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09-02 投稿



extraversion 发音

英:[,ekstr?'v????n]  美:[,?kstr?'v???n]

英:  美:

extraversion 中文意思翻译



extraversion 网络释义

n. 外向性;外倾性

extraversion 同义词


extraversion 短语词组

1、introversion-extraversion dimension ─── 内向-外向维数

extraversion 反义词

introversion | ambiversion

extraversion 相似词语短语

1、extraversively ─── 外向的

2、extravagation ─── 迷走

3、extroversive ─── adj.外向的;向外翻的;外倾的

4、extraversive ─── adj.外翻的;外倾的

5、introversion ─── n.内省性,内向性

6、lateroversion ─── n.(尤指子宫的)侧倾

7、extroversion ─── n.[心理]外向性;[医]外翻

8、retroversion ─── n.向后弯曲;子宫后屈

9、extravasation ─── n.溢出;溢出物;[地质]熔岩外喷

extraversion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the expressions of emotion to close friends are positively influenced by extraversion; ─── 对好朋友的情绪表现受外向性之影响;

2、Result The IQ of extraversion character was the highest and introversion character was the lowest. ─── 结果外向型个性IQ最高,内向型个性IQ最低;

3、For the controlled poses, the observers accurately judged extraversion and self-esteem. ─── 对于面无表情的照片,研究对象给出的“外向”和“自负”的评分比较准确。

4、except cognitive awareness, slight excitement, feeling of happiness, extraversion, soul identical and human relations, there is a significant positive relation between mental health and academic performance. ─── 除了感知意识、轻度兴奋、幸福感、外向性、心灵一致和人际关系等因素外,心理健康其它因素与学业成绩均存在显著的正相关。

5、The results of the study showed that extraversion, the nature of knowledge, organization model, and relationship all had an effect on the willingness of implicit knowledge. ─── 研究结果发现,外向性、知识特性、体制模式,以及关系会影响分享内隐知识的意愿;

6、When implementing extraversion oil strategy, we must consider the limitation problem of venture advantage namely venture plus and venture losing. ─── 我们在实行外向型石油战略时必须考虑风险利益即风险增益和风险损失的限度问题。

7、CEQ was reliable and valid for measuring the Chinese extraversion characters. ─── 中国外向性量表信度、效度指标可靠。

8、Keywords Well-being;affect;extraversion;neuroticism;situation; ─── 幸福感;情感;外倾;神经质;情景;

9、Study participants were first given a personality test that measured extraversion, neuroticism, how open one is to experiences, and how agreeable and conscientious they are. ─── 该研究有1233个参与者,所有的这段时间都居住在德国,大多数参与者都是女性,平均年龄在28岁,年龄跨度13岁到68岁

10、Keywords China,Oil,Oil Security,Extraversion Oil Strategy,Venture,Countermeasure.; ─── 中国;石油;石油安全;外向型石油战略;风险;对策措施;

11、He found that those who call themselves lucky score higher on the personality factor of extraversion. ─── 他发现那些认为自己幸运的人在外向型性格方面得分更高。

12、social extraversion ─── 社会外倾性格

13、Third, Extraversion and Conscientiousness can predict negative mood alteration, social comfort and negative outcomes significantly. ─── 第三,外向性和责任心对心境改变,社交抚慰、消极后果有显著的负向预测作用;

14、For women with extraversion and neutral type characters, their continuous use rates were 97.1% and 60.0% respectively, while for women with introversion type character, the rate was 9.1%. ─── 外向型与中性型性格续用率分别为97.1%和60.0%,而内向型性格为9.1%。

15、Among the correlates of happiness on an individual level are good health, extraversion, and professional or managerial occupation. ─── 就个人来说,与幸福有关的变数是:健康、外向、专业或管理的职业。

16、This held true regardless of their levels of optimism, extraversion, purpose and self-esteem, and of their age, race, gender, education, body mass or prestudy immunity to the virus. ─── 不管他们的乐观、外向、目标感和自尊水平如何,不管他们的年龄、种族、性别、教育、体重或研究前病毒免疫性如何,都得到这一结果。

17、This paper aims to define the meaning of extraversion of Chinese characters by empirical study, establishing Chinese Cultural Extraversion Questionnaire. ─── 摘要本研究的目的是通过实证研究界定外向性的基本内涵,编制中国外向性量表。

18、If the ISFP uses Extraverted Sensing only to serve the purposes of Introverted Feeling, then the ISFP is not using Extraversion effectively at all. ─── 如果ISFP使用外倾感觉仅是为了支持自己的内倾情感,那根本算不上对外倾感觉有效地运用。

19、At least 3 years restaurant experience in 4/5 stars hotel. Extraversion character, and management & communication skills request. ─── 学历要求:大专以上|工作经验:3-5年|职位类型:全职|公司规模:1000人以上

20、There are positive correlation between the extraversion and the sum of social support rating scale. ─── 外向型与社会支持评定量表各指标呈正相关;

21、A snip located close to the gene that codes for brain-derived neurotrophic factor was associated with extraversion. ─── 另一种脑衍生的向神经因子基因标记,就和心理外向性相关相连。

22、Diverse Consequences of Neuroticism and Extraversion on Down-regulation of Negative Emotions ─── 神经质和外倾的负情绪减弱调节特点

23、The employees that have personality of extraversion are evidently interfered by the job insecurity that is derived from variation on structure of human resource and variation on work character. ─── 根据江东亮(2000)及黄明山(2000)的研究指出,在全民健康保险实施后有77%的医院经营管理者认为医疗院所之间的竞争明显的增加。


25、Among the correlates of happiness on an individual level are good health, extraversion , and professional or managerial occupation. ─── 就个人来说,与幸福有关的变数是:健康、外向、专业或管理的职业。

26、Zhejiang China is a extraversion company of abundant in fund and stregth,style multiplicity of product.Company come into existence in 1998,hold 14000 sq.m ground. ─── 公司成立于1998年,占地面积15亩,建筑面积约10000平方米,注册资金为100万元,目前公司共有员工100多人。

27、Keywords Extraversion angle;Pedicle screw;Device for transverse traction;Internal fixation;Biomechanics;Pullout strength; ─── 外倾角;椎弓根螺钉;横向牵引装置;内固定;生物力学;把持力;

28、The Influence of Extraversion and Neuroticism on Emotions ─── 外倾和神经质对情绪的影响

29、Extraversion - energy, positive emotions, s urgency, and the tendency to seek stimulation and the company of others. ─── 有丰富能量的,正面情绪,外向,并倾向寻求刺激和喜欢他人陪伴的。

30、Results The abnormality of menstrual cycle and duration of menstrual period were both positively related with neuroticism, while negatively related with extraversion. ─── 结果月经周期异常和持续时间异常与外向性得分呈负相关,与神经质呈正相关;

31、There is little known about the correlation of pullout strength of spinal pedicle screw with device for transverse traction to extraversion angle. ─── 脊柱椎弓根螺钉并横向牵引装置的把持力与外倾角是否也有一定关系?

32、Acting Style, Goodness, Extraversion were valid predictors of subjective well-being. ─── 而人格对个体对主观幸福感的有效解释不能在认知水平上体现出来。

33、They evaluated levels of five personality traits -- neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness -- and compared them with published norms for each trait. ─── 我把情况跟老师介绍后,老师欣然应允了。

34、The first criterion, Extraversion - Introversion defines the source and direction of energy expression for a person. ─── 第一个维度“外向-内向”定义了一个人活力表达的来源和方向。

35、The AOV,CO,HR increased in all subjects after psychological stress, and decreased subsequently in the extraversion group. ─── 实验结果显示 ,在心理应激实验中内、外倾组的主动脉血流速度 (AVO)、心输出量 (CO)和心率 (HR)均增加 ,但随着时间推移外倾组的 AVO、CO和 HR开始下降。

36、Extraversion changing into introversion, this is the origination &source of life. ─── 29外放转变为内敛,生活的溯源;

37、For agreeableness and extraversion people were generally in agreement with their friends. ─── 对于社交能力和外向性,被试与他们的朋友们大体上保持一致的看法。

38、3.The effect of expatriate’s extraversion on expatriate adjustment is significantly positive. ─── 3. 派外人员外向性对派外调适程度有显著正向影响。

39、There is significant difference among male teachers in values and caution, while significant difference is observed among female teachers in extraversion and openness. ─── 在性别比较中,男教师在“价值观、谨慎”上有显著差异,女教师在“外向性、开放性”上有显著差异;

40、instead the method usually yields at least five dimensions (neuroticism, extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness to ideas), each relating to different subsets of tests. ─── 可是,斯皮尔曼也同时观察到这种现象:在对不同的智力测试结果进行分析时,总会浮现一个普适性因素。

41、Expressive suppression and thought suppression perform the mediating functions between introversion, extraversion and adaptation. ─── 表情抑制和想法抑制在内外倾和适应间起中介作用。

42、We found that (1) personality traits of extraversion (E) and sensation-seeking (SS) were significantly related to greater overall leisure participation; ─── 结果发现:(1)人格特质之外向性及刺激寻求与休閒参与有正向相关;

43、When acceded to the personality traits of conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism, three aspects of systemize commitment has apparent additive explanatory effect on the variables. ─── 在分别加入严谨自律性、外倾支配性和善性、神经质等四个人格特质后,对组织承诺的三个构面都显著的增加变异数的解释力。

44、Five Factor Model (FFM) is a taxonomy of personality which is widely used in personnel assessement. It propsoes five factors of personaliy:extraversion, emotional stability, conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness to experience. ─── “大五”个性因素模型是目前一种个性分类理论模型 ,它以外向、情绪稳定性、责任意识、随和、开明性等五个因素来描述正常人群的个性特征。

45、This is typically characterised by neuroticism, and lack of extraversion and agreeableness. ─── 这通常表现为神经过敏、性格缺乏外向和随合的表现。

46、In this study as part of constitutes concerning personality traits, we lay stress on five major categories: neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness. ─── 本研究在人格特质方面,采神经质、外倾支配性、聪颖开放性、和善性(Agreeableness),以及严谨自律性五大类型,作为研究的构面。

47、Using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, the factor structure of the extraversion dimensions has been identified through investigating 1420 subjects; the items were selected and CEQ was developed. ─── 通过对1420名被试的测查,结合采用探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析确定外向性维度的因素结构界定基本内涵,筛选项目编制外向性量表。

48、Product-specific 4-degree angle extraversion design, and efficient environmental protection, can effectively reduce tire wear and tear. ─── 产品特有外倾4度角设计,高效环保,可有效减少轮胎损耗。

49、We used full item factor analysis(FIFA) to explore the factorial structure of EPQ, and got six factors, including Neuroticism, Extraversion, Friendliness, Honesty, Willfulness and Strict. ─── 使用全息项目因素分析方法对EPQ进行因素分析,得出神经质、外向性、友善因素、诚实因素、任性因素和严谨因素六个因素。

50、Only extraversion" correlation increases along with the subjective appraisal pressure increase,moreover this relation is connected remarkably. ─── 只有高外倾人格组的积极和消极情绪之间的相关是随着主观评价压力的增加而增加的,而且相关显著。

51、Neuroticism, negative coping style, extraversion and cognition of cancer were the main factors affecting the negative emotion.Negative coping style is t... ─── 外向、神经质、癌症危险认知、消极应对方式均影响癌症患者家属的消极情绪,而消极应对方式为神经质人格特征、癌症危险认知和消极情绪的中间变量。

52、The Meaning of Extraversion of Chinese Cultural Characters and the Corresponding Construction of the Scale ─── 中国文化下外向性的基本内涵与量表的编制

53、Study on Spatial Extraversion and Hierarchical System of Tourism Central Place--A Case of 27 Outstanding Tourist Cities ─── 旅游中心地空间外向度及等级体系研究--以全国27个优秀旅游城市为例

54、Results: Among the "Big Seven" personality traits, extraversion, behavior style, manner of life and neuroticism can effectively predict well-being. ─── 结果:在“大七”人格的各个维度中,外向性、处世态度、情绪性和行事风格这四个维度能有效地预测幸福感。

55、Extraversion - energy, positive emotions, surgency, and the tendency to seek stimulation and the company of others. ─── (有丰富能量的,正面情绪,外向,并倾向寻求刺激和喜欢他人陪伴的。

56、1.The Big Five has direct relationship with voice behavior;conscientiousness and extraversion have positive effects on voice behavior; ─── 大五与进谏行为之间存在直接关系,尽责性和外向性对进谏行为具有正的预测力;

57、The change on the heart hemodynamics in the introversion and extraversion personality ─── 内外倾人格与心理应激性心脏血液动力学的变化

58、Wisconsin, for instance, had high readings for extraversion and agreeableness but low for openness, suggesting that people there are sociable and traditional. ─── 例如,威斯康星州在“外向性”和“易相处”上的得分较高,但在“开放性”上的得分较低,表明当地人好交际,也比较传统。

59、The event rate is one of major factors affecting task performace, and there is a significantinteraction between the event rate and extraversion. ─── 三、在认知性警戒任务中,事件率是影响作业绩效的一个重要因素。低事件率条件下的作业绩效显著地优于高事件条件下;

60、"Extraversion is one of those things that's probably the easiest trait to judge," Naumann told LiveScience. ─── 瑙曼对记者说:“外向很可能是其中最容易判断的个性。

61、A snip located close to the gene that codes for brain-derived neurotrophic factor was associated with extraversion. ─── 一种脑衍生的向神经因子基因标记,就和心理外向性相关相连。

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