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09-02 投稿


predicting 发音

英:[pr??d?kt??]  美:[pr??d?kt??]

英:  美:

predicting 中文意思翻译



predicting 同义词

stale | obvious | liable | unoriginal |calculable | hackneyed | expected | tired | unsurprising | likely | banal | sure | certain | probable | foreseeable | expectable | anticipated | trite

predicting 词性/词形变化,predicting变形

动词过去分词: predicted |副词: predictably |动词过去式: predicted |动词现在分词: predicting |动词第三人称单数: predicts |形容词: predictable |名词: predictability |

predicting 反义词


predicting 短语词组

1、predicting shape ─── [计] 判定形状

2、predicting 2020 race ─── 预测2020年的比赛

3、predicting earthquakes ─── 预测地震

4、predicting weather ─── 天气预报

5、predicting in excel excel ─── 中的预测

6、predicting election ─── 预测选举

7、predicting the future ─── 预测未来

8、predicting interval ─── 预测间隔

9、predicting the presidency ─── 预测总统任期

10、predicting precipitate ─── 预测沉淀

11、predicting the election 2020 ─── 预测2020年大选

12、predicting filter ─── 前置滤波器

13、predicting relation ─── [计] 判定关系

predicting 相似词语短语

1、prelecting ─── vi.讲课;讲演

2、predating ─── vt.在日期上早于(先于)

3、predictions ─── n.预测,预言(prediction复数形式)

4、prediction ─── n.预报;预言

5、predicating ─── v.使基于;断言,断定;(语法)就命题主项阐述(predicate的现在分词)

6、preacting ─── n.提前,超前;提前作用;vt.提前;超前;预作用

7、predictive ─── adj.预言性的;成为前兆的

8、crediting ─── v.相信;发放贷款;归功于(credit的ing形式)

9、unpredicting ─── 不可预知的

predicting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、People are predicting an earthquake tomorrow! ─── 人们预测明天会有地震!

2、Did any factors predict the development of ESRD? ─── 什么因素可以预测ESRD的发展?

3、You simply cannot predict evolutionary events like this. ─── 你根本无法预料到这样的进化事件。

4、But thenK no one can predict the future, who knows? ─── 但当然将来的事无人预计得到,随缘吧!

5、We can't predict the outcome. There are too many imponderables. ─── 我们无法预测结果。难以逆料的情况太多了。

6、Predicting publication prices: are the old models still relevant? ─── 出版价格预测:与老模型仍有关系吗?

7、It's hard to predict when it will happen. ─── 很难预见这件事何时发生。

8、His point was that with cheap lunar transportation, there was no predicting what might catch people's fancies. ─── 他的观点是,只要去月球的交通费够便宜,什么事都有可能吸引大众的眼球。

9、Predicting the future is notoriously difficult. ─── 众所周知,预测未来是非常困难的。

10、How do people predict the future in your country? ─── 人们是怎样预料你们国家未来的?

11、Few are predicting that Mr.Cayne will step aside soon. ─── 很少人预测Cayne先生会很快地退缩。

12、Predicting the nation which would be the ruling world power 100 years from now. ─── 100年后哪个国家将主宰世界。

13、One can look to the future but can't predict the future. ─── 人可以展望未来,但无法预测未来。

14、The law which goes by his name is a useful rule for predicting the direction of an induced current. ─── 这条用他的名字命名的定律,是判断感生电流方向的极有用的定则。

15、The zodiac is used in astrology to predict the future. ─── 十二宫图用于占星术中预测未来。

16、Only the people with predicting ticket could enter . ─── 只有那些预先订票的人才可以进去。

17、Delirium cordis: can we predict the onset of atrial fibrillation? ─── 心搏混乱:我们能否预测房颤的发生?

18、It's hard to predict what will happen in the new century. ─── 很难预测新世纪会发生什么事。

19、Birth rates are notoriously difficult to predict. ─── 众所周知,出生率是很难预测的。

20、And White House economists are predicting a strong rebound over the next three years. ─── 而且白宫的经济家们预言在未来三年会出现一个剧烈反弹。

21、If our life together proves half as rosy as you predict, we'll be well content! ─── 如果我们未来的生活能被你的美好的祝辞言中一半,我们也就心满意足了!

22、How do astronomers predict meteor showers? ─── 天文学家如何预示流星雨?

23、Much of the work on predicting earthquakes is based on the theory of dilatancy. ─── 大多数的地震预测工作都是基于膨胀理论。

24、Bad omen predicting personal tragedy and illness. ─── 不好的预兆预言个人的悲剧和疾病。

25、Mountain weather is notoriously difficult to predict. ─── 山地气候难以预料是人所共知的。

26、Of predicting death than we've ever been able to do. ─── 些关于预测死亡的统计模型。

27、There is no way at present of predicting which individuals will develop the disease. ─── 目前还没有办法预言哪些人会患这种病。

28、Both models used can successfully predict the pyrolysis ... ─── 两种模型均能成功地预测热解过程。

29、It is hard to predict who will win the presidential election. ─── 很难预测谁会在总统选举中胜出。

30、Sweetie, we can't prevent what can't predict. ─── 亲爱的,我们不能预防我们所不能预知的。

31、We predict the joint venture will be a great success. ─── 我们可以预言,这个合资企业将大获成功。

32、The latest opinion polls are predicting a very close contest. ─── 最新的民意测验预言将是一场势均力敌的竞赛。

33、Which attribute of the dataset do you want to try to predict? ─── 您要尝试预测数据集的哪个属性?

34、The witch said that her crystal ball could predict the future. ─── 女巫说她的水晶球可以预测未来。

35、The practice of predicting the future through interpretation of dreams. ─── 占梦一种通过解释梦境去预测未来的做法

36、Astronomers can predict an eclipse . ─── 天文学家们能够预测日蚀。

37、How many words did you correctly predict? ─── 你答对了几个单词?

38、Store managers are predicting record takings this Christmas. ─── 商店经理预计今年圣诞节期间的销售额将创新高。

39、But the sharp drop in February compared with a year ago was unexpected; economists had been predicting little change. ─── 与去年同期相比,二月份出口量暴跌出人意料,而经济学家一直预测说不会有太大变化。

40、To predict the future as if by divine inspiration. ─── 受神的启示而说出似乎受神的启示而预言未来

41、Predicting what iS going tO happen in the running Of the SpeeCh. ─── 在听的过程中迅速预测后续的话语活动。

42、They are a solid foundation for identifying and predicting fashion trends. ─── 它们是识别和预测时装发展趋势的坚实基础。

43、Can you predict the result of the US general election? ─── 你能预测美国大选的结果吗?

44、Is it accurate to predict the result on the basis of one secret vote? ─── 以一次不记名投票为基础预测结果准确吗?

45、Skilled in predicting shifts, as in the weather or public opinion. ─── 善于预测变化的善于预测变化的,如天气或舆论变化

46、IT says those IT can predict someone's future. ─── 她说她能预测更多有联系人的未来。

47、A good EQ will help you predict how other people will feel. ─── 一个好的情绪智商能帮助您预测他人的感觉。

48、How could he predict that this contract would bankrupt his company? ─── 他万万没想到这个合约会使导致他的公司破产。

49、But there are many analysts predicting otherwise. ─── 但也有许多分析家作出了相反的预测。

50、It's hard to predict how things will turn out. ─── 事情还不定怎样呢。

51、But other economists predict a turnaround as early as this summer. ─── 但其他经济学家预测最早到今年夏天经济情况就会好转。

52、I predict in three or four years he will be Mister Big. ─── 我断定三四年以后,他将成为重要人物。

53、Some fortune - tellers say that they can predict future events . ─── 一些算命者说他们能够预言将来发生的事情。

54、Dan Gillmor: I am very bad at predicting. ─── 我并不擅长预测。

55、Predicting the future is always risky. ─── 预测未来总是有风险的。

56、To predict on the basis of past experience. ─── 凭过去的经验来)预言或预测。

57、He is of moodiness ,which makes it hard to predict his reaction. ─── 他如此喜怒无常,所以很难预知其反应如何。

58、How you monitor and predict earthquakes, how you've made such strides in researching the cause and treatment of cancer. ─── 他们向中国学习如何监测和预报地震,学习中国在研究癌症的病因和治疗方面是如何取得这么多成就的。

59、The estimated life span is to predict the average. ─── 估计寿命是预计一个人能活的平均年数。

60、We cannot predict them easily like we used to do with LUs. ─── 我们不能像对于 LU 那样 简单地预测它们。

61、Nobody can predict the change of situation. ─── 形势的变化谁也无法预测。

62、I cannot predict what will happen. ─── 我无法预料将会发生什么事情。

63、When can we predict earthquakes instead of reporting them? ─── 我们什么时候能预测地震而不是报道地震?

64、It's very hard to predict where we'll be by the year 2000. ─── 它是非常难预知我们将会哪里是2000年以前的。

65、Up here complex problems have something in them you can predict. ─── 到了这里,复杂的难题中有些成分是可以预测的。

66、Experts are predicting just a modest slowdown in growth this year. ─── 专家预期,今年的经济增长会有所减弱,但减弱的幅度会很小。

67、People can't predict how things will pan out. ─── 人们无法预言事情会有什么样的结果。

68、Mr.Lipsky said he wasn't predicting such an outcome. ─── 利普斯基表示,他并不认为真的会出现这种结果。

69、It's hard to predict what will come of these modifications. ─── 很难预料这些更改将会产生什么结果。

70、The index of PCNA is helpful for predicting the prognosis in LSC. ─── PCNA指数对判断喉鳞癌患者的预后有一定价值。

71、Inability to predict environmental reaction. ─── 不能预言环境反应。

72、We can't predict how things will come out. ─── 我们无法预言事情会有什么样的结果。

73、It starts Friday and forecasters are predicting a spate of named storms. ─── 周五起,预报员预测了一系列命名的风暴。

74、I predict another good harvest this year. ─── 我估计今年又有好收成。

75、Introduced is a method for predicting sedimental sand body with fluvial facies. ─── 介绍一种河流相沉积砂体预测方法。

76、Annie: Predict the future development tendency of table tennis? ─── 安妮:预测一下乒乓球未来的发展态势?

77、Predicting Trouble in Airway Management. ─── 在气道管理中预测评价的问题。

78、Predict> novel system opened today!!! ─── 《预言》小说体系今天开张了!!!

79、The pivotal factor of predicting rolling force is flow stress. ─── 影响轧制力的主要因素是材料的流动应力。

80、We never predict future.We create future! ─── 我们从不预测未来,我们创造未来!

81、Whether this is successful or not is still difficult to predict. ─── 成败利钝尚难逆料。

82、With futures markets predicting property-price falls of up to 30% and the pain spreading beyond mortgages, the bottom may be months away. ─── 期货市场的财产价格预期会下跌30%,痛苦会向次贷以外蔓延,底线也许会在数月之后。

83、Why predict and design protein structures and complexes? ─── 为什么要进行蛋白质及聚合物的结构预测和设计?

84、Here are some English phrases that are predicting your future! ─── 下列是一些用来预卜未来的英文句子!

85、But he said he was happy to wait, predicting that the dollar would fall further to $1. 45 to the euro by the end of the year. ─── 但他表示乐于再等一等。他预计到今年年底时,美元会进一步跌至1欧元兑1.45美元。

86、Can not predict tomorrow, but you can grasp today. ─── 不能预知明天,但你可以把握今天。

87、Our task is to predict when a rocket more than the top. ─── 我们的任务只是预测火箭什么时候能够登顶而已。

88、Whispers around downtown predict major cutbacks soon at Forum East. ─── 商业界人士私下预料,东城新区工程不久将大幅度缩减。

89、Can you predict the near future? ─── 你能预言未来吗?


翻译为: material effect材料影响 例句:Material Effect for Predicting the Fire Resistance of Concrete-Filled Square Steel Tube Column Under Constant Axial Load恒定轴压力下材料特性对方钢管混凝土柱防火性能的影响

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