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09-02 投稿



undervaluing 发音

英:[??nd??v?lju???]  美:[??nd?r?v?lju???]

英:  美:

undervaluing 中文意思翻译



undervaluing 同义词

underestimate | depreciate | disregard | devaluate | play down | belittle | devalue | underrate

undervaluing 短语词组

1、undervaluing in a sentence ─── 低估一句话中的价值

2、undervaluing currency ─── 低估货币

3、undervaluing definition ─── 低估定义

undervaluing 词性/词形变化,undervaluing变形

动词过去式: undervalued |名词: undervaluation |动词过去分词: undervalued |动词现在分词: undervaluing |动词第三人称单数: undervalues |

undervaluing 反义词


undervaluing 相似词语短语

1、undereating ─── 吃得太少

2、underbaking ─── 垫底

3、underlying ─── adj.潜在的;根本的;在下面的;优先的;v.放在…的下面;为…的基础;优先于(underlie的ing形式)

4、underling ─── n.下属,部下;走卒

5、devaluing ─── v.(使)货币贬值;贬低,降低……的价值(或重要性)(devalue的现在分词)

6、underlapping ─── v.从(某物)下面(边缘处)伸出或突出;n.从(某物)下面伸出的物体

7、underlaying ─── v.垫起;从下面支撑;倾斜;向下延伸(underlay的现在分词)

8、overvaluing ─── v.估计过高;过分重视;对……估价过高(overvalue的现在分词)

9、underacting ─── vi.不充分地表演;不卖力地演;vt.不充分地表演;未尽力地演

undervaluing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In written testimony to the Senate last week Timothy Geithner invoked the dreaded 'currency manipulator' label intimating that China is deliberately undervaluing the yuan. ─── 在最近提交给参议院的书面证词中,盖特纳使用了“汇率操纵国”这个可怕的标签,表示中国有意地低估了人民币。

2、Undervaluing knowledge of the complexity of tribal and social networks proved disastrous when the United States first entered Iraq. ─── 多国联军初次进入伊拉克的经历已经证明,忽视了解当地部落以及社会的复杂网络是会造成灾难性后果的。

3、When someone overvalues himself by undervaluing others, he inevitably reveals it with his proud look. ─── 当一个人贬低别人来抬举自己,他自然会显露自己的高傲。

4、Several years of fixing the renminbi to the dollar has brought Beijing under sustained fire from Washington for undervaluing its currency. ─── 中国多年来施行的人民币盯住美元政策,使得美国政府连续发难,指责人民币汇率低估。

5、Whites, he noted, had no qualms about "undervaluing an entire race". ─── 特别提到,白人在“低估一个完整的种族的价值”上乃是心安理得的。

6、The main reason for this is that by artificially undervaluing its own currency, and therefore overvaluing the dollar, China artificially stimulates its manufacturing exports. ─── 这样做的主要动机是,通过有意低估自己的货币,从而高估美元,中国人为地刺激其制造业出口。

7、But Yahoo! 's management then rebuffed Microsoft, regarding the offer as undervaluing the company. Instead Yahoo! ─── 但雅虎管理层认为这一报价低估了他们公司,拒绝了微软的要求。

8、Law firm Faruqi &Faruqi filed a lawsuit on behalf of a group of unnamed Fox shareholders charging News Corp. with grossly undervaluing Fox. ─── 迪威尔强调说,这一收购与其他任何的潜在收购交易没有一点关系。但分析师认为,此举必将为新闻集团在美国展开并购进一步扫清道路。

9、Be warned, then: don't let overconfidence lure you into undervaluing the guarantee of a good job. ─── 因此,你得小心:不要迷惑于过度自信,而低估一份好工作的带来的保障。

10、But Yahoo!’s management then rebuffed Microsoft, regarding the offer as undervaluing the company.Instead Yahoo! ─── 可那时,雅虎管理层断然拒绝,觉得这低估了公司身价。

11、undervaluing penalty”, law makers and executors were then capable of laying down effective regulations in connection With specific groups. ─── 减免;

12、To compensate for my discomfort, I was overly nice to her during the interview.I was also very subtly judging and undervaluing her comments. ─── 可用性测试或者用户观察中发生的用户访谈-其实就是发生在两个人之间的一种关系,这两个人就是被访者和访问者。

13、Do you see women around you undervaluing their contributions? ─── 你周围的女性有没有低估自己的成就?

14、s management then rebuffed Microsoft, regarding the offer as undervaluing the company.Instead Yahoo! ─── 相反,在广告方面,雅虎和谷歌形成了联盟。

15、[A] undervaluing intellect. ─── 贬低学识。

16、Manipulators vs manipulated: America accuses China of manipulating its currency by deliberately undervaluing the renminbi. ─── 操纵国与被操纵国:美国指责中国有意低估人民币,以此操纵汇率。

17、Still, some observers think investors are undervaluing the merged company. ─── 然而,一些观察家仍然认为投资者低估了这一合并公司的价值。

18、By undervaluing the exchange rate and keeping real loan rates artificially low, China risks fueling inflation. ─── 尽管中国在2005年7月宣布汇率制度大变,告诉世界它从此不再钉住单一美元,而是一篮子货币政策,但国会已经不耐烦了。

19、Whites, he noted, had no qualms about “undervaluing an entire race”. ─── 富氏特别提到,白人在“低估一个完整的种族的价值”上乃是心安理得的。

20、Here they reject the charge made by some in the US that China cheats when it comes to trade by undervaluing its currency. ─── 对美国某些人关于中国通过低估币值在贸易中获利的指控,他们并不同意。

21、BHP also made a hostile takeover bid for Potash, which again was rejected as undervaluing the company. ─── 必和必拓曾对Potash抛出了恶意接管竞价,并因低估Potash公司价值而再次遭到拒绝。

22、Obama accuses China of dumping products in the U.S., violating intellectual-property rights and ``grossly undervaluing'' its currency. ─── 奥巴马指责中国向美国倾销产品,侵犯知识产权,“竭力使人民币贬值”。

23、Everyone seeks power, success, riches for himself, and admires others who attain them, while undervaluing the truly precious thing in life. ─── 每个人都在为自己寻找权利,成功,金钱,而且敬佩别人拥有它们,却低估了生命里最珍贵的东西。

24、The Europeans complain that Beijing does not play fair, failing to enforce intellectual property, undervaluing its currency and restricting foreign investment. ─── 欧洲人抱怨中国人不遵守游戏规则,未能保护知识产权,低估人民币汇率,限制外来投资。

25、With French workers in a funk about globalisation, Mr Bayrou has joined those accusing China of undervaluing its currency. ─── 鉴于法国工人对全球化的惊恐,Bayrou先生加入了那些指控中国对货币的估计过低的人。

26、The board of the British maker of chocolate and gum quickly rebuffed the bid as “fundamentally undervaluing” the company. ─── 吉百利董事会当即回绝了出价,认为其严重地贬低了公司的市场价值。

27、undervaluing the equity of state-owned bank ─── 国有银行股权被“贱卖”

28、And seeing their pleasure makes me wonder if I have been undervaluing the banisters myself, and whether I should start to appreciate them more. ─── 看到他们这么开心,我都怀疑自己是不是太不把这些扶栏当回事了,我考虑今后是不是应该多珍惜它们一些。

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