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09-02 投稿



tuning 发音

英:['tju?n??]  美:['tj?n??]

英:  美:

tuning 中文意思翻译



tuning 网络释义

n. [电子][通信] 调谐;调音,起弦;协调一致;起音,定音

tuning 短语词组

1、electrically driven tuning fork ─── [电] 电动音叉

2、automatic tuning control ─── [电] 自动调谐控制

3、controller tuning ─── [化] 调节器参数整定

4、bandspread tuning control ─── [电] 波带扩展调谐控制

5、automatic fine-tuning control ─── [电] 自动微调控制

6、automatic fine tuning ─── [电] 自动微调

7、capacitive tuning ─── [电] 电容调谐

8、double-spot tuning ─── [电] 双点调谐

9、electric tuning ─── [电] 电调谐

10、automatic tuning ─── [电] 自动调谐

11、coarse tuning ─── [计] 粗调

12、cathode-ray tuning indicator ─── [电] 阴极射线管调谐指示器

13、fine tuning ─── [计] 微调, 细调

14、discriminator tuning unit ─── [电] 鉴别器调谐单元

15、bandspread tuning comtrol ─── [电] 波带扩展调谐控制

16、antenna tuning ─── [电] 天线的调谐

17、electronic tuning ─── [电] 电子调谐

18、broad tuning ─── [电] 纯调谐

19、fine-tuning v. ─── 调整, 使有规则( fine-tune的现在分词 )

tuning 词性/词形变化,tuning变形

原型:tune 名词复数形式:tunings 现在分词:tuning

tuning 相似词语短语

1、tunding ─── 小时

2、retuning ─── v.重调,重新调谐,重新调音(retune的现在分词)

3、turning ─── n.转向;旋转;回转;转弯处;v.旋转(turn的ing形式)

4、tunning ─── n.调整,校准;装机;v.把酒装入大酒桶(tun的ing形式)

5、-tuning ─── n.调音;起音,定音;音调;(电子或收音机)调谐;协调一致

6、detuning ─── n.去谐;v.[力]解谐(detune的ing形式)

7、toning ─── n.化妆水,爽肤水;过调;调色;v.给…定音调;给…上色(tone的现在分词)

8、stauning ─── 斯陶宁

9、attuning ─── v.认可;(使)适应;接受;(使)协调(attune的现在分词)

tuning 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Bad: Story could have been a bit more fleshed out; difficulty could have used some slight tuning. ─── 缺点:剧情或许还能再曲折深入些;难度还可以再微调一下。(这里指略微过难)

2、Your piano is flat;it needs tuning. ─── 你的钢琴的音低了,该调一调了.

3、He tried to pick out the tune of a song he had heard on the radio. ─── 他凭听觉记忆把无线电广播中听到过的一首歌曲弹奏出来。

4、Can you hear the musical tune from the valley? ─── 你听到从山谷里传来的悦耳的调子了吗?

5、Do you know this tune I'm humming? ─── 你懂我在哼唱的这支曲子吗?

6、He began to play the violin one tune after another. ─── 他开始一曲又一曲地拉起了小提琴。

7、Chanting the Alphabet of the Ark activates the tuning forks. ─── 圣经字母表的吟唱激活了音叉。

8、An ancient record-player ground out some tune long ago. ─── 一架古老的留声机沉重地奏出很久以前的曲调。

9、How many programs does your TV tune in for? ─── 你的电视收看多少套节目?

10、The choir was distinctly out of tune in places. ─── 合唱团有些地方明显走调了。

11、It takes skill to tune a piano. ─── 为钢琴调音需要专门技能。

12、The people supported the mayor, so he could called the tune in city matters. ─── 人民支持市长,所以他能就市政事务发号施令。

13、He went to the piano and noodle around until the tune came back to him. ─── 他走到钢琴边随意弹奏起来,一直到他想起那曲子。

14、He gave us a tune on his fiddle. ─── 他用小提琴给我们奏了一个曲子。

15、A small boy was beating out a tune on a tin can. ─── 一个小男孩正用铁皮罐敲奏出曲子来。

16、They are tuning in (to) the public channel. ─── 他们在收看公众频道。

17、Tuning small set of new or ad hoc queries. ─── 优化小型新查询或即席查询集。

18、The system is set up but it needs some fine-tuning. ─── 该系统已装配好,但需要一些细小调整。

19、She is singing a supple tune. ─── 她正唱着一个轻快的曲调。

20、Both can be used to tune in to an FM station. ─── 均可用于调出fm电台

21、The band doesn't sound out of tune to me, but then I've no ear for music. ─── 对我来说,乐队没有走调,不过我没有欣赏音乐的才能。

22、Washington is finally starting to change its tune. ─── 华盛顿终于开始改变它的调子了。

23、He is playing a tune on his pipe. ─── 他在用笛子吹奏一支曲子。

24、The choir was (singing) distinctly out of tune in places. ─── 合唱团有些地方明显(唱)走调了。

25、Hum the opening bars of your favourite tune. ─── 哼一哼你喜爱的曲子的开头几个小节。

26、Several members of the orchestra are tuning up their instruments. ─── 乐队中有几个成员正在调他们的乐器。

27、In the musician's mind a fugitive set of notes began slowly to form into a tune. ─── 在音乐家的脑海里,一组稍纵即逝的音符逐渐形成一个曲调。

28、Don' t forget to tune in again this time tomorrow. ─── 别忘记在明天这个时间再打开收音机。

29、He thumped out a tune on the piano. ─── 他在钢琴上重重地弹奏出一首曲子。

30、See Tuning the kernel through the proc filesystem, Section 7.2. ─── 参阅通过proc文件系统调整内核,第7.3节。

31、His tune had banished death's silence. ─── 他的乐曲打破了死的静寂。

32、Are you in tune for study today? ─── 你今天有心思学习吗?

33、Tuning sessions make it easy to compare tuning results over a period of time. ─── 使用优化会话可以轻松比较各个时间段的会话结果。

34、He called the tune to me and I supinely took it up. ─── 他给我起了个调子,我就无精打采地按照这个调子演奏了起来。

35、Auto-tuning VHF receivers are now common in cars. ─── 调谐的超高频信号接收器现普遍使用在小汽车上。

36、He pitched the tune in a lower key. ─── 他把调子定得较低。

37、A person out of tune with his surroundings is unhappy. ─── 一个与环境格格不入的人是不会快乐的。

38、He is sawing a tune at his fiddle. ─── 他正在用提琴拉一支曲子。

39、You're not singing in tune. ─── 你唱走调了。

40、Kitty used to be very critical of the way we raised our children, but when she became a mother herself she began to change her tune. ─── 基蒂对我们抚育孩子的方式一向吹毛求疵,但是她当了母亲之后,就开始改变她的腔调了。

41、Your piano is flat; it needs tuning. ─── 你的钢琴的音低了, 该调一调了.

42、He played a tune on his trumpet. ─── 他用小号吹奏了一首曲子。

43、What's that tune you're humming? ─── 你哼的是什么曲子?

44、The oars were silver, /Which to the tune of flutes kept stroke, and made the/Water which they beat to follow faster/As amorous of their strokes. ─── ... 银色的船桨,随着笛声拍节在水中摇划,击起了层层水波,痴情地紧追不舍。

45、She is pounding out a new tune on the piano. ─── 她正在钢琴上弹奏一支新曲。

46、His job is tuning the piano. ─── 他的任务是给钢琴调音。

47、Cease then, prithee, cease thy tune. ─── 停止,我求你,暂停你的歌声。

48、The Design Advisor can provide recommendations comparable to that of a database tuning expert. ─── DesignAdvisor所提供的建议能与数据库调优专家的建议相媲美。

49、He played a tune on his harmonica. ─── 他用口琴吹奏了一支曲子。

50、He played a tune on the violin. ─── 他用小提琴演奏了一首曲子。

51、Someone in the choir is singing out of tune. ─── 合唱团里有人唱跑调了。

52、The girl students were asked to descant on the tune. ─── 女生们被要求唱高音部分。

53、A barrel-organ was wheezing out an old tune. ─── 一架手摇风琴正在呼哧呼哧地奏着一首古老的曲子。

54、He struck a tune on the piano. ─── 他在钢琴上弹了一首曲子。

55、His ideas are in tune with the times. ─── 他的思想适合时代的潮流。

56、She calls the tune in their house. ─── 他们家中她说了算。

57、We sang the song to a new tune today. ─── 今天我们按新曲调唱那首歌。

58、She played a tune impromptu. ─── 她即席演奏了一曲。

59、Tune in next week at the same time. ─── 下周同一时间继续收听。

60、If the user has a time constraint, limit the tuning time. ─── 如果用户在时间上有约束,请限制优化时间。

61、Others were quietly tuning up their instruments. ─── 其他人正安静地为他们的乐器调音。

62、They are tuning up a plane on the flight line . ─── 他们正在机场的保养场调试一架飞机。

63、Find GC performance tips at the Java Performance Tuning Web site. ─── 可以在Java性能调优网站寻找。

64、She banged out a tune on the piano. ─── 她在钢琴上砰砰地弹出一支曲子。

65、She seemed somehow to have consumed four glasses of pernod to the tune of several hundred frances. ─── 不知怎的,她好像喝下了四杯波诺得,价值达几百法朗。

66、First, the BACKUP utility is now self-tuning (or at least better at it). ─── 首先,备份实用程序现在是自我调优的(或者至少在调优方面做得更好)。

67、Tuning your Exchange storage becomes the most critical component. ─── 因此,调整Exchange存储成为最关键的步骤。

68、He was fined for speeding to the tune of 200. ─── 他因超速行车被罚款达 200 英镑。

69、He played the first few notes of the tune. ─── 他演奏了这支曲子开始的几个音。

70、Sometimes they would suddenly change their tune. ─── 他们有时也会突然改变腔调。

71、He hasn't the knack of tuning in to people. ─── 他不懂了解人的窍门。

72、While you might find tuning your memory to be more difficult than other subsystems, the reward is often greater. ─── 尽管您可能会发现,与其他的子系统相比,内存的优化更为困难一些,但是收到的效果往往更加显著。

73、In tune with what is going on; hip. ─── 合拍时与发生的事情合拍的; 时髦的

74、He is going to set new words to an old tune. ─── 他准备给一支老曲子配上新词。

75、She played a tune on her guitar. ─── 她用她的吉他弹了一支曲子。

76、In his new job, he felt in tune with his surroundings and his associates. ─── 在新工作中约翰觉得与周围的人以及他的伙伴们相处得很好。

77、Why did he suddenly change his tune? ─── 他为什么突然改变了态度?

78、She was humming a tune to herself. ─── 她自个儿哼著小调。

79、He played a beautiful tune on the organ. ─── 他用风琴演奏出一支动听的曲子。

80、Nissan 370Z Tuning Package by Branew. ─── 图鉴两张,点击放大。

81、She hammered out a tune on the piano. ─── 她在钢琴上弹奏一支曲子。

82、He is trying to play the same tune in a different rhythm. ─── 他正试图用不同节奏演奏同一个曲子。

83、The orchestra is tuning up and the concert is about to begin. ─── 乐队正在调音,音乐会马上就要开始了。

84、The band played a lively tune. ─── 乐队演奏了一支轻快的乐曲。

85、He was humming a tune as he walked along. ─── 他一边走,一边哼着曲子。

86、As you know, Buffet Crampon always works on new model to improve the keyworksand the tuning in each instrument. ─── 正如大家所知,布菲公司一直都在开发新产品以提升每种乐器的按键体系和音质。

87、The reason is simple: I sing out of tune,you see. ─── 原因非常简单: 你要知道,我唱歌走调。

88、His ideas are in tune with the spirit of his age. ─── 他的思想符合他那年纪的精神面貌。

89、This is measured by a tuning fork. ─── 可通过音叉进行检查。


汽车ECU升级,在国内又叫:刷ECU,ECU改装。这项技术是从欧洲发达国家引进,又称:ECU tuning,翻译成中文:ECU调校。





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