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09-02 投稿


benne 发音

英:[['ben]]  美:[['ben]]

英:  美:

benne 中文意思翻译



benne 短语词组

1、benne wafers ─── 带晶圆的

2、benne oil ─── [医] 麻油, 芝麻油

3、benne wafer recipe ─── 含晶圆配方

4、benne hannah ─── 和汉娜在一起

5、benne seed ─── 包括种子

6、benne butter ─── 在黄油里

7、benne gutierrez ─── 包括古铁雷斯

benne 相似词语短语

1、bene ─── n.祈祷;祝福;新几内亚的野猪;n.(Bene)(意、罗)贝内,(匈)拜奈(人名)

2、benny ─── n.安非他命药片(用作兴奋剂);外套;笨蛋;Benny本尼(人名)

3、penne ─── n.通心粉;管形面点,管状面;n.(Penne)人名;(意)彭内

4、brenne ─── n.布雷讷(地区);布雷讷河(法国地名)

5、bennet ─── n.花梗(水杨梅的一种);n.(Bennet)人名;(法)贝内;(瑞典)贝内特

6、benni ─── n.(Benni)人名;(俄、意、罗)本尼

7、tenne ─── 橙褐色;黄褐色;n.(Tenne)人名;(瑞典)滕内

8、bonne ─── n.女佣,保姆;n.(Bonne)(丹)邦内(人名)

9、-enne ─── n.(Enne)人名;(芬)恩内

benne 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Raman Spectra of CCl4 have been obtained, which well agree with the standerd spectra of CCl4. The specifications of OMAR2Shave benn tested and discussed. ─── 对CCl4样品进行了分析,其结果与标准谱符合得很好。 测试和分析了谱仪的主要参数。

2、The plot of the play has benn criticized as being too involved . ─── 剧情节被批评为过分纠缠不清。

3、The factory has benn assessed and registered by NQA against the provisions of ISO13485:2003 and CE Certificate.Our products has been exported to Japan, Middle-east, Korea, USA and other Marks. ─── 工厂已通过ISO13485管理体系和CE产品认证,产品已出口到日本、中东、韩国、美国等世界各地。

4、Gottfried Benn ─── 贝恩(1886-1956),德国人,诗人、作家。

5、This method not only escapes from combinatory explosion, but also is of high efficiency, which now has benn integrated into the Intelligent Stocks Cutting System (ISCS). ─── 讨论了算法所采用的超时限制,阈值的自适应调整等技术。

6、Mr Benn said the importance of reform concerning this politically highly sensitive issue? Was highlighted by Mozambique where three quarters of the rural population live in poverty. ─── 本先生表示,莫桑比克的例子突出的表明了这些改革措施的重要性就在于具有高度敏感的政治性后果。在莫桑比克有四分之三的农业人口生活在贫困之中。

7、Now a simpler physical test to predict Alzheimer's rest(risk) has benn developed.Reachers found thar trouble with (scence) smell can be one of the first signes of all Alzheimers. ─── 现在一种简单的预测老年痴呆发病率的物理测试方法已经发现了。研究人员发现嗅觉障碍是老年痴呆症最早的征兆之一。

8、For the frist time,planet go around stars outside of our own Solar system, have benn picture on camera. ─── 在我们太阳系以外,绕恒星运转的行星首次被相机抓拍到.

9、Chinese aid to Africa may do more harm than good, warns Benn ─── 中国对非洲提供的帮助弊大于利

10、David Miliband has created considerable momentum in this direction and now it is up to Hilary Benn to finish the job. ─── 米利班已提出可行的减量动能,现在班恩该完成这份任务。

11、Tony Benn (1925 -- ), British politician, member of the Labour Party, and, from the 1970s, unofficial leader of the party's radical populist left. ─── 托克·贝恩(1925-),1970年代以来英国工党左翼精神领袖。

12、Two of the fundamental virtues that have benn such a great comfort to me in my life, from the days of my boyhood in Wahoo,Nebraska, until now are loyalty and charity. ─── 从我在内布拉斯加州瓦胡镇的童年时代起,直到今天,忠诚与仁爱这两种最基本的美德始终为我的生活带来莫大的慰籍。

13、Nowadays doctor-patient conflicts have benn a focus problem,which the important reason is "trust crisis"between doctors and patients. ─── 当今医患冲突问题已成为社会关注的焦点问题,医患之间的“信任危机”是重要原因。

14、That which has benn is what will be, ─── (已有的事,后必再有。)

15、Intellectual Property is the propery of enjoying intellectual achievements which have benn created by people in the fields of scince,tecnology,culture and art. ─── 它在知识经济与科技创新中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

16、benne oil ─── 麻油芝麻油

17、Benn are better hydrophytes to adsorb N and P, which can construct Floating Aquatic Macrophyte-based Treatment System (FAMS) for eutrophication water's remediation at Taihu areas. ─── 挺水植物水芹菜和沉水植物微齿眼子菜吸收N、P的能力较强,可将这两种植物构成双层次群落结构用以修复太湖地区的富营养化水体。

18、Some place can cultivate traditional Chinese medicinal materials, also benne because local people eat benne as main oil. ─── 有些地方会种些中药材,这里人吃胡麻油,于是也种胡麻。

19、Picrasma quassioides Benn. ─── [医] 苦树,苦木

20、She has benn collecting stamps. ─── 她一直收集邮票。

21、Picrasma quassioides (D.Don) Benn. ─── 苦木

22、Hartzel and Benn R.Kosynski;Uses and Consequences of Electronic Markets: An Empirical Investigation in the Aircraft Parts Industry; ─── ;

23、We are very interested on VA BENNE and TOY WATCH plastic replicas. ─── 如题,哪位可以帮我看一下,客人要的什么手表啊?

24、The international development secretary, Hilary Benn, on a visit to Malawi, told the Guardian that Britain has already made its concerns known to Beijing but that it is planning to ratchet up the level of representation on the issue. ─── 国际发展委员会秘书希尔芮本恩在对马拉维的访问过程中对英国卫报表示说,英国已经对北京计划提升他与非洲的关系表示了关心。

25、TONY BENN: And people said, "This is better than allowing a lot of gamblers to run the world, where they're not interested in us, but only in profit." ─── 人们说:"这比让许多赌徒掌管世界要好.这些赌徒不关心我们,他们只对利润有兴趣."

26、TONY BENN: So it was an act of regeneration, of renewal. ─── 因此这是一个重建和更新的行动。

27、Pouzolzia zeylanica (L.) Benn. ─── 雾水葛

28、Tony Benn, at one time potential successor, lost his seat in the election. ─── 托尼·本曾是最有希望的接替人,可在这次大选中未能保住自己的席位。

29、The basic theory, aim, procedure and measure of the environmental programming of small town, of the environmental planning have benn reviewed. ─── 本文概述了小城镇环境规划的理论基础以及环境规划目标与指标体系、程序与方法。

30、Benn CS,Balde A,George E,et al.Effect of vitamin A supplementation on measles-specific antibody levels in Guinea-Bissau[J].Lancet,2002,359:1313. ─── 刘泉波,朱朝敏,李志奇,等.维生素A对小儿麻疹治疗的临床研究[J].儿科药学杂志,2002,8:26-28.

31、i bought it already when it had benn sold! ─── 这个牌很好!!不过我已经有了!

32、The Nutrition and Health Care Value of Benne Seed and Its Industry Outlook ─── 胡麻籽的营养保健价值与产业前景

33、The product have benn the best seller for 3 years in China. ─── 这种产品在国内市场上畅销不衰已经三年了。

34、TONY BENN, Labor Candidate, 1945: Well, I came back in a troop ship in the summer of 1945, and I was a pilot in the Royal Air Force, and I was picked as a 19-year-old to be the Labor candidate. ─── 工党候选人,1945年:1945年夏天我坐军队的船回来,我是皇家空军的一名飞行员。19岁的我被推选为工党候选人。

35、Mr Benn said the Chinese money could do more harm than good. ─── 本恩先生说,中国人的钱给非洲带来的坏处将会比带来的好处要多。

36、There's classified gavernment information I've bing trying to access, but someonehas benn blocking my attempts to get at it. ─── 我一直试图拿到政府里的一些机密的资料,但是总有人来阻止我得到它。

37、This has “obliterated” the old set of relations between marketplaces, their users and their users' clients, says Benn Steil, a financial-markets expert at the Council on Foreign Relations. ─── 参议员主持外交关系的金融市场专家BennSteil认为,原来市场中的关系,如交易所用户、用户的客户之间的关系,已经不存在了。

38、I think I would be always lonely!Lonely for all my lifetime!However,I have benn accustomed to it. ─── 留学解答资讯网:我想我会一直孤单!一辈子都那么孤单!但是,我已经习惯了孤单。

39、U. officials met with U.S.Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick and Britain's International Development Secretary Hilary Benn this morning (Wednesday morning) in the Nigerian capital, Abuja. ─── 非洲联盟官员星期三早上在尼日利亚的阿布贾会晤了美国副国务卿佐利克和英国负责国际发展的官员希拉里.贝恩。

40、The mystics and hermits of T'ien Ch'i have always benn obsessed with longevity. ─── 天启王朝的隐士和修道者们热衷于研习长寿的秘密。

41、Tony Benn: If you can find money to kill people, you can find money to help people. ─── 托尼本:如果你知道金钱有的时候就像刽子手,那么就会发现金钱也能够拯救生命。

42、I have benn half in love with easeful Death. ─── 我在黑夜里倾听,多少次,我几乎爱上了静谧的死亡.

43、The Nutrition and Health Care Value of Benne Seed and Its Industry Outlook ─── 胡麻籽的营养保健价值与产业前景

44、The Vegetative Reproductive Characteristics of Stem Fragments in Potamogeton maackianus A. Benn. ─── 茎段的无性繁殖特点研究。

45、Agriculture is based on the production of grain crops, such as rice, wheat, sorghum and economic crops, such as maize and benne, cole and beet. ─── 主产水稻、小麦、高梁、玉米等粮食作物,以及胡麻、油菜、甜菜等经济作物。

46、Relying on your support, the integral idea that Hongman has benn takina will be the solid foundation for our creatina double profit situation. ─── 有赖于您的支持,鸿满所秉承的专注信念,将成为我们创建双赢格局的坚实基础。

47、multiring aromatic hydrocarbon have benn confirmed to be a kind of carinogenic hydrocarbons, they not only induce skin cancer but also lung cancer. ─── 多环芳烃是一类已被证实具有致癌作用的碳氢化合物,它不仅可以诱发皮肤癌,还可诱发肺癌。

48、About the Hetao liquor culture , there have benn myths as well as irrefutable proofs. ─── 河套酿酒源于汉代,不仅有美丽的传说,同时也有确凿的佐证。

49、I have benn awake since midnight. ─── 我从半夜就醒了。

50、A analytical method for rapid determination of calcium,magnesium and potassium in finger nail by noncomplete digestion-flame atomic spectrometry has benn developed. ─── 建立了非完全消化-火焰原子光谱法快速测定指甲中钙、镁、钾的分析方法。

51、This method not only escapes from combinatory explosion, but also is of high efficiency, which now has benn integrated into the intelligent Stocks Cutting System (ISC... ─── 讨论了算法所采用的超时限制,阈值的自适应调整等技术。实际应用表明算法是成功的。

52、Herzog, Humbolt, Citrine, Sammler and Benn Crader were represented as the victim. ─── 这些受害者以赫索格、洪堡、西特林、赛姆勒和贝恩等为代表。

53、Benn, Onanthe javanica (Bl.)DC an d Alternanthera philoxerides in paddy field after continuous u ncultivated land for three years. ─── 休闲3年,复种抛栽稻,稻田优势种为双穗雀稗、水芹、节节菜、眼子菜、水虱草等。

54、Zanthoxylum mantschurium Benn. ─── [医] 崖椒

55、he has benn on service for 2 years. ─── 他在军队里已经服役两年了。

56、The news public figure said that Benne the suggestion which will provide to Yahoo!possibly will include finally reducing staff. ─── 消息人士称,贝恩最终向雅虎提供的建议可能将包括裁员。

57、Advantage seven: widely used, can squeeze peanuts and sesame, rapeseed, sunflower, soybean, benne 20 kinds such as oil crops. ─── 优势七:用途广,可榨花生、芝麻、菜籽、胡麻、黄豆、葵花籽等二十多种油料作物。

58、Living on selling benne, he led a hard and poor life. ─── 他靠卖胡麻为生,日子过得很清苦。

59、But Mr Benn had his own criticisms of the World Bank and other lenders that tie financial support to ideological economic policies such as privatisation. ─── 本恩先生对世界银行同样进行了批评,他还对向非洲意识形态的经济政策---私有制提供帮助的领导进行了批评。

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