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09-03 投稿



gassy 发音

英:['g?s?]  美:['g?si]

英:  美:

gassy 中文意思翻译



gassy 网络释义

adj. 气体的;含气的;气状的;夸夸其谈的

gassy 短语词组

1、gassy cream ─── 产气奶油(缺陷)

2、gassy seam ─── 瓦斯煤层

3、gassy mine ─── 瓦斯矿;沼气矿井

4、gassy tube ─── [电] 气体的管

5、gassy milk ─── 产气牛乳

6、gassy fermentation ─── 产气发酵,气态发酵

7、elated or gassy ─── 兴高采烈的

gassy 词性/词形变化,gassy变形

形容词比较级: gassier |形容词最高级: gassiest |名词: gassiness |

gassy 相似词语短语

1、Jassy ─── n.雅西(德国人名)

2、grassy ─── adj.长满草的;草绿色的;n.(Grassy)人名;(英、法、西)格拉西

3、Tassy ─── n.塔西(等于Tassie)

4、gussy ─── vt.装饰;粉饰;n.装饰;粉饰

5、Passy ─── n.(Passy)人名;(法、保)帕西

6、glassy ─── adj.像玻璃的;光亮透明的;呆滞的

7、gaspy ─── adj.喘息的

8、gawsy ─── 气体

9、bassy ─── adj.强低音的

gassy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、low gassy mine ─── 低瓦斯煤层

2、Keywords coalbed gas;geological structure characteristics;gas preservation law;gassy outburst mine; ─── 煤层瓦斯;地质构造特征;瓦斯赋存规律;高突矿井;

3、Breastfeeding a gassy baby can be a Herculean task, but it is well worth it. ─── 哺乳瓦斯婴儿可以一项艰巨的任务,但它是值得的。

4、gassy melt ─── 含气金属液

5、Gas Control and Practice in High Gassy Coal Face with Blasting Mining ─── 浅谈高瓦斯矿井炮采工作面瓦斯治理与实践

6、At the same time, designed the real-time pressure monitor control system and developed relative calculation and control software procedure of gassy fluid MPD. ─── 同时,设计了实时压力监测控制系统,并开发了相关充气液MPD设计计算和控制软件。

7、Practice and Approach to Gas Control in High Gassy Coal Face of Guandi Mine ─── 官地矿高瓦斯回采工作面瓦斯治理的实践与探讨

8、The gas exhausting is an effective measure which must be taken when gas is over the limit set by regulation in high gassy mine. ─── 摘要瓦斯排放是高瓦斯矿井瓦斯超限后所必须采取的有效措施。

9、When he remembered, and forced it down the incinerator chute, it was already bloating, and the gassy innards instantly caught fire. ─── 当他记起来,将它扔下焚火炉通道时,那只羊已经膨胀,带着气泡的内脏接触火一下子就燃起来了。

10、gassy fermentation ─── 产气发酵气态发酵

11、In addition, the reason of gas accident in gassy mine is demonstrated and its countermeasures have also been proposed. ─── 论证了低瓦斯矿井发生瓦斯事故的原因,并提出了防治对策。

12、Research on the realization of the allied electronical business for hydraulic and gassy industry enterprise ─── 液气密行业企业联盟电子交易的实现研究

13、gassy cheese ─── 产气干酪

14、classification of gassy mines (China) ─── 瓦斯煤矿分级

15、Under gassy coal seam condition, the full-heading development is employed.Because of the fast heading a high rate of gas emission arises. ─── 在瓦斯含量较大的煤层采用综掘掘进巷道,由于掘进速度快,出现了瓦斯涌出量过大的现象。

16、An Australian amateur star gazer who spotted a rare impact on Jupiter told of his astonishment as he chanced upon the Earth-sized dent in its gassy atmosphere. ─── 澳大利亚一名天文爱好者十分惊讶地讲述了他偶然在木星大气层发现的地球大小的凹陷。

17、For fussiness and gas*.Most babies are fussy and gassy at times.But if it seems your baby has more frequent fussiness and gas, it could be a sign that he may need another formula. ─── 大部分的婴儿偶而都会涨气,但假如你的婴儿经常性焦虑,胀气,那可能是提醒你需要换不同的奶粉,正服用中的不适合他(她)。

18、Experiment study on shallow gassy unsaturated sand under different confining pressure with GDS triaxial system's 4D stress path module is carried ont. ─── 利用GDS三轴系统4D应力路径模块进行了不同围压下含浅层生物气非饱和砂土的持水特征试验。

19、A homemade device to measure gas permeability is used to study the gassy sand encountered in Hangzhou Metro Project. ─── 以杭州地铁所遇的储气砂为研究对象,利用自制的渗气性量测装置对其进行了系统的试验研究。

20、slightly gassy mine ─── 低级瓦斯矿

21、Fizzy lemonade can be very gassy. ─── 有的汽水气很足。

22、Anytime your tummy bothers you or you feel a little gassy this tea will work right away! ─── 只要你感觉胃不舒服,有点胀气,很快就有效果,赶走不舒服。

23、Analysis on mine safety and production management experiences in high gassy mine ─── 浅析高瓦斯矿井安全生产管理的经验


25、Using New Three-phase Foam Technology to Control Coal Spontaneous Combustion in High Gassy Mine ─── 应用三相泡沫新技术治理高瓦斯矿井煤炭的自燃

26、Methane Emission Law and Emission Quantity Prediction for the Drivage Face of Highly Gassy Zone in Yonggu Coal Mine ─── 永固煤矿高瓦斯区掘进面的瓦斯涌出规律及涌出量预测

27、third category gassy mine ─── 三级瓦斯煤矿

28、gassy seam ─── 瓦斯煤层

29、I do not want to see your gassy talk. ─── 我不想听你那些空话。

30、Gassy fluid MPD technology displays great advantage in solving above problems, therefore a detailed study described on this paper. ─── 其中,充气液MPD技术在解决类似问题上体现出巨大的优势,为此本文展开详细研究。

31、Feasibility Analysis of Gas Comprehensive Controlling in Abnormal Gas District of Low Gassy Mine ─── 低瓦斯矿井瓦斯异常区综合治理可行性分析

32、To utilize mine gas as fuel for electricity generation is one of the mine gas exploitation projects with great future in gassy coal mines. ─── 利用矿井抽采瓦斯进行发电,是目前矿井最有前途的瓦斯开发项目之一。

33、Suggested serving size One cup (250 mL) or more of peppermint tea, whenever you feel bloated or gassy. ─── 建议食用剂量:无论什么时候你感到胃胀或嗳气时,饮一杯(250毫升)或以上薄荷茶。

34、gassy colliery ─── 瓦斯煤矿

35、Keyword: high gassy coal mining face; ─── 关 键 词: 高瓦斯工作面;

36、Full of or containing gas;gassy. ─── 充满气体的,含有气体的;

37、Division and Management of Gas Abnormity Emission Danger Zone in Lower Gassy Mine ─── 低瓦斯矿井瓦斯异常涌出危险区的划分与管理

38、gassy mine ─── 瓦斯矿

39、A concept of “gas flow pressure"is proposed and the existance of the pressure in ventilation network in gassy mines is demonstrated in theroy and in practice. ─── 提出了“瓦斯风压”的概念,从理论、实践上论述了“瓦斯风压”在瓦斯矿井通风网络中的存在。

40、second category gassy mine ─── 二级瓦斯矿

41、first category gassy mine ─── 一级瓦斯煤矿

42、Comments on ventilation system of fully mechanized caving mining face with high gassy, seam outburst and spontaneous combustion in potential ─── 浅析高瓦斯突出易燃煤层综放工作面通风系统

43、HE Xue-qiu.Rheological dynamics of gassy coalrock[M].China University of Mining and Technology Press, 1995. ─── [1]何学秋. 含瓦斯煤岩流变动力学[M]. 中国矿业大学出版社, 1995.

44、Brining Monitoring System into full play and Ensuring Safe Production of High gassy Mine ─── 充分发挥监测装置作用确保高瓦斯矿井安全生产

45、Methane Treatment for Gassy Zone in Low Gaseous Mine ─── 低瓦斯矿井中高瓦斯区的瓦斯处理

46、Keywords Natural gas;Gassy energy;Market system;Energy structure;Adjustment; ─── 天然气;气态能源;市场体系;能源结构;调整;

47、Keywords air pollution;smoke pollutants;particle pollutants;gassy pollutants;environmental treatment; ─── 大气污染;烟气污染物;颗粒污染物;气态污染物;环境治理;

48、Based on the typical high gassy mine-Sun Jiawan mine in Fuxin, the experiment of desorption and seepage of coal-bed methane was made under the solid-fluid coupling. ─── 摘要以典型的高瓦斯矿井阜新孙家湾矿为研究对象,利用自主研制的自压式三轴渗透仪,对煤层气解吸和渗流间的相互作用规律进行了实验研究。

49、gassy inspecting ─── 气体检测

50、Keywords shallow gassy unsaturated sand;SWCC;pressure characteristics; ─── 含浅层气非饱和砂土;持水特征曲线;气藏压力状态;

51、shallow gassy sand ─── 储气砂土

52、They turned out to be wonderful for my exceptionally gassy daughter. ─── 他们对于我总是放屁的女儿很管用。

53、The champagne was sweet and too gassy . ─── 这种香槟味道很甜,但气太多了。

54、He is a gassy man. I don't like him. ─── 他是一个夸夸其谈的人,我不喜欢他。

55、Discussion on Methane Prevention in Comprehensive Mechanized Driving in Single Coal Bed of Highly Gassy Mine ─── 浅论高瓦斯矿井单一煤层综采瓦斯的防治

56、The process occurs in all animals with a rumen (cows, sheep, and goats, for example), and it makes them very gassy. ─── 所有长有瘤胃的动物(比如牛、绵羊和山羊)都会这样,因此它们经常放出气体。

57、Gas Emission law and Comprehensive Gas Control Technique in Low Gassy Mine ─── 低瓦斯矿井瓦斯涌出规律及综合治理技术

58、Salmonella gassi ─── 加西沙门菌

59、Gassy energy; ─── 气态能源;

60、To utilize mine gas as fuel for electricity generation is one of the mine gas exploitation projects with great future in gassy coal mines. ─── 利用矿井抽采瓦斯进行发电,是目前矿井最有前途的瓦斯开发项目之一。

61、On engineering characteristics of sallow biogenetic gassy sand by piezocone test ─── 孔压静力触探用于含浅层生物气砂土工程特性的试验研究

62、fizzy lemonade can be very gassy ─── 有的汽水气很足

63、gassy tube ─── 柔性电子管

64、Keywords low gassy mine;uneven emission quantity;gas outburst index; ─── 低瓦斯矿井;涌出量异常;瓦斯突出指标;

65、Comments on comprehensive gas control technology for high gassy mine ─── 浅析高瓦斯矿井的瓦斯综合治理技术

66、gassy cream ─── 产气奶油

67、gassy sand ─── 储气砂

68、Brief Discussion on Gas Management Measures in Coal-preparation Plant of High Gassy Mine ─── 浅谈高瓦斯矿井选煤厂的瓦斯管理措施

69、By 2050, proposes a "road map" released by the European Commission this week, all that gassy baggage must go. ─── 本周由欧洲理事会发布的“路线图”提出到2050年必须取缔所有排放温室气体的工厂。

70、Applying Gassy Geology Analyzing Method to Make Comprehensive Study of Coal-seam Gas Content ─── 利用瓦斯地质分析方法综合研究煤层瓦斯含量

71、My transportation, a gassy Bactrian named Circle, was undaunted by the forbidding landscape. ─── 我的交通工具,是一匹叫做Circle的双峰驼,是属于这片生命禁区里的顽强物种。

72、The theory of the gas emission used for high gassy and fully mechanized coal face at the adjacent layers is stated in the paper by means of the theory of stope three dimensional gas flow. ─── 应用采场三维瓦斯流动理论,论述了高沼气综采工作面邻近层瓦斯抽放的基本原理。

73、Discussion on mine ventilation capacity checking method for small and low gassy mine ─── 小型低瓦斯煤矿通风能力核定方法的探讨

74、Without them there would be no water or air or rocks, no stars and planets, no distant gassy clouds or swirling nebulae or any of the other things that make the universe so usefully material. ─── 没有原子,就不会有水、空气、岩石,不会有恒星、行星,也不会有高空的云层和变幻的星云,或其他任何使宇宙更物质化的物质。

75、A GASSY PROBLEM One area of packaging integrity that has historically been overlooked by manufacturers is verifying the presence of MAP gases. ─── 1瓦斯问题 一区包装的完整性表示,历来被人忽略的,由制造商正在核实在场的地图气体。

76、Gassy fluid MPD technology displays great advantage in solving above problems, therefore a detailed study described on this paper. ─── 其中,充气液MPD技术在解决类似问题上体现出巨大的优势,为此本文展开详细研究。

77、The applicability of conventional flowing technology with gassy water is very limited. ─── 为了解决这一问题研究了声波助排解堵技术。

78、gassy milk ─── 产气牛乳

79、Full of or containing gas; gassy. ─── 充满气体的,含有气体的;气体的

80、gassy pollutants ─── 气态污染物

81、gassy seam mining method ─── 瓦斯煤层采煤法

82、Determination of Curve of Curing Oven with Lining for Gassy Suspension Roasting Furnace ─── 气体悬浮焙烧炉内衬烘炉曲线的确定

83、Larger worlds are gassy, with their solid surfaces buried beneath deep blankets of hydrogen and helium. ─── 大一点的是气体行星,它们的硬质表面深埋在氢氦层低。

84、Garlic eases cows gassy output ─── 大蒜可以减少奶牛放屁

85、Wu Weijiang; Feng Xuecai; Wang Zhirong; Wang Wenpue (Geological Hazards Institute of Gassy Academy of Science)Li Binlgong; Liu Deming (Lanzhou Planning Commission); ─── 甘肃省科学院地质自然灾害防治研究所;兰州市计划委员会;

86、Gas emission law and control for coal mining faces in low gassy mine ─── 低瓦斯矿井回采工作面瓦斯涌出规律与防治

87、Wide beauty, school of weather situation classmate is full of artistic breath euqally, as the artist's mood, elusory, cannot predict the day is gassy tomorrow besides. ─── 广美,天气情况同学校一样充满艺术气息,如同艺术家的情绪,难以捉摸,无法预计明天天气状况。”

88、Finally,shallow gassy sand's gas reservoir pressure characteristics with SWCC are analyzed and forecasted,and it's conservative if the same thing is done b... ─── 应用所得持水特征曲线进行含浅层气砂土中气藏压力状态的分析预测,结果表明使用无围压下持水特征曲线进行预测是偏于安全的。

89、gassy chromatography ─── 气相色层法

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