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09-02 投稿



docket 发音

英:[?dɑ?k?t]  美:[?d?k?t]

英:  美:

docket 中文意思翻译




docket 网络释义

n. 摘要;记事表;(待判决的)诉讼事件表vt. 在...上附加摘要

docket 词性/词形变化,docket变形


docket 同义词

cut | pier | crop | clip | cut off | tail | anchor | stop |moor | loading dock | mooring | berth | off | bobtail | port | marina | sorrel | quay | wharf | come in | bob | anchorage | tie | land | dockage | tie up | wharfage | waterfront | docking facility | sour grass

docket 常用词组

on the docket ─── 在审理中;在考虑中;在审查中

docket 反义词


docket 短语词组

1、Coast Guard Docket ─── 海岸警卫队口袋

2、docket number ─── 概略数案卷编号

3、docket brief ─── 案卷摘要

4、magisterial district docket sheet ─── 行政区案卷表

5、trial docket ─── [法] 法院待审案件清单

6、docket alarm ─── 待命警报

7、strike a docket ─── [法] 结束案件的审理

8、magisterial district court docket sheets ─── 地方法院裁判官卷宗表

9、calling the docket ─── [法] 宣布审理案件名单, 公布审理案件表

10、appearance docket ─── [法] 出庭顺序表

11、striking a docket ─── [法] 结束案件的审理

12、court docket ─── [法] 法院判决摘要书, 法院备审案件目录

13、be placed on the docket ─── 列入议事日程

14、judgement docket ─── [法] 判决登记表, 法院判案录

15、off the docket ─── 不在审理中, ─── 不在考虑中 [法] ─── 不在受理中, ─── 不予受理, 审理完毕

16、schedule docket ─── [经] 安排议事日程

17、clear the docket ─── 处理所有应审案件 [法] 清理档案, 结束所有案件的审理

18、magisterial district judge docket sheet ─── 地方法官案卷

19、on the docket ─── 在进行中, ─── 在考虑中 [法] ─── 在审理中, ─── 在审查中, ─── 在执行中

docket 相似词语短语

1、docker ─── n.码头工人;物件

2、docken ─── 码头

3、docked ─── v.(船)进港,停驻码头;(宇宙飞船)对接;扣除(工资或比赛得分);(电脑)入坞;剪短(动物)尾巴(dock的过去式和过去分词)

4、locket ─── n.小盒;小盒式吊坠

5、rocket ─── n.火箭;火箭武器;烟花;芝麻菜;(非正式)严厉斥责;v.迅速增加;飞速移动;迅速成功;用火箭武器攻击;用火箭运载

6、cocket ─── n.海关图记;海关通行证

7、hocket ─── 交替进行

8、pocket ─── n.口袋;钱;容器;vt.隐藏;忍受;将…放入衣袋;vi.形成袋或囊;adj.小型的,袖珍的;金钱上的

9、dockets ─── n.摘要;记事表;(待判决的)诉讼事件表;vt.在...上附加摘要

docket 习惯用语

1、off the docket ─── 【律】不受理, 不予审理 ─── [口]不在讨论[审查]中, 不在考虑中

2、on the docket ─── 【律】准备审理 ─── 在讨论[审查]中, 在考虑中, 在执行中

3、clear the docket ─── 【律】清理积案; [喻]结束; 扫清

4、strike a docket ─── 宣告破产, 使破产

docket 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、7.The docket items related to that public meeting and the subsequent comments are listed below. ─── 摘要、会议相关资讯和评论于下表列出。

2、One service lets craftsmen create a virtual job docket with a few texts or touches on a smartphone, even without mobile-network coverage. ─── 其中的一个服务就是让建立一个虚拟的工作站,让那些有技术的工人的信息发布在智能手机上,甚至在没有手机网络的情况下也可以覆盖到。

3、be placed on the docket ─── 列入议事日程

4、on the docket ─── adv. 在审理中(在审查中)

5、Whatever it takes. - Wait, what did you say the docket number was? - ─── 怎样都行。- 等等 你刚才说的文件编号是...

6、calling the docket ─── [法] 宣布审理案件名单, 公布审理案件表

7、Officials said the Supreme Court's announcement would not affect the state's execution docket. ─── 某些官员认为最高法院的这一项公告并不会影响各州关于注射式死刑执行的进度。

8、Whatever it takes. - Wait,what did you say the docket number was? ─── 怎样都行-等等,你刚才说的文件编号是...

9、Systematically provide a Preservation/maintenance Docket ─── 系统地提供一份保存/维护摘要

10、A maritime court trying a case involving collision of ships shall conclude the case within one year after placing the case on the docket. ─── 第八十七条海事法院审理船舶碰撞案件,应当在立案后一年内审结。

11、Even after dropping the patent counterclaims, IBM still has eight counterclaims in the docket against SCO. ─── 即使撤销了这些专利权诉讼,IBM仍然还有针对SCO的八项诉讼。

12、In a different lane is Doyle Gipson, a father whose right to see his children rests on the decision of a judge with a full docket and no time to spare. ─── 本来两个完全不认识的人,因为一宗微不足道的车祸而触发连锁反应,彻底改变二人的下半生!

13、if it has taken any enforcement measure, it shall transfer the controlled property to the enforcement court which first places the case on the docket for disposal. ─── 已经采取执行措施的,应当将控制的财产交先立案的执行法院处理。

14、fault docket ─── 故障记录单

15、Of course, technology can play a huge role in allowing in-house litigators to manage their docket without the vast (and expensive) resources available at most law firms. ─── 因为法务人员不像大多数律所律师那样,能够获得大量昂贵的资源,那么技术对于法务人员进行诉讼就显得十分重要。

16、The Legislative Proposal has been incorporated into the official docket for this project. ─── 相关的立法工作已经列入了议事日程。

17、Officials said the Supreme Court's announcement would not affect the state's execution docket. ─── 某些官员认为最高法院的这一项公告并不会影响各州关于注射式死刑执行的进度。

18、to docket a document ─── 为一份文件附记摘要

19、You will also receive a Docket Number, or reference number for your suit. ─── 你的官司也会有一个标签号或文件号。

20、Therefore, the new draft guidance offers cord blood banks a less burdensome path to licensure.Rather than haing to submit their own clinical data, they may cite existing data in the docket. ─── 因此,新的草案简化了脐带血银行申请程序,不必必须提供临床数据,可以把已有数据贴到备忘录上。

21、docket checking and distributing desk ─── 检查分发台

22、court docket ─── [法] 法院判决摘要书, 法院备审案件目录

23、Delay checking your email and feed reader until you've completed any creative tasks on your docket for the day. ─── 完成每天的创造性任务之前不要急着检查邮箱和回复读者。

24、4.Ensure FG can be shipped out based on Delivery Docket requirement. ─── 确保成品能根据发货单的要求按时发出。

25、Military Justice Docket File ─── 军事判决摘要文档


27、After all these serious home and career decisions on the docket, you will need a little fun. The universe understands and will bring you a number of enchanting evenings. ─── 做完这些重要的家庭和职业决定后,你需要寻找一点点乐趣。宇宙知道这些并带给你许多使人喜悦的夜晚。

28、All of the comments must be collected in a file, called a "docket," which must be open to the public. ─── 所有的意见必须集中在名为“制定法规卷宗”的档案中,并向公众开放。

29、Article 146 The people's court trying a case in which summary procedure is followed shall conclude the case within three months after placing the case on the docket. ─── 第一百四十六条人民法院适用简易程序审理案件,应当在立案之日起三个月内审结。

30、in law: place on the docket for legal action. ─── 法律上;为诉讼记录在记事本上。

31、to docket 5 new cases ─── 把五起新案件列入案件审理目录表

32、to docket a letter ─── 为信件加标签

33、Ahead, the day in Europe looks quiet on the news front, with just French and Italian Industrial Production on the docket. ─── 展望后市,欧洲消息面看来相当平静,只有法国和意大利工业产出。

34、schedule docket ─── [经] 安排议事日程

35、1. The court had cleared the docket by sitting deep into the night. ─── 法院开庭到深夜,处理了所有应审的案件。

36、1.Anna Nicole Smith is on the docket in two courtrooms. ─── 关于安娜.妮可.史密斯的官司分别在两个法庭审理。

37、To get a on the election ballot or on the legislature's docket typically requires that organizers collect a certain number of signatures of eligible voters. ─── 公民要得到关于选票的特定优先权或登记在立法机关的摘要上,代表性的要求是组织者收集合格投票者的某一数目的签名。

38、judgement docket ─── [法] 判决登记表, 法院判案录

39、to docket a judgement regularly ─── 按常规给一份判决书做出摘记

40、On Several Problems of the Law Applicable to the Case on the Docket Arousing from Medical Dispute ─── 关于医疗纠纷案件审理中法律适用的几个问题

41、Anna Nicole Smith is on the docket in two courtrooms. ─── 安娜.妮可.史密斯案件被列在两个审判庭的诉讼事件表上。

42、4.An Administrative Law Judge appointed by a State Commission to review a Commission docket, such as a rate case or incentive regulation proposal, and to make recommendations to the Commissioners. ─── 美国行政法官,由州委员会指派查看委员会听证记录,例如评定案例或激励规章提议,并向各位委员提出建议。

43、Article92 The maritime court trying a case involving general average shall conclude the case within one year after placing the case on the docket. ─── 第九十二条海事法院审理共同海损案件,应当在立案后一年内审结。

44、Superchargers, twin turbos, body kits and handling upgrades - all this and more is on the Lingenfelter docket for the 2010 Chevrolet Camaro SS. ─── 增压,双涡轮增压引擎,车身套件和处理升级-所有这一切,更是对林根费尔特审2010年雪佛兰Camaro党卫军。

45、They were arrested later that day and officials unsealed the court docket on Monday. ─── 当天晚些时候两人就被逮捕,星期一官员公开了法院的诉讼记事表。

46、docket number ─── 概略数

47、Said the maintenance worker when he handed the docket back to Jill. ─── 维修工把摘要还给吉尔时说道,

48、Comments must be identified with Docket No. 1978N-0038 and can be submitted electronically or in written form. ─── 评论意见以1978N-0038号备忘录识别,并且可透过电子或者以纸本缮写的形式提交。

49、Also on the docket for GM's radical reshaping is a major downsizing of its U.S. and Canadian workforce, set to be addressed in talks now underway with the UAW and CAW. ─── 还待审的通用汽车公司的根本性改变是一个重大的缩减其在美国和加拿大的劳动力,为解决目前正在进行的谈判与美国联合汽车工会和啼.


51、Global relationships, study, and travel are certainly on the docket, and as said, this is a trend that is just cranking up. ─── 全球性的社交,学习,旅行都满满的安排在你的日程中,那么与就是说,这个趋势是为你将来的加速前进做好了准备。

52、Coast Guard Docket ─── 海岸警卫队记事表

53、Docket 90-313 requiring hotels/motels and coin phones to provide equal access to competing long distance carriers was resolved in 1992. ─── 313备忘录要求宾馆、汽车旅馆以及投币电话提供平等提供各电信公司的电话接入,该备忘录于1992年开始实施。

54、clear the docket ─── v. 结束, 结束所有案件的审理

55、"Said the maintenance worker when he handed the docket back to Jill. ─── 维修工把摘要还给吉尔时说道,

56、trial docket ─── [法] 法院待审案件清单

57、off the docket ─── adv. 不在审理中

58、M.Madeleine, who had taken up the docket again several moments before this, resumed with an air of perfect indifference:-- "And what reply did you receive? ─── 马德兰先生早已拿起了他的卷宗,他用一种毫不关心的口气说:“那么,别人怎样回答您呢?”

59、place on the docket for legal action ─── 为诉讼记录在记事本上

60、The docket is still open on this case. Why won't the cameraman come in and tell us what he saw and show us his film? ─── 这起案子仍未终结,为什么摄像师不来告诉我们他看到的事实真相并让我们看他的原始录像带呢?

61、strike a docket ─── 宣告破产使破产

62、I like to keep two task lists, one for ongoing things that need to be handled at some point and one for what’s on the docket today. ─── 我一般有两个任务列表,一个是正在做的需要在某个时间点前完成的事,一个是当天得做完的事。

63、The maritime court trying a case involving general average shall conclude the case within one year after placing the case on the docket. ─── 第九十二条海事法院审理共同海损案件,应当在立案后一年内审结。

64、appearance docket ─── [法] 出庭顺序表

65、She can cite a docket of cases of endless separation. ─── 她能说出许多无限期分居案例的案卷摘要。

66、Please carefully read reverse side of docket before signing. ─── 请仔细阅读背面摘要在下面签字。

67、With Industrial Production, Capacity Utilization and Consumer confidence on the docket, the market will have their hands full. ─── 工业生产、产能利用、消费者信心这些关键词令人瞩目,市场正摩拳擦掌,蓄势待发。

68、striking a docket ─── [法] 结束案件的审理

69、The mayor did not look at him, but went on annotating this docket. ─── 市长先生不望他,仍旧批他的公事。

70、Article87 A maritime court trying a case involving collision of ships shall conclude the case within one year after placing the case on the docket. ─── 第八十七条海事法院审理船舶碰撞案件,应当在立案后一年内审结。

71、The docket of the session was very heavy,the president had appointed for the same day two short and simple cases. ─── 由于这一时期案件非常多,庭长便在这一天里排了两件简短的案子。

72、How the Court decides the cases on its docket will, of course, have profound consequences for the parties involved and for those subject to the rules of law it lays down. ─── 最高法院如何决定其诉讼事件表对涉案的双方和那些法治之下的主体有着深远的影响。

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