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09-02 投稿



undiminished 发音

英:[??nd??m?n??t]  美:[??nd??m?n??t]

英:  美:

undiminished 中文意思翻译



undiminished 网络释义

adj. 未衰减的;未缩减的;没削弱的;没有降低的

undiminished 相似词语短语

1、diminished ─── adj.减弱的;减退了的;v.减少;削弱(diminish的过去分词)

2、diminish ─── vt.使减少;使变小;vi.减少,缩小;变小

3、unadmonished ─── 未经证实的

4、undistinguished ─── adj.平凡的;混杂的;听不清的;看不清的

5、undiminishable ─── 不可缩减的

6、underfinished ─── underfinished

7、unfinished ─── adj.未完成的

8、admonished ─── vt.告诫;劝告

9、diminishes ─── (使)减少,缩小;减损(diminish的第三人称单数)

undiminished 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Of course, at least for now, Anna's beauty is hers to keep, unthreatened, undiminished. ─── 当然,至少在目前,安娜的美丽依旧,还没有受到威胁,还没有褪色。

2、Our capacity remains undiminished. ─── 我们的能力没有削弱。

3、Thy gifts to us mortals fulfil all our needs and yet run back to thee undiminished. ─── 你赐给我们世人的礼物,满足了我们一切的需要,可是它们又毫未减少地返回到你那里。

4、It will examine the changing (but undiminished [not weaker or less important than before]) role of religion in southern society. ─── 这期特别报导还将深入介绍宗教在南方社会中作用的变化(其作用并未减少)。

5、Freedom House may well be right that democracy is on the back foot right now.In the longer run, its appeal is undiminished. ─── 自由之家也许是正确的,民主正在回归,长期来看,它的吸引力不会减弱。

6、Our minds are no less inventive, our goods and services no less needed than they were last week or last month or last year.Our capacity remains undiminished. ─── 与上周、上个月或者去年相比,我们的头脑依然富于创造力,我们的商品和服务依然很有市场,我们的实力不曾削弱。

7、Her parents stood undiminished and unaware of criticism. ─── 她父母亲一如既往,对别人的批评不屑一顾。

8、Many people had a genuine gut reaction to news of Dolly, and that apparently remains undiminished in its intensity ─── 听到多利的消息,许多人都作出了发自内心的本能反应,而且这种反应的强度显然仍未减弱。

9、With all the impulsive, passionate, romantic disappear, do you care for that person and about is still undiminished. ─── 随着一切冲动,激情,浪漫的消失,你对那个人的关心及牵挂仍然丝毫未减。

10、This means their brain power remains undiminished . ─── 这就意味着她们的脑力没有下降。

11、the natural abilities of the young that cry out to be developed and the undiminished concern of parents for the well-being of their children; ─── 年轻人亟待开发的自然能力和父母对孩子们健康成长没有减少过的关心;

12、such "heat" at this assembly, remains undiminished. ─── 这样的“热度”在本次房展上依旧不减。

13、Pull in the market, developers investment enthusiasm undiminished. ─── 在市场的拉动下,开发商投资热情不减。

14、They continued with undiminished enthusiasm. ─── 他们热情依旧地继续着。

15、Of course,at least for now,Anna's beauty is hers to keep,unthreatened,undiminished. ─── 当然,至少在目前,安娜的美丽依旧,还没有受到威胁,还没有褪色。

16、Putin is comfortable because he still has the levers of control, and Medvedev finds things easier in Putin's shadow: There's less responsibility, but the presidential privileges are undiminished. ─── 普京觉得自己依然有控制权,而梅德韦杰夫发现在普京的阴影下好办事:责任更少了,但是总统的优先性一点都不会少。

17、There, with undiminished geniality he would make himself the life and soul of our little gathering, seated on the top of our study table. ─── 在教室里,他坐在桌上,温和的气度不显当年,总使他自己成为我们小小聚会里的灵魂人物,并给我们的聚会带来了生气。

18、They kept up the form of running with undiminished courage. ─── 他们不屈不挠,始终保持着跑的姿势。

19、On the other hand, there is an undiminished, youthful vitality and an inexhaustible urge for permanent innovation and improvement. ─── 但与此同时,追求卓著使得蔡司依旧充满了活力与创新的激情。

20、With all the impulsive, passionate, romantic disappear, do you care for that person and about is still undiminished. ─── 随着一切冲动,激情,浪漫的消失,你对那个人的关心及牵挂仍然丝毫未减。

21、Entanglement is one of the most puzzling and powerful properties of quantum theory and has received undiminished attention since the earliest days of quantum mechanics. ─── 自从量子力学开创以来,纠缠是量子理论中最神秘最具强大特性的理论之一,媚力依旧。

22、The feud between Ferguson and Wenger might be over, the intensity of their rivalry is undiminished. ─── 弗格森和温格之间的敌意可能已消失,但他们之间的竞争却没有降低。

23、zeal undiminished through the years ─── 多年来始终不减的热忱

24、That appetite was undiminished at the onset of the next round of trade negotiations, launched in Doha, the capital city of Qatar, in 2001. ─── 而这样一种需求在2001年卡塔尔首都多哈举行的又一轮贸易谈判开始的时候并没有减少的迹象。

25、And they will not be my accomplishments, but the affirmation of our nation's continuing moral strength and our belief in an undiminished, ever- expanding American dream. ─── 这些将不是我的成就,而是重申了我们国家一贯的道义力量和我们对没有减少的、越来越扩大的美国理想的信心。

26、and may confidently expect that the flag which has waved its untarnished folds over every sea will still float in undiminished honor. ─── 并自信地期望那曾在每一海面上飘扬而不受沾污的旗帜仍将以未损的荣耀飘扬。

27、Stable unfaltering invariable steady unwavering fixed undiminished ─── 持续稳定的,不变的

28、that is assuming that the river's flow is undiminished. ─── 这还假定了河水流量不会减少。

29、He said Master Sheng had been an inspiration in his own life and that his willpower and concern for society were undiminished despite his ailing health in recent years. ─── 他说圣严法师的一生鼓舞人心,近年来尽管病魔缠身,他的意志和对社会的关怀却丝毫未减。

30、Of course, at least for now, Anna's beauty is hers to keep, unthreatened, undiminished. ─── 当然,至少在目前,安娜的美丽依旧,还没有受到威胁,还没有褪色

31、Our minds are no less inventive, our goods and services no less needed than they were last week or last month or last year. Our capacity remains undiminished. ─── 我们的思想仍然具有创造性,我们的产品和服务跟上周,上月,或者上一年一样有人需求。我们的能力从未衰退。

32、constituting the undiminished entirety; lacking nothing essential especially not damaged ─── 构成没有减少的整体;不缺少必要的东西,特别是没有遭到损坏

33、But is for others undiminished somewhere. ─── 什么地方未削弱的其他人。

34、The feud between Ferguson and Wenger might be over, the intensity of their rivalry is undiminished. ─── 弗格森和温格之间的敌意可能已消失,但他们之间的竞争却没有降低。

35、With his form under greater scrutiny than ever before, Michael Owen is adamant that he remains undiminished as a player, even while he contemplates the first relegation battle of his sparkling career. ─── 上周在被考察状态之后,欧文坚硬的表示他仍然是个优秀的球员,即使是现在他要考虑纽卡的保级战。

36、This plays well in the country;indignation at freeloading MPs seems undiminished by any thought that Sir Thomas may have breached natural justice. ─── 国内一切都在顺利进行着,人们会怀疑托马斯爵士可能违背自然正义,但这样的想法并没有减少人们对那些占人民便宜的国会议员的憎恨。

37、Her parents stood undiminished and unware of criticism . ─── 她父母亲一如既往,对别人的批评不屑一顾。

38、As an old man, he continued to compose verses and paint pictures, his exuberant spirits undiminished. ─── 虽到老年,他仍吟诗作画,豪兴不减。

39、The tempest still raged with undiminished fury; ─── 这时,暴风雨仍像一匹脱缰的野马,凶狂到了无以复加的程度。

40、Her influence in the company remained undiminished. ─── 她在公司里的影响依然不减。

41、In the summer, the sun beats down with undiminished force and no wind comes from the sea and the mud roofs in the villages crack and the first rain trickles through in numberless rivulets. ─── 这部车子真可谓历经战火,万里跋涉之后,遍体鳞伤。挡泥板已经撞坏,都快拖到地上了。车篷早已没了,后面的横木横七竖八地乱晃着,乘客要是不小心,眼珠就会被捅出来。

42、Their taxes would leave the pecking order intact and envy undiminished. ─── 他们的税收将保持等级次序的完整性,羡慕也不会减少。

43、Their undiminished European popularity was confirmed by the success of Room Service, their first album of the new millennium ─── 他们在新世纪推出的第一张专辑《客房服务》的成功,巩固了他们在欧洲依然广受欢迎的地位。

44、Female tourists demonstrate distinct characteristics in traveling: more intense travel motive, increasing members, diversified transport patterns, and undiminished safety cognitions. ─── 这一时期,女性旅游者的旅游动机比以往更为强烈,出游人数不断增加,出游方式渐趋多样,安全认知增强。

45、These were songs of suffering and acceptance, of beauty and soul undiminished. ─── 这些歌是苦难和忍受之歌,也是美好和不灭的灵魂之曲。

46、No mistakes not covered up, no great event undiminished. ─── 错误没有不被掩盖的,大事没有不化小的。

47、Father and grandfather before him were sturdy German artisans, who had never cheated anybody out of a dollar, and this honesty of intention came into his veins undiminished. ─── 他的父亲和祖父都是很刚强的德国工匠,从来不曾骗过谁的一块钱,而这忠实的秉性,就不折不扣地传进他的血脉里来了。

48、Unlike astronomers, most of us may not need an undiminished view of the night sky for our work, but like most other creatures we do need darkness. ─── 与天文学家们不同的是,我们中的大多数人不需要一个视线不衰减的夜空。但是,与其它生物相同的是,我们同样需要黑暗。

49、The tempest still raged with undiminished fury ─── 这时,暴风雨更象一匹脱缰的野马,凶狂到了无以复加的程度。

50、Overall, LeBron's numbers were down slightly coming out of the All-Star break, but his impact on games was undiminished. ─── 总体而言,勒布朗的人数略为下降走出来的全明星赛,但是他的影响,是一场没有减弱。

51、First, the shares of listed companies to invest in the financial sector enthusiasm undiminished. ─── 首先,上市公司投资参股金融行业的热情不减。

52、Her ardent love for agricultural production remained undiminished even in her old age. ─── 虽到老年,仍然热爱生产。

53、constituting the undiminished entirety; lacking nothing essential especially not damaged. ─── 构成没有减少的整体;不缺少必要的东西,特别是没有遭到损坏。

54、For his own preservation, his own crack at a career undiminished, he needs to tell a most unrelenting Chinese sports machine that its days of running him into the ground are gone. ─── 为自己保存,他自己的裂纹在职业生涯不受减损的,他需要告诉一个最无情的中国体育机器,其天的运行,他到地面了。

55、Firstly, the precondition of any CBMs should be undiminished security for all countries. ─── 第一,以不减损各国的安全为前提。

56、system: complex whole。 whole: uninjured, unbroken, intact, undiminished. ─── 系统,整体和部分,大小与半整个的关系,

57、To paraphrase Winston Churchill, research progress consists of staggering from one failure to the next with undiminished enthusiasm. ─── 学会与模棱两可的思想共处,此乃一种可以学到手、甚至也可以教会别人的东西。

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