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09-03 投稿



eulogizes 发音

英:[?ju?l?d?a?z?z]  美:[?ju?l?d?a?z?z]

英:  美:

eulogizes 中文意思翻译



eulogizes 词性/词形变化,eulogizes变形

动词过去式: eulogized |动词过去分词: eulogized |动词现在分词: eulogizing |动词第三人称单数: eulogizes |名词: eulogist |

eulogizes 相似词语短语

1、eulogises ─── vt.(英)颂扬;赞扬(等于eulogize)

2、eulogizer ─── 歌颂

3、epilogizes ─── 结束语

4、eulogies ─── n.悼词;颂词;颂扬;赞词

5、eulogized ─── vt.颂扬;称赞

6、eulogize ─── vt.颂扬;称赞

7、geologizes ─── vi.研究地质,调查地质;vt.对…作地质调查

8、eulogizers ─── 歌颂者

9、neologizes ─── vi.创造新语;使用新语;倡导新教义

eulogizes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Eulogizes our history, has the Pan Gu epoch-making myth, bursts out the life the ray. ─── 讴歌我们的历史,有盘古开天辟地的神话,迸发出生命的光芒。

2、This book will save entire world! Because it eulogizes the unity! ─── 这部书将拯救整个世界!因为它讴歌团结!

3、The former highlights the importance of friendship and the latter, based on Eugene O"Neill"s family, eulogizes the significance of familial companionship through listening to another one patiently. ─── 两部剧本都强调倾听的重要性,但前者高歌友谊,而后者取材于剧作家的家庭生活,关注家庭成员之间的相互理解与体谅。

4、Little Zhenrong Chen has been able to recite poem for eulogizes our great revolutionary teacher, wise leader, respected Chairman Mao. ─── 陈真荣同志在儿童时代已能背诵歌颂我们伟大的革命导师、英明的领袖、敬爱的毛主席的诗篇。

5、Over the 40 or so years of the story, the theater itself undergoes many transitions, so the gently comic film not only celebrates but eulogizes the community and the picture show. ─── 在故事的这四十年间,电影院经历里许多变迁,所以这个温馨有趣的电影是在庆贺更是在颂扬这个社会以及电影。

6、Eulogizes her spirit. ─── 是翻译英文吗?

7、Guo: "Big Day" mainly eulogizes the maternal love, I thought that is these years very rare has a sentimental song. ─── 郭: 我觉得最大的一个特点应该是我们的海水舞台。

8、I must eulogize the motherland, eulogizes her beauty. ─── 问题补充:译为英语。。。但是不要翻译机的。。。

9、Yunxi folk songs reflect a distinct view of morality which eulogizes truth, kindness and beauty and castigate falseness, ugliness and evil. ─── 摘要郧西民歌通过讴歌真善美和鞭挞假丑恶反映了当地老百姓鲜明的道德观。

10、He objects to rules of etiquettes and ethics in the male chauvinist society, but appreciates, eulogizes and cares for the female and volunteers to protect them. ─── 他反对男权社会的礼法道德,而欣赏、赞美、体贴女性,甘愿做女儿的护卫者。

11、This book will save entire world!Because it eulogizes the unity! ─── 所以这部书才可以称之为一本决定全部人类命运的奇书!

12、People eulogizes Kong Fansen, learn Kong Fansen, yearn for Kong Fansen. ─── 人们歌颂孔繁森,学习孔繁森,怀念孔繁森。

13、He eulogizes humor immensely, thinking that humor goes with good sense and the reasonable spirit, plus some subtle power of the mind in detecting inconsistencies and follies and bad logic. ─── 人们常说外语是工具,但究竟把外语看成怎样一种工具,其实是颇能体现出一个人的思维境界的。

14、Christianism eulogizes three virtues of belief, hope and love. ─── 基督教颂扬信、望、爱三德。

15、First takes Tujia national minority's poet, by national minority's status, eulogizes own nationality attentively. ─── 首先是作为土家族的诗人,以少数民族的身份,用心地讴歌自己的民族。

16、The bridge is a hymn, it eulogizes the science strength, the technique is being ingenious and the work honor; ─── 桥梁是赞美诗,它讴歌着科学的力量,技艺的巧妙和劳动的光荣;

17、Fourth, it eulogizes the martyrs dying for their country. ─── 第四,歌颂为国捐躯的抗日烈士。

18、Eulogizes the city spirit, condenses the residential joint effort; ─── 城市精神、凝聚市民合力;

19、it eulogizes fortune and labor, suggests an active life and advocates participation in commercial and political activities in order to make contributions and gain honors. ─── 它讴歌财富与劳动,主张积极生活,鼓吹人们参与商业与政治活动,建立不朽的功勋与荣誉。

20、Christianism eulogizes three virtues of belief, hope and love. ─── 基督教颂扬信、望、爱三德。

21、In Brothers, The fact that Yu Hua eulogizes and salutes "living" is an act of resistance. ─── 在《兄弟》中,余华歌颂并向“活着”敬礼,活着,就是一种反抗。

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