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09-02 投稿


conservatism 发音

英:[k?n?s??rv?t?z?m]  美:[k?n?s??v?t?z?m]

英:  美:

conservatism 中文意思翻译



conservatism 短语词组

1、conservatism convention ─── 会计处理的保守计算惯例

2、conservatism assumption ─── 保守主义假设

3、conservatism principle ─── [法]稳健原则

4、neo-conservatism ─── 新保守主义

conservatism 相似词语短语

1、conservatise ─── 保守的

2、conservation ─── n.保存,保持;保护

3、conservatising ─── 保守

4、Conservatism ─── n.保守主义;守旧性

5、conservative ─── adj.保守的;n.保守派,守旧者

6、neoconservatism ─── 新保守主义

7、conservatised ─── 保守派

8、conservatize ─── v.(使)变保守(多指在政治方面)

9、conservatises ─── 保守的

conservatism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、American conservatism, before he began to shake it up, was dour, backward-looking, anti-intellectual and isolationist, especially when viewed from the east coast. ─── 克里斯托使美国保守主义脱胎换骨前,它一直留与世人(尤其东部人)刻板与保守的印象,它敌视知识分子,顽守孤立主义。

2、When he describes a people who devote themselves with passion to Western learning, he does not also enlarge on their fervid conservatism. ─── 他们倾慕西方文化,同时又保持着良好的传统。

3、Yet the striking feature of the latest protest movement is that this time the rebellious forces are on the side of conservatism. ─── 但是最近一次抗议运动的显著特征是把焦点集中到了保守派身上。

4、A second explanation is that all conservatism is a natural reaction to uncertainly. ─── 关于稳健性惯例的第二种解释是对不肯定性的自然反映。

5、Chosen for her social conservatism and anti-abortion stance among other things, she revealed this week that her unmarried 17-year-old daughter was pregnant, a fact Senator McCain says he knew. ─── 佩林之所以被选中,有各种原因,其中包括她在社会问题上的保守主义色彩和反堕胎立场。佩林日前透露,她17岁的未婚女儿有孕在身。麦凯恩说他了解这件事。

6、A wave of conservatism. ─── 保守主义风潮

7、Secondly based on the Bayesian model of the static information, the thesis constructs a theory model of the representativeness and conservatism, and then puts forward three hypotheses. ─── 其次,本文以静态信息的贝叶斯学习模型为基础,构建了投资者代表性和保守性偏差的理论模型。

8、the difference between conservatism and liberalism? ─── 保守主义和自由主义的区别在哪里?

9、the tepid conservatism of the fifties(Irving Howe) ─── 五十年代那种温和的保守主义(欧文 豪)

10、An inspirational leader, he seemed to typify Britain's courage and perseverance in adversity and its conservatism in success. ─── 一个鼓舞人的领袖,他似乎表现出英国在逆境中勇敢、坚忍与保守主义成功的特色。

11、Whether originating in the desire for an easy life or in overestimation of the enemy's strength, conservatism can only bring losses in the War of Resistance and is harmful to guerrilla warfare and to the base areas themselves. ─── 保守主义不论是由于贪图安逸而发生的,或由于对敌人力量的过高估计而发生的,均将给予抗日战争以损失,对于游击战争及其根据地的本身也是不利的。

12、Of or relating to the political philosophy of conservatism. ─── 保守的保守主义政治主张的或与保守主义政治主张有关的

13、He was a standard-bearer of small-government, strong-defence conservatism for decades, and in 1976 he mounted a primary challenge against a sitting Republican president (Gerald Ford, whom he deemed too wishy-washy), and nearly beat him. ─── 他做州长10多年,十分保守,在1976年与共和党代总统(杰拉德·福特,里根认为此人很善变)争候选人题名,而且差点就打败了他。

14、A supporter of political conservatism. ─── 保守党人政治上保守主义的支持者

15、Conservatism is fundamentally speaking,an integai part of the great tradition of liberalism. ─── 保守主义在根本上是人类自由主义大传统的一部分。

16、He is generally viewed as the philosophical founder of modern conservatism. ─── 他通常被视为现代保守主义的哲学奠基人。

17、In an ambitious, 20-minute address, Mr.Obama sought to obliterate the divisions of conservatism and liberalism and remake American politics. ─── 在20分钟热情洋溢的演讲中,奥巴马希望消除保守主义和自由主义的分歧,重塑美国的政治。

18、Christian conservatism should not be allowed to further damage Taiwan's sexual minorities. ─── 保守基督教人士不应该再伤害台湾的性少数。

19、The truth was that American conservatism owed much to Mr. Helms. ─── 事实是美国的保守派欠Helms太多的东西。

20、He toured the country as a television host, becoming a spokesman for conservatism. ─── 作为一位电视主持人,里根常在国内巡回演出,逐渐成为保守党的代言人。

21、Conservatism in accounting, also called prudence, means to report items in financial statements at amounts that lead to the gloomiest immediate financial results. ─── 会计稳健性亦称谨慎性,是指财务报表中报告项目时要按照导致最坏财务结果的金额进行报告。

22、Catholic conservatism also serves as the basis for cooperation with other mainline denominations, especially the New Christian Right ones. ─── 其保守立场成为天主教会同其他教派,尤其是新基督教右翼派别的合作基础。

23、The author doesn't equate liberalism and conservatism. ─── 该作者没有将自由主义等同于保守主义。

24、Its demerits are related to the author's feudal conservatism and outlook limitations. ─── 但它也有一些倒退,这与作者的封建卫道思想和生活见闻的局限有关。

25、Cytokinesis, as a complicated biological process, appears the nature of biological conservatism and cell-specific diversity. ─── 因此,胞质分裂可能是相对保守性与多样性的统一。

26、His opinions smacked of conservatism. ─── 他的意见带有保守主义的味道。

27、They rightly point out that American conservatism has always been a broad church and the battle is not all one way. ─── 他们正确的指出了美国保守主义一直都是一个大教堂,战斗并不是单向的。

28、the tepid conservatism of the fifties(bIrving Howe) ─── 五十年代那种温和的保守主义(b欧文 豪)

29、Exceptionalism, conservatism, divided government, partisanship and bureaucratic interests are the main domestic factors influencing the attitude of the US Congress towards the UN. ─── 例外主义、保守主义、分裂政府、党派竞争和部门利益是影响美国国会对联合国态度的主要国内因素。

30、In accounting, "conservatism"means resolving uncertainty in a manner that minimizes the risk of overstating the company's current financial position. ─── 在会计中,稳健性原则意味着以一种尽量减少夸大公司财务现状之风险的态度处理不确定因素。

31、He entered the Vienna Conservatory at 15, but, as a rabid Wagnerian, he lost patience with his teachers' conservatism and soon left. ─── 十五岁时进入维也纳音乐学院,性情暴躁、喜怒无常,一次因直率批评老师被开除。

32、Daniel Bell is a contemporary representative personage of critical sociology and cultural conservatism in America. ─── 丹尼尔·贝尔是当代美国批判社会学和文化保守主义思潮的代表人物。

33、Opposition to progress or liberalism;extreme conservatism. ─── 保守对社会进步或自由主义的反对;极端保守主义

34、Conservatism, Kristol-style, acquired a “neo”. ─── 克氏风格的保守主义被冠以“新”这个前缀。

35、Edmund Burke is the conservatism founder. ─── 埃德蒙·伯克是保守主义的创始人。

36、Even clothes that on the surface look over-the-top proved to have an element of conservatism (in the ecological sense). ─── 就连表面看起来挺过火的衣服,都有一种保守的元素(这是从生态学的意义上说的)。

37、The former reflects the conservatism of the Chinese while the later shows their open-mindedness and tolerance of foreign elements. ─── 前者反映出汉民族格守传统的保守性和汉语强大的传统惯性,后者则映射出面对发展汉文化的宽容博大与汉语的开放性。

38、Introversion, conservatism, tolerance, and forbearance are the basic traditional national nature of Chinese people. ─── 中华民族传统的民族性格是内向、封闭、保守、宽容和忍让。

39、The theory of big-government conservatism has few defenders. ─── 几乎没有人为大政府保守主义理论辩护。

40、In the first half of 19th century, the thoughts of liberalism, nationalism and conservatism influenced the social development of Germany. ─── 19世纪上半期,自由主义、民族主义、保守主义等三大思潮影响着德国社会的发展。

41、Talking about the Conservatism and Radicalismin the Modern Chinese History. ─── 也谈中国近代思想史上的保守与激进。

42、He won his way through the company's stubborn conservatism and reorganized the sales department. ─── 他奋力排除了公司内顽固的保守主义,重新组织了销售部。

43、As such, conservatism cut across the religious divide. ─── 保守主义划分了宗教分界。

44、Disraeli conformed to the historical trend of the times, overcoming magnitude of pressure to reform Conservatism. ─── 主张维护传统价值观的保守主义面临严重危机,作为保守党的领袖,迪斯累利顺应时代的潮流,克服重重阻力担当起了改造保守主义的重任。

45、Cultural conservatism supports Confucius and approves his humanism and ethical value. ─── 不用说,文化保守主义拥护孔子,肯定孔子的人文主义和道德价值。

46、Wherein lies the difference between conservatism and liberalism? ─── 保守主义和自由主义的区别在哪里?

47、For purposes of publishing scientific papers and establishing scientific reputations, this degree of conservatism is entirely appropriate. ─── 出于发表科学论文和建立学术声誉的目的,这样的保守主义程度是完全适宜的。

48、Therefore, it has been possible to avoid impetuosity and rashness on the one hand and conservatism and drift on the other, and thus correctly apply the Central Committee's policy of "active leadership and steady advance". ─── 因此,既可以防止急躁冒进,又可以防止保守自流,从而正确地实现了中央的‘积极领导,稳步前进’的方针。”

49、The races in question were soon to open at Washington Park, on the South Side, and were considered quite society affairs among those who did not affect religious rectitude and conservatism. ─── 他们现在谈的赛马即将在南区华盛顿公园举行。 在那些对严格的教规和保守的老派思想不以为然的人们中间。 这些赛马会是很重要的社交场合。

50、In a sense, the outbreak of the World War I infused new energy into the Progressive Movement and reprieved the reaction of the conservatism in America. ─── 1914年8月一战的爆发,在一定程度上,为进步运动的进一步发展注入了新的动力,暂缓了美国政治中保守主义的回潮。

51、Why do I advocate such conservatism in adopting a clearly "better" implementation? ─── 为什么我在一个显然“更好的”实现的使用上主张保守呢?

52、Conservatism has other rewards, too: being a big, safe-sounding bank in small countries has allowed it to pay uncompetitive interest rates and still keep pulling in deposits. ─── 保守主义者也有其他的回报:作为一家稳健的在小国经营的大银行,它能够支付没有竞争力的利率而保持吸收存款。

53、What is the tradition of "Conservatism" in current China? ─── 以何种思维方式为教育改革中的“保守主义”声辩。

54、He won his way through the company's stubborn conservatism and reorganized the sales department. ─── 他奋力排除了公司内顽固的保守主义,重新组织了销售部。

55、In thecourse of its theoretical construction, neoconservatism has drawn on the philosophicalessences of classical liberalism and traditional conservatism. ─── 在其理论形态的建构过程中,新保守主义吸收了古典自由主义和传统保守主义的思想内核。

56、In a particular indignity for a bank long associated with conservatism, concerns about the level of UBS’s capital ratio had even started to surface. ─── 一个长期以保守见称的银行如今却受到这种侮辱,对于UBS的资金率的担心也就逐渐出现了。

57、Businessmen and budding entrepreneurs have always moaned about the excessive regulations and conservatism of African banks. ─── 商人与处于成长初期的企业家们总是为非洲银行过多的规章制度与守旧而烦恼不安。

58、More than any other sport, the NBA allows for both individual flash-and-dazzle theatrics and solid fundamentals-progressivism and conservatism, all in a single possession. ─── 与其他任何一项运动相比,NBA球员在掌握球权时,既可以奉献眩目花哨的个人表演,也可以用循序渐进、循守旧的基础完成一次战术组织。

59、Thoughts on how to prefect conservatism principles ─── 关于完善稳健性原则的若干思路

60、Socialism is one important line of political thinking in Europe, as well as liberalism and conservatism. ─── 与自由主义和保守主义一样,社会主义也属于欧洲政治思想体系中的重要一支。

61、One century has passed, and conservatism is once again dominating the performance of the Rehnquist Court today. ─── 一个世纪过去了,联邦最高法院又一次为保守理念所笼罩。

62、In a bid to redefine Conservatism, each looks back to traditional models that mix paternalism with a preference for a smaller state. ─── 为了重新定义保守主义,每一种主张都参考了传统的模式,既具有家长式制度的特点,又倾向于建立“小政府”。

63、Roger Urwin of Watson Wyatt, a firm of consultants, describes an overconcentration on cash as “reckless conservatism”. ─── 咨询公司华信惠悦(WatsonWyatt)的RogerUrwin把这种现金的过度集中形容为”不计后果的保守主义”。

64、From the Republicans' viewpoint a spell in opposition could be useful: it would give them a chance to cleanse their Augean stables, temper their fealty to the religious right and get rid of the nonsense of biggovernment conservatism. ─── 从共和党的观点来看,来自反对者的咒骂可以转化为有利面,给他们一个清理积弊的机会,检验他们对宗教权利的忠诚度,摆脱大政府保守主义的影响。

65、Yet this fondness for its intrinsic elegance seems to have bred a form of conservatism. ─── 但是这种对固有的雅致的偏好,好像促使了保守主义的滋生。

66、THE fundamental features of Chinese life are her tremendous population and the unbroken length of her history, with the economic backwardness, the detailed and deeply rooted social forms and the ingrown conservatism resulting from them. ─── 中国社会的基本特点是人口众多,历史悠久经济落后,社会结构细致入微而根深蒂固,因而具有内在的保守性。

67、Thirty years ago, when I was a schoolboy, the ancient conservatism of man was still the normal inheritance of every child. ─── 三十年前,当我还是个小学生的时候,每个孩子继承的思想还是人类从古代就保留下来的保守主义。

68、Accountants should follow the conservatism principle so as to determine the possible loss and expense reasonably. ─── 会计师应遵循稳健性原则,以便合理地确定可能发生的损失和费用。

69、It says something about the mood of religious conservatism on the Egyptian street that Mr Qaradawi's ruling was seen as “playing to the gallery”. ─── 埃及街头出现了宗教保守主义情绪,因而卡拉达维的裁决被认为是“哗众取宠”。

70、A macroscopic investigation on American history by conservatism is recognized in the long river of history are helpful to be understood each other. ─── 从保守主义这一视角对美国历史进行宏观考察,同时在历史的长镜头中辨认出保守主义,有助于对两者的深入理解。

71、This social conservatism is matched by right-wing views on taxing and spending: two-thirds want inheritance tax abolished and more want defence protected from spending cuts than any other area. ─── 在税收和支出方面,社会保守主义与右翼观点相匹配:三分之二的人想要遗产税废除,并且更多的人想要防卫免于像其他领域一样遭受开支削减。

72、The strain of Conservatism that Mr Cameron embodies has thus become unfamiliar. ─── 因此,卡梅隆所代表的是一种新保守主义。

73、There is usually a trend to conservatism in prosperous eras. ─── 在繁荣时期常趋于保守。

74、As a general principle of accountant check, conservatism principle provides a favorable tool for enterprises which can deal with uncertain factors and reduce risks. ─── 作为会计核算的一般原则,稳健性原则为企业应对不确定因素,降低风险提供了有利工具,但在烟草企业中则表现出一定的局限性。

75、The value of the former is usually underestimated, however, as a matter of fact transcendence can not exist without conservatism. ─── 保守的价值往往被低估了,超越的意义离不开保守而存在。

76、Conservatism adhered to the principle of tradition, order and stability and opposed the liberalism and nationalism. ─── 保守主义则以传统、秩序和稳定为原则,展开了与自由主义、民族主义等要求改变现状者的对抗。

77、Yet regardless of who runs the country there remains an inbuilt tension in Saudi society, between the forces of modernisation and those of conservatism. ─── 但是无论是谁执政,在沙特阿拉伯内部始终有两个派别的紧张情绪,这就是现代派和保守派。

78、But investors argue that mining companies' conservatism is merely helping fuel higher commodity prices. ─── 但投资者称,矿业公司的保守,只会帮助推高大宗商品价格。

79、At present,both the New Conservatism of Bush administration and the cultural hegemonism in American ideology have jointly made American Studies confronted with unprecedented dilemmas and ... ─── 与此同时,布什政府的新保守主义和美国文化霸权也使美国研究面临前所未有的困境和挑战。

80、Another, says Peter Kellner, head of YouGov, is that, like conservatism, Euroscepticism may come with age. ─── 令人惊讶的是,自由民主党的支持者对欧洲还没有工党的支持者热心,尽管自由民主党官方是对欧洲最友好的。

81、STEPHEN H.PENMAN XIAO-JUN ZHANGAccounting Conservatism,the Quality of Earnings,and Stock Returns". ─── 储一昀,王安武.上市公司盈余质量分析[J].会计研究,2000,(9).

82、Zhao SF,Zhao M,Jin Y,et al.Expression of c-myc mRNA and c-myc protein in the tooth development[J].Yati Yasui Yazhoubingxue Zazhi (Chin J Conservat Dentist),1999,9(1):61-62. ─── [19]赵书芳,赵皿,金岩,等.牙齿发育中c-myc mRNA转录及蛋白表达的意义[J].牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志,1999,9(1):61-62.

83、He was a vociferous opponent of Conservatism. ─── 他是保守主义的强烈反对者。

84、Eighties culture of radicalism, wholesale Westernization had already been in the nineties of cultural conservatism, the value of the East. ─── 八十年代的文化激进主义、全盘西化,早已让位于九十年代的文化保守主义、东方价值。

85、Dear Clients, After experiencing the financial crisis last year, the entire investment market is [leaning towards] conservatism now. Any investment product is undergoing strict supervision to avoi.. ─── 亲爱的客户您好,在历经去年底的金融危机之后,整个投资市场已趋向保守,任何投资商品在各国都开始接受严格的监督,以避免任何高槓杆性的风险再次冲击金融市场。..

86、In the course of its theoretical construction, neoconservatism has drawn on the philosophical essences of classical liberalism and traditional conservatism. ─── 在其理论形态的建构过程中,新保守主义吸收了古典自由主义和传统保守主义的思想内核。

87、A great blow to conservatism was dealt by legislation in 1955 and 1956 that gave full rights of inheritance to widows and daughters, enforced monogamy, and permitted divorce on quite easy terms. ─── 一股极大的保守主义风气在1955年和1956年已经被法律所处理,给予了寡妇和女儿充分的遗产继承权,强迫一夫一妻制,以十分优待的办法来允许离婚。

88、Its first stage was military adventurism, in the second it turned into military conservatism and, finally, in the third stage it became flightism. ─── 其第一阶段是军事冒险主义,第二阶段转到军事保守主义,最后,第三阶段,变成了逃跑主义。

89、He has been much criticized for his aesthetic conservatism. ─── 他因为他的美学保守主义而大受人们的批评。

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