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09-02 投稿



deservedly 发音

英:[d??z??rv?dli]  美:[d??z??v?dli]

英:  美:

deservedly 中文意思翻译



deservedly 同义词

reasonably | properly |justly | rightly | justifiably

deservedly 短语词组

1、deservedly meaning ─── 应有的意义

2、deservedly define ─── 值得定义

3、deservedly means ─── 正当的手段

4、deservedly so ─── 这是理所当然的

5、deservedly proud ─── 值得骄傲的

6、deservedly def ─── 当之无愧地

7、deservedly earned ─── 应得的

8、deservedly secure ─── 当之无愧的安全

9、deservedly synonym ─── 当之无愧的同义词

deservedly 反义词


deservedly 词性/词形变化,deservedly变形

副词: deservedly |名词: deservedness |

deservedly 相似词语短语

1、reservedly ─── adv.客气地;隔阂地;有节制地

2、dejectedly ─── adv.沮丧地;灰心地

3、unreservedly ─── adv.完全地;率直地,坦诚地;不客气地;无条件地;无保留地

4、deservingly ─── adv.当然地

5、undeservedly ─── adv.不应得地,不当地

6、deformedly ─── 畸形地

7、assertedly ─── adv.据说

8、deserved ─── adj.应得的;理所当然的;该受的;v.值得;应得;应受(deserve的过去式和过去分词)

9、dementedly ─── adv.精神错乱地,疯狂地

deservedly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Perhaps they suggest too strongly our own morality, the guilt we may deservedly or undeservedly feel about our own aging parents. ─── 或许他们极强地说明了我们的道德观,我们会对自己年迈的双亲感到内疚,不管这种内疚是恰当还是不恰当。

2、And quite deservedly so. ─── 这也确是理所当然的事。

3、The film made by HBO, creators of The Wire and The Sopranos, has deservedly been hailed as one of the best TV movies for years. ─── 电影由同时创作了电线女高音的家庭影院频道摄制,并名副其实的被称为近年来最好的电视电影。

4、The samba beat was also in evidence, however, on this occasion there was a change of performer, with Nelson Dida outdoing his fellow Brazilian Kaka to be deservedly named as man of the match. ─── 然后事实证明,桑巴同样也爆发了,在这中场合,由于纳尔逊.迪达的表现胜过了他的巴西同胞被称为比赛主宰者的卡卡,表演者发生了改变。

5、They have all done a wonderful job, and their future in this sport is deservedly bright. ─── 他们所有的人都做出了出色的工作,他们在这项运动中的未来都应该是光明的。"

6、The adverse criticism it deservedly got stung Byron not to despair but to revenge, and he replied with a satire in the manner of Pope called English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. ─── 这本诗集受到的应有的非难刺痛了拜伦的心,他没有绝望,而是想报复,他以蒲柏的风格写了一篇名为《英格兰诗人和苏格兰评论家》的讽刺诗作为回答。

7、mild, severe, bipolar, or treatment-resistant, make the news most frequently, and deservedly so. ─── 温和、严格、有两极、或抗治疗, 时常最制造新闻, 和应得报酬地如此。

8、He was deservedly dealt with. ─── 他受到了应有的处分。

9、Deservedly won Ballon D’Or. ─── 无可争议的金球奖获得者。

10、He's a great man and I don't think his record will be broken - and deservedly so because he's such a nice fella. ─── 他是一个伟大的球员,而我不认为他的记录会被打破——理应如此的,因为他是那么好的一个好伙计。

11、Hertha piled on the pressure and deservedly equalised; that moment was the turning point and we could see that the team was back again. ─── 赫塔加强了攻势并最终理所当然地将比分扳平;那一刻是整场比赛的转折点,我们看到那支勇猛的球队又回来了。

12、Everybody believe it to be odious and abominable because everybody says so: and so the dog, and most deservedly, gets a bad name, but he is not hanged;he is simple avoided. ─── 每个人都认为它是令人作呕的以及罪大恶极的,因为他们这么说:就像狗一样,其理所当然地应该获得一个恶名,但是其却没有被吊死;

13、He was deservedly punished. ─── 他理当受罚。

14、Giuseppe Rossi, who had a relatively quiet evening, had a right footed effort comfortably stopped by Jones before United deservedly claimed an equaliser. ─── 吉瑟皮。罗西在这个晚上却很安静,在曼联不出意料的扳平比分前他的右脚射门被琼斯轻松化解。

15、The company has also created a set of complete quality assurance system, and passed ISO9001 quality control system verification, so has deservedly taken the lead in the same field around the country. ─── 公司还建立了一套完整的质量保证体系,获ISO9001质量管理体系认证。它在全国同行业中,已成为当之无愧的排头兵。

16、Rich countries have deservedly taken much of the blame for the sorry state of the Doha round. ─── 多哈谈判会陷进这种可怜的境地,发达国家当然要负大部分责任。

17、Inter won it deservedly, it’s not a false Scudetto. ─── 国际的表现值得冠军荣誉,去年的冠军归属理所当然。

18、"We won the macth deservedly, so I have to give the team my compliments. ─── 我们理应赢得这场比赛,所以对于队员我还是不吝惜赞美之词。

19、Gareth Bale has taken many plaudits and deservedly so, but Modric has been a lynchpin in our best performances this season. ─── 贝尔已经得到了太多褒奖,当然他也当之无愧,但是莫德里齐在我们本赛季的所有打得好的比赛中,都是关键。

20、Having deservedly lost the Republicans' grip on Congress, the president would seem to have given up the chance of any big domestic initiative. ─── 由于共和党失去了对国会的控制,布什总统似乎已经没有机会再对国内事务提出重大议案。

21、The pride of leading his beloved Liverpool to victory meant so much to him and in an eight-year playing career at Anfield Sammy deservedly amassed a glittering array of honours. ─── 看到竿子破球荒后连连进球心里还会暗自窃喜。看到加西亚的进球还是觉得匪夷所思,经常不按常理出招。

22、Who will grant me to be deservedly humbled before men for the truth, just as much as I have been undeservedly exalted for what is not true? ─── 谁能准许我在他人面前为真理而有应得的谦逊,就象我已经为虚假而获得不应得的赞扬一般?

23、He was much and deservedly respected. ─── 他非常受人尊敬而且是该当的。

24、The restaurant is deservedly popular. ─── 这餐馆为大众喜爱是理所当然的。

25、It is concluded that the effect of Nao Xieqing may be similar to Qing kailing on blood rheology,It s probably due to the improvement of metabvlism of brain,which deserv... ─── 结论:脑血清与清开灵在影响血流变学方面有类似作用,其机理可能是在改善脑代谢方面起作用,应进行深入研究。

26、John Cofie's first half strike had Paul McGuinness' side ahead at half-time, but the visitors were a team transformed after the interval, and they deservedly levelled before the Reds' late flourish. ─── 约翰.咖啡上半场的射门让麦吉尼斯的球队在半小时的时候取得领先,但客队下半时突然发威。他们绝对值得扳平比分的进球。

27、You know, in Australia, I put a lot of the blame on myself - deservedly so. But here I think you have to give credit where credit's due. ─── 你知道在澳网我输给他以后常常责备自己,但是在这里我觉得我可以自豪地离开,我今天的确是尽力了。

28、It worked. We were the better team in the second-half and deservedly won. ─── 变阵收到了效果。我们下半场表现得更好,理所当然地获得了胜利。

29、This raises expectations, which, when absolutely disappointed, make the relaror of this excellent thing look, very deservedly, like a fool. ─── 希望这些话能勾起对方的期待,但结果是彻底的绝望,使得说这些话的人看起来像个十足的傻子。

30、Results The temporarily employed nurses became an important part of nurse staff, but their labor right were not protected deservedly. ─── 结果临时聘用护士已成为护理队伍的重要组成部分,其劳动权益尚未得到很好的保障。

31、Now you can add Barcelona to that list, and deservedly so. ─── 现在你可以认为巴塞也是这样的强队,他们当之无愧。

32、I know readers are going to give me grief on this one, and deservedly so. ─── 我知道读者们会这么挤兑我,我也确实是。

33、He said, "We put a lot of effort into preparing for this match, and we deservedly are through to the final. " ─── 他说,“我们为比赛准备的非常充分,能够进入决赛我们当之无愧。”

34、We lost deservedly in front of a team which did its job very well. ─── 我们在一支表现很好的球队面前落败。

35、Subsequently, the generalized infinite element was presented as a deservedly spreading way, because of which characteristic of mapping and multipole expansion. ─── 广义无限元法集合了Astly无限元法的映射特性和Burnett无限元法的多级展开理论构造形函数的特性,是一种具有广泛应用范围的无限元法。

36、The adverse criticism it deservedly got stung Byron ─── 这本诗集受到的应有的非难刺痛了拜伦的心。

37、Kobe Bryant may have the reputation as a big shot maker and deservedly so, but a look at these numbers demonstrates that James is no slouch himself. ─── 科比之所以能在关键时刻比詹姆斯更能得到大家信任,是因为和他比较的詹姆斯在关键时候的表现衬托了科比。

38、Rembrandt is a deservedly famous artist ─── 伦勃朗是个当之无愧的名画家。

39、Inter won it deservedly, it's not a false Scudetto. ─── 国米应当赢得,这不是个虚伪的奖杯。

40、First at the European Championships, then when he deservedly renewed his contract with Juventus and now also with a goal in the Champions League qualifiers: the best omen for another great season. ─── 在欧洲冠军联赛资格赛的首次出场,他无愧于他的新合同,而现在他也以冠军联赛预选赛的一个进球:最好的兆头开始又一个精彩的赛季。

41、A copy of them happening to fall into the hands of the Count de Buffon, a philosopher deservedly of great reputation in France, and, indeed, all over Europe, he prevailed with M. ─── 有一本偶然落在特蒲丰贵爵士的手中,他在法国是颇负盛名的哲学家,可说声名远播欧洲。

42、He said, “We put a lot of effort into preparing for this match, and we deservedly are through to the final. ─── 他说,“我们为比赛准备的非常充分,能够进入决赛我们当之无愧。”

43、His breathtaking skill and vision brought panache to Arsenal's play and he was instrumental in the Double triumph of 1998, deservedly winning the Footballer of the Year award. ─── 他激动人心的技巧和视野给阿森纳的足球带领了华丽的色彩,他在1998年的双冠王中扮演了重要的角色,理所当然地成为了当年最佳球员称号的获得者。

44、They account them as suffering deservedly whatever they suffer ─── 他们认为他们是理所当然地应受一切应受的苦。

45、Deservedly, she won several prestigious awards. ─── 理所当然,她多次获得奖项。

46、It all holds good for your future as you are deservedly leaving duality behind. ─── 当你们理所当然地把二元性留在身后的时候,它为你们的未来保存了所有的好。

47、He never boasts his wife, but he thinks she deservedly did it. ─── 他从不夸妻子,只是觉得她一切理当如此.

48、"United won and deservedly so. It was an exceptional result but it wasn't an exceptional match. It was low key." ─── “曼联配得上这场胜利,这个比分有点儿出乎意料,不过这场比赛的过程并不让人感到意外。这是一场并不夸张的比赛。”

49、Since Mr and Mrs Gates (pictured above) established the charity in 2000, it has spent over $8 billion on improving global health, and won deservedly lavish praise for its efforts. ─── 自从盖茨夫妇(见上图)2000年创建该机构以来,它已经捐资80多亿美元用于改善全球健康,并因此赢得了当之无愧的盛情赞誉。

50、he chalked up two goals which deservedly gave Bolton their second victory of the season. ─── 他记下了两分,这两分当然是给了波尔顿,因为本赛季他们夺得了又一个胜利。

51、In that game he earned plaudits, and deservedly so, for marking Ronaldinho out of the game. ─── 在那场比赛中他赢得了喝彩,是他把小罗看死。

52、England started by far the brighter and deservedly took the lead when Frank Lampard silenced his detractors with a thumping near post finish, after being played in by a typically marauding Micah Richards. ─── 英格兰一开始就非常漂亮且理所当然地取得了领先,在接到米卡.里查兹标准的断球后的传球,弗兰克.兰帕德用一个近门柱怒射破门使对他的批评者安静下来.

53、Over these many years, it has built up a remarkable reputation. And deservedly so. DGS is a living demonstration of the essence of an all-round education. ─── 多年来,拨萃女书院一直享负良好校誉,成为全才教育的典范,可谓实至名归。

54、He deservedly won the player of the year award. ─── 他理所应当地赢得了年度最佳球员奖。

55、'We defended well and I think the only thing we didn't do was score a goal and deservedly win the game. So I am happy. ─── 我们防守得很好,而且我认为唯一不足的是我们没有进球。我们应该赢得比赛。所以我感到高兴。

56、In what was billed as the most important Merseyside derby clash for years Liverpool deservedly run out 2-1 winners on a memorable afternoon at Anfield. ─── 在一个难忘的安菲尔德的下午,在一场被认为近年来最重要的默西塞德比战中利物浦令人信服的以2-1取得了胜利。

57、Therefore, the lacuna in harmonization of international/transnational merger control has understandably and deservedly attracted and become a subject in some fora. ─── 从经济学角度观察,现今各国迳自执行其结合管制管辖权者,系罔顾全球消费者福利,仅就各个切割市场划分保护之结果。

58、After retiring in 1960 he was awarded an OBE a year later, and was deservedly knighted for his services to football in 1998. ─── 在1960年退役一年后,他被授予英帝国勋章,然后又在1998获得爵士称号来表彰他对足球所作出的贡献-这也是他应得的。

59、After Shaun Wright-Phillips had put England deservedly ahead, Owen brought the house down four minutes after half-time with a majestic turn and half-volley into the top corner. ─── 在赖特菲利普斯让英格兰获得理所应当的领先之后,欧文在半场开始才4分钟就以一记转身凌空抽射飞入上角的世界波轰塌以色列城墙!

60、He was deservedly punished ─── 他理应受罚。

61、He has just been chosen for the top job, and deservedly so. ─── 他刚被选中担任这一要职,这是理所当然的。

62、and so deservedly dear as he is to his sister, whatever anxiety she may feel on his behalf is natural and amiable. ─── 既然他确实值得他妹妹珍惜,那么,不管她替他担的是什么忧,那也是合情合理,亲切可喜。

63、He deservedly earned the admiration of his colleagues. ─── 他理所当然地得到了同事们的钦佩。

64、46. Herbert Warren Wind's induction into the World Golf Hall of Fame. The legendary journalist was recently honored posthumously14 -- and deservedly so. ─── 赫伯特沃伦温德进入高尔夫名人堂。传奇作家最近被授予终身荣誉,他是实至名归的。

65、She was deservedly praised. ─── 她受到了应得的表扬。

66、Windows Vista, called outstanding combination of windows XP and Windows 2003 server, is deservedly the most advanced one of the operating system in computer field today. ─── 被称之为winodwsXP和Windowsserver2003优秀的结合体的WindowsVista当之无愧是当今计算机领域最先进的操作系统之一。

67、He was deservedly caught right on the spot. ─── 他被当场抓住,真是活该。

68、Roger can talk all the garbage he wants about Angelo Dundee at press conferences.Dundee is in the hall of fame (deservedly so) and there's no way Mayweather's getting in as a trainer. ─── 罗杰尽可以在新闻发布会上泼邓迪脏水,人家邓迪可是入主名人堂的教练(实至名归),而做为教练的罗杰连名人堂的门儿都摸不着。

69、This splendidly entertaining family movie was nominated for six Academy Awards, including best picture, director, and screenplay, and deservedly won the Oscar for its subtly ingenious visual effects. ─── 宝贝小猪唛》在各国际电影颁奖礼中囊括多个奖项,当中包括奥斯卡最佳视觉效果及金球奖最佳电影,绝对是适合一家大细观看的动物笑片。

70、With analysis of the laws, international treaties and practice, we can't deservedly deem the validity of the incorporation. ─── 通过分析各国的法律、有关国际公约和实践,在我国现有的法律体系中不应当然地承认租约的仲裁条款并入提单的效力。

71、Even can`t lead long to begin to go shopping perfectly deservedly with him,you shill can so to have no don`t talk of friend. ─── 即使不能跟他名正言顺的牵著手逛街,你们还是可以做无所不谈的朋友。

72、Rafa Benitez's side bossed the opening 45 minutes at Anfield, and deservedly took the lead through Dirk Kuyt before the break. ─── 贝尼特斯的球队上半场45分钟发挥出色,他们完全值得取得领先,库伊特半场结束前首开纪录。

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