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09-03 投稿


dingo 发音

英:[?d??ɡo?]  美:[?d??ɡ??]

英:  美:

dingo 中文意思翻译



dingo 词性/词形变化,dingo变形


dingo 短语词组

1、dingo dinkelman ─── 丁克尔曼野狗

2、canis lupus dingo ─── 狗会飞的东西

3、frisky dingo ─── 新鲜野狗

4、dingo dog song ─── 野狗之歌

5、dingo dog ─── 野狗

6、dingo go kart ─── 消失过一次

7、dingo films ─── 野狗电影

8、dingo pictures ─── 野狗图片

9、dingo ate my baby ─── 野狗吃了我的孩子

10、dingo doodles ─── 野狗涂鸦。

11、Canis dingo ─── [网络] 澳大利亚野犬;野狗;澳洲野狗

12、dingo boots ─── 野狗靴

dingo 相似词语短语

1、ingo ─── abbr.国际非政府组织(InternationalNon-GovernmentOrganization);n.(Ingo)人名;(德)英戈;(俄、西、意、芬)因戈

2、dings ─── n.板材的弯折;钢板弯析;v.使产生凹痕;丁当作响(ding的第三人称单数)

3、ding ─── v.叮当作响;打击,撞击(车或头);执拗地讲,反复地说;n.(非正式)凹痕;(头上)一击;(叮当的)钟声;(非正式)气氛活跃的聚会;int.丁当(用来模仿如铃铛般的金属响声);n.(Ding)(英、加、澳)丁(人名)

4、jingo ─── n.沙文主义者;adj.侵略性的

5、dinge ─── n.黑人;黑人的;凹痕;肮脏;凹下

6、bingo ─── n.宾戈游戏;int.好极了,棒极了;n.(Bingo)(美、俄、印)备后(人名)

7、dingy ─── adj.昏暗的;肮脏的

8、Fingo ─── n.(南非)芬果族人

9、dino ─── n.意大利人,流浪汉;n.(Dino)人名;(法、意、西、葡)迪诺

dingo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Australia's wild dog, the dingo, is on the prowl. ─── 澳大利亚的野狗在游荡。

2、DO NOT LET A DINGO PLAY WITH YOUR INFANT. ─── 绝对不要让一个澳洲野狗和你的幼儿玩耍!

3、There is compelling circumstantial evidence that the Dingo was responsible for the extermination of the Thylacine and Tasmanian Devil on the Australian mainland. ─── 而对养绵羊的农民而言,有可能是没有其他更好的解决办法。

4、Dingo really was a furry friend for life. ─── 鼎狗确确实实是我生活中的一只毛茸茸的可爱小狗。

5、His mother senses a nearby predator, but it's not the dingo. ─── 它的妈妈感觉到附近有捕食者,但不是野狗。

6、His mother senses a nearby predator, but it's not the dingo, her attention is fixed on the wedge-tailed eagle, flying above, his mother calls Joey to her side. ─── 他的妈妈感觉到附近有食肉动物,但是,它没有注意澳洲野狗,她的注意力集中在长着楔入式尾巴的鹰上,这只鹰在他们上空飞翔,它的妈妈让幼兽到它的身边来。

7、9.Human species is omnivore; it can be tamed as a lamb, or vicious as a dingo. ─── 人是草肉兼食的动物,即有绵羊的温顺,亦有豺狼的凶狠。

8、Warning signs are everywhere.Snake warnings, dingo warnings and, most importantly, water warnings.Tourists heading off into the blisteringly dry heat without supplies risk dehydration and death. ─── 到处可以看见警示牌,如警告有蛇、有野狗等,最重要的还是关于水的警示,游客进入酷热地带之中,如果没有水分补充会有脱水和死亡的危险。

9、Alpa Chino:I'm sorry a dingo ate your baby! ─── 阿帕驰诺:我很抱歉你的珍宝被流浪汉给吃了!

10、The dingo's no slouch when it comes to speed, but the roos reach 35 miles per hour. ─── 野狗在速度方面毫不含糊,而袋鼠也能达到每小时35英里。

11、To the class of the Flinders Ranges in South Australia, red comes from the blood of a dingo's throat. ─── 对于南澳大利亚弗林德斯猎区的人们来说,红色来源于野狗喉咙的血。

12、Human species is omnivore; it can betamed as a lamb, or vicious as a dingo. ─── 人是草肉兼食的动物,既有绵羊的温顺,亦有豺狼的凶狠。

13、His mother senses a nearby predator. But it's not the dingo. Her attention is fixed on the wedge- tailed eagle flying above. ─── 它的妈妈感觉到附近有捕食者。但不是野狗。它的注意力集中在头顶盘旋的楔尾鹰。

14、DO NOT LET A DINGO PLAY WITH YOUR INFANT. ─── 不要让一个澳洲野狗和你的幼儿玩耍!

15、The dingo bursts after the roos. ─── 野狗猛追袋鼠。

16、The Eight in One company is recalling its Dingo brand dog, cat and ferret treats. ─── 八合一公司召回了它的野狗牌狗食、食以及雪貂食物。

17、The name of Professor Dingo is one of European reputation. ─── 丁格教授名振全欧。

18、The dingo is Australia's only kind of wild dog. ─── 丹恩:丁哥犬是澳大利亚唯一的野生狗。

19、Neither one sees the dingo approaching through the brush. ─── 它们都没有看到野狗穿过灌木正在接近。

20、Happy Birthday ar Dingo ....... ─── 留连 .... 街边狂扫食物 .....

21、Well, Dingo didn't make me rich the day he walked into my home. ─── 狗来富,如果一条狗走进你家,你就会荣华富贵。

22、The dingo slinks forward while the joey, unaware, keeps busy grooming himself. ─── 野狗悄悄向前,而不知情的小袋鼠仍在忙着梳理自己。

23、A sign the dingo was probably on the lookout for small gain, but it senses a larger opportunity, a baby kangaroo called Joey makes an excellent target. ─── 看上去,澳洲野狗可能在寻找小猎物,但是,更大的机会来了,一只袋鼠,叫幼兽,成为澳洲野狗的极好猎物。

24、Dingo was my faithful sidekick for well over 10 years. ─── 鼎狗是我忠实的伙计,我们相处超过10年,我们一起有过美好的时刻。

25、The film about her, "A Cry in the Dark, " starring Meryl Streep, spawned a thousand jokes: "A dingo's got my baby! " ─── 一部关于她的电影,“暗夜哭声”,主演是梅丽尔·斯特里普,引发了一千个笑话:“一只澳洲野狗叼走了我的孩子!”

26、The weeks went by and Dingo became not only healthier and happier, but smarter! ─── 数星期后,鼎狗不仅变得比以前健康、活泼,而且更聪明!

27、I gather that in these circumstances the koala is quite prepared to hang on until the dingo collapses. ─── 我寻思在这种情形下,树熊早已准备好要挂在那直到野狗受不了倒下为止。

28、Dingo n. A kind of dogs in Australia ─── 澳洲的一种野狗

29、Neither one sees the dingo approaching through the brush. For a moment, a young male freezes. ─── 它们都没有看到野狗穿过灌木正在接近。有一刻,一只雄性呆住了。

30、kangaroo, koala, emu, platypus, kookaburra, dingo ─── 袋鼠,考拉,鸸鹋,鸭嘴兽,笑翠鸟,澳洲土狼

31、We then passed into narrative of the deaths of Captain Swosser and Professor Dingo. ─── 后来,我们转而谈到斯沃塞舰长和丁格教授是怎么死的。

32、any of various carnivorous mammals of the family Canidae,such as the dingo ─── 野犬,犬科的各种食肉动物,如澳洲野犬

33、This is a dingo. ─── 这是一个澳洲野狗!

34、The ugly little hippo is the mostbeautiful thing in Mama's eyes. Human species is omnivore; it can betamed as a lamb, or vicious as a dingo. ─── 人是草肉兼食的动物,既有绵羊的温顺,亦有豺狼的凶狠。鸟儿高低不同的歌声,使得这个世界不致单调。

35、Australia's wild dog, the dingo is on the prowl. ─── 澳洲野狗,一种澳大利亚的野生狗,在巡游。

36、God I'm hungry.I only had a dingo's breakfast this morning. ─── 天啊,我肚子好饿,我晃了一个早上,都还没吃早餐。

37、The dingo is a wild dog of Australia. ─── 澳洲野狗产于澳大利亚的一种。

38、This includes bear, lion, tiger, wolf, coyote, dingo, eagle, hawk, vulture, and kookaburra, along with all other meat-eating animals and birds. ─── 这包括有熊、狮子、虎、狼、丛林狼、澳洲野狗、鹰、隼、鹰科动物以及王猎鸟,还有其他所有肉食动物和鸟类。

39、At that time, I got around on a little folding bicycle.I fastened a blue crate on the back of it and placed Dingo inside. ─── 那时我有一辆很可爱的可折叠自行车,我系了个木条箱子在后面装顶狗。

40、Alpa Chino:Im sorry a dingo ate your baby! ─── 阿帕驰诺:我很抱歉你地珍宝被流浪汉给吃了!

41、The name of Professor Dingo is one of European reputation. ─── 丁格教授名振全欧。

42、My Dog, a dingo bred to herd sheep, also came on the trip. ─── 我的家犬也同行旅游来了,是条用于牧羊的澳洲野犬种。

43、In addition, scientists are concerned that purebred dingo populations may be at threat from interbreeding with domestic dogs.The impact and long-term effects of this hybridisation are unknown. ─── 甚至其中包括一些国家公园,它们都会受到干扰或伤害 传统的猎杀方法就是射击,投毒等。

44、His panic proves contagious. The mother and her joey make their getaway, too. The dingo bursts after the roos. ─── 它的恐慌是有传染性的。母亲和小袋鼠也开始逃跑。野狗猛追袋鼠。

45、Dingo was with us at the time, so we sat at one of the tables outside.The owner, however, wanted us to come inside. ─── 因为鼎狗和我们在一起,因此我们坐在餐馆外面的一张餐桌,而店主却要我们坐进里面。

46、3.Another pet food is being pulled off the shelves.The Eight in One company is recalling its Dingo brand dog, cat and ferret treats.This announcement is not connected to earlier pet food recalls. ─── 另一种动物食品已经可以现货供应了.一家公司正在召回他的野狗牌狗食,猫食和雪貂食品.这份声明与早前的动物食品召回并没有联系.

47、Neither one sees the dingo approaching through the brush. For a moment, a young male freezes. ─── 它们都没有看到野狗穿过灌木正在接近。有一刻,一只雄性呆住了。

48、Alpa Chino:I'm sorry a dingo ate your baby! ─── 阿帕驰诺:我很抱歉你的珍宝被流浪汉给吃了!

49、to dingo the contest ─── 逃避竞赛

50、The dingo's no slouch when it comes to speed. But the roos reach 35 miles per hour. ─── 野狗在速度方面毫不含糊。而袋鼠也能达到每小时35英里。

51、"any of various carnivorous mammals of the family Canidae, such as the dingo." ─── "犬科的各种食肉动物,如澳洲野犬."

52、Yeah. -Or, The Dingo Ate My Baby! -No. ─── 是的。-或者,野狗吃了我的孩子!-不。

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