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09-02 投稿



housewife 发音

英:['ha?swa?f]  美:['ha?s'wa?f]

英:  美:

housewife 中文意思翻译



housewife 词性/词形变化,housewife变形

名词复数: housewives |

housewife 短语词组

1、housewife organization ─── 家庭主妇组织

2、housewife radio cover ─── 家庭主妇电台封面

3、housewife clipart ─── 家庭主妇剪贴画

4、smart housewife ─── 聪明的家庭主妇

5、housewife radio ─── 家庭主妇收音机

6、his mother is a housewife ─── 他妈妈是个家庭主妇

7、the poets and the housewife ─── 诗人与家庭主妇

8、housewife sitcom ─── 家庭主妇情景喜剧

9、desperate housewife ─── 绝望的家庭主妇

10、housewife costume ideas ─── 家庭主妇服装创意

11、quaint housewife ─── 古怪的家庭主妇

12、housewife definitions ─── 家庭主妇的定义

housewife 相似词语短语

1、housewifey ─── adj.家庭主妇式的

2、housewifely ─── adj.主妇们的;节俭的

3、houseline ─── n.三股小绳

4、housewives ─── n.家庭主妇(housewife的复数)

5、huswife ─── 妻子

6、house wines ─── 饭店特选葡萄酒

7、housewifery ─── n.家事;家政

8、house white ─── 白宫

9、house wine ─── 饭店特选葡萄酒

housewife 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The implication in his article is that being a housewife is greatly inferior to every other occupation. ─── 他那篇文章的含意是,当家庭主妇远远不如所有其他职业。

2、A passing housewife returning from shopping glanced at Keisuke with a weird look and quickly passed by. ─── 一位购物归来路过此地的家庭妇女用奇怪的眼光瞥了一眼奎介,又匆匆地走了过去。

3、She feels penned in by her life as a housewife. ─── 她觉得做家庭主妇很受束缚.

4、If the housewife sleep,the basket become empty. ─── 主妇嗜睡菜篮空。

5、A housewife of 38 years old is near door mouth, golden necklace also by by motorcycle the teenager is reaved. ─── 一个38岁的家庭妇女在家门口附近,金项链也被骑摩托车的少年抢走。

6、She is nothing but a housewife. ─── 她只不过是个家庭主妇。

7、"In fact, it's hard to think of moments in which this housewife is not humiliating, degrading, and emasculating her husband. ─── “事实上,有些场景让人很难否认,这个妻子没在羞辱人,没有在精神上阉割自己的老公。

8、She be not content to be a housewife. ─── 她不满足于做个家庭主妇。

9、She reacts just like the average housewife. ─── 她的反应就像一般的家庭主妇一样。

10、Married at nineteen, she was a traditional housewife and mother of four children. ─── 她19岁就结婚了,是个传统的家庭主妇和4个孩子的母亲。

11、What do you think about being a housewife? ─── 你对成为一个家庭主妇有什么看法?

12、Sometimes being a mother and a housewife felt like a thankless task. ─── 做母亲和家庭主妇有时使人觉得好像是个受累不讨好的差使。

13、It follows that the housewife will also expect to be able to have more leisure in her life without lowering her standard of living. ─── 由此而来的是,家庭主妇也将希望在不降低生活标准的同时能够在生活中获得更多的闲暇。

14、Her husband later took over, and after he died Gert ran the show, going from housewife to executive overnight. ─── 她的丈夫后来接管企业,在丈夫过世后,哥特开始运营公司,一夜间从一个家庭主妇变为了首席执行官。

15、The housewife plied us with cakes. ─── 主妇再三让我们吃蛋糕。

16、She is an economical housewife. ─── 她是个节俭的家庭主妇。

17、"Women will not stay at home to look after children. Chinese women do not want to stop their career just to be a housewife, " she says. ─── “中国女性不会窝在家里照顾孩子,她们可不想断送自己的事业、专心当家庭主妇。”

18、A housewife in a supermarket, confronted by several tins of tomatoes of identical size and quality, will often pick the one nearest to her. ─── 一位家庭主妇在超级市场里面对一些大

19、She insists of her lifestyle. I'm as normal as any American housewife. ─── 她坚持自己的生活方式。我与任何一位美国的家庭妇女一样平常。

20、"In this day and age where everyone works, the housewife has become something of an anomaly with negative connotations, " says Dr. Potter. ─── “当今,任何人都在工作,家庭主妇已经变成带有负面含义的,有点反常的群体。”波特博士说。

21、In Korean families, every housewife is very skilled at making this thick soya bean soup. ─── 在韩国每家的家庭主妇都做得一手好酱汤,而且每家酱汤的味道都各有不同。

22、Do you think she is prepared to settle for being a housewife? ─── 你认为她准备好了做家庭主妇吗?

23、Will you be a housewife or a househusband? ─── 你会成为家庭主妇或主男吗?

24、A smart housewife was told that there was a kind of stove which would only consume half of the coal she was burning. ─── 一位精明的家庭主妇听人说有一种炉子用起来可以比她现在用的炉子省一半的煤。

25、Are you crazy? You want to hire a housewife! ─── 你疯了吗?你居然想雇用一个家庭主妇!

26、Her mother is a thrifty housewife. ─── 她妈妈是一个节俭的主妇。

27、His mum is called Miriam Teresa and she's a housewife. ─── 他的妈妈叫米莉亚姆.特雷莎,是一个家庭主妇。

28、She is a very thrifty housewife. ─── 她是个很节俭的主妇。

29、Their story is counterpointed by a subplot involving housewife Edda Barends, who is kidnapped. ─── 同一时间,在城市的另一端,一位家庭主妇因不明原因被绑架,遭囚期间,男子不断以拍摄其照片取乐。

30、He compares what he does to a Chinese housewife cooking noodles. ─── 他将自己的工作比喻成东方家庭主妇在煮面。

31、A housewife in a supermarket, looking at those tins of tomatoes of the same size and quality, will often pick the one nearest to her. ─── 家庭主妇上超市购物,看到那些质量、大小都相同的蕃茄罐头,随手拿起的常常是摆在身边的那一罐。

32、She is a housewife when she is not teaching English, that is. ─── 她不教英语的时候就是一个家庭主妇,情况就是这样。

33、Since one stove can save half of the coal, if I bu A Smart Housewife. ─── 一个炉子可以省一半的煤,那么如果我买两个炉子的话,不就可以把煤全都省下来了吗?”

34、She is an excellent housewife. ─── 她是一位好主妇。

35、She was a housewife of experience. ─── 她是一个有经验的主妇。

36、But she will elegantly escape her fate as a desperate housewife by becoming a serial bride. ─── 她永远不会成为家庭主妇,而是一直在做新娘。

37、They indicate the process of the death of an idealist but the resurrection of a housewife. ─── 他们展示了一个理想主义者如何理想破灭,继而成为一名地道的家庭主妇的过程。

38、She is a very good housewife. ─── 她是个非常出色的主妇。

39、Antonio Nocerino was born in Naples on the 9th of April 1985;his dad Ciro is retired, while mum Giovanna is a housewife. ─── 安东尼奥.诺切里诺1985年4月9日出生在那不勒斯,他的父亲奇罗已经退休了,而的他的母亲吉奥温娜是一个家庭主妇。

40、If a housewife was killed, her husband and two children would be entitled to 500, 000 US dollars in compensation from the fund. ─── 如果遇害者是一名家庭妇女,她的丈夫和两个孩子只能得到50万美元的赔偿。

41、Househusband, like housewife, manages the household as main occupation. ─── 家庭主夫和家庭主妇一样以持家为主业。

42、She 's both a farmer and a housewife . ─── 她又是农民又是家庭妇女。

43、A housewife busied herself in the house . ─── 家庭主妇在家中忙忙碌碌。

44、A housewife is always busy with her housework. ─── 家庭主妇总是忙于家务。

45、But,she will elegantly escape her fate as a desprate housewife by becoming a serial bride. ─── 她永远不会成为家庭主妇,而是一直在做新娘。

46、The picture shows an aproned housewife caressing the machine, with this tag line: "If she can only cook as well as Honeywell can compute. ─── 图片上展示的是一位戴着围裙的家庭妇女抚摸电脑的情景,还有一句广告语:“要是她的烹饪能力和霍尼韦尔的计算能力一样,那该多好。”

47、Good to receive them, housewife people also be elaborative. ─── 为了把它们收好,主妇们也都是煞费苦心。

48、That housewife kept her head and telephoned the fire department immediately; otherwise the whole house might have burnt down. ─── 那个主妇保持镇定并且立即给消防队打电话,否则,整个房子都有可能烧毁。

49、If you are traditional housewife, so the choice room in series of light glazed pottery is bigger. ─── 假如你是传统型主妇,那么在淡色釉面砖系列中的选择余地就更大了。

50、Housewife Edda Barends, waitress Nelly Frijda and secretary Henriette Tol have but one thing in common: murder. ─── 家庭主妇克莉丝汀、餐厅女服务生安妮,和女秘书安德蕾,三人毫无共同点,除了她们都无预谋地参与了一桩谋杀案。

51、A good housewife should keep her house spic-and-span. ─── 一位尽责的家庭主妇总是把家收拾得乾乾净净的.

52、C. Housewife and shopkeeper. ─── 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。

53、The oil that thinks of a kitchen dirties, housewife people feel ability not equal to one's ambition immediately. ─── 一想到厨房的油垢,家庭主妇们马上就感到力不从心。

54、But not as he had known her for many years, not as the good domestic housewife, but as a young girl with a slim figure. ─── 他看到的并不是他多年来朝夕相处时看见的那个模样,并不是一个善于持家的贤惠的主妇,而是一个婷婷玉立的少女。

55、This was Zillah, the stout housewife;who at length issued forth to inquire into the nature of the uproar. ─── 但是它们并没有退回去,我一直躺到它们那可恶的主人满足了,过来放开我。

56、Kanter is not a typical American housewife. ─── 坎特不是一个典型的美国家庭主妇。

57、You're a housewife, aren't you? ─── 你是家庭主妇吧?

58、I had a needy family,my father ran a samall business ,and mother was a housewife. ─── 原文:我家里生活苦,父亲做小买卖,母亲是家庭妇女。

59、A housewife was sentenced to six months imprisonment for conspiracy to obtain a personal instalment loan from a bank by deception. ─── 一名主妇,串谋向一间银行骗取私人分期贷款,被判入狱六个月。

60、Long time ago, Mui Koo always wanted to be a housewife. ─── 原来,在很久以前,梅姑(艳芳昵称)经很想当一名家庭主妇。

61、Full Time Housewife, Do You Agree or Not? ─── 全职太太的出现?

62、She was an unhappy housewife condemned to spend hours at the kitchen sink . ─── 她是个不幸的家庭主妇,注定要在厨房的水槽旁消磨时间.

63、She had enough of the instincts of a housewife to take great satisfaction in these things. ─── 她很具有家庭主妇的天性,因而对这些设施非常满意。

64、A Hampshire housewife takes a bag of corks to bed with her to beat cramp. A London man claims that barrel bungs are best. ─── 英国汉普郡有个主妇上床睡觉时带上一包软木塞来对付肌肉痉挛。有一个伦敦佬声称木桶的塞子效果最好。

65、Because, housewife clears when ort remnant mug-up, particularly easy put a course that remain or a mug-up subliminally into the mouth at any time. ─── 因为,主妇清理剩菜剩点心时,非凡轻易下意识地把剩下的一口菜或一块点心随时放进嘴里。

66、She is a career woman rather than a housewife. ─── 她是职业妇女而不是家庭主妇。

67、You would probably be a healthy, happy and very rich housewife! ─── 你可能会是一个健康,快乐的有钱的少奶奶!

68、One unhappy housewife after another, each completely miserable in her own unique way. ─── 不幸福的家庭主妇一个接一个,每个都活在自己独有的方式里感受着彻底的痛苦。

69、The official paradigm of post-war womanhood was a capable, caring housewife who created a happy home for her husband and children. ─── 官方范式战后女性是一个能干的,关怀的家庭主妇,谁创造了一个愉快的家,她的丈夫和孩子。

70、Maybe it's exiting with superwoman,but it's safe and warm to be with a plain housewife. ─── 也许跟一个女强人在一起你会觉得很刺激,但是跟一个小女人在一起你会觉得安全又温馨。

71、"Desperate housewife," Liberation daily said in a headline. ─── 《解放日报》在一篇报道的标题中称塞西莉亚为“绝望主妇”。

72、She is a good housewife, managing her household with industry and thrift. ─── 她勤俭持家,是个好主妇。

73、No matter you are full-time housewife or fashionable white-collar, can you love so spell able tableware? ─── 不管你是专职主妇还是时尚白领,这样干练的餐具你能不爱吗?

74、In overseas deeply chef, gourmand and housewife's favor. ─── 在国外深受厨师、美食家和家庭主妇的青睐。

75、Is she a nurse or a housewife? ─── 她是护士还是家庭主妇?

76、She feel pen in by her life as a housewife. ─── 她觉得做家庭主妇很受束缚。

77、"I'm as normal as any American housewife," she insists of her lifestyle. ─── 她坚持自己的生活方式?quot;我与任何一位美国的家庭妇女一样平常。

78、She's a housewife when she's not teaching English, that is. ─── 她是个家庭主妇--是指她不教英语的时候。

79、She typifies the bored housewife. ─── 她是那种百无聊赖的家庭主妇的典型。

80、She is just like a housewife, cooking, cleaning, washing and all the rest of it. ─── 她简直像一个家庭主妇,煮饭、扫地、洗衣服还干其他一切家务活。

81、I hated the label 'housewife'. ─── 我不喜欢“家庭主妇”这个称谓。

82、Oh, nope, in China, if I don't married rich man, I won't be a completely housewife. ─── 哦,不,在中国,如果我没有嫁个非常有钱的男人,我是不可能完全做家庭妇女的。

83、The official paradigm of post-war womanhood was a capable, caring housewife who created a happy home for her husband and children. ─── 官方范式战后女性是一个能干的,关怀的家庭主妇,谁创造了一个愉快的家,她的丈夫和孩子。

84、Sometimes being a mother and a housewife felt like a thankless task. ─── 做母亲和家庭主妇有时使人觉得好像是个受累不讨好的差使。

85、"Gardener, " her accost path, "How many reward does this housewife pay you? ─── “园丁,”她招呼道,“这家主妇付给你多少报酬?”

86、The housewife always keeps the sink clean. ─── 主妇总是保持水槽的清洁。

87、K is not a typical American housewife. ─── 不是一名典型的美国家庭主妇。

88、Any working housewife with a family to feed knows where the shoe pinches without studying cost of living indexes. ─── 任何一个操持家庭的主妇,不研究生活费指数也都知道生活的难处。

89、She reacted just like the average housewife. ─── 她所作出的反应同普通家庭妇女没什么两样。


1.he现在进行时He is eating dinner with his father now.

2.一般现在时He often goes to school by bike every day.一般将来时He is going to work tomorrow.

3.一般过去时He went to school yesterday.一般疑问句为Did he go to school yesterday?Yes,he did.No,he didn't.

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