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09-02 投稿


fictionist 发音

英:[['f?k??n?st]]  美:[['f?k??n?st]]

英:  美:

fictionist 中文意思翻译



fictionist 短语词组

1、fictionist studio ─── 虚构工作室

2、fictionist band ─── 虚构乐队

3、fictionist definition ─── 虚构定义

4、fictionist songs ─── 虚构的歌曲

5、fictionist novelist ─── 小说家

fictionist 相似词语短语

1、actionist ─── n.行动主义者(赞成采取行动而不考虑反对意见的人)

2、fictionises ─── 虚构主义

3、fictions ─── n.小说;杜撰(fiction的复数);v.使小说化;可被编成小说(fiction的三单形式)

4、factionists ─── n.宗派主义者

5、fictionised ─── 虚构的

6、fictionise ─── vt.虚构

7、factionist ─── n.宗派主义者

8、fictionize ─── vt.使小说化;把…编成小说(等于fictionalize)

9、fictionists ─── n.小说家;创作家

fictionist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He Xiaozhu is not only a good fictionist, but also one of the 5 important Miao poets of the 20th century. ─── 何小竹既是优秀的小说家,也是20世纪苗族最优秀的五位诗人之一。

2、German fictionist, composer Hoffman (1776, 1822) sojourn to the home of a parvenu of Berlin. ─── 德国小说家、作曲家霍夫曼(1776—1822年)到柏林的一个新贵家作客。

3、A fiction anthology of Ming Dynasty is a collection of novels or short stories of a fictionist. ─── 本文以明代小说选本为研究对象,对二十二种明代小说选本进行分析比较。

4、Feng Ji just: Should say he is a good network fictionist. ─── 冯骥才:应该说他是一个好的网络小说家。

5、Willa Cather is an eminent American fictionist in the twentieth century. ─── 威拉·凯瑟是二十世纪美国著名的小说家。

6、science fictionist ─── 科学幻想小说作家

7、9 see joke: Somebody asks great poet Shelley and Baron: "Why to say euqally to poetic unlike fictionist, proser " ' and say alone ' person, ? ─── 雪莱解释说:“因为一首小诗实在卖不到几个钱,没有能力成‘家’,所以不能称‘家’。”

8、In addition, orgnaization of a lot of and famous movie and TV searchs automatically still come to come, the former fictionist that faces start Chinese net collects a play. ─── 此外,诸多知名影视机构还自动找上门来,面向起点中文网的原创作家征集剧本。

9、Gefei is a pure fictionist , his novels are unique in narration and form which have made great contributions to the Chinese narrative art. ─── 格非是一个纯粹的小说家,他的小说以叙事上的独辟蹊径、形式上的标新立异为中国叙事艺术的发展作出了自己的贡献。

10、The biggest happy in life is to believe that someone love our.(France fictionist Hugh.V. ─── 2生活中最大的幸福是坚信有人爱我们。(法国小说家雨果.V.

11、9 see joke: Somebody asks a poet: "Why does poetic unlike fictionist, musician, calligrapher have in that way ' ' ? ─── 9看笑话: 有人问诗人:“为什么诗人不像小说家、音乐家、书法家那样都有一个‘家’?”

12、Consider of those famous great fictionist, inventor and ideologist in history for instance. ─── 想想那些个历史上闻名的创作家,发明家,思想家吧。

13、Following his principle of skepticism, the fictionist strives to bring into view a map of existence that can only be revealed by fictional narrative. ─── 小说家在怀疑的相对视野中,努力展示只有从小说的角度才能勾画出来的存在之图。

14、You made a right decision.If you don't want to be an fictionist, focus on your study and that's your future. ─── 小煌不要难过,这种感受我也经常有,以为自己能做好很多事,却不过只是一厢情愿。

15、Long hours of reading set the stage for his being a fictionist. ─── 长时间的阅读为他成为一为小说家做好了准备。

16、Feng Ji just: Should say he is a good network fictionist. ─── 冯骥才:应该说他是一个好的网络小说家。

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