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09-03 投稿



domicile 发音

英:['d?m?sa?l; -s?l]  美:['dɑm?sa?l]

英:  美:

domicile 中文意思翻译





domicile 网络释义

n. 住宅;永久居住地;期票支付场所vi. 居住vt. 使定居;使在指定的场所支付(期票等)n. (Domicile)人名;(法)多米西勒

domicile 词性/词形变化,domicile变形

动词过去式: domiciled |动词现在分词: domiciling |形容词: domiciliary |动词过去分词: domiciled |动词第三人称单数: domiciles |

domicile 短语词组

1、legal domicile ─── [法] 法定住所

2、domicile of dependent persons ─── [法] 家属住所, 家属所在地

3、domicile bill of exchange ─── [法] 注明汇款场所的支票

4、false declaration of domicile ─── [法] 假报户口

5、chosen domicile ─── [法] 选定的住所, 临时住所

6、domicile control ─── [法] 户口管制

7、free domicile ─── [经] 购方仓库交货

8、domicile of choice ─── [法] 选定住所, 选择居住地

9、domicile by operation of law ─── [法] 法定住所, 合法户籍

10、immunity of domicile ─── [法] 住所的豁免权

11、civil domicile ─── [法] 公民住所, 公民户籍

12、married couple domicile ─── [法] 已婚夫妇的住所

13、abandonment of domicile ─── [法] 放弃户籍, 废止住所

14、inviolability of domicile ─── [法] 住宅不可侵犯

15、domicile of child ─── [法] 子女的住所

16、common domicile ─── [法] 共同住所

17、domicile of origin ─── [法] 原籍, 出生住所, 原始住所

18、franco domicile ─── [经] 到住处全部费用在内价

19、commercial domicile ─── [法] 商业营业所

domicile 相似词语短语

1、domiciles ─── n.住宅;永久居住地;期票支付场所;vi.居住;vt.使定居;使在指定的场所支付(期票等);n.(Domicile)人名;(法)多米西勒

2、domicil ─── 使(期票等)在指定的支付场所支付;原籍,户籍(正式户口所在地);住址,永久居住处,久居住所,久住地;公司等商业机构的正式地址;期票支付场所

3、dominie ─── n.教师;牧师

4、domiciled ─── v.定居,居住;以……为基地(domicile的过去式及过去分词);adj.定居的,居住的;(公司在某地)注册的

5、domical ─── adj.圆屋顶的;穹窿式的

6、domiciliate ─── v.定居,以……为住所

7、domicils ─── 住所

8、docile ─── adj.温顺的,驯服的;容易教的

9、homicide ─── n.故意杀人;杀人犯

domicile 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The company business license shall state the name, domicile, registered capital, actually paid capital, business scope, the name of the legal representative and etc. ─── 公司营业执照签发日期为公司成立日期公司营业执照应当载明公司的名称、住所、注册资本、实收资本、经营范围、法定代表人姓名等事项。

2、The meeting of the Board of Commissioners is convened at the domicile of the Company or the place of the business activities of the Company. ─── 监事会议应在公司处所或公司开展商业活动的地点召开。

3、permanent dwelling place; domicile ─── 固定住所

4、State Parties shall accord to men and women the same rights with regard to the law relating to the movement of persons and the freedom to choose their residence and domicile. ─── 在理论上,妇女与男子有相同的迁徙权。但在实际上,妇女则要取得她们的“监护人”及政府的许可。政府采取了什么行动保障妇女的迁徙权?

5、Ferguson said the bank does not intend to move its domicile away from London right now, although the issue was being "kept under review. " ─── Ferguson称渣打银行目前不会将注册地迁出伦敦,不过该方案正在“讨论中”。

6、Where after effecting combination, division, or change of domicile, the obligee failed to notify the obligor, thereby making it difficult to render performance, the obligor may suspend its performance or place the subject matter in escrow. ─── 债权人分立、合并或者变更住所没有通知债务人,致使履行债务发生困难的,债务人可以中止履行或者将标的物提存。

7、At my domicile, the Nile Hilton, Fahmy told me what the program would be. ─── 在我的住处--尼罗河希尔顿饭店,法赫来把日程安排告诉了我。

8、He acted like a despot with dominion over everyone and everything within his domicile . ─── 他像个暴君节制着室庐里的每小我、每件事。

9、The original of the Business License of Enterprise Legal Person or of the Business License should be laid up in an eye-catching place of the company's domicile or of the business premises of the branch. ─── 《企业法人营业执照》正本或者《营业执照》正本应当置于公司住所或者分公司营业场所的醒目位置。

10、The company's domicile should be within the jurisdiction area of the company registration authority. ─── 公司的住所应当在其公司登记机关辖区内。

11、The name and domicile of the company. ─── 公司名称和住所;

12、They passed through the intervening streets as quickly as they might, ascended the staircase of the new domicile, were admitted by Jerry, and found Lucie weeping, alone. ─── 一行人尽快穿过了途中的街道,走上了新居的楼梯,被杰瑞放进门去。 他们看见露西一个人在哭。

13、License should be laid up in an eye-catching place of the company's domicile or of the business premises of the branch. ─── 《企业法人营业执照》正本或者《营业执照》正本应当置于公司住所或者分公司营业场所的醒目位置。

14、they'll ues the solar energy to heat the domicile. ─── 他们将利用太阳能为住宅供暖。

15、The domicile of the Comite Maritime International is established in Antwerp, Belgium. ─── 国际海事委员会设在比利时的安特卫普。

16、Bossuet had not much domicile, sometimes none at all. ─── 博须埃不大有住处,有时还完全没有。

17、"This man, forced to conceal himself, and for reasons, moreover, which are foreign to politics, had adopted the sewer as his domicile and had a key to it. ─── “这个人,不得不藏起来,其原因和政治无关,他把阴沟当作住家,并且还有一把钥匙。

18、a residence; a dwelling (place); a lodging; quarters; a domicile; a habitation ─── 住处

19、In general, an easement contract shall contain the items as follows: (1) name and domicile of the related parties; ─── 地役权合同一般包括下列条款:(一)当事人的姓名或者名称和住所;

20、His last known domicile was10 New Street, Cambridge. ─── 他最后为人所知的住处在剑桥新街十号。

21、The domicile certificate of a company refers to the document which can prove that the company has the right to use its domicile. ─── 公司住所证明是指能够证明公司对其住所享有使用权的文件。

22、If the domicile is not the same as the residence, it shall be ruled by the grassroots people's court in his final residence. ─── 住所地与居住地不一致的,由最后居住地的基层人民法院管辖。

23、However, there is something different in the transfer of this crime.4、"Housebreaking" should be defined as the actor enters into the private domicile or else like illegally. ─── 4、“入户抢劫”应是行为人非法进入私人住宅及具有私人住宅特征的其他场所进行的抢劫。

24、The Reichstag, the domicil of the Federal Diet of Germany. ─── 在柏林中德国国会图片 Reichstag in Berlin 1.

25、Where is your domicile place? ─── 你的户籍在哪里?

26、one's domicile of choice [origin] ─── 居留 [原籍] 地

27、The institutional obstacles segment the rural-urban migration into two processes: emigrating from the original domicile to the target destination and settling in the targeted destination. ─── 制度性障碍把城乡迁移分割为两个过程:从出发地迁移出去和在目的地居留下来。

28、domicile is distinct from nationality ─── 住所与国籍不同。

29、If a corporation is organized under the laws of the taxing states, it is taxable as a domiciliary corporation upon all of its income whether derived from within or outside of the state of domicile. ─── 如果公司在征税州依法组建,那么该公司就是居民公司,要就来自居住州境内境外的所得纳税。

30、Where is your native place? Domicile permanent? ─── 你老家是哪里?你现在住在哪里?你永久性的居住地是哪里?

31、The application letter, which states the entity's name, address, or the name and domicile of the legal representative or principal responsible person, the sources and amount of capital, etc. ─── 出版物市场管理规定部门规定申请书,载明单位的名称、地址、法定代表人或者主要负责人的姓名、住址、资本来源、资本数额等;

32、Names, domicile and percentage of holding of major shareholders (in English if necessary) ─── 主要股东名称、注册地、股权比例(可用英文)

33、However,no requirement as to domicile or establishment in the country where protection is claimed may be imposed upon nationals of countries of the Union for the enjoyment of any industrial property rights. ─── 但是,对于本联盟国家的国民不得规定在其要求保护的国家须有住所或营业所才能享有工业产权。

34、A company's domicile is the place where the company's administrative body is located. ─── 公司的住所是公司主要办事机构所在地。

35、If the overseas remitter's domicile is unclear, the domestic financial institution may register the name of the locality where the funds are remitted out. ─── 境外汇款人住所不明确的,境内金融机构可登记资金汇出地名称。

36、nineth, arrange new domicile management regime to change the present dual structure between towns and villages; ─── 九、创新户籍管理体制,解决城乡“二元结构”问题;

37、A company, where it changes its domicile, should apply for registration of change before it moves to the new domicile and submit the certificate of using the new domicile. ─── 公司变更住所的,应当在迁入新住所前申请变更登记,并提交新住所使用证明。

38、The administrative appellant with a legal representative or administrative appeal representative, her/his name, date of birth, domicile, or place of residence, and identification number. ─── 二有法定代理人或诉愿代理人者,其姓名、出生年月日、住、居所、身分证明文件字号。

39、More than one state claims to be the state of domicile of the decedent. ─── 不止一个州会主张死者定居在本州。

40、At my domicile, the Nile Hilton, Fahmy told me what the program would be ─── 在我的住处--尼罗河希尔顿饭店,法赫把日程安排告诉了我。

41、Name and domicile of the insurer; ─── 保险人名称和住所;

42、On the lower paper cannot be transposed or reuse, paper prices, consists of seven colors, commonly used for temporary domicile. form. ─── 上中下纸不能调换或翻用,纸价不同,有七种颜色,常用于联单。表格。

43、DotComGuy's home is a two-story domicile, there is nothing but a laptop computer and an Internet connection. ─── .com先生的住所是两层小楼,屋子里除了膝上电脑和上网设备外别无其他。

44、of or relating to or provided in a domicile. ─── 属于或关于住所的,或由住所提供的。

45、Where the changed domicile goes beyond the jurisdiction area of the company registration authority ─── 公司变更住所跨公司登记机关辖区的

46、of or relating to or provided in a domicile ─── 属于或关于住所的,或由住所提供的

47、A letter of application, which states the entity's name, address, or the name and domicile of the legal representative or principal responsible person, the sources and amount of capital, etc. ─── 出版物市场管理规定部门规定申请书,载明单位的名称、地址、法定代表人或者主要负责人姓名、住址、资本来源、资本数额等;

48、Where is your domicile place? ─── 你的户籍在哪里?

49、If the overseas payee's domicile is unclear, the financial institution may register the name of the locality of the overseas remittance recipient institution. ─── 境外收款人住所不明确的,金融机构可登记接收汇款的境外机构所在地名称。

50、The corporate or personal names of the contracting partiers and their nationalities and principle places of business or domicile; ─── 合同当事人的名称或姓名、国籍、主要营业所或者住所;

51、The name, date of birth, domicile or place of residence, identification number of the administrative appellant. ─── 一诉愿人姓名、出生年月日、住、居所、身分证明文件字号。

52、He acted like a despot with dominion over everyone and everything within his domicile. ─── 他像个暴君控制着住宅里的每个人、每件事。

53、A lawsuit brought on a contract dispute shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court of the place where the defendant has his domicile or where the contract is performed. ─── 因合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由被告住所地或者合同履行地人民法院管辖。

54、Tax jurisdiction based on residence or domicile ─── 和所得来源地税收管辖权

55、Design of indoor space secondary limitation system for domicile ─── 住宅室内空间再限定系统设计探讨

56、However, no requirement as to domicile or establishment in the country where protection is claimed may be imposed upon nationals of countries of the Union for the enjoyment of any industrial property rights. ─── (2)但是,对于本联盟国家的国民不得规定在其要求保护的国家须有住所或营业所才能享有工业产权。

57、false declaration of domicile ─── 假报户口

58、DotComGuy's home is a two-story domicile, there is nothing but a laptop computer and an Internet connection. ─── 层小楼,屋子里除了膝上电脑和上网设备外别无其他。

59、Where is your domicile place?My domicile place is Nanjing. ─── 你的籍贯是哪里?

60、The registration items of branches of foreign corporations include: title, domicile, person in charge, business scope, operation funds and operating period. ─── 外国公司分支机构登记注册事项包括:名称、住所、负责人、经营范围、经营资金和营业期限。

61、The “domicile of a citizen” refers to the place of his permanent residence, and the “domicile of a legal person” refers to the place of its main business or the place of its main office. ─── 公民的住所地是指公民的户籍所在地,法人的住所地是指法人的主要营业地或者主要办事机构所在地。

62、and after such transfer, the company shall record the name or title and the domicile of the transferee in the stub of the corporate bonds. ─── 转让后由公司将受让人的姓名或者名称及住所记载于公司债券存根簿。

63、A civil lawsuit brought against a legal person or any other organization shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court of the place where the defendant has his domicile. ─── 对法人或者其他组织提起的民事诉讼,由被告住所地人民法院管辖。

64、The domicile of a company is the place where its principal place of business is located. ─── 公司以其主要办事机构所在地为住所。

65、A Knowledge Discovery Way for the Demand Trend Forecast of Commercial Domicile ─── 基于知识发现的商品住宅有效需求趋势预测方法

66、For the service by public notice, a public notice shall be posted on the bulletin board of the court or at the original domicile of the recipient or on the newspaper. ─── 公告送达,可以在法院的公告栏、受送达人原住所地张贴公告,也可以在报纸上刊登公告;

67、dwelling place; residence; domicile ─── 住所

68、one whose domicile lies at an appreciable distance from one's place of business ─── 不住在工作单位的人住宅离工作单位不远也不近的人

69、Iii. Details of the drawee including full name, postal address, or the domicile at which presentation is to be made and if applicable telex, telephone and facsimile numbers. ─── 付款人的详情包括全称、邮政地址或者办理提示的场所以及,如果有的话,电传、电话和传真号码;

70、The public announcement shall include: enterprise name, domicile, business scope, registered capital, enterprise type, legal representative, operation duration, and branches etc. ─── 公告内容为:企业名称、住所、生产经营范围、注册资本、企业类别、法定代表人、经营期限、分支机构等。

71、The change of domicile of a city commercial bank or urban credit cooperatives joint-stock limited company shall be subject to the acceptance, examination and decision of the banking regulatory bureau. ─── 城市商业银行、城市信用社股份有限公司、城市信用合作社变更住所,由银监局受理、审查并决定。

72、Application of sloping roof in rebuilding builded domicile ─── 坡屋顶在已建住宅改建中的应用研究

73、Therefore, we have to examine the domicile problem again, deepen reform, and adopt feasible steps. ─── 因此,必须对户籍问题进行再认识,加大改革力度,采取有效措施。 即:切实做好户籍管理的基础性工作;

74、The "whereabouts is unknown" shall refer to the status that a citizen leaves his final domicile and has no message. ─── 下落不明是指公民离开最后居住地后没有音讯的状况。

75、Domicile or Residence in China ─── 在华居所或住所

76、The Conflict and Compromise between Nationality and Domicile ─── 住所与国籍的冲突与调和

77、Franco( franco domicile, free, rendu) price ─── 含全部费用价格

78、domicile certificate of the company. ─── 公司住所证明。

79、He succeeded, after a fashion, in hurrying her back to the domicile of which her tenure had become so insecure ─── 他好不容易将她匆匆带回住处,在那里她的栖宿已经是朝不保夕了。

80、Analysis on administrator domicile composition of China's marine transport industry ─── 中国水运业务经营者注册地构成分析与启示

81、He acted like a despot with dominion over eVery abundanceone and eVery abundancething within his domicile. ─── 他像个暴君控制着住宅里的每一自己、每件事。

82、While there is an administrative appeal representative for the administrative appeal, her/his name, date of birth, domicile, or place of residence, and identification number. ─── 二有诉愿代理人者,其姓名、出生年月日、住、居所、身分证明文件字号。

83、domicile of dependent persons ─── [法] 家属住所, 家属所在地

84、Domicile is own investors, investors submitted a original statement issued by the use of housing and property rights certification copy one (the original check). ─── 住所为投资者自有的,提交投资者出具的使用声明原件及房屋产权证明复印件(核对原件)。

85、Monaco and Israel have both recently emerged as countries of domicile for owners of containerships. ─── 作为集装箱船船东的注册国,摩纳哥和以色列这两个国家在近年来开始显山露水。

86、to hip fractures, the most dangerous place for elderly Americans, it turns out, is their homes; nearly 60% of these dangerous spills will occur in or around the patient's domicile. ─── 到髋部骨折,对美国老年人来说,最危险的地方原来是他们的家;近60%的摔倒危险会发生在患者住所内或周围。

87、The Suggestion on Imposing Excise towards Slap- up Domicile ─── 对高档住宅征收消费税的建议

88、My domicile place is Nanjing. ─── 我的户籍在南京。

89、The change of domicile of a state-owned commercial bank or joint stock commercial bank shall be subject to the acceptance, examination and decision of the CBRC. ─── 国有商业银行、股份制商业银行变更住所,由银监会受理、审查并决定;

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