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09-03 投稿



electrograph 发音

英:[[?'lektr??grɑ:f]]  美:[[?'lektr??grɑ:f]]

英:  美:

electrograph 中文意思翻译



electrograph 短语词组

1、electrostatic electrograph ─── [电] 静电电图

electrograph 相似词语短语

1、spectrograph ─── n.光谱仪;摄谱仪

2、electrographs ─── n.传真机;电雕刻器;[仪]电位记录器

3、electrography ─── n.传真电报术;[分化]电谱法;电描记术

4、electrogram ─── [医]电描记图

5、electromyograph ─── n.[临床]肌动电流描记器

6、electrograms ─── [医]电描记图

7、electromyographs ─── n.[临床]肌动电流描记器

8、electroclash ─── n.电音撞击乐(出现于21世纪初的一种结合新浪潮、朋克等风格的电子音乐)

9、electrographic ─── adj.电记录的

electrograph 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Before paragraph time, li Wenhao rented a 3 rooms here the house of two hall, bought secondhand desk and chair, purchased the equipment such as electrograph, printer. ─── 前段时间,李文浩在这里租了一套三室两厅的房子,买了二手桌椅,购置了传真机、打印机等设备。

2、9 see joke: The office of my mom has an electrograph. ─── 9看笑话: 我妈妈的办公室有一台传真机。

3、The office tool such as computer, printer, electrograph can produce radiation of ozone, dust, noise and electromagnetism when the job, contact these material for a long time to health also be adverse. ─── 电脑、打印机、传真机等办公工具在工作时会产生臭氧、粉尘、噪声及电磁辐射,长期接触这些物质对于健康也是不利的。

4、On the other hand, traditional study furniture desk, bookcase did not put the position of computer, electrograph again however. ─── 另一方面,传统的书房家具写字台、书柜却又没有安放电脑、传真机的位置。

5、The equipment of a lot of office such as copycat, printer, scanner, electrograph already from individual, the machine box of nonrelevant turns whole office network into one part of the system. ─── 复印机、打印机、扫描仪、传真机等诸多办公设备已经从单个,无关联的机器盒子变成整个办公网络系统的一部分。

6、According to statistic, the electrograph that domestic manufacturer makes is had in common electrograph market 8% , also be in laggard status from technology and product. ─── 据统计,国内厂商制造的传真机在普通传真机市场占有8%,从技术和产品上也都处于落后状态。

7、The circuit filter and vibration bell of telephone, electrograph and modem. ─── 用于电话、传真机及制解调器的线路滤波及振铃检测器。

8、Application of Automatic Electrograph in Determining the Acidity of Milk and Milk Products ─── 自动电位滴定仪测定乳与乳制品中酸度的方法

9、Electrograph (ECG) ─── 心电图

10、Automatic multi-user transmission through electrograph ─── 用传真机实现自动多用户发送

11、A design and implementation of digital electrograph ─── 一种数码传真机的设计与实现

12、Series die cutting products widely apply to LCD backlit unit, lithium cell, Mobile Phone, LCD Display, PDA, Copy Machine, Electrograph, Digital Camera, MP3 Player, MP4 Player, DVD, Apparatus, Household Appliance and etc. ─── 模切产品主要应用于LCD、彩屏手机、手提电脑、复印机、传真机、数码相机,MP3、MP4、DVD、仪器仪表及家用电器等。

13、In involve a few a large amount of trading when producing issue, if consumer accepts fax form and negotiation of the other side, just a luck lends electrograph keep evidence. ─── 在涉及一些大宗交易产生纠纷时,消费者若采取传真形式与对方交涉,可巧借传真机留存证据。

14、They are the same with the derivative connect wires for home appliance,microwave oven,neon light,electrograph,print copycat,scanner etc, ─── 适用于各种家用电器、办公设备(如液晶电视、微波炉、霓红灯、传真机、打印机、复印机、扫描仪)等机器之内配连接线及冷阴极管的高压线。

15、Research and manufacture on Dash Electrograph ─── 短跑电动计时器的研制

16、Automatic multi-user transmission through electrograph ─── 用传真机实现自动多用户发送

17、outside (2) good intention electrograph, the sphygmomanometer, carry on genitals' disinfection continually (general three times). ─── (2)连好心电图、血压计,进行外阴部的消毒(一般三次)。

18、Time passes and the situation has changed, now the leading role that camera is not Canon business any more, and the printer, scanner, copycat, electrograph key product that already made a company. ─── 时过境迁,现在相机已经不是Canon业务的主角,而打印机、扫描仪、复印机、传真机等已成为公司的重点产品。

19、this surgical department also disposes has the gastro-endoscope room, the stomach and intestines electrograph inspection room, the electrocardiogram room, the Chinese medicine laboratory. ─── 此外科内还配置有胃镜室、胃肠电图检查室、心电图室、中医实验室。

20、Although computer desk, printer, electrograph is unavoidable, but can come with proper plant and adornment bate office environment, to oneself innovation gives a more satisfied space. ─── 电脑桌、打印机、传真机虽然免不了,但可以用适当的植物和装饰来软化办公环境,给自己创造出一片更舒服的空间。

21、Because this concerns an expert to say or state with certainty, our country will make the world's mainest electrograph market. ─── 因此有关专家断言,我国将成为世界最主要的传真机市场。

22、Keywords Nicotine;Electrograph(ECG);QT interval;Norepinephrine; ─── 烟碱;心电图;QT间期;去甲肾上腺素;

23、Design for a Virtual Electrograph System Based on the RAS Technology ─── 基于RAS技术上的虚拟传真机系统的设计

24、Influence of catheter inter-electrode space on in vivo his electrograph recordings in rabbits ─── 电极间距对家兔在体希氏束电图记录结果的影响

25、Of the study tonal it is heavy, computer of the electrograph on old desk clock, inwrought cushion for leaning on and desk, notebook formed sharp contrast. ─── 书房的色调是沉重的,古老的座钟、刺绣靠垫与桌上的传真机、笔记本电脑形成了强烈的对比。

26、outside (2) good intention electrograph , the sphygmomanometer, carry on genitals' disinfection continually (general three times). ─── 连好心电图、血压计,进行外阴部的消毒(一般三次)。

27、In OA equipment market, personal computer is occupied about 61% , imprint watch machine is 14% , copycat is 15% , electrograph is 10% . ─── 在办公自动化设备市场中,个人电脑约占61%,印表机为14%,复印机为15%,传真机为10%。

28、Accordingly, concerned expert says or state with certainty, our country will make the world's mainest electrograph market. ─── 因此,有关专家断言,我国将成为世界最主要的传真机市场。

29、electrostatic electrograph ─── [电] 静电电图

30、Could you tell me how to use this electrograph? ─── 2.你能告诉我怎么使用这台传真机吗?

31、supporting the office equipment: high-speed Internet access, office equipment (copy machine, electrograph, etc. ) ─── 配套的办公设备:高速上网、办公设备(复印机、传真机等)。

32、myo- electrograph ─── 肌电图

33、Still can send and receive a fax at the same time, support G3 kind electrograph and collect of Class1 standard instruction, can realize communication of full duplex operation more. ─── 同时还可收发传真,支持G3类传真机及Class1标准指令集,更可实现全双工通讯。

34、Author /FanZhanyou;Ye Qingchun;Wang Defu (Shanxian Electrograph works;Henan 472143); ─── 作者樊战友;叶青春;王德福;

35、The circuit filter and vibration bell of telephone, electrograph and modem. ─── 用于电话、传真机及制解调器的线路滤波及振铃检测器。

36、" the client says: "Good, the electrograph that can be me the power cut there, do not have a law to receive. ─── 客户说:“好的,可是我的传真机那边停电了,没法接收。”

37、Computer is indispensable, return wanted on the telephone, electrograph, printer, it is shredded paper machine even, besides desk, even bookshelf and CD are worn. ─── 电脑是必不可少的,还有电话、传真机、打印机,甚至是碎纸机,除了书桌外,还要有书架和CD架。

38、Effect of Navel Application of Xiaojizhitong Liquid on Gastrointestinal Motility Electrograph of Rats with Spleen Deficiency ─── 消积止痛液敷脐对脾虚大鼠胃肠电的影响

39、Major country medium and small businesses still thinks, can have primary communication facility and information terminal (the) such as PC computer, electrograph, it is realized informatization. ─── 大部分国内中小企业仍然认为,能够有基本的通信设备以及信息终端(PC电脑、传真机等),就算是实现了信息化。

40、Products of our company are widely used in various electronic fields, such as notebook computer, duplicating machine, scanner, printing machine, electrograph, digital camera, DVD, VCD, CD, MP3, CK-ROM, LCD displayer and wireless telephone. ─── 公司产品广泛用于:笔记本电脑、复印机、扫描仪、打印机、传真机、数码相机、DVD、VCD、CD、MP3、CK-ROM、LCD显示器及无绳电话等诸多电子领域。

41、Realization of Sharing Virtual Electrograph in Local Area Network ─── 局域网共享虚拟传真机的实现

42、Taking INTERNET network electrograph as study object, this paper states system realizing method and introduces some key technique. ─── 本文以INTERNET网络传真机系统为对象,论述了系统的实现方法,并介绍了实现系统时所用到的一些关键技术。

43、Effect of Navel Application of Xiaojizhitong Liquid on Gastrointestinal Motility Electrograph of Rats with Spleen Deficiency ─── 消积止痛液敷脐对脾虚大鼠胃肠电的影响

44、Can you tell me the way to use this electrograph? ─── 你能告诉我怎么使用这台传真机吗?

45、The equipment that investor throws: Wait like stage of computer, office, air conditioning, electrograph having is new partially, having is old partially, how to do Zhang? ─── 投资者投入的设备:如电脑、办公台、空调、传真机等有一部份是新的,有一部份是旧的,怎样做账?

46、On the other hand, traditional study furniture desk, bookcase did not put the position of computer, electrograph again however. ─── 另一方面,传统的书房家具写字台、书柜却又没有安放电脑、传真机的位置。

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