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09-02 投稿



reappear 发音

英:[?ri???p?r]  美:[?ri???p??(r)]

英:  美:

reappear 中文意思翻译



reappear 网络释义

vi. 再出现

reappear 词性/词形变化,reappear变形

第三人称单数:reappears 现在分词:reappearing 过去式:reappeared 过去分词:reappeared

reappear 短语词组

1、reappear syn ─── 重现syn

2、reappear define ─── 重新显示定义

3、reappear definition ─── 重新显示定义

4、reappear gif ─── 再现gif

5、reappear meaning ─── 再现意义

6、reappear again ─── 再次出现

7、reappear meme ─── 再现模因

reappear 相似词语短语

1、reappears ─── vi.再出现

2、to reappear ─── 重现

3、reappeared ─── vi.再出现

4、reaper ─── n.收割者;收割机;收获者;[常the(Grim)R~]死神,死

5、coappears ─── 协同出现

6、disappear ─── vi.消失;失踪;不复存在;vt.使…不存在;使…消失

7、reappearing ─── vi.再出现

8、appear ─── v.出现;显得;似乎;vi.出庭;登场

9、coappear ─── 共同出现

reappear 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Certain political, social, and legal forms reappear in seemingly different garb ─── 一些政治、社会和法律的形式在表面不同的外衣下重复出现。

2、What's the betting these socks will reappear, and turn out to have some powerful magic knitted into them? ─── 咱们来打个赌,这些袜子会再出现,而且可能还有什么法力高深的魔法织在里面,怎么样?

3、During this stage in mitosis and the second division of meiosis the chromosomes uncoil and disperse, the nuclear spindle degenerates, nucleoli reappear, and a new nuclear membrane forms. ─── 在有丝分裂的末期或第二次减数分裂末期,染色体解聚消失,中心的纺锤体解体,核仁重新出现,新核膜形成。

4、Three coins vanish one at a time from the magician's hand and reappear with a loud clink inside of a coffee cup. ─── 三个银币从魔术师手中逐一消失了,然后响亮地重现于咖啡杯。

5、For example, if you're dragging a file from one directory to another, the source object must disappear from its source and reappear in the target. ─── 例如,你把一个文件从一个目录中拖到另一个目录下,源对象必须要在源位置上消失,而出现在目标位置上。

6、What he expressed himself is anxious: The cost of hacker attack Internet bar is such low, later if how such circumstance does reappear? ─── 他表示了自己的担忧:黑客攻击网吧的成本如此之低,以后如果再出现这样的情况怎么办?

7、But even when they knew it would not cost anything to make the door reappear, they still kept frantically trying to prevent doors from vanishing. ─── 但是即使这样,当他们知道让门再次出现,不会扣分,他们仍然疯狂的试图防止门消失。

8、The stars are largely the same night after night. The same groups of stars, or constellations, continually reappear in the same relative positions. ─── 天上的星星日复一日地几乎没有什么变化,同样的星群或者星座会不断地出现在同样的相对位置。

9、It would regroup and reappear in the rear. ─── 他们会在后方重新组合出现。

10、in certain conditions previously inhibited conditioned reactions can reappear. ─── 在一定的条件下,先前受到抑制的条件反应会重新出现。

11、To restore the CD access code, press and hold down the enter button for 3 seconds, until the stored code will reappear. ─── 复原光盘签入码,压力和保持下那为3秒进入按钮,直到被储存的码将会再出现。

12、In today's highly competitive real estate agents in the market environment, can reappear Leader Xinda OK OK had brilliant? ─── 在当今房地产代理业竞争高度激烈的市场环境下,信达行能否重现利达行曾有的辉煌?

13、Last year I returned to my long separation hometown, the hometown change often to reappear in my brain. ─── 去年我回到了我久别的家乡,家乡的变化时常在我脑中浮现。

14、Soon, my soul move, I again wake up from somewhere, known soul arises from the bottom of the spirit sea slowly, all senses have resumed operation, the desire as spring buds, quietly reappear. ─── 不久,心中一动,我从冥冥中再次醒来,识神从精神之海的最底层慢慢浮现出来,一切感官都恢复了运作,久违的触感如春天的新芽一样,悄然重现.

15、The comtent that yamen's documents reappear reflect the appeal condition of contemporary adminishative state and counties,very precions.The research valus is very high. ─── 官厅间文书所再现的内容全面反映了当时州县的诉讼实态,弥足珍贵,具有极高的研究价值。

16、Alvar Aalto said“Nothing is ever reborn, but neither does it totally disappear. And that which has once been, will always reappear in a new form.” ─── “没有什么东西能够重生,但是它也不会全然消逝,曾经存在,将不断重现”

17、From then on, every year during Ghost Month, she and the house would reappear. ─── 从那时起,每年到了鬼月,她和房子就会再出现。

18、In fact , it might reappear to the extent that scholars could make out and even decipher the original text. ─── 事实上,它可能会重现到学者们能够辨认甚至破译原文的程度。

19、He just puts in an honest night's work making stuff disappear and reappear, with a great deal of square humor and showmanship. ─── 他只是用大量的幽默技巧和演出技巧使物体变的消失并再现。

20、She doesn't reappear with his brother's kid. ─── 人们也没能见到她跟孩子一块儿出来。

21、Not only did the stove reappear, but there was also a beautiful dinner table set out in front of her. ─── 不仅火炉又出现,还有一张美丽的餐桌摆设在她前面。

22、Their eyes actually chang color,physical marks disappear and reappear,and even diseases such as diabetes or high blood pressure come and go. ─── 他们眼珠的颜色起了变化,皮肤的某些记号消失而某些记号重现了,甚至像得得糖尿病或高血压都没有了。

23、The snow-covered Harbaqik Mountain peak and the huge rock reappear in his eyes and remain in his pupils that are fading slowly and gradually to darkness. ─── 哈尔巴企克山钢蓝色的积雪的山峰和那块大岩石在他的眼里最后出现了,定格在他的渐渐凝固的瞳孔里。

24、For instance, if you apply the Fly out effect, the item will fly out, but then will reappear on the slide in its original location. ─── 例如,如果应用“飞出”效果,项目将会飞出,但接着它会重新显示在幻灯片上的原来位置。

25、You bring one of the spots back, but one stubbornly refuses to reappear. ─── 你忆起其中一个斑点,但是一个人倔强地拒绝再现。

26、1.reconstruction; reproduction; recurrence; reappearance 2.to reappear; to recur; to reproduce; to re-create; to crop up agai ─── 再现

27、Without warning, though, she disappears from sight, only to reappear a moment later, screaming in pain. ─── 但毫无预警地,她从视线上消失,一会儿后再出现时只见她痛苦地尖叫着。

28、However, if you switch back to the original layout before you save and close the current 2007 Microsoft Office system document, all of your customizations reappear in the original layout. ─── 但是,如果在保存并关闭当前的2007 Microsoft Office System文档之前切换回原始布局,则所有自定义都会重新出现在原始布局中。

29、Adding back a proxy class with a matching name or renaming an existing proxy class to match the configuration file entry causes the endpoint to reappear. ─── 如果重新添加具有匹配名称的代理类,或者重命名现有的代理类,使其与配置文件项匹配,则会导致终结点重新出现。

30、Two magical sponge rabbits disappear and reappear in a spectator's hand many times. ─── 二只魔术的海绵兔子消失和再现在观众的手里许多次。

31、If, in the future, you change your mind about this decision, just visit this site again and this assistant will reappear. ─── 如果将来改变主意,只要再次访问此网站,那时此助手程序将重新出现。

32、More than two hours had passed by, but the snail did not reappear. ─── 两个多小时过去了,但那只蜗牛却没有再出现。

33、this time only to reappear the next morning in pieces on the shore. ─── 只是这次再出现时却已是隔天早上,只剩下尸块散落在岸边。

34、However, from the gender perspective, the role division in the process of folk religious rite activities reappear the unequal sex role in real life. ─── 不过,从社会性别视角看,民俗宗教仪式活动过程中的角色分工重现了现实生活中的性别角色的不平等。

35、If they reappear, they manifest themselves in certain typical ways. ─── 一旦它们重复出现就会以特有的方法表现出来。

36、In addition, if you then delete your command enough, the prompt will reappear! ─── 另外,如果您再删除一定数量的命令时,提示符又会再次出现。

37、The basic idea is for fluid to “disappear” from the upstream submodel and “reappear” in the downstream submodel, while keeping the flow rates and pressures the same. ─── 1. 主要设想就是让流体从上游子模型消失而再次出现在下游的子模型中,同时保证流速和压力的一致。

38、Four Aces vanish from packets of cards and reappear inside the card case. ─── 四一点从卡片小包消失并且再现在卡片盒里面。

39、Smith said he expects" the old Steve Francis" to reappear when he comes back, and short-handed Orlando obviously could use him. ─── 史密斯说他希望老大回到场上时是那个原来自信,激情的老大,而且目前人员短缺的魔术队需要他。

40、Obvervation of BCG Polysaccharide and Nucleic Acid Preparation with Levamisole Hydrochloride Tablets in Preventing Reappear of CA ─── 卡介苗素联合左旋咪唑预防尖锐温疣复发的临床观察

41、Clemenza left after a few hours, but Tessio did not reappear. ─── 几个钟头之后,克莱门扎就离开了。 但忒希奥却一直没有出来。

42、It has been noted that certain sounds that occur in babbling are lost when children begin to speak the language, and then reappear at a later stage. ─── 人们注意到,儿童开始说话后,一些咿呀学语阶段的语音暂时消失了,以后又会出现。

43、Then, one night, Monica saw a thin sliver of the moon reappear. ─── 之后的一天晚上,莫尼卡看到了一个月牙。

44、The waiter reappear at his side with a loaded tray. ─── 侍者端著满满一盘饭菜回到他的桌边。

45、reappear before one's eyes ─── 再现在眼前

46、Through translators efforts,the beauty of the source language form can reappear in the translated works by the target language form. ─── 同时又通过例证说明了语言的不可译也非绝对的不可译,在译者的努力下,可以以译文自身的语言形式美再现原文的形式美。

47、For example, the command "erase" makes the arrow 's image disappear and "display" makes it reappear. ─── 例如,指令“擦除”会使箭头的图象消失而指令“显示”又会使它重现。

48、Reappear verity ─── 再现真实

49、11 Then,one night ,Monica saw a thin sliver of the moon reappear. ─── 之后的一天晚上,莫尼卡看到了一个月牙。

50、She went upstairs and did not reappear until morning. ─── 她上了楼,直到第二天早晨才再次露面。

51、It can be tricky to do so, since the helicopters will appear and reappear in intervals, but you should have plenty of tactical aid to repeat the process until you nab them all. ─── 它可以取巧做的,因为直升机将出现在再现回放,但你应该有很多战术援助重复这个过程,直到你借予他们所有人。

52、The Masterpiece to Reappear the Philosophic Theory of Absurdity ─── 再现荒诞哲理的杰作

53、Use them in code that contains values that reappear or that depends on certain numbers that are difficult to remember or have no obvious meaning. ─── 如果代码包含重复出现的值,或者代码包含的某些值取决于某些很难记住或没有明显意义的数字,则请在代码中使用常数。

54、To Reappear the Authentic History ─── “再现真实历史”

55、If I should prowl about the streets a long time, don't be uneasy; I shall reappear in the morning. ─── 倘若我在街上徘徊太久,你不必担心;早晨我必定又会出现的。

56、He thought that he beheld the hand which had relaxed its grasp reappear in the darkness behind him ready to seize him once more. ─── 他仿佛看见那只已经放了他的手又出现在他背后的黑影里,准备再抓住他。

57、When Han stopped to swallow saliva, the lump would nearly disappear and then reappear again, reminding Hung-chien of a frog swallowing flies ─── 他不说话咽唾沫时,这核稍隐复现,令鸿渐联想起青蛙吞苍蝇的景象。

58、Probably the story is one of those mysterious bits of folklore that reappear every few years, to be told a new in one form or another ─── 它也许是那种隔几年就会改头换面地被重新传播一次的神奇的民间传说。

59、He thought that he beheld the hand which had relaxed its grasp reappear in the darkness behind him ready to seize him once more. ─── 他仿佛看见那只已经放了他的手又出现在他背后的黑影里,准备再抓住他。

60、The message will only reappear in the queue when the timeout period expires if, and only if, it has not been deleted by the reading process. ─── 只有当超时周期过期时,而且读取消息的应用程序没有删除它,消息才会重新出现在队列中。

61、The Tang-style Street will be built in terms of tourist routes, and thus completely reappear profound culture of Tang Dynasty, with600 m long and8 m wide. ─── 仿唐一条街将依附旅游路修建,形式为仿唐古建,全面再现浓郁的唐代文化色彩,街长600米,宽8米。

62、Reappear in my mind's eye ─── 在我眼前重现

63、If there is somewhere else to go within the healing temples to aid your current level of ascent, the angle in the beginning of this meditation will reappear to direct you further. ─── 如果有其它事物进入疗愈圣殿来帮助你当前水平的提升,本冥想起初的天使将再次出现而进一步指引你。

64、Happiness And Peace Prayed Yearningly By Illuminant Reappear Through Hours, Deluging After You... ─── 受过光芒祝福的快乐与平安在你身后如潮水一般涌来....

65、If the Soviet menace were to suddenly reappear with the bomb being dropped on Shanghai, the only ones to survive would be 200 inebriated homos in feather boas and sequined gowns. ─── 如果苏维埃共产主义当时轰炸上海,那么能生存下来的估计只有200来个被灌醉的,身着羽毛围巾和金片礼服的同志们。

66、It should reappear 20 minutes later and within another half-hour, ─── 如果一切顺利,探测器将在20分钟后重新出现。

67、He said the city had targeted black taxis prior to hosting the Olympic Games in August, but they started to reappear once the Games ended. ─── 他说,在8月北京奥运会之前,北京就开展过清理黑车的行动,但是奥运会结束后,这些黑车又死灰复燃了。

68、If these silent genes are somehow switched back on, they argued, long-lost traits could reappear. ─── 他们认为,如果这些沉默的基因以某种方式被重新激活,长期丢失的性状可能会重新出现。

69、The sun will reappear on another day, ─── 太阳总会再现

70、It is a pity that some important academic problems were not treated of at that time, such as reality of the living and the figment of the art, realistic and ideal, reappear and express, limited and infinite, etc. ─── 但当时对一些重大理论问题,如生活的真实与艺术的虚构、写实与理想、再现与表现、有限与无限等等类型,都未论及,留下遗憾。

71、Taiwan's history of being invaded and colonized will not be repeated, and autocratic rule that goes against the will of Taiwan compatriots will not reappear. ─── 台湾被宰割、被殖民的历史将不会重演;违背台湾同胞意愿的专制政权将不会再现。

72、Essentially these same three doctrines reappear in twentieth-century surveys of the philosophy of mathematics under the new names logicism, intuitionism, and formalism. ─── 实质上,同样这三个学说以逻辑主义、直觉主义和形式主义的新名称再度出现于二十世纪数理哲学的观点中。

73、The LingoWare Editor breaks down text strings used in the application, storing and applying translations already made wherever those strings reappear. ─── LingoWare编辑分解应用程序中使用的正文串,在凡是这些字符串再现的地方储存并应用已制好的翻译。

74、You can be sure that the unease will then reappear in some other form within the relationship, and you will probably hold your partner responsible for it. ─── 可以保证地说这种不安将会在关系中以另一种形式出现,很有可能你还会去让对方为此负责。

75、He just puts in an honest night's work making stuff disappear and reappear, with a great deal of square humor and showmanship. ─── 他只是用大量的幽默技巧和演出技巧使物体变的消失并再现。

76、Real reappear of target wake based on multithreading technic ─── 基于多线程技术的目标航迹的真实再现

77、And since the image's cycle in 15-second intervals. They reappear in any order they leave, so each image is off screen for sixty... ─── 因为影像的循环间隔是15秒。它们会以退出屏幕的顺序重新出现,所以每幅影像会离开屏幕六十...

78、As soon as the Olympics are over, the wheelie bins will be purloined and the card players will reappear. ─── 一旦奥运会结束,带轮子的垃圾箱就会被偷走,打扑克的人群将再次出现。

79、For instance, Dresden, almost destroyed in world war two, try to reappear style and feature of prewar Germany. ─── 例如曾在二战中几乎夷为平地的德累斯顿,则以再现当年风貌为政府战后重建宗旨;

80、On a non-clear coat paint, a colored wax may fill in and hide the scratch temporarily, but once the wax has worn off, the scratch will reappear. ─── 在没有清洁的漆面上,有颜色的蜡可能会填补和临时的隐藏划痕,但是一旦车蜡全部风化,划痕还会再现出来。

81、If an existing problem does not reappear when you start Windows in safe mode, you can eliminate the default settings and basic device drivers as possible causes. ─── 如果以安全模式启动Windows时没有再次出现现有问题,则可以将默认设置和基本设备驱动程序排除在可能的故障原因之外。

82、How to accurately reproduce and reappear color have always been an important subject. ─── 如何精确地复制和再现色彩,一直是一项重要的研究课题。

83、And this poses a puzzle: how can characteristics that disappeared millions of years ago suddenly reappear? ─── 这就造成了一个难题:数百万年前消失的特征是如何突然重现的?

84、Well, we seem to have dodged the deadly pandemic this year that most of us feared, but this threat could reappear at any time. ─── 然而,我们看起来似乎逃过了一劫——发生在今年的致命性大流感。却让我们极为恐惧。

85、Perhaps the hero would swing his sword and reduce the villian to baloney slices, only to have him reappear as if magically rejoined. ─── 也许英雄会摆动他的剑和减少小人,以baloney片,只有有他出现,犹如神奇的返回。

86、However, the stirring scene of rescue during the 1998 devastative floods did not reappear. ─── 但是,1998年特大洪水时惊心动魄的抢险场面没有再现。

87、It relies on a deliberately deformed image that can be made to reappear in its true shape when viewed in an unusual way. ─── 它故意将图像进行变形处理,使其在非常规方式下观看才会显示本来形状。

88、Your audience will be spellbound as they watch coins vanish, only to reappear moments later. ─── 你的观众将被迷住,他们观看硬币消失,只有过了一会儿再现。

89、The application of this hemodynamics experimental model demonstrates that by the model the phenomenon of pressing mural coronary artery by myocardial bridge and resulting in abnormal homodynamic features can reappear. ─── 实验模型的实际使用证明,其能够在相当程度上复现心肌桥压迫壁冠状动脉,并导致血流动力学特性异常的现象。

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