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09-03 投稿


combustibility 发音

英:[k?m?b?st??b?l?ti; k?mb?st??b?l?ti]  美:[k?m?b?st??b?l?ti]

英:  美:

combustibility 中文意思翻译



combustibility 词性/词形变化,combustibility变形

动词过去分词: combed |动词第三人称单数: combs |动词过去式: combed |动词现在分词: combing |

combustibility 短语词组

1、combustibility classification ─── 燃烧性分类

2、combustibility range ─── 可燃性范围

3、combustibility mean ─── 可燃性平均值

4、combustibility rating ─── 燃烧性等级

5、combustibility kst ─── 可燃性kst

6、combustibility meaning ─── 可燃性含义

7、combustibility def ─── 可燃性定义

8、combustibility 1 ─── 燃烧性1

9、combustibility test ─── 燃烧性试验

10、combustibility index ─── 可燃性指数

combustibility 相似词语短语

1、noncombustibility ─── 不燃性

2、compossibility ─── 共存能力

3、conductibility ─── n.传导性

4、incombustibility ─── n.不燃性

5、commutability ─── n.可代替;[物]可对易性

6、computability ─── n.可计算性

7、compatibility ─── n.[计]兼容性

8、compactibility ─── n.可压实性;可夯实性;成形性;紧密性

9、combustibly ─── 燃烧的

combustibility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、, Ltd, the actual results shown that the system is steady and can combust steadily in cold and hot state and lower load condition, and can greatly save the oil used. ─── 小油量气化燃烧直接点燃煤粉燃烧系统性能稳定,能够实现机组冷、热态启动及低负荷稳燃,节油显著。

2、I intend to forgive those ancestors who were misled into false ascension and combust. ─── 我意愿宽恕那些被误导进入虚假提升和自燃的祖先们。

3、The combustibility of our commercial life style. ─── 商业生活方式的易激动性。

4、Combustibility of producer gas is compared with other fuel gas to use rationally low calorific value gas. ─── 对其燃烧特性进行比较,以利于合理使用低热值煤气。

5、Dolphin-whale grid work in human form therefore tends to run too hot and will combust one's molecular structure. ─── 因此,人类形体中的海豚鲸鱼晶格层会倾向于运作过多热量,并灼烧你的分子结构。

6、I intend to resurrect each combust ancestor and account for all records and karma from their respective lifetimes. ─── 我意愿复活每一名自我焚化的祖先,并解决来自他们在世时的所有记录和业力。

7、Keywords building fire;proximate analysis;ultimate analysis;combustibility; ─── 建筑火灾;元素分析;工业分析;燃烧特性;

8、Test on the Combustibility of the Sediment in Ventilation and Air-conditioning Systems ─── 关于通风空调系统风管中聚集物的燃烧特性测试

9、Used for testing horizontal combustibility of various textile and show with flame spread rate . ─── 用于测定各类纺织织物水平方向燃烧性能,并以火焰蔓延速率来表示。

10、I intend to send my combust ancestors for a full bardo and life review beyond death that did not occur and within the aurora of earth. ─── 我意愿将我自我焚化的祖先送到地球极光中进行一个死后的中阴身及生活完全回顾,那是当时并没有进行的。

11、Using the predict-observe-explain strategy to explore students' alternative conceptions of combustibility. ─── 发表于中华民国第二十届科学教育学术研讨会。

12、We combust coal and other fossil fuels. ─── 我们使用煤碳及其他化石燃料做燃料。

13、M6 can activate circulation system, combust fats and slimtone by means of repeated rhythm massage with particular roller and pressure suction. ─── 借助特殊的滚筒,加上负压吸引反复的进行韵律式深层按摩,达到活化循环系、燃烧脂肪、健肤纤体的效果。

14、Sends a bolt of negative energy that burns a target enemy unit's mana.Burned mana combust's, dealing damage to the target equal to the amount of mana burned. ─── 二级-向目标投射一支反魔法箭,燃烧目标最多120点的魔法,并造成与被燃烧的魔法等量的伤害。

15、Besides,laser optoacoustic spectroscopy technique and laser mass spectrometry will play more important role in research of internal combust... ─── 另外 ,激光光声光谱技术、激光质谱仪等有望在内燃机的研究中发挥更大的作用。

16、I intend to send my combust ancestors for a full bardo and life review beyond death that did not occur at the time that they perished and within the aurora of earth. ─── 我意愿送我的自燃祖先们去在他们死亡和地球欧罗拉内的时期没有发生过的一个死亡上的完全中阴期和生命回顾。

17、I intend to resurrect each combust ancestor related unto my inheritance and account for all records and karma from their respective lifetimes. ─── 我意愿复活每一位对我遗传有关的自燃祖先们,并统计他们各自的生命期中的所有记录和业力。

18、Assignable the Regulation for the Use of Firing Energy for Combustibility Primer and Application in the Countersunk Caseless Cartridge ─── 埋头无壳弹中可燃底火点火能量利用分配规则及应用

19、Ultimately, the combustibility of Chinese farming initiatives may limit the plans' reach. ─── 最终,因话题敏感,中国农业进军非洲之举也许会受到限制。

20、Abstract Sulfate anion content in tobacco tampers with combustibility, taste and quality. ─── 摘 要 烟草中硫酸根离子的含量会影响其燃烧性、质量和吃味。

21、Vent Flares are typically used on landfill gas vents, wells, or leachate system cleanout lines to combust flammable gases. ─── 太阳能点火燃烧器主要使用在垃圾填埋场的气体出口,井或渗漏系统来燃烧气体。

22、Is it possible to spontaneously combust from schadenfreude? ─── 不知道能不能因为幸灾乐祸之至而发生自燃现象?

23、Impressed by the element’s combustibility, several 17th century chemists used it to manufacture fire-lighting devices, but the results were dangerously inflammable. ─── 几个17 世纪的化学家被这个元素的可燃性所打动,用它制作点火设备,但其结果却具有很危险的易燃性( (但其结果却具有易燃的危险))。

24、Study of Forest Combustibility in Beijing Area ─── 北京地区森林燃烧性研究

25、One can therefore intend to find the agreements if they are missing, combust or relocated someplace else. ─── 因此如果它们丢失不见、烧掉或转移到别处的话,你可以意愿找到协议。

26、In recent years there have also been five inner earth gurus that actually reached a pitch high enough to combust. ─── 在最近几年,也有五个地内古鲁实际上到达了一个足够高的程度,结果自燃。

27、All the above observations indicate that lower rank coal is easier to combust than higher rank coal. ─── 上述结果说明煤的变质程度越低燃烧越容易。

28、If you thought that nothing could burn while sandwiched between two bricks of dry ice -- think again. Magnesium can combust in an atmosphere of pure carbon dioxide. ─── 如果你认为,无论什么东西夹在两块干冰之间都不会燃烧,那么就大错特错了。镁就能在弥漫着纯净二氧化碳的环境下燃烧。

29、It is noticeable that the Cl content (0. 93% ) of tobacco leaves from full MOP treatment approach the critical value (1. 0% ), which is lowering the combustibility of oriental tobacco. ─── 值得注意的是,完全施用氯化钾处理的烟叶含氟量(0.93%)接近1.0%的临界值,这有可能降低烟叶的燃烧性。

30、or if the Lord of the Ascendant be combust, or in an enemy to the Moon, for then undoubtedly the Native will suffer for his Villainy. ─── 如果命主星被燃烧,或是位于月亮落陷/失势的地方,那么盘主会受到其恶行应得的惩罚是勿庸置疑的。

31、Keywords composite material;non combustibility;calorimeter; ─── 复合材料;不燃性;锥型量热计;

32、Open wounds and sores were also prevalent as the radioactive serpents crawled between the etheric skin and genetic grid work, causing the skin to combust. ─── 外在伤口与疼痛也很泛滥,因为辐射性蛇形物攀爬在以太皮肤及基因晶格层中,导致皮肤燃烧。

33、The TG-DTG-DTA thermal analysis technology is applied to study the combustibility of slime from Xinji coal preparation plant. ─── 摘要采用TG-DTG-DTA(热重-微分热重-差热)热分析联用技术研究了新集选煤二厂煤泥浆的燃烧特性。

34、the combustibility of our commercial life style. ─── 商业生活方式的易激动性。

35、COMBUSTIBILITY : Does not burn. ─── 可燃性:不燃烧。

36、17. Impressed by the element's combustibility, several 17th century chemists used it to manufacture fire-lighting devices,but the results were dangerously inflammable. ─── 元素的可燃性留下了深刻的印象,几个17世纪的化学家使用它制造了点火设备,但是结果是危险的易燃。

37、The intent to resurrect all combust agreements will allow the original contracts to then be processed through one's own kundahlini allowing for transcendence of any associated patterning. ─── 意愿恢复一切烧掉的协议,将允许原始的合同被透过你自身的昆达里尼处理以允许超越相关的模式。

38、All within the sun desires to return home, and it is out of a need to understand why so many creations have combust against their skin that the intervention of earth has been planned. ─── 太阳内的所有一切都想回家,而就是在了解为什么如此多的造物会紧靠着他们表层而燃烧的需要里,对地球的干预被计划。

39、Here they remained for 100 years and were vastly mislead into a false ascension that combust their bodies and the region that they existed within. ─── 在这里,他们呆了100年时间,并被极大误导成虚假提升,最终燃烧了他们的身体以及他们所呆的地域。

40、If the outer Earth does not ascend along with the inner, nothing will make it and Earth will combust as she attempts to enter the Great Central Sun. ─── 如果外部地球不能与地心一起提升,就没有成功的可能,地球将会当其试图进入大中枢太阳之时而燃烧。

41、Zhou Junhu,Kuang Jianping.Thermal analysis on combustibility of coal and coal black liquor slurry [J].Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology,2005,33(2):33-37(in Chinese). ─── [20]周俊虎,匡建平.原煤和黑液水煤浆燃烧特性的热分析对比研究[J].燃料化学学报,2005,33(2):33-37.

42、but, methinks, that Saturn, being combust, threatens danger and infortune to the party sent; ─── 不过我认为,土星既然主火,那么就被派遣者来说,这可是一个危险的凶兆。

43、Development of ammonia as a fuel must include ways to improve its combustibility . ─── 开发氨气作为燃料必须要通过方法,提高氨气的可燃性。

44、I don't get it, why did Yogin spontaneously combust? ─── 我不理解,为什么他会自己燃烧了呢?

45、LU Chun-mei,WANG Li-zhen,SHAO Yan-ling,et al.Determining combustibility index and burning temperature of the coal with thermogravimetry [ J ].Shandong Electric Power,1994,(2):68-71. ─── [2]路春美,王立真,邵延玲,等.用热重法确定煤的着火温度与可燃性指数[J].山东电力技术,1994,(2):68-71.

46、Pod sexual kundahlini flow is also problematic as the fire may combust karma rather than clear it through forgiveness in human form. ─── 人类肉体中的圆荚体性能量或说昆达里尼能量流,也是有问题的,因为火元素可能会烧掉业力,而不是透过原谅来清理业力。

47、As the radioactive serpents leave, the molecules will cease to combust. ─── 当辐射性蛇形物离开时,分子将停止燃烧。

48、COMBUSTIBILITY : Does not burn. Retards the flame when coated on combustible materials such as Styrofoam. ─── 可燃性:不燃烧。涂抹在易燃材料表面例如聚苯乙烯材料可阻燃。

49、Long ago humans combust in false ascensions underneath the land and they set a wave of fire over the land above. ─── 很久之前,地下的人类在虚假提升中自我焚化而在上面的土地上了激起了一浪火焰。

50、As we combust, fission thought-form became global leading to the experience of the hunt amongst all kingdoms. ─── 当我们自我焚化时,核裂变的思想形态就开始变成全球化,带来了所有王国中猎杀的经历。

51、The characteristics of pyrolytic products (pyrolytic oil, char and gas), such as physical and chemical properties, composition and combustibility, etc, were investigated. ─── 对各种典型固体废物在回转窑内的热解机理和主要热解产物(热解油、气、炭)的性质进行了研究;

52、The test result show that mixed coal injection benefit to raising combustibility, increased quantity and decreased cost. ─── 结果表明,混煤喷吹有利于提高煤粉的燃烧率,扩大高炉喷吹量和降低喷煤成本。

53、Thermal analysis on combustibility of coal and coal black liquor slurry ─── 原煤和黑液水煤浆燃烧特性的热分析对比研究

54、All told, 160 pharaohs combust in the pyramids over a 2000-year period. ─── 总计而言在2000年之中,共有160个法老在金字塔中自燃。

55、I intend to forgive those ancestors that combust for shattering the field of earth and the loss of global holographic information that this caused. ─── 我意愿原谅那些自我焚化的祖先所造成的、粉碎了地球能量场并造成全球全息信息丢失的行为。

56、Molecules can combust due to the presence of radioactive serpents causing the grid work to collapse in upon itself leading to disease within the associated part of the form. ─── 分子会由于辐射性蛇形物的存在而燃烧,导致晶格层自身瓦解而在相关的身体部位带来疾病。

57、insufficient supply of fuel oil or bad combustibility; ─── 不充足的燃油供应或燃烧不良;

58、Relationship Between Cigarette Combustibility and Dosage of Burning Accelerant ─── 卷烟燃烧性与助燃剂用量间的关系研究

59、We now have attained records of 3 Grand Masters that attempted to ascend and were combust creating the first human representatives upon the LBBD planes. ─── 我们现在已经获得了3个试图提升却燃烧的大师记录,在LBBD层上制造了首批人类代表。

60、I intend to forgive those who followed the gurus that combust for contributing to the fission thought-form, warfare and disease that it caused. ─── 我意愿宽恕那些由于遵循自燃的古鲁而促进了其导致的裂变之思想形态、战争和疾病的祖先们。

61、If the trauma included the combustion of fire from incomplete ascensions, then the associated cells begin to combust or burn up. ─── 如果创伤包含了来自不完全提升所带来的火元素的焚化,那么相关的细胞就开始自我焚化或烧掉。

62、From the understanding that all species upon Earth must stand united in this goal of ascension, we offer our help, for if you do not ascend, Earth may not ascend, and we may all combust instead. ─── 我们理解在提升的目标中,地球上所有物种必须采取联合的立场,于是向你们提供帮助,因为如果你们不提升,地球也不会提升,而我们就会全部燃烧。

63、The Experimental Research of Improving Small Agricultural Internal Combustion Engine's Combustibility in Plateau Area ─── 改善高原地区小型农用内燃机燃烧状况的试验研究

64、The combustibility of diesel particulate (diesel soot) under various conditions is tested by thermogravimetric analysis. ─── 本文用热重分析的方法测试了柴油烟灰在多种不同条件下的燃烧性能。

65、Keywords industrial waste water;coal water slurry;thermal analysis;combustibility;clean coal technology; ─── 工业废水;水煤浆;热分析;燃烧特性;洁净煤技术;

66、We have gathered the records of 8600 dolphins or whales that combust out of such an internal state of arrogance. ─── 我们已经收集了8600个出于这样一种内在自大而自我焚化的海豚或鲸鱼的记录。

67、Keywords public building;ventilation;accumulation;contamination;combustibility; ─── 关键词公共建筑;通风;聚积物;污染;燃烧;

68、As more and more of the ascending form combust, the thought-form of nuclear fission became an increasingly potent global thought-form. ─── 当越来越多的提升身体自我焚化时,核裂变的思想形态就成为一个越来越强大的全球性思想形态。

69、The effects of a new combustion additive on the combustibility and pyrolysis characteristics of Rongruixin anthracite by TG-DTA were studied experimentally at air and argon atmosphere. ─── 分别在空气和氩气气氛下,用TG-DTA法研究了一种新型煤燃烧促进剂对荣睿鑫无烟煤燃烧和热解性能的影响效果。又以大同烟煤为例研究了促进剂的加入量对促进效果的影响。

70、The Lord of the Ascendant in the combust way, shows that the Native will be much entangled and pestered with business. ─── 命主星落在燃烧之路,表明盘主易在经商、交易等事务中陷入麻烦和困扰。

71、Oxidants are substances that support combustion and enhance the combustibility of other materials. ─── 氧化剂是支持燃烧和提高其它材料的可燃性的物质。

72、Sends a bolt of negative energy that burns a target enemy unit's mana.Burned mana combust's, dealing damage to the target equal to the amount of mana burned. ─── 一级-向目标投射一支反魔法箭,燃烧目标最多70点的魔法,并造成与被燃烧的魔法等量的伤害。

73、I intend to forgive those ancestors that combust for anchoring fission thought-form into the cellular structure leading to hatred in all of its expressions in the dance of life including disease. ─── 我准备谅解由于自燃而把思想形态[裂变]固定进细胞构造,引起生活舞蹈中包括疾病在内的所有的憎恨体现的祖先们。



76、Last November, five solar whales combust causing six of our map carving whales to die of strokes and brain hemorrhaging here upon earth. ─── 去年十一月,五条太阳鲸鱼自燃,导致我们地球上这里六个地图切割者由于中风和脑溢血而死亡。

77、Study on Spontaneous Combustibility of No. 3 Coal Seam in Xinglongzhuang Mine ─── 兴隆庄煤矿3#煤自燃倾向性研究

78、The cetane number of rubber seed oil biodiesel was high, so its combustibility was good. ─── 橡胶籽生物柴油十六烷值高,燃烧性能好;

79、It adequatelyanalyze the effect of changed boundary condition by combustion, and select themethod of judging flame spread on the surface of solid combustibility substance. ─── 在模型中充分考虑了燃烧反应产生的可变边界条件的影响,并选取了合适的可燃性固体蔓延判定条件。


81、An Evaluation Research on Combustibility of Species Using Escape Index of Combustible Gas ─── 可燃性气体逸出指标应用于树种燃烧性评价的研究

82、non combustibility = non-combustibility ─── 不燃性

83、combustibility test ─── 可燃性试验

84、Each successive Pharaoh that combust in this manner set in motion more and more radiation, leading to such a great fall that the biology for the large headed humans was lost over time. ─── 后来每一位以这种方式燃烧的法老,则启动了越来越多的辐射,使大头颅人类的生物体随时间而消逝。

85、I intend to forgive those ancestors that combust for anchoring fission thought-form as global thought-form that led to human warfare and nuclear annihilation. ─── 我意愿原谅那些自我焚化的祖先所造成的、锚定核裂变的思想形态为全球思想形态并导致了人类的战争与核毁灭的行径。

86、Many may die upon entry into the photon belt of the Great Central Sun, as those without enough eternal harmony will combust. ─── 多数人或许死于进入大中枢太阳的光子带之际,因为未足够永久和谐的人将会燃烧起来。

87、As the fire increases in the third dimension to enough of a "heat" over time and with continued illumination, all of Earth shall combust and enter the fifth dimension. ─── 当第三密度的火焰增长到足够热度并持续照亮时,地球上的一切将会燃烧从而进入第五密度。

88、Today vast numbers of whales and dolphins have proceeded to split light and dark and press one into the extreme light where they could combust if left unattended unto. ─── 今天,大数量的海豚鲸鱼已继续进行着对光与暗的分裂,并把自己压进极端的光明,在那里如果离开了提升管理,它们可能会自燃。

89、If she misses enough of her entry points, she will combust beloved. ─── 如果她错过了相当多的进入点,她将燃烧,至爱的人类。

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