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09-02 投稿


Pelias 中文意思翻译



Pelias 短语词组

1、pelias medea ─── 芸苔

2、pelias as ─── 电影

3、pelias pronunciation ─── 佩利亚斯发音

4、pelias and jason ─── 佩利亚斯和杰森

5、pelias uab uab ─── 毛皮

6、pelias conan ─── 佩利亚斯柯南

7、pelias son ─── 电影是

Pelias 相似词语短语

1、pelhams ─── n.佩勒姆马勒衔

2、obelias ─── 薮枝虫;[动]薮枝螅

3、pelicans ─── n.鹈鹕科;塘鹅(pelican的复数)

4、peltas ─── 毛皮

5、abelias ─── 蜜蜂

6、Pelias ─── n.珀利阿斯(约尔科斯国王)

7、Delians ─── 德利安人

8、heliast ─── 声音

9、pelas ─── 通过

Pelias 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As the heir to the kingdom of Ancient Greece, young Jason has witnessed the murder of his father at the hands of his ruthless uncle, Pelias. ─── 古希腊塞梭莱郡的艾欧卡斯国王遭弟弟贝里亚斯所杀,王子杰森目睹一切,并被逐离家园。

2、So he consented to give up to Pelias much of the land and many of the flocks and herds which were his by right, but said that he must have the throne and sceptre. ─── 因此,他愿意将当然是自己的财产中广大士地与众多羊群及牛群分给派里鄂斯,不过他表明自己一定要拥有王位和权力。

3、As he lost one shoe in the stream he had to enter Pelias' palace inone shoe. ─── 他在过河时遗失了一只鞋子,他不得不赤着一只脚走进了珀利阿斯的宫殿。

4、As he lost one shoe in the stream he had to enter Pelias' palace in only one shoe. ─── 由于他在过河时遗失了一只鞋子,他不得不赤着一只脚走进了珀利阿斯的宫殿。

5、artful Pelias welcomed hisnephew with false pride and joy ; ─── 狡诈的珀利阿斯带着假惺惺的自豪和喜悦迎接了这位侄子。

6、Her husband's enemy, the elderly and bedridden King Pelias, is next. ─── 她丈夫的敌人,卧病在床的约尔科国王珀利阿斯也要经历这一过程。

7、Pelias' prediction was quite right. ─── 珀利阿斯的预言千真万确。

8、The heroes reached Iolcus in safety, and there Jason reigned long and happily in the place of King Pelias, the usurper. ─── 英雄们平安地抵达爱俄克斯,杰逊并且取代篡位者派里鄂斯的王位,永远幸福地统治这个国家。

9、The artful Pelias welcomed hisnephew with false pride and joy ; ─── 狡诈的珀利阿斯带着假惺惺的自豪和喜悦迎接了这位侄子。

10、Pelias was quite scared to see such a stranger because he had been warned by a prophet to be careful of a man wearing only one shoe. ─── 当珀利阿斯看到这个陌生人时,他惊恐异常,因为一位预言家提醒他提防一个只穿了一只鞋的男人。

11、Pelias was quite scared to see such a stranger because he had been warned by a prophet to be careful of a man wearing only one shoe. ─── 当珀利阿斯看到这个陌生人时,他惊恐异常,因为一位预言家提醒他提防一个只穿了一只鞋的男人。

12、As he lost one shoe in the stream he had to enter Pelias' palace in only one shoe. ─── 由于他在过河时遗失了一只鞋子,他不得不赤着一只脚走进了珀利阿斯的宫殿。

13、Pelias was quite scared to see such a stranger because he had been warned by a prophet to be careful of a man wearingone shoe. ─── 当珀利阿斯看到陌生人时,他惊恐异常,一位预言家提醒他提防一个只穿了一只鞋的男人。

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