

19、Secretin inhibits vagal afferent nerve discharge in response to gastric distension in rats ─── 促胰液素抑制胃扩张引起膈下迷走神经传入放电的电生理研究

20、distension of large intestine ─── 大肠胀

21、Two premature infants with respiratory distress developed abdominal distension, hematochezia and bile-stained vomitus during the course of admission. ─── 摘要两位早产儿因呼吸窘迫症,在本院出生后马上转入新生儿加护病房治疗。

22、visceral distension ─── 五脏胀

23、Go up to having abdominal distension, belch is the patient of main symptom, can take drug of motivation of bowel of a few stomaches appropriately. ─── 对于有上腹胀,嗳气为主要症状的患者,可以适当服用一些胃肠动力药。

24、Acupuncture may cause just a little pain, but it also causes a certain feeling of numbness and distension. ─── 针刺只有轻微疼痛,它产生一定的麻和胀感。

25、The two groups were compared in terms of the shape of stool, defecation difficulty, abdominal distension status and poor stool output. ─── 比较两组患者的粪便形状、排便困难、腹胀和排便不尽感情况的差异。

26、Compound Baoganning can improve such symptoms in patients as abdominal distension, weakness and lassitude. ─── 保肝宁治疗组能显著改善患者纳差、乏力、腹胀等症状。

27、The most common symptoms are abdominal distension and bilious vomiting. ─── 常见的症状有腹胀、胆汁性呕吐。

28、It was then followed by a quiescent period and insidious development of jaundice, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, abdominal pain and progressive abdominal distension due to biliary ascites. ─── 接踵而至的是一段临床静止时期及逐渐的由破裂之胆管所渗出之胆汁形成之黄疸、恶心、呕吐、厌食、腹痛及逐渐腹胀。

29、"Headaches may also be caused by distension of arteries at the Base of the Brain, from fever, hangover, or an attack of high Blood pressure. Headache can be a symptom of meningitis, hemorrhagic stroke, or tumour. " ─── 头痛也可能由于发烧、宿醉或突然高血压病发而导致颅底的动脉膨胀,头痛可能是脑膜炎、出血性的中风或肿瘤的征兆。

30、Chemical lumbar sympathectomies were performed on coloproctitis hyperalgesia model and colon-rectum distension (CRD) was used as harm disturbing. ─── 利用直、结肠慢性刺激性炎性致痛模型,切除模型大鼠的腰交感神经后,运用机械扩张刺激观察大鼠行为变化。

31、Dignosis and treatment of a giant panda whelp with intractable abdominal distension ─── 大熊猫幼仔顽固性腹胀的治疗一例

32、At baseline there was a significant difference in anal resting pressure , percentage of relaxation , and residual pressure of anal canal during rectal distension between the R-group and the NR-group . ─── 在直肠扩张期间,R-组基线水平的肛管静息压,肛管松驰的百分比和残余压力与在非R-组比较有显著差别。

33、We reported a case of gastric emphysema due to pyloric stenosis.Abdominal distension and vomiting with coffee ground substance were the main symptoms. ─── 今报告一名由于幽门狭窄造成胃气肿的病例,主要的症状表现为腹胀及咖啡状的呕吐物。

34、simple abdominal distension ─── 单腹胀

35、distension of lower abdomen ─── 小腹满

36、Keywords glycerine enema;abdomen operation;abdominal distension;anus exhaust; ─── 关键词开塞露;腹部手术;腹胀;肛门排气;

37、Average year constipation , habituation constipation , a little while constipation , just row of difficulty , abdominal distension person; ─── 常年便秘、习惯性便秘、一时性便秘、排便困难、腹胀者;

38、Abdominal distension and exsufflation were its adverse effects. ─── 01),倍欣的主要不良反应是轻度腹胀和排气增加。

39、I have uncomfortable feelings in my abdomen, some distension and regurgitation, rumbling frequently. ─── 我感到肚子不舒服,有些作胀反胃,肚子里咕咕作响。

40、I find my wife's stomach has grown up because there is a child inside. Oh, I thought that it was her abdominal distension or indigestion. ─── 我发现我的孩子是从我老婆的肚子里出来的。哇,原来她不是医生们用风吹大的。

41、The formation of HPVG in this patient may be due to septic and hypovolemic shock, which was superimposed on intestinal distension and this resulted in intestinal hypoperfusion and submucosa damage. ─── 我们认为肝门静脉气体形成的原因可能是败血性及低血容性休克加上肠肿胀,造成肠灌流不足及肠黏膜受损。

42、Explore the curative effect of TCM on abdomen distension and constipation in early thoracic-lumbar fracture. ─── 探索中医药防治胸腰椎骨折早期腹胀便秘的疗效。

43、Consumed oxygen of myocardium is large, oxygen intake much, oxygen uptake potency low. So the demand of myocardium to oxygen increase mainly depends on coronary distension. ─── 心肌耗氧量大,摄氧多,摄氧潜力低。故心肌对氧需求增加主要依赖冠脉扩张。

44、The temp. rose( went up ) to 39.2°C and the abdominal distension became marked. ─── 体温升到摄氏39度2,腹部也明显地膨胀了起来。

45、distension reflex ─── 扩张反射

46、Dredging the meridian can improves the abdominal distension, fullness, obesity &swelling caused by the Qi &blood issues, especially the chloasma hepaticum caused by the menstrual disorder. ─── 打通此经,能改善气血问题而形成的腹部胀满和肥肿,并特别针对由月经失调所引起的肝斑。

47、The clinical manifestations were diverse, including abdominal pain, epigastric discomfort, abdominal distension and dyspepsia etc. ─── 临床表现多样化,常见的除腹痛外,还包括上腹不适、腹胀、消化不良等。

48、the fatigue, anorexia, nausea, vomiting and abdominal distension were principal clinical manifestation (71.8% ), and followed by the jaundice (59.2% ) ; ALT, GGT and BIL were higher after liver function lesion; ─── 主要临床表现为疲乏、纳差、恶心、呕吐、腹胀(71.8%),其次为黄疸(59.2%),肝功能受损以ALT、GGT、BIL增高为主;

49、The condition refers to elongation and distension of the vertebrobasilar artery system. ─── 临床上,此类病人常因缺血,而以急性眩晕、持续性眼振等类似脑中风形式来表现;

50、7.You can check for over distension of the bladder. ─── 可以检查病人的膀胱是否结束膨胀。

51、It's exactly what you said - distension and numbness. ─── 就象你说的那样——胀麻。

52、Gastric distension by sudden inflation of an intragastric balloon produced bradycardic response in awake toads and in anesthetized rats. ─── 摘要无麻醉蟾蜍及麻醉老鼠经口腔,食道挿入小气球导管放置于胃内。经导管注射空气,胀大胃内小气球,引起胃膨胀。

53、Causative Analysis of Abdominal Distension During Coronary Artery Intervention Therapy and Countermeasure ─── 冠状动脉介入治疗患者腹胀原因分析及护理对策

54、Keywords Secretin;Antisecretin serum;Vagal nerve;Gastric distension; ─── 促胰液素;促胰液素抗血清;迷走神经;胃扩张;

55、Is there a sense of distension and numbness? ─── 你有胀和麻木的感觉吗?

56、Keywords FU Shan;Decoction for Strengthening Middle Energizer and Benefiting Qi;edema of pregnancy;postpartum abdominal distension;lochiorrhea;retention of placenta; ─── 关键词傅山;补中益气汤;妊娠水肿;产后腹胀;恶露不绝;胞衣不下;

57、Their clinical pictures were similar and characterized by fever, shin infection, followed then by abdominal distension and ascites. ─── 临床检验所见,都有贫血与白血球增多,前者尚有血小板减少。

58、10 ? cassia twig adds ? peony pieplant soup (the) such as cassia twig, peony, pieplant: Use at nightly and abdominal distension and insomnia person. ─── ?10?桂枝加芍药大黄汤(桂枝、芍药、大黄等):用于夜间腹胀而失眠者。

59、Causative analysis of abdominal distension in 43 patients with coronary artery disease after intervention therapy ─── 43例冠心病介入治疗病人术后腹胀的原因分析

60、Difficulty in breathing, weakness of other muscles, abdominal distension and constipation may also be common symptoms. ─── 呼吸困难,乏力,肌肉疼痛,腹胀,便秘也可常见的症状。

61、Other symptoms included abdominal pain (50%), abdominal distension (30%), palpable mass (20%), peritoneal sign (13%), bloody stool (6%), fever (6%), and constipation (6%). ─── 因为便秘及腹痛是非特异性的症状表现,在临床上常常会造成诊断的延续。

62、acute abdominal distension ─── 厥疝

63、Treatment of a giant panda attacked by acute drastic abdominal distension ─── 大熊猫急性剧烈腹胀的救治一例

64、Postoperative analgesia effect and complications (abdominal distension, nausea and vomi... ─── 创伤骨科术后病人应用病人自控硬膜外镇痛效果明显。

65、For the patients of gastroenteropathy, diarrhea, it can relieve the abdominal distension, make the fatigue better, defecate normal. ─── 对肠胃功能失调、腹泻等,可缓解腹胀,促使疲乏好转,大便恢复正常;

66、sthenia distension ─── 实胀

67、PLMA can be inserted into gastric tube to drainage gastric juice and prevent gastric distension as well as gastric reflux and aspiration. ─── PLMA在通气时不仅同时可插入胃管,引流胃液,防止胃胀气和胃内容物返流及误吸;

68、Abdominal distension has been described as the most common presenting symptom in children with constrictive pericarditis. ─── 摘要小儿患有紧缩性心包膜炎通常以腹胀为最常见之症状。

69、Can have disgusting, vomiting, abdominal distension, anorexia. ─── 可有恶心、呕吐、腹胀,食欲减退。

70、Effect of Intervention method to abdominal distension of thoracolumbar fractures patient ─── 护理干预对胸腰椎骨折腹胀的影响

71、In chronic intestinal obstruction there may be recurrent colicky pain accompanied by visible peristalsis, a slight degree of distension and obstinate constipation. ─── 在慢性肠梗阻时,可以有反复的绞痛,伴有明显的肠蠕动波、轻度的腹胀和顽固性的便秘。

72、Please do not take milk, sweet drinks or high fat liquid to avoid abdominal distension or diarrhea. ─── 但请不要马上进牛奶、甜的及含油量高的流质,以免胀气与腹泻。

73、Biopsy of the small intestine shows dilation of the lacteals of the villi and distension of the lymphatic vessels. ─── 小肠活检可见小肠绒毛糜乳的扩张和淋巴管扩张。

74、Do you have the sensation of distension and numbness at needling? ─── 扎针时您有麻木和发胀的感觉吗?

75、Feeding too rapidly will cause abdominal distension and regurgitation ─── 喂得太快会引起腹胀和反流。

76、The main symptoms at the presentation were abdominal pain(100%),abdominal distension(100%),acute abdomen(100%),vomiting(68.2%,15/22),an fever(36.4%,8/22). ─── 主要症状和体征为腹痛、腹胀、腹部膨隆、腹膜刺激征,呕吐68.2%(15/22),发热36.4%(8/22)。

77、Removing phlegm and regulating Qi is the basic treatment of lung distension,and causative treatment of ... ─── 因此,肺胀的治疗以祛痰治气为本,而调理肺脾肾为治本之法。

78、The baby cannot consume enough milk to relieve the distension. ─── 婴儿不能喝下足够的牛奶以减轻胀气。

79、Observation on Curative Effect of Neostigmine Acupuncture Point Injection for Abdominal Distension after Thoracic-lumbar Verterbral Fracture ─── 新斯的明穴位注射治疗胸腰椎骨折术后腹胀的疗效观察

80、Unreasonable diet, fat due to lack of exercise. abdominal distension, bad taste, inappetency, mouth ulcer, indigestion. ─── 不合理膳食、缺少运动所致的肥胖;腹部饱胀、味觉不灵、食欲不振、口舌溃疡、消化不良;

81、Acupuncture may cause just a little pain, or some feeling of numbness and distension. ─── 针刺只有轻微的疼痛,或产生一些麻和胀的感觉。

82、Therapeutic and nursing effect of rhubarb fluid enema on abdominal distension and contipation caused by fracture of throacic and lumber vertebra ─── 大黄液灌肠治疗胸腰椎骨折并发腹胀、便秘的观察与护理

83、In TCM, Cirrhosis belongs to hypochondriac pain, accumulation, distension of abdomen and jaundice. ─── 摘要肝硬化在中医属于胁痛、积聚、臌胀、黄疸等范畴。

84、infantile abdominal distension ─── 小儿腹胀

85、A one-year-old boy presented with progressive distension of the abdomen occurring over a few months. ─── 我们报告一个一岁大的男孩,腹部逐渐胀大已经有数个月之久。

86、Effects of different general anesthesia induction methods on gastric distension and blood gas in patients under laparoscopic cholecystectomy ─── 不同全麻诱导方法对腹腔镜胆囊切除患者胃胀程度和血气的影响

87、Breast distension ─── 乳胀

88、The calender frames are provided with stiffening ribs and distension treatment granting the maximum rigidity together with the absence of distortions and vibrations. ─── 压延机框架带有加强肋,并经过膨胀处理,从而赋予最佳的刚性,防止发生扭曲和振动。

89、Assessment to a visceral pain model induced by colorectal distension and the behavioral responses in rats ─── 大鼠结直肠扩张内脏痛模型的建立与行为学评价

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