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09-02 投稿


delirious 发音

英:[d??l?ri?s]  美:[d??l?ri?s; d??l??ri?s]

英:  美:

delirious 中文意思翻译



delirious 词性/词形变化,delirious变形

副词: deliriously |名词: deliriousness |

delirious 短语词组

1、delirious face ─── 神志不清的脸

2、delirious malaria ─── [医] 谵妄型疟

3、delirious definition ─── 精神错乱的定义

4、delirious youtube ─── 疯狂的youtube

5、delirious shock ─── [医] 谵妄性休克

6、delirious twitter ─── 疯狂的推特

7、delirious alienation ─── [医] 谵妄性精神错乱

8、delirious movie ─── 疯狂电影

9、delirious cast ─── 精神错乱

10、delirious mania ─── [医] 谵妄性躁狂

11、delirious song ─── 神志不清的歌

12、delirious reaction ─── 谵妄反应

delirious 相似词语短语

1、deleterious ─── adj.有毒的,有害的

2、deliriously ─── adv.谵妄地;神志失常地;极其兴奋地

3、religious ─── adj.宗教的;虔诚的;严谨的;修道的;n.修道士;尼姑

4、delicious ─── adj.美味的;可口的

5、areligious ─── adj.不受宗教影响的;无神论的

6、deliciously ─── adv.美味地,芬香地

7、subdelirious ─── 次级的

8、deliriums ─── n.精神错乱;发狂,狂热;说谵语状态

9、delirium ─── n.精神错乱;发狂,狂热;说谵语状态

delirious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The fever rose very high, and all that night the boy was delirious. ─── 发烧的度数很高,那天晚上法提克一直处于昏迷状态。

2、The fever left him delirious and unable to think clearly. ─── 发烧让他语无伦次并且无法仔细思考。

3、The camp was delirious with hope, we had licked the Germans, and we were going to lick the Japanese. ─── 全营的人在日日狂喜中怀着希望,德国被我们打垮了,日本还能持久吗?

4、When my boss told me about my promotion, I was delirious all afternoon. ─── 当老板告诉我有关晋升之事,我整个下午愉快极了。

5、Tristan stared. He had never heard this kind of talk from Siegfried before. I too felt a pang of anxiety; could my boss be delirious? ─── 特里斯坦一呆。他从来没在西格弗里德嘴中听到过这类话。我也感到一阵慌乱,莫不是老板神志不清了吧?

6、He was delirious,murmuring about that matter. ─── 他精神恍惚,低声叨念着那件事。

7、Ben: Um...yeah, I guess I've just been cramming so hard, I'm delirious. ─── 本:啊,对,我是太用功了,所以产生了幻觉。

8、Jackson, delirious with fever, had to walk the 45 miles without shoes or a jacket. ─── 杰克逊,发着高烧,神志不清,不得不赤脚光臂徒步走完45英里的路程。

9、be delirious from fever ─── 烧得直说胡话

10、As I lay helpless and delirious on my bed one night after an epic drinking session, a small dog came waddling into my room to lick my hand. ─── 当我一天晚上喝了个昏天黑地后,一点力气都没有,躺在床上,一只小狗一步步走进我的房间后,舔了我的手。

11、He had not indeed married her for her looks, and she had never, even in the first delirious days of their honey-moon, imagined that he had. ─── 说实在的,他娶她绝不是因为她长相漂亮,而她甚至在刚度蜜月的狂热时刻也从未这样想过。

12、He was delirious, murmuring about that matter. ─── 他精神恍惚, 低声叨念着那件事。

13、On the other hand, Granny Samwol is delirious in her sleep. ─── 另一方面三月奶奶在睡觉时发梦。

14、As display of affection between male homosexuals starkly contrasts men's rigid image, public reaction to it tends to be delirious. ─── 两个人上了出租车,居然被司机撵下来。。。

15、"I knew where it was going, I felt it," Van der Sar said, diving to his right to push the ball away and spark delirious celebrations. ─── “我知道他往哪里踢,我感觉得到。”范德萨说。随后向右侧的一扑的经典扑救之后,迎接荷兰人的就是全队欣喜若狂的夺冠庆祝。

16、delirious shock ─── [医] 谵妄性休克

17、He found Huck still in the bed that had been provided for him, and delirious with fever. ─── 他看见哈克仍睡在那张床上,烧得昏过去。

18、What a delirious fever is this that I suffer from! ─── 我忍受着多么神智昏迷的狂热!

19、The man did not display the regular symptoms of an AIDS patient, such as skin lesions. Instead, he became incoherent and delirious. ─── 最曲折的就是,这名男子可能已经染了爱滋六七年,却因为毫无皮肤长瘤等典型症状,而浑然不知,结果爱滋病竟然以躁郁症的症状发作。

20、During the fever he become delirious and say some strange thing. ─── 发高烧时他神志昏迷,说了些稀奇古怪的事。

21、A delirious fusion of colour, dance and drama that looks better than ever thanks to a recent digital restoration. ─── 感谢近来的数码恢复技术使得电影错乱融合的颜色、舞蹈和戏剧看起来比任何时候都要好。

22、puerperal delirious state ─── 产后谵妄状态

23、He's so delirious he does not know where he is. ─── 他精神错乱,竟不知自己身在何处.

24、She must have been half an hour in this delirious condition. ─── 她这么丧魂落魄已有半个钟头了。

25、delirious joy; a crowd of delirious baseball fans. ─── 狂喜;一群狂热的棒球球迷极快的步伐。

26、Most of the time she was quite unconscious of her surroundings and often delirious. ─── 在大部分时间里她对周围的一切毫无知觉,而且还常常讲胡话。

27、"Clinicians should not rely on the presence of 'classic symptoms' of delirium, such as agitation, hallucinations, delusions, or disorientation, in identifying HSCT patients who are delirious. ─── 临床医师们在作心理错乱的诊断时,应该避免过度依赖精神错乱的传统症状,例如激动、幻觉、错觉或无方向感等症状。

28、Out on the street after my delirious hours of lingerie shopping, I remembered this line and repeated it to myself in a whisper: "Per chi? " ─── 在几个小时疯狂的内衣裤采购后走出商店,我想起这个句话,重复对自己低语:“Perchi?”

29、He was delirious from fever. ─── 他因高烧而发呓语。

30、We were deliriously happy, delirious with the hope, infatuation, tenderness, and warmth that go with a honeymoon. ─── 我们幸福得都快晕了,陶醉在蜜月之旅的希望、温柔和激情之中。

31、To all your friends,you are delirious. ─── 你所有的朋友都认为你神智力不清。

32、Man chester United are once more engulfed in the delirious joy of Champions League melodrama. ─── 曼联队再次沉浸在了欧洲冠军联赛所带来的疯狂喜悦之中。

33、be wild with joy; be delirious with delight ─── 狂喜

34、The crowds were delirious with joy. ─── 人群欣喜若狂。

35、"He was delirious, murmuring about his childhood." ─── 他精神恍惚,低声叨念著童年往事。

36、The child had a high fever and became delirious. During the fever, the child became delirious and said some strange things. ─── 这个孩子在发高烧时说胡话,讲了一些奇怪的事。

37、An early goal from Steven Gerrard was added to by the Spaniard, who once again turned a seemingly harmless situation into a delirious Liverpool away end. ─── 杰拉德接到托雷斯的进球首开纪录,而比分扳平不利情况下,托雷斯再次挺身而出逆转场上的战局。

38、A messy kitchen is a happy kitchen, and this kitchen is delirious. ─── 如果杂乱的厨房是令人愉悦的,那这个厨房简直就是让人兴奋至极了。

39、it's just like a hunger went into a house with a lot of delirious food but without master there. ─── 就像是一个饥饿得人走进一个摆满了一桌的佳肴的房间,但是并没有主人在。

40、"I knew where it was going, I felt it, " Van der Sar said, diving to his right to push the ball away and spark delirious celebrations. ─── “我知道他往哪里踢,我感觉得到。”范德萨说。随后向右侧的一扑的经典扑救之后,迎接荷兰人的就是全队欣喜若狂的夺冠庆祝。

41、She's delirious, but has lucid intervals. ─── 她神志昏乱,但时而清醒。

42、That delirious swooning, asexual but urgent and obsessive, that made me awkward and my voice crack, is like some impossible dream now. ─── 我对她无任何生理上的渴求但却痴狂,着迷地爱着她,那种 极度兴奋的情绪使我简直都要神魂颠倒了。

43、"He's delirious with the pain and fever, try not to excite him. ─── 他因为疼痛和发烧精神混乱,尽力不要让他激动。

44、Delirious crowds cheered Neville Chamberlain's return from Munich. ─── 疯狂的民众欢呼内维尔·张伯伦从慕尼黑归来。

45、Edward: It's funny that you ask. I am feeling delirious today! ─── 爱德华:你这么问很有趣,我今天感觉很棒!

46、To all your friends you're delirious ─── 对于你的朋友而言,你是如此古怪

47、He's so delirious he doesn't know where he is. ─── 他精神错乱, 竟不知自己身在何处.

48、As the weeks of prodigious, delirious victories succeeded one another, they were emboldened. ─── 由于在几个星期中接连打了几次漂亮的大胜仗,所以他们的胆子也就壮起来了。

49、Dudek's final save from Shevchenko sparked delirious scenes on and off the pitch. ─── 杜德克的最后挽救舍甫琴科引起谵妄场景和关闭球场。

50、Sometimes they believed they must still be delirious and these things had not happened at all. ─── 有时她们相信自己一定还处于精神恍惚的状态,这些事情根本不曾发生。

51、And right up until he was taken back to Russia, he kept begging me over and over to take care of his family, almost as if he was delirious. ─── 而在他刚刚被遣送回俄国后,他不断地一次次地求我照顾好他的家人,简直像魔怔了似的。

52、The children were delirious (with joy) as they opened the parcels ─── 孩子们打开包裹时欣喜若狂.

53、a delirious condition, reply ─── 狂乱的状态、 回答.

54、The crowds were delirious with joy. ─── 人群欣喜若狂。

55、During the fever he became delirious and said some strange things ─── 发高烧时他神志昏迷,说了些稀奇古怪的事

56、Everywhere he went, audiences reacted with almost delirious delight. ─── 他所到之处,听众无不欢欣若狂。

57、Mr. Tedesco: Seaver you're delirious. ─── 弗朗西斯:西弗,你在胡说八道!

58、delirious with or as if with strong drink; intoxicated ─── 狂迷或似乎喝了烈酒一样;烂醉的

59、After a day or two it was reported that Mrs. Richards's delirious deliveries were getting to be duplicates of her husband's. ─── 一两天以后,有消息说理查兹太太说的胡话逐渐成了她丈夫胡话的翻版。

60、He was so ill he became delirious. ─── 他病得神志昏迷。

61、He became delirious and couldn't recognize people. ─── 他已精神错乱,谁都不认得了。

62、According to Wikipedia, “Harrison’s doctors tried cures, applying opium, castor oil, Virginia snakeweed, and even actual snakes.But the treatments only made Harrison worse, and he became delirious. ─── 据维基百科所载, “哈里森的医生曾试图治愈他,为他注射麻醉剂,抹蓖麻油,让其服用弗吉尼亚蛇草,甚至真正的蛇。

63、He became delirious and couldn't recognize people. ─── 他已精神错乱,谁都不认得了。

64、In the delirious condition that he was in, we could only listen in sympathy so that he could express his misery. ─── 如此狂乱的情况,我们只能同情地倾听,好让他尽情宣泄他的不幸遭遇。

65、She knew that he had become delirious, and tried to pacify him. ─── 她知道他已经神志昏迷起来了,极力想使他镇静下来。

66、Sometimes they believed they must still be delirious and these things had not happened at all. ─── 有时她们相信自己一定还处于精神恍惚的状态,这些事情根本不曾发生。

67、My father who died in heart disease had similar situation during his last month.Sometimes he was delirious but sometimes he was not. ─── 就像我那只是患心脏病的父亲临终前的约一个月里,他的意识也是时好时乱。

68、delirious malaria ─── [医] 谵妄型疟

69、He ran to Lampard and the Chelsea fans in delirious celebration.It had been Chelsea's second corner. ─── 卡瓦略本赛季第二次救主,他跑向兰帕德和并切尔西球迷庆祝。

70、Delirious joy;a crowd of delirious baseball fans. ─── 狂喜;一群狂热的棒球球迷

71、Oh, my gosh, you're delirious. ─── 噢,我的天哪,你都开始乱说话了。

72、be delirious with delight ─── 欣喜若狂

73、Mrs. Thatcher was very ill, and a great part of the time delirious. ─── 撒切尔夫人病得不轻,一大部分时间烧得她直说胡话。

74、She's delirious, but has lucid intervals. ─── 她神志昏乱,但有时清醒。

75、Was he delirious with pneumonia and no blanket to cover him? ─── 或者得了肺炎,在高烧中胡言乱语,可身上连条毯子也没有盖呢?

76、But the shock of the night's adventures had shattered his nerves, and before morning he lay delirious in a high fever, under the care of Dr.Mortimer. ─── 可是夜间那场冒险的震惊已经使他的神经受了创伤,天亮之前他发起高烧来,神志昏迷地躺在床上,摩梯末医生被请了来照顾他。

77、Preserving the entertaining part of Taiwanese election events. Photos here are somehow delirious and funny which represent deep-rooted local Taiwanese cultures. ─── 保存台湾选举活动的娱乐性,这里的照片可能会让人觉得发躆或者觉得不可思议但这却是本土底层文化里不可忽略而也非常重要的一部份啊。

78、A messy kitchen is a olocatege kitchen, border trap kitchen is delirious. ─── 假如杂乱的厨房是令人愉悦的,那那个厨房简直那是让人兴奋至极了。

79、He was delirious with delight. ─── 他乐昏了。

80、On their return journey, Scottand his disheartened party trudged across through the frozen wasteland,frostbitten and often delirious. ─── 在回来的路上,斯科特和他的队员们垂头丧气,忍受着冻疮和时不时地精神错乱,艰难地在冰冻的荒原上跋涉。

81、While he was delirious with fever, he spoke of nothing save the state and certain kings with whom he was angry. ─── 当他发烧神志不清的时候,他并未提及拯救国家或者某个让他生气的国王。

82、During the fever he became delirious and said some strange things. ─── 发高烧时他神志昏迷,说了些稀奇古怪的事。

83、in a delirious manner. ─── 以精神极度兴奋的方式。

84、Oh, how I wish you were here with us!She is delirious for most of the time, but whether her mind is wandering or lucid, your name is the one which she says when she manages to say anything at all. ─── 我多么希望您能在我们身边,她几乎一直在说胡话,但不论是在昏迷还是在清醒的时候,只要她能讲出几个字来,那就是您的名字。

85、It was probably during this time that people got to know about the three camels from his delirious raving, for when he finally came to his senses he was already "Camel Xiangzi" ─── 恐怕就是在这三天里,他与三匹骆驼的关系由梦话或胡话中被人家听了去。 一清醒过来,他已经是“骆驼祥子”了。

86、9.a crowd of delirious baseball fans; something frantic in their gaiety; a mad whirl of pleasure. ─── 一群疯狂的棒球迷;他们欢乐的有些疯狂;快乐的疯转。

87、Had he died of his wound, since Rhett had learned his news?Had he fallen victim to smallpox?Was he delirious with pneumonia and no blanket to cover him? ─── 他把她抱上楼,送进卧室,把她放在床上躺下,这时全家人都吓得手忙脚乱,连忙弄来烧热的砖头、毯子和威士忌,让她完全苏醒过来。

88、Delirious with the words plopping onto his path, he made youth reel where youth was meant to stagnate. ─── 原句加个逗号是否就读通了?这里的youth 依然是少儿时光。男孩He = Joseph.

89、My child is delirious. ─── 我的孩子神志昏迷。

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