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09-03 投稿


buttoned 发音

英:[?b?tnd]  美:[?b?t?nd]

英:  美:

buttoned 中文意思翻译




buttoned 同义词


buttoned 词性/词形变化,buttoned变形

原型:button 过去式:buttoned 过去分词:buttoned

buttoned 反义词


buttoned 常用词组

buttoned up ─── adj. 守口如瓶的,沉默寡言的;圆满完成的

buttoned 短语词组

1、buttoned tops ─── 钮扣上衣

2、buttoned hooded knitted cardigan ─── 纽扣连帽针织开衫

3、buttoned up adj. ─── 守口如瓶的,沉默寡言的;圆满完成的

4、be buttoned up ─── 全部完成

5、buttoned-up ─── 沉默寡言的;嘴紧的

6、buttoned cuff ─── 纽扣袖口

7、buttoned def ─── 带纽扣的def

8、buttoned coat ─── 扣子大衣

9、buttoned knitwear crossword ─── 纽扣针织纵横字谜

10、buttoned-down n. ─── 守旧的, 缺乏独创性的

buttoned 相似词语短语

1、buttered ─── adj.涂奶油的;加奶油的;v.涂黄油在…(butter的过去分词)

2、butted ─── adj.[建]对接的

3、buttoner ─── n.按钮;钮扣(button的变形)

4、buttled ─── vi.做男管家,做仆役长;n.(Buttle)人名;(英)巴特尔

5、buttonheld ─── vt.强留(人)谈或听(buttonhold的变形)

6、rebuttoned ─── 重新驳斥

7、unbuttoned ─── adj.钮扣解开的;无拘束的;放松的

8、button ─── n.按钮;纽扣;vt.扣住;扣紧;在…上装纽扣;vi.扣住;装有纽扣;扣上纽扣;n.(Button)人名;(英)巴顿

9、attoned ─── 阿托内德

buttoned 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But they buttoned up their lips about it. ─── 可他们对此守口如瓶。

2、I shan't say a word about the arrangements till they are all buttoned up. ─── 在全部安排确定以前我无可奉告。

3、Within a short time,everything on the submarine was buttoned up. ─── 不一会儿,潜艇内所有的东西都扣紧了。

4、If you want to relax, you can push the seat-recliner button in the armrest. ─── 如果想舒展一下,您可以按扶手里的那个座位倾斜按钮。

5、He buttoned the top button of his shirt. ─── 他把衬衫最上面一颗钮扣扣起来。

6、She used a needle to sew the button onto the shirt. ─── 她用针把扣子钉到衬衫上。

7、I found this button in the garden this morning. ─── 今早我在花圃里找到了这颗钮扣。

8、Basic operations: the left mouse button throws. ─── 基本操作:鼠标左键投球。

9、He ask room service if they can sew a button back on for him. ─── 他请求客房服务员帮他钉上钮扣。

10、Everything's ready; we're just waiting for you to press the button. ─── 一切都准备好了,我们只等你下命令了。

11、Why is she so quiet and buttoned up? ─── 她为什么这样安安静静地一句话也不讲呢?

12、Darrius Sayle: Press the button. ─── 塞尔:快按按钮!

13、A button has come off your coat. ─── 你上衣掉了一粒钮扣。

14、If you need the stewardess for anything, just the call button. ─── 如果您有事要找空中小姐,就按这个按钮。

15、If you make a mistake, use the delete button to erase backwards. ─── 如果输入错误,可使用Delete按钮来向后删除。

16、Keep still,your hair's been hooked on a button. ─── 别动,你的头发挂在扣子上了。

17、He pushed the button for the grind floor . ─── 他按下电梯去一层的按钮。

18、The shutter button can be pressed in two ways. ─── 可用两种方法按压快门按钮。

19、putting back his handkerchief he took out the soap and stowed it away , buttoned into the hip pocket of his trousers. ─── 他放回手绢时取出肥皂,然后把它塞进裤后兜,扣上钮扣。

20、Press the button for the elevator. ─── 使用电梯时,按一下电梯的按纽。

21、Well,this button should be moved an inch higher. ─── 嗯,这个纽扣应该再往上移一寸。

22、His coat has been buttoned up to the chin. ─── 他的外套钮扣扣到下巴。

23、His shirt gapes open with a button missing. ─── 他的衬衫因丢了一颗纽扣而敞开着。

24、The only thing you have to do is press the button. ─── 你必须做的唯一事情是按按钮。

25、When the wife think her husband is kidnap she hit the panic button. ─── 妻子以为她丈夫被绑架了,惊慌失措。

26、In the Clipboard task pane, click the Close button. ─── 在“剪贴板”任务窗格中,单击“关闭”按钮。

27、Despite what she said I buttoned my lip and refused to be provoked. ─── 不管她说什么,我一声不吭,没有被激怒。

28、You have buttoned up your coat the wrong way. ─── 你把大衣的钮扣扣错了。

29、He thought he saw a ghost and pushed the panic button. ─── 他以为他见到了鬼,被吓得惊惶失措。

30、You must press this button to start the radio. ─── 你必须按这个按钮才能打开收音机。

31、He wore a sprig of lilac in his button hole. ─── 他在钮孔上面插了一小枝丁香。

32、She hasn't said a word about our part in the plan; she is terribly buttoned up. ─── 对于那计划中关于我们的部分,她一句也不提。她非常保守秘密。

33、For men, try wearing a neat pair of pants and a buttoned shirt with long or short sleeves that has more color or texture in the fabric. ─── 男士应穿干净整洁的便装裤,带扣子的长袖或短袖衬衫,颜色和质地多样化一些。

34、He pressed the button to call the lift. ─── 他按键招呼电梯。

35、The front-buttoned jacket was the first sign of independence, the first very visible symbol of growing up. ─── 前扣外套是独立的第一个标志,成长的第一个可见的标志。

36、I zipped and buttoned my jacket. ─── 我把夹克的拉链拉上,系好扣子。

37、They had the whole system buttoned up, there was never going to be a critical word about this in the United States. ─── 他们可以让整个文化圈守口如瓶。在美国,当时绝对没有与此相关的批评性言论。

38、Her idea is not worth a button. ─── 她的看法一文不值。

39、You can stop the machine by pressing this button. ─── 你按这个电钮就能使机器停下来。

40、Stay calm; there's no need to hit the panic button. ─── 安静;没有必要去按报警钮

41、He buttoned up and listened. ─── 他一声不吭地聆听。

42、He pushed a button and set the machine in motion. ─── 他按下按钮开动了机器。

43、They buttoned up the job within a short time . ─── 他们在短时间内就完成了那项工作。

44、The impresario had buttoned his astrakhan coat. ─── 乐团经理扣好了羔皮外套。

45、You may push this button to call the elevator. ─── 你可以按这个按钮叫电梯。

46、Within a short time ,everything on the submarine was buttoned up . ─── 不一会儿,潜艇内所有的东西都扣紧了。

47、When she pressed the button the lift stopped. ─── 她按了电钮,电梯就停了。

48、Press the button and the machine will start. ─── 一按电钮,机器就会开动。

49、You can push the seat-recliner button in the armrest for relaxing. ─── 您可以按座位扶手上的按钮来让座椅变得更舒服一些。

50、They asked the defendant several questions,but he buttoned up his mouth. ─── 他们向被告提了几个问题,可是他一言不发。

51、During a call, press the snapshot button to send a snapshot. ─── 在呼叫过程中,按Snapshot键发送一幅快照。

52、Everything on the submarine was buttoned up within a short time. ─── 在一刹那间潜水艇上一切都封闭好了。

53、Why is she so quiet and buttoned up ? ─── 干吗她这么安静,这么不爱说话?

54、Dive, then release the attack button. ─── 俯冲,然后松开攻击键。

55、Adam pressed a button and waited for the lift. ─── 亚当按了一个按钮,然后等着乘坐电梯。

56、When he began to recite the poem, we buttoned up and listened. ─── 当他开始背颂这首诗的时候,我们静下来听着。

57、Just press this button,and you'll start the engine. ─── 只要按一下这个按钮便可启动这台发动机了。

58、Basic Operation: Click the left mouse button. ─── 基本操作:鼠标左键点击。

59、Button up your coat before you go out. ─── 出去以前把你的上衣扣好。

60、Your shirt is buttoned wrong. ─── 你衣服的纽扣系错了

61、She deposited a quarter and pushed the button. ─── 她往自动售货机投进一次2角5分硬币,然后揿了一下按钮。

62、All that you have to do is to press the button . ─── 你只要一按电钮就行了。

63、He was unwashed, uncombed, with his clothes half buttoned. ─── 他蓬头垢面且衣衫不整。

64、An ornamental looped braid or cord with a button or knot for fastening the front of a garment. ─── (纺锭物)饰扣一种用来系住衣服前襟的装饰性扣环或扣结

65、He stood erect in the half-open door, his hat on his head and his left hand thrust into his coat, which was buttoned up to the chin. ─── 他立在那半开的门口,帽子戴在头上,左手插在他那件一直扣到颈脖的礼服里。

66、Just press the button and the machine will start. ─── 只要一按电钮,机器就会开动。

67、Within a short time, everything on the submarine was buttoned up. ─── 不一会儿, 潜水艇内所有的东西都扣紧了。

68、Can you press the fire button 27 times a second? ─── 你能在一秒按出27下攻击键吗?

69、Make sure not to push this button. ─── 千万不要按这个按钮。

70、I buttoned up my coat; it was chilly. ─── 我扣上大衣;天冷嗖嗖的。

71、She hurriedly buttoned (up) her blouse. ─── 她急忙扣好衬衫。

72、Just point the camera and press the button. ─── 只要把照相机对准,然后按动快门就可以了。

73、She pressed the button but nothing happened. ─── 她按下按钮,但什么反应也没有。

74、Draco Malfoy was standing there with his wife and son, a dark coat buttoned up to his throat. ─── 德拉科?马尔福站在妻子和儿子旁边,黑色的外套一直扣到咽喉。

75、Click 'Replay' button to view this broadcast. ─── 单击“重放”按钮浏览此次广播。

76、He will keep him buttoned up. ─── 他会守口如瓶。

77、He buttoned his overcoat with his free hand. ─── 他用闲着的那只手扣上了外衣的扣子。

78、You've got it on the button! ─── 你完全正确!

79、Be careful not to touch the button. ─── 小心不要碰着按钮。

80、Why did not you sew the button on? ─── 你怎么没把扣子给钉上?

81、Failure of a few points left a button reopened. ─── 失败了点左数第一个按钮重来。

82、Right mouse button Examine game objects. ─── 右键鼠标检查物品。

83、How can you tell which button to press? ─── 你怎么能判断出该按哪一个按钮?

84、To repeat your last action, click the Redo button. ─── 单击“常用”工具栏上的“重复”按钮,可以重复上一个动作。

85、They told her to button her lip if she didn't want trouble. ─── 他们叫她别吭声,免得找麻烦。

86、His garment buttoned before. ─── 他的衣服前面扣上钮扣。

87、He trims his belt and his button. ─── 他理好腰带和钮扣。

88、It is very warm ,he did not even button his coat . ─── 天很暖和,他甚至都没扣他外衣的钮扣。

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