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09-02 投稿



dizzily 中文意思翻译



dizzily 词性/词形变化,dizzily变形

动词第三人称单数: dizzies |副词: dizzily |动词过去式: dizzied |形容词最高级: dizziest |形容词比较级: dizzier |动词现在分词: dizzying |动词过去分词: dizzied |名词: dizziness |

dizzily 短语词组

1、dizzily synonym ─── 眩晕同义词

2、dizzily definition ─── 令人眩晕的定义

dizzily 相似词语短语

1、frizzily ─── 毛茸茸的

2、dizzies ─── adj.晕眩的;使人头晕的;昏乱的;心不在焉的;愚蠢的;vt.使头晕眼花;使混乱;使茫然;n.(Dizzy)人名;(英)迪齐

3、dizzied ─── adj.晕眩的;使人头晕的;昏乱的;心不在焉的;愚蠢的;vt.使头晕眼花;使混乱;使茫然;n.(Dizzy)人名;(英)迪齐

4、fuzzily ─── adv.模糊不清地,不明确地;绒毛般地,毛茸茸地

5、dizzy ─── adj.晕眩的;使人头晕的;昏乱的;心不在焉的;愚蠢的;vt.使头晕眼花;使混乱;使茫然;n.(Dizzy)人名;(英)迪齐

6、dingily ─── adv.衣衫褴褛地;肮脏地;昏暗地

7、dirtily ─── adv.龌龊地;下贱地

8、dizzier ─── 使人眩晕的(dizzy的比较级)

9、dozily ─── 懒散地

dizzily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His head swam and he swayed dizzily. ─── 他感觉天旋地转,摇晃起来。

2、And after the bride sees the word on the knickers of bridegroom, frighten dizzily went. ─── 而新娘看到新郎的短裤上的字以后,吓得晕过去了。

3、He looked down from a dizzily high bridge. ─── 他从一座令人头昏眼花的高桥上往下看。

4、My head still ached dizzily. ─── 我的头仍疼得发晕。

5、Eventually, small happy breathless catch up with a car to come, full flame says dizzily to the driver: "Master, I work overtime, did not go. ─── 终于,小怡气喘吁吁赶上车来,满面红晕地对司机说:“师傅,我加班,不走了。”

6、sad ani wai.....still happi but i fel dizzi cos i didnt have mi cup of coffe....... ─── 今天本来应该是我和老婆们约会天,但应为家里的原因所以没有去成。。。。

7、He believed in an infinite series of times, in a dizzily growing, ever spreading network of diverging, converging and parallel times. ─── 他认为时间有无数系列,背离的、汇合的和平行的时间织成一张不断增长、错综复杂的网。

8、" if listening to him, mayor is enraged dizzily in the past. ─── 听了他的话,村长气得晕了过去。

9、First, the main clinical symptom of epidemiology is studied, the dizziness accounts for 70% dizzily, and the palpitation, insomnia, and headache account for 40%-50%. ─── 首先主要临床症状流行病学研究,统计眩晕约占70%,心悸、失眠、头痛等约占40%-50%。

10、He looked down from a dizzily high bridge. ─── 他从一座令人头昏眼花的高桥上往下看。

11、I feel immediately dizzily, feels too ashamed to be in public. ─── 可怜我坐在他家显得多么渺小,连他爸爸也爱理不理。

12、But he had no time to deal a blow; Theseus struck him but once, and he sank dizzily back till his head smote the ground. ─── 可他根本没有时间发动攻击,忒修斯只一击,他便向后昏倒,头撞倒地上。

13、To his horror, as he looked down dizzily , he saw the second 'Cat's tail disappear through the hatch. ─── 让雷感到恐惧的是,当他摇摇晃晃地四下张望时,他看到第二只大猫的尾巴在舱门里消失。

14、That fat pig of full car is bumped into dizzily, between pretty building east change the tenth of the twelve Earthly Branches jumps, do so that be in a complete mess. ─── 那满车的肥猪被撞得晕晕乎乎,在漂亮的楼房之间东窜酉跳,弄得一塌糊涂。

15、As the horizon spins dizzily, 5,000 amateur pilots roll a jet on their first solo flight. ─── 随着地平线令人眼花缭乱的上下翻转,五千名外行飞行员在第一次单飞中让飞机打了个滚。

16、Patient:Not very well. I have a headache, severe dizzi?鄄ness and poor memory. ─── 病人:我觉得不太舒服,头痛、头晕的厉害,还记忆力差。

17、Gas defence as a result of lack measure, fume the worker is dizzily, some vomits. ─── 由于缺乏防毒措施,熏得工人头昏眼花,有的呕吐。

18、I say to myself.Then without warning, mawkish sentiment looms, as if a gust of wind blows from nowhere, in which the dust swirls up, misting my heart, which brings forth dizzily ill-feeling. ─── 我心里默默地说,然后突然又泛起些伤感的情愫,仿佛不知从哪来的一阵风,把地上的灰尘卷了起来,迷了心口,蒙蒙地有些难受。

19、To his horror, as he looked down dizzily, he saw the second 'Cat's tail disappear through the hatch. ─── 让雷感到恐惧的是,当他摇摇晃晃地四下张望时,他看到第二只大猫的尾巴在舱门里消失。

20、Prussia lifted his head dizzily and smirked. “Looks like that fight took a lot out of me, Captain.” ─── 基尔伯特歪着他的头傻笑。“看来我已经结束战斗了,船长。”

21、I had worn the same pair of socks for three months. Whenever I took off my shoes, the smell made my head spin dizzily. ─── 我脚上的袜子已经穿了三个月。每次一脱掉鞋子,那味道就让我的脑袋转来转去——晕晕呼呼地。

22、Her head spins dizzily as soon as she sits up. ─── 她一坐起来,就感到天旋地转。

23、The marble entrance hall, piled dizzily with bonbons and cakes, was as crowded and bustling as a railway station. ─── 大理石门厅里堆满了令人眼花缭乱的糖果和蛋糕,像火车站一样拥挤、熙熙攘攘。

24、I look at a shooting star.I gaze at it dizzily. ─── 我看着流星.我目眩地看着它.

25、piled dizzily with bonbons and cakes, was as crowded and bustling as a railway station. ─── 大理石门厅里堆着糖果和蛋糕,令人眼花缭乱,像火车站一样拥挤喧闹。

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