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09-02 投稿


digestibility 发音

英:[d??d??st??b?l?ti]  美:[da??d??st??b?l?ti]

英:  美:

digestibility 中文意思翻译



digestibility 反义词


digestibility 词性/词形变化,digestibility变形

动词第三人称单数: digests |动词现在分词: digesting |动词过去分词: digested |动词过去式: digested |

digestibility 短语词组

1、digestibility coefficient ─── [医] 消化系数

2、digestibility def ─── 消化率定义

3、true digestibility ─── 真消化率, ─── 真消化吸收率

4、digestibility wiki ─── 消化性维基

5、digestibility syn ─── 消化率

6、digestibility whey ─── 消化乳清

7、digestibility coefficcent ─── 消化率系数

8、digestibility score ─── 消化率得分

9、digestibility marker ─── 消化率标记

10、coefficient of digestibility ─── 消化系数

digestibility 同义词


digestibility 相似词语短语

1、deceptibility ─── 欺骗性

2、divisibility ─── n.可分性;[数]可除性

3、digestibly ─── 易消化

4、divertibility ─── 娱乐

5、suggestibility ─── n.暗示感受性;可教唆;被暗示性

6、ignitibility ─── n.易燃性;可燃性

7、detestability ─── 可憎

8、indigestibility ─── n.难理解,难消化

9、defectibility ─── n.缺点,缺陷;不足之处(defect的变形)

digestibility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Here, this is the September issue of the Digest. ─── 喏,这是九月份的读者文摘。

2、Indeed, it is egg white that doesn't digest easily. ─── 事实上,是蛋白不容易消化。

3、"Yes, I ain't no invalid," he said."When it comes down to hard- pan, I can digest scrap-iron. ─── “是的,我身子骨不坏,”他说,“日子难过的时候我是连碎铁也能消化的。

4、If a book's on an important subject and a subject you're interested in,you'll want to"chew and digest" it. ─── 如果有一本书是讲一个重要的问题,而且又是你感兴趣的问题,那么你就得“咀嚼和消化”它。

5、He read rapidly but did not digest anything . ─── 他书读得很快,但什么也没学到。

6、TNC are able to digest and clear apoptotic TNC-T. ─── TNC能消化和清除凋亡的TNC T。

7、Bickel, L. 1974 Facing Starvation. Reader's Digest Press, New York. ─── 唐锡如译1975和饥饿作战的人。今日世界出版社,香港。

8、At ear emergence, pasture still retains a considerable amount of leaf and its digestibility is reasonably high. ─── 出穗时的牧草仍保留全数量的叶片,其可消化率很高。

9、But beans are notoriously hard to digest, failing to freely release many of their nutrients in the gut. ─── 但是,众所周知,豆类很难消化,在人体内不能完全释放出全部的营养。

10、The baby is too small to digest meat. ─── 婴儿太小,吃肉不消化。

11、If fasten ulcer of digestibility of medical source sex,want out of service above all this kinds of medicaments. ─── 如系药源性消化性溃疡则首先要停用该类药物。

12、Chees doesn't digest easily. ─── 奶油不易消化。

13、SHA-256 generates a 256-bit message digest of the original data. ─── SHA-256为原始邮件生成一个256位的邮件摘要。

14、Digestibility coefficient of DF improves with body weight and age of the pig with the highest values obtained in adult sows. ─── 随体重和年龄的增加,猪对日粮纤维消化能力提高,成年母猪对日粮纤维利用率最高。

15、He leaned in the doorway, trying to digest Spruance's savage news. ─── 他靠在门洞子里,竭力盘算着斯普鲁斯那凶讯的意思。

16、The magazine, Reader's Digest is famous for making complicated subjects understandable to millions of readers. ─── 《读者文摘》这本杂志是以能深入浅出地为成百万读者讲解而著名的。

17、Miracle is going on, KC Weekly Digest is going on. ─── 奇迹正在继续,KC每周速览也会继续。

18、Additionally bismuth agent still treats digestibility ulcer through other mechanism. ─── 另外铋剂还通过其他机理治疗消化性溃疡。

19、If you chew your food properly it is easier to digest. ─── 吃东西好好嚼,容易消化。

20、It takes hours for a meal to digest . ─── 一顿饭要几小时才能消化掉.

21、English digest---Dance with my father. ─── 和爸爸跳舞。

22、He paused, waiting for her to digest the information. ─── 他停了一会儿,等她慢慢领会这一信息。

23、The credentials sent as part of a digest authentication over HTTP must be mapped to a valid Windows domain account. ─── 作为摘要式身份验证的一部分通过HTTP发送的凭据必须映射到有效的Windows域帐户。

24、He subscribed to Reader rs Digest. ─── 他订阅《读者文摘》。

25、Defines an ordered list of Transform objects that is applied to unsigned content prior to digest calculation. ─── 定义在摘要计算之前应用于未签名内容的Transform对象的顺序列表。

26、The sender encrypts the message digest under her private key. ─── 发送方用自己的私钥加密消息摘要。

27、He read rapidly but did not digest anything. ─── 他书读得很快,但什么也没学到。

28、The apparent digestibility of starches of all the coarse cereal species in faeces reached up to 99%. ─── 所有淀粉在粪便中的表观消化率均达99%以上。

29、He wrote a digest of the book. ─── 他写了本书的纲要。

30、You must digest and absorb what you study. ─── 学过的东西要消化、吸收。

31、His rudeness is hard to digest. ─── 他的莽撞令人难以消受。

32、Hepatology Digest: Cholestatic liver disease is a rare chronic liver disease. ─── 国际肝病: 胆汁淤积性肝病是一种罕见的慢性肝病。

33、To produce a message digest, you need a scrambling mechanism. ─── 为了生成消息摘要,您需要一种加密编码机制。

34、"Reader's Digest" prints nearly 19 million copies a month. ─── 《读者文摘》每月印行1900多万份。

35、It often takes a long time to digest new ideas. ─── 吸收新思想往往需要很长时间。

36、Learning is not simply to absorb, but to fully digest. ─── 学习不是单纯的吸收,而是充分的消化。

37、Sketching can digest the tradition and also develop it. ─── 写生可以消化传统,发展传统。

38、Humans cannot digest plants such as grass. ─── 人不能消化草类植物。

39、The digestibility of fat of 3 diets did not differ ( P> 0.05 ). ─── 3种饲料间粗脂肪的表观消化率均无显著差异 (P >0 0 5 )。

40、To strengthen stomach and digest food to improve children's anorexia and dyspepsia. ─── 健胃消食。可改善儿童厌食、偏食及消化不良。

41、Defines whether the cryptography algorithm is symmetric, asymmetric, or a message digest. ─── 定义加加密算法是对称的、非对称的还是消息摘要。

42、However, excessive temperature and excessive moisture content reduced in-vitro protein digestibility and expansion ratio, respectively. ─── 机筒温度过高反而使蛋白质体外消化率减小,水分含量过高反而使膨化度减小。

43、She always reads the Reader's Digest from cover to cover. ─── 她常把《读者文摘》从头看到尾。

44、An array of byte values that contains the message digest. ─── 包含消息摘要的字节值数组。

45、Reader's Digest : The world smiles with Reader's Digest. ─── 《读者文摘》:《读者文摘》给全世界带来欢笑。

46、In this article we will address chicken by-products, nutrients versus ingredients and the digestibility of corn. ─── 在本文中,我们将说明鸡肉副产品,营养成分和与玉米的消化性。

47、It took her a while to digest the bad news. ─── 她过了一会儿才接受这坏消息。

48、Hepatology Digest: This next question in on primary biliary cirrhosis. ─── 国际肝病:下一个问题是关于原发性胆汁性肝硬化的。

49、Hepatology Digest: How about any new advances in the treatment for PBC? ─── 国际肝病:在PBC的治疗上有什么新进展吗?

50、The twelve issues of Reader's Digest have been bound up into a thick volume. ─── 12期《读者文摘》已经合订成一厚册。

51、She chews it over. It seems hard to digest. ─── 她在仔细考虑那件事,感到不是滋味儿。

52、Ileal digestibility is more accurate than fecal. ─── 回肠消化率比粪消化率准确。

53、Hepatology Digest: What about in China and the use of erythropoietin? ─── 国际肝病:在中国促红细胞生成素的应用如何?

54、Vesicles store, transport, or digest cellular products and waste. ─── 小泡的作用是储存、运输和消化细胞产品和废物。

55、Compared with treatment CT treatment MC,HC increased ADF digestibility by 14.24%, 10.05%, respectively. ─── 与处理CT相比,处理MC、HC的ADF消化率分别提高14.24%、10.05%。

56、Do not give the baby meat to eat , because he cannot digest it . ─── 别给这个孩子肉吃,因为他不消化。

57、What thing can be promoted digest? ─── 哪些东西能促进消化?

58、Reader's Digest is a periodical. ─── 《读者文摘》是一种期刊。

59、Passwords are stored using a Message Digest 5 (MD5) hash digest. ─── 使用消息摘要5(MD5)哈希摘要存储密码。

60、Her rudeness is more than I can digest. ─── 她的粗暴无礼我实在无法忍受。

61、The doctor prescribed some pills to help the patient digest. ─── 医生为病人开了一些助消化的药。

62、The fall in digestibility is quite rapid . ─── 其消化率下降是很快的。

63、Don't give the baby meat to eat,because he cannot digest it. ─── 别给这个孩子肉吃,因为他不消化。

64、You should digest what he said. ─── 你应该仔细体会他说的话。

65、Palin zhang rabbit with high-protein, low fat, high lysine, low cholesterol, high digestibility, low heat. ─── 临漳扒兔含有高蛋白、低脂肪、高赖氨酸、低胆固醇、高消化率、低热量。

66、You wouldn't believe what I have to digest. ─── 你可能都不会相信我的遭遇。

67、Further details will be given in the March News Digest. ─── 三月的新闻摘要会报道详细情况。

68、Adding soybean oil decreased NDF digestibility and increased ammonia concentration. ─── 添加大豆油,降低了中洗纤维消失率,氨浓度提高。

69、You see into your future and don't digest your past experience enough. ─── 你看见了你的未来并且要明白你过去的经验。

70、Saliva helps one chew and digest food. ─── 唾液能帮助咀嚼和消化食物。

71、Hepatology Digest: What are the criteria for a definitive diagnosis of PBC? ─── 国际肝病:PBC的权威性诊断标准是什么?

72、A digest J , be that the right pronunciation ? ─── "digest"这样发音对吗?

73、There are magazines, such as Reader's Digest, printed in braille. There are even playing cards in braille. ─── 一些杂志,如《读者文摘》,就有用布莱叶盲文印的版本,甚至还出现了用布莱叶盲文的纸牌。

74、If a book's on an important subject and a subject you're interested in, you'll want to "chew and digest" it. ─── 如果有一本书是讲一个重要的问题,而且又是你感兴趣的问题,那么你就得"咀嚼和消化"它。

75、A digestibility value of 70-80 percent seems a reasonable expectation. ─── 70%-80%的消化率似乎是合理的期望值。

76、The world smiles with Reader's Digest. ─── 《读者文摘》为全世界的人们带来欢笑。

77、The client calculates a digest from the clear text message and compares it with the digest from the server. ─── 客户机计算来自明文消息的摘要并将它与服务器的摘要进行比较。

78、Expanded After processing, the utilization of food digestibility and absorption of a significant improvement! ─── 经过膨化处理,食品消化率和吸收利用率有显著的提高!

79、Ileal digestibility is more accurate than fecal. ─── 回肠消化率比粪消化率准确。

80、Cheese doesn't digest easily. ─── 奶酪不易被消化。

81、Making bile to help digest fats from food. ─── 分泌胆汁,以助消化食物中的脂肪。

82、Do not give the baby meat to eat, because he can not digest it. ─── 别给那婴儿吃肉,因为他消化不了。

83、The fall in digestibility is quite rapid. ─── 其消化率下降是很快的。

84、Your food will digest more quickly if you chew it well. ─── 如果你把食物嚼啐一点,食物就能消化得更快。

85、Mendelssohn is a composer I like, with music easy to listen and digest. ─── 其中很多展品和展览的一些重要部份描述西域对中原的影响。

86、Fermentation also makes bread dough rise and helps us digest food. ─── 利用发酵也可以使做面包的面团发起来,还能帮助我们消化食物。

87、Apparent Ileal digestibility provides a truer indication of the amino acid availability between feedstuffs and processing methods. ─── 表观回肠消化率能较真实地反映加工方法对原料中案基酸可利用性的影响。

88、Here,this is the September issue of the Digest. ─── 喏,这是九月份的《读者文摘》。

89、The result of digestibility is remarkable difference among varied protein. ─── 测定结果表明:各种不同原料间蛋白质的消化率差异显差。


1. make a difference to sb (do sth )意为对某人(做某物)有影响

Eg., The car accident made a difference to Jack


2. make a difference in sth(doing sth )意为对某物(做某事)有影响

Eg., The diet makes a difference in my body weight


3. Have an influence on sb 意为对某人有影响、

Eg., The course have an positive influence on me


4. Have an effect on sb/sth 对某人/某事有影响

Eg., The presence of microplastics in soil have an negative effect on soil microbiome


5. Affect on sb/sth 影响某人/某事

Eg., Microplastics would affect on digestibility of earthworms.


6. Have an impact on 对某人/某事有影响

Eg., microplastic would have an impact on plant growth


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