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09-02 投稿


fid 发音

英:[f?d]  美:[f?d]

英:  美:

fid 中文意思翻译



fid 短语词组

1、fid gun fid ─── 枪

2、fid root fid ─── 根

3、fid 2606 fid 2606 ─── 号

4、flame ionization detector(FID) ─── [化] 火焰离子化检测器

5、fid 2604 fid 2604 ─── 标准

6、fid hole ─── 桅栓孔

7、fid number fid ─── 编号

8、fid detector ─── 氢火焰离子化检测器

9、fid tcd fid tcd

fid 词性/词形变化,fid变形


fid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、fid:a square bar used as a support for a topmast. ─── "桅栓:方木条,用来支撑中桅."

2、my $auth_string = generate_auth_string($ip_int, $fid, $date, $shareKey); ─── 基于相关条件产生验证串。

3、facial identification [FID] ─── 容貌拼图

4、Acrylic resin is diluted in ethyl acetate and the remnant monomer is well separated from it by gas chromatography and is quantificationally measured by hydrogen flame ionization detector (FID). ─── 乙酸丁酯稀释丙烯酸树脂后,用气相色谱法使丙烯酸树脂中的各种残余单体得到较好分离,再采用氢火焰离子化检测器(FID)定量测定。

5、pdf of single side, double side, structure reliability for normal units is given in this paper. The Fid. ─── pdf(信赖概率密度函数),正态单元的单边、双边、结构可靠性的Fid.

6、The impact of makeup gas for packed column on sensitivity of FID detector ─── 填充柱使用尾吹气对FID检测器灵敏度的影响

7、A Summary of 48th FID General Conference ─── FID第48届大会及学术研讨会述评

8、Gas chromatography FID detector structure and features, the common troubles and troubleshooting methods were introduced. ─── 介绍气相色谱FID检测器的结构特点、使用中常见故障及故障排除方法。

9、Keywords Chromatobar;FID;Residual oil;Group composition; ─── 棒状薄层色谱/氢焰检测器;渣油;族组成;

10、Adsorption on charcoal, solvent desorption and analysis by GC ( FID ) were performed. ─── 活性炭吸附空气中邻-氯甲苯,样品经溶剂解吸,色谱检测。

11、FID(flame ionization detector) ─── 火焰离子化检测仪

12、To avoid them,a new alternate method which combines thin layer chromatography(TLC)with hydrogen flame ionization detector(FID)is adopted. ─── 为使其改进,采用薄层色谱(TLC)与氢火焰离子化检测器(FID)相结合的新方法.

13、The impact of makeup gas for packed column on sensitivity of FID (Flame Ionization Detector) was studied with different concentration sample and different carrier gas flow in order to find out optimal sensitivity of Gas Chromatogram. ─── 摘要本文研究气相色谱填充柱在不同柱流量和不同浓度的苯系物样品,使用尾吹气对FID检测器灵敏度的影响,以确定分析仪器的最佳灵敏度。

14、Comparison Between MIP and FID in Quantitative Analysis of Gas Chromatography ─── GC-MIP与GC-FID的定量分析比较

15、Keywords Parachloroaniline;Gas chromatography;FID detector; ─── 对氯苯胺;气相色谱仪;FID检测器;

16、. Methods Sampling by silica gel, the samples were desorbed by methanol or heat, separated by Carbowax-20 M or Zorbax-ODS column, examined by FID or UVD, and quantified by high peak and qualitatively measured by its retentive time. ─── 方法 采用硅胶采样 ,样品经甲醇解吸或热解吸 ,Carbowax 2 0M或Zorbax ODS柱分离 ,氢火焰离子化检测器或紫外吸收检测器检测 ,以保留时间定性峰高定量。

17、It is theoretically explained by analysing the FID of a spin-1 system. ─── 本文分析了自旋为1的核的FID解析式,理论上解释了这一现象。

18、METHODS Distilled by water,CGC was used to determine borneolum syntheticum in Jiedu Shaoshang ointment on HP-20M Column. The detector was FID. ─── 方法水蒸汽蒸馏提取,使用HP-20M毛细管色谱柱,FID检测器。

19、The most embarrassing thing for women is to fid another woman wearing the same dress at a formal party. ─── 最让女人尴尬的,就是一个正式的聚会上发现另一个女人穿着和自己同样的衣服.

20、An on- line determination is established to simultaneously monitor sulfur- containing and hydrocarbon gases during coal pyrolysis. ─── 建立了一种简单的在线同时检测煤热解过程中气态硫及烃类逸出的方法-TPDFPD&FID

21、the detector was FID. ─── 检测器为FID

22、FID Federation of International Documentation ─── 国际文档编制联合会

23、Another reason I fid the subject interesting is that I've had an exorcism performed on me. You read that right. ─── 另一个我对这个内容感兴趣的原因是因曾经有一位驱邪师为我驱过邪。

24、Foreign internal defense (FID) - in order to establish friendship and provides training for foreigners. ─── 境外内部防卫(FID)——为建立友谊而为外国人提供训练。

25、FID control ─── PID控制

26、What!Carelessly play billiards when your father is dying?It's fid while rome is burning. ─── 什么!你爹快要死了,你还在玩台球?这才叫做“大难临头依然醉生梦死”呐。

27、Methods Using methyl salicylate as inter-standard, the content of borneol was assayed by DB-5 capillary column with FID detector, programmed temperature and high pure helium as carrier gas with the flow rate of 1 mL/min. ─── 方法以水杨酸甲酯作为内标,色谱柱为DB-5毛细管柱,FID检测器,程序升温,高纯氦气作为载气,流速为1mL/min。

28、FID field ─── 格式标式字段

29、The sample was dissolved with acetone containing an internal marker. After ultrasonic extraction, d-cyphenothrin in the sample solution was separated in a glass column packed with SE-30 and determined by flame ionization detection (FID). ─── 样品溶于含有内标物的丙酮中,经超声波萃取后,用SE-30玻璃填充柱分离并用火焰离子化检测器测定右旋苯氰菊酯。

30、The development of usual selective GC detectors is discussed,including FID,ECD,PID,FPD,etc. ─── 介绍了几种常用的选择性气相色谱检测器的进展 ,包括FID、ECD、PID、FPD、NPD等等

31、Keywords Sub-critical water chromatography;FID;Polar compounds; ─── 亚临界水色谱;FID检测;极性化合物;

32、script src="$webdb[www_url]/jsarticle.php?fid=$fid&type=hot&rows=$webdb[JsListRows]&leng=$webdb[JsListLeng]" ─── 我想改这些文章的样式,经过代码查看,是这段代码,请问这个风格哪里改呢?

33、Methods Benzoyl peroxide in flour was extracted by aether and deoxidized into benzoic acid by reducing agent,and the extracts were determined by GC with FID. ─── 方法面粉中过氧化苯甲酰被还原剂还原成苯甲酸,经乙醚提取,用FID检测,外标法定量。面粉中苯甲酸被乙醚提取后,用FID检测,外标法定量。

34、N; [! n. w" l2 Q$ E) Tfclose(fid); fclose(fid_n); --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ─── 注释(不含独立的数字串)+数据(列数相同):源文件:

35、Methods: The method was based on the adsorption of organic solvents on activated charcoal, desorption with CS2 and analysis of the abtained solution by FFAP capillary GC with FID detector. ─── 方法:用活性碳吸附管采集空气中有机溶剂,CS2解吸,经FFAP毛细管色谱柱分离,以氢火焰离子化检测器检测。

36、Therefore, the accumulation of FID with positive and negative irradiation offset can suppress strong single quantum signals in RMR experiments. ─── 因此 ,这样的实验累加可以保持多量子信号的强度而压抑掉强的单量子峰 .

37、Abstract Trace amount of DBP and MBP in TBP-kerosene system is determined by gas chromatography with FID (Flame Ionization Detector) and fused silica capillary column. ─── 摘要 用气相色谱的氢火焰离子化检测器及熔融石英毛细管柱测定在煤油体系中痕量的DBP(磷酸二丁酯)和MBP(磷酸一丁酯)。


39、Purified the volatile oil from Perilla frutescens(L.) Britt and dissolved in the solvent, used gas chromatography(FID detector) analyze it. ─── 将紫苏叶挥发油纯化后配制成溶液,并应用气相色谱仪(FID检测器)进行了分离分析。

40、Analytical condition were as follows, column: 10% modified polyethylene glycol 20M on acid washed 201, 2m column with 3 mm i. d., FID as detector, phe-nylmethyl ketone as internal standard compound. ─── 以10%改性聚乙二醇20M为固定液,苯乙酮为内标物,氢火焰离子化检测器,内标法定量分析异辛酸。

41、In this article, the method of PGC302 (FID detector) process gas chromatograph on measuring of hydrocarbons in air separation plant is introduced. ─── 摘要介绍了用PGC302气相工业色谱仪(FID检测器)直接测定空分装置液态氧中碳氢化合物的分析方法,该方法具有自动化程度高,灵敏度精密度好等优点。

42、theoretically explained by analysing the FID of a spin - 1 system. ─── 分析了自旋为1的核的fid解析式,理论上解释了这一现象。

43、Business Office Code. Western region FID that carries a three character alphanumeric code identifying the U S WEST business that handles the customer's service. ─── 企业办事处代码。西部地区FID,携带三个字符的字母数字编码,用以识别处理用户服务的美国西部企业。

44、Methods: The samples were injected into HP-INNOWAX capillary column by headspace sampler and analyzed with FID detector using standard addition method. ─── 方法:采用顶空毛细管气相色谱法,以标准溶液加入法测定三七提取物中有机溶剂残留量。

45、The results showed that GC-FID is a fast method for study of the indicators of spilled oil. ─── 结果表明,在溢油指示物(或指标)的研究中,气相色谱法(GCFID)是一种快速有效的方法。

46、Hydrocarbons was separated with a packed - column coated with 25 % squalane at constant temperature, detected by using an FID, and quantified by area normalization method. ─── 烃类组分采用25%角鲨烷填充色谱柱恒温分离,以氢火焰离子化检测器(FID)检测,峰面积归一化法定量。

47、Used for getting fid of all kinds of coil impurities in waste pulp,such as iron wire,rope,cotton yarn etc. ─── 用于去除废纸浆中的各种缠绕性杂质,如铁丝、绳子、棉纱等。

48、Determination of Hydrocarbon Composition of Lube Base Oils by TLC- FID ─── 润滑油基础油烃族组成的薄层色谱法测定

49、Firstly, coherent spectra of free-induction decay (FID) are studied for ZnO-Nb_2O_5-TeO_2:Er_2O_3 at room temperature using femtoseeond laser pulses with the excitation wavelength of 800 nm. ─── 2) 在同样条件下研究了ZnO-Nb_2O_5-TeO_2:Er_2O_3的另一飞秒相干光谱:光子回波。

50、pw_forums pf USING(fid) where fid in (2,3) pt.ifcheck='1' and pf. ─── 我改成这样后提示调用数据库出错...还请云天河大侠出手指点一下...

51、When a nation needs to purge lawlessness or protect itself from rogue nations, Special Forces' Foreign Internal Defense (FID) tactics are put to use. ─── 当一个国家需要制裁非法行为或保卫自己不受流氓国家的欺负,特种部队外国内部防御战术就付诸实施。

52、Factors such as sort of crude oils or application spot size do not influence the FID response of our samples under the studied co. . . ─── 在给定试验条件下,原油的种类和实际点样量不影响FID的响应值。

53、Factors such as sort of crude oils or application spot size do not influence the FID response of our samples under the studied co... ─── 在给定试验条件下,原油的种类和实际点样量不影响FID的响应值。

54、The New Algorithm for the Processing of the Analytic Results Obtained from the TCD abd FID Connected in Series on Gas Chromatograph ─── 热导串氢焰时处理色谱数据的新算法

55、The Analysis and Treat of Freguent Trouble for FID ─── 氢火焰检测器常见故障的分析及处理

56、ALL FID TORCH AND TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. ─── 奥菲达焊枪技术有限公司。

57、In this paper, GC/FTIR FID is used for the analysis of wastewater samples of petrochemical works. ─── 为解决剖析分析无标样定量问题,成功地实现了GC/FTIR-FID匹配联机,使得未知组分定性定量一次完成。

58、The analysis of the trace flavouring components in liquor by gas chromatography is usually done by FID detector with quantification by internal standard method. ─── 气相色谱法分析白酒中的微量香气成分,一般采用FID检测器,以内标法定量。

59、FID Detector ─── 氢火焰离子化检测器

60、mysql_unbuffered_query("update xbt_files set hits=hits+1 where fid='".addslashes($fid)."'"); ─── "程序出错了请联系客服或请用其他方式下载试试!");

61、The determination method of ethylene chlorohydrin content by u sing FID chromatograph polyethylene glycol 20M chromatographic column was introd uced. ─── 介绍了采用FID的色谱仪聚乙二醇20M色谱柱对氯乙醇的定量测定方法。

62、Gaseous DEK was adsorbed with activated charcoal (AC)tube,then desorbed with a solvent of carbon disulfide (CS_2),and finally separated and analyzed by gas chromatography [GC(FID)]. ─── 气态的DEK用活性炭(AC)管吸附后,以二硫化碳(CS_2)溶剂解吸,最后由气相色谱[GC(FID)]分离并测定。

63、A capillary GC method with FID detector for the determination of residual organic solvents acetone, dichlormethane and pyridine in nateglinide was presented. ─── 应用毛细管气相色谱分析那格列奈中有机溶剂丙酮、二氯甲烷、吡啶的残留量。

64、The rest, CO, CH 4 , CO 2 , C 2H 4 and CH 3OCH 3, are separated by the chromatographic column B of which CO and CO 2 are translated into CH 4, while all are finally detected with FID. ─── 在串接的第 2个色谱柱中实现其它组分的分离 ,并将其中的CO和 CO2 在加氢转化柱上转化成甲烷 . 第 2色谱柱分离的组分用氢火焰离子化检测器测定 .

65、flame ionization detector (FID) ─── 火焰离子化检测器

66、The content of Oxadixyl and Laurocapram were simultaneously determined in 8% Oxadixyl WP, using column with SE30 fixation fluid carried by Chromosorb AW-DMCS and FID. ─── 用ChromosorbAW DMCS担体载SE30固定液的色谱柱、氢火焰离子化检测器同时测定 8%增效恶霜灵可湿性粉剂中恶霜灵和氮?酮的含量。

67、Determination of psoralen in radix fid simplids simae by HPLC ─── HPLC法测定五指毛桃中补骨脂素的含量

68、Keywords active shimming;shim coils;magnetic field homogeneity;FID; ─── 有源匀场;匀场线圈;磁场均匀度;FID;

69、Charcoal adsorption and thermal desorption were used for the sampling of propylene and analysis was performed by GC (FID). ─── 活性炭吸附空气中丙烯,热解吸后采用气相色谱(FID)测定丙烯浓度。

70、Gas chromatography FID detector structure and features,the common troubles and troubleshooting methods were introduced. ─── 介绍气相色谱FID检测器的结构特点、使用中常见故障及故障排除方法。

71、Volatile oil samples were analysed on a Varian 3700 gas chromatograph equipped with FID detector and an electronic 4270 integrator. ─── 挥发性油用带氢火焰检测器与4270型电子积分仪的瓦里安3700型气相色谱仪分析。

72、The tower can get fid of 90% chroma and enhance biodegradability by 30% under weak acidic conditions.The tower can avoid iron inactivation and hardening. ─── 在弱酸性条件下,该类型铁屑滤塔色度去除率高达90%,废水可生化性提高30%,运行一年半无板结和钝化现象。

73、format identification (FID) ─── 格式识别格式标识

74、By setting up the lists of FID inhibit handler, FID exclusion and dynamic priority, the operation states of FID are changed real-time. ─── 通过建立故障的FID禁止列表、FID冲突列表及其动态优先级列表,实时改变FID的运行状态;

75、For detailed information about correlating the FID and MID numbers to actual messages or if this error is occurring repeatedly, contact Microsoft Product Support Services. ─── 有关将FID和MID数值与实际邮件关联的详细信息,或者如果此错误反复发生,请与Microsoft产品支持服务联系。

76、Zuof is often able to head off a danger in the fid& Shurnaeher is very aggressive and bound in personality on the field. ─── 佐夫在场上经常能化险为夷,而舒马赫在绿茵场上则是咄咄逼人和富于个性。

77、A determination rnethod of Etoc in Mosquitourepellent mat with gas chrornatography was established.The quantitative analysis of etoc was conducted by GC using FID and internal standard method. ─── 叙述了采用气相色谱法,以FID检测器和内标法定量测定电热蚊香片中益多克的含量。

78、The analysis of the mixture gas of O_2, CO, CO_2, NO, N_2O, NO_2 and C_3H_6 was done with an improved 102G model gas chromatograph, in which ECD, FID and 5A zeolite, 10%OV-101/Chromosorb W and G. ─── 在改装的102G型气相色谱仪上,采用氢火焰离子检测器、电子捕获检测器和5 A分子筛、10%OV-101/Chromosorb W、G.

79、Keywords organophosphorous pesticide;extraction methods;pulsed-flame photometer detector (PFPD);flame ionization detector (FID); ─── 有机磷农药;提取方法;脉冲式火焰光度检测器(PFPD);氢火焰检测器(FID);

80、Used for getting fid of all kinds of coil impurities in waste pulp, such as iron wire, rope, cotton yarn etc. ─── 用于去除废纸浆中的各种缠绕性杂质,如铁丝、绳子、棉纱等。

81、Hydrocarbon impurities in propylene were determined with capillary gas chromatography (GC) by using PLOT/ Al 2 0 3 quartz capillary column and flame ionization detector (FID). ─── 以PLOT/Al2 O3 石英毛细管柱为分析柱 ,采用氢火焰离子化检测器 ,建立了测定丙烯中烃类杂质含量的毛细管气相色谱法。

82、I'm tried of traveling in and out to work every day in the rush fid like to buy - - a cottage in die country and gel away from it all. ─── 我讨厌每天在交通高峰期来回上班下班,我想在乡村购买一幢小别墅,静静生活以摆脱这一切。

83、The reporter of 揜FID Technologies abd Applications interviewed them and summarized their presentations to share this report ,with readers. ─── 本刊记者采访了各位专家,汇总了相关内容,与读者分享。

84、This paper begins with a summary of the theories concerned with FID. ─── 本文首先概述了相关的理论研究成果。

85、remove a fid ─── 拔去销钉

86、METHOD:Headspace GC method was adopted for the determination with SE 30 capillary column and FID detector. ─── 方法:采用顶空气相色谱法,以SE?30 毛细管柱为色谱柱,FID 检测器。

87、flame ionization detector(FID) ─── [化] 火焰离子化检测器

88、FID; International Federation for European Law; ─── 国际欧洲法律联合会;

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