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09-03 投稿


debonair 发音

英:[?deb??ner]  美:[?deb??ne?(r)]

英:  美:

debonair 中文意思翻译



debonair 网络释义

adj. 高兴的,快活的;温文尔雅的;殷勤的

debonair 同义词

withdraw | loss | deduct | subtraction | deduction | withdrawal | subtract | charge | debit entry | record | debt |bill | obligation | take out

debonair 词性/词形变化,debonair变形

副词: debonairly |名词: debonairness |

debonair 短语词组

1、debonair 220 ─── 温文尔雅220

2、debonair scents ─── 优雅的气味

3、debonair wynn ─── 温文尔雅

4、debonair teaneck nj ─── 脱模器

5、debonair dogos ─── 调试狗

6、debonair definition ─── 温文尔雅的定义

debonair 反义词


debonair 相似词语短语

1、debar ─── vt.阻止;排除;防止;n.(Debar)人名;(法)德巴尔

2、debone ─── v.将……去骨

3、debonairly ─── 温文尔雅

4、deboned ─── 脱骨

5、debonairness ─── 温文尔雅

6、debonaire ─── adj.清爽的;快活的

7、deboner ─── n.去骨工;去骨机

8、donair ─── 捐赠

9、debonnaire ─── n.(Debonnaire)(法、英)德邦奈雷(人名)

debonair 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She was gay and debonair. ─── 她快活而潇洒。

2、The crowd that throngs the wharf as the steamer draws alongside is gay and debonair ─── 当轮船靠近码头时,蜂拥到岸边的人群兴高采烈而又彬彬有礼。

3、Display the contents (as described above), and search for the word of the day (debonair). ─── 显示内容(如上所述),并搜索今天的词。

4、The film was shipped to some theatres under the titles "Bell" and "Debonair". ─── 电影被送往一些影院的时候使用的标题是“贝尔(铃铛)”和“迪波尼尔(快活)”。

5、While the story sounds impressive, he seems ungainly for such exploits, possibly a bit more hapless than debonair. ─── 虽然这故事听起来叫人印象深刻,这些事情似乎并没有给他带来太多好处,厄运多过于喜悦。

6、"As I spoke my gaze drifted back to the debonair man. ─── 我回答著她的问题,目光却不由自主地移向那个神采飞扬的男人。

7、Quite genuinely, you know, the debonair touch ─── 你知道,笑得还挺真诚,挺欢快。

8、Hair, face and skin are pretty debonair, so is the sneakers and suit's comfort. ─── 头发,脸和皮肤都很清爽,衣服和鞋也很舒服。

9、The headwaiter was debonair with the guests but firm with the waiters. ─── 领班对客人温文有礼,但是对侍者却很强硬。

10、But when meadow-sweet, debonair and odorous in amber jerkin, moved graciously to his place in the group, then the play was ready to begin. ─── 当身穿琥珀色紧身背心的笑靥菊,温文尔雅,芳香扑鼻,步履优美地登上舞台时,好戏就开场了。

11、Quite genuinely , you know, the debonair touch. ─── 你知道,笑得还挺真诚,挺欢快。

12、His debonair charm and mgagnetic good looks on screen captivated audiences around the globe. ─── 他难以遏制的吸引力和出众的英俊相貌征服了全球的观众。

13、Then Foxy Davis had seemed a debonair remotely superior, and glamorous personage ─── 当时的“狐狸”戴维斯还是个无忧无虑、稍带矜持、风流潇洒的人物。

14、Dueled with his friend and lost.Bestowed Debonair with his sword, Durandal, as a final parting gift. ─── 在费加罗将军倒下的时候,他手中的佩剑,杜伦达尔成为了给予朋友的最后一份意味深长的礼物。

15、He strolled about, look very debonair in his elegant new suit. ─── 他穿了一身讲究的新衣服逛来逛去,显得颇为惬意。

16、He was the debonair, tigerishly brave, good-looking Alpha Wolf of the Wolff Pack-and had rescued her from certain death, melodramatic as it might sound to others.Still, there was a danger in love; ─── 他是温文尔雅的,老虎一般勇敢的,英俊的沃尔夫小队的沃尔夫,而且他救过她的命,这一切在别人看来简直就像情节剧。

17、who is the debonair looking guy in the photograph above? ─── 谁是我们在上面照片中看到的那个温文尔雅的人呢?

18、Her father walked down the path, debonair in a three-piece suit, hat, and cane. ─── 她的父亲走下小路,温文尔雅,穿着三件套,头戴帽子,手执拐杖。

19、He's handsome, debonair and an extremely talented magician with a bent sense of humor. ─── 他有英俊的,快活的和有一个弯曲幽默感的一个极端地才能的魔术家。

20、His debonair charm and magnetic good looks on screen captivated audiences around the globe. ─── 他在荧幕上的温文尔雅的魅力和迷人的长相迷住了全球观众。

21、Love thy neighbor --and if he happens to be tall , debonair and devastating , it will be that much easier . ─── 上帝说,爱你的邻人——如果他又高又帅,这就很容易了。

22、and secondly, for the sake of justice, for I assure you, of my own personal knowledge if left alone, the creature is a very debonair and gentle monster. ─── 再者,为正义说句话,我可以向你们保证,以我愚见,只要放任不管,它还是一个温而文雅,无比绅士的怪物。

23、A somewhat prolonged talk revealed not only the fact that Grant Gaskin had brought some new ideas to the hotel, but his demeanor, debonair and confidence, which was to our great delight. ─── 一段为时不短的交谈过后,我们惊喜地发现盖世霆已然为上海兴国宾馆带来了缕缕清风,言谈举止之间,自信始终伴随着谦和,怏怏大气和谦谦君子之风表露无疑。

24、He strolled about, looking very debonair in his elegantnew suit. ─── 他穿了一身讲究的新衣服逛来逛去,显得颇为惬意。

25、Numerous new entrants intensify competition, although several newcomers have struggled to establish themselves and failed, Debonair and AB Airlines for example. ─── 无数的新进入者加强了竞争,虽然一些新进入者已经努力奋斗以建立他们自己的地位,然后失败了,例如快乐航空公司和A B 航空公司。

26、The partial opening of the economy in 1990 by the debonair Fernando Collor, who was later impeached for corruption, shocked industry into modernisation. ─── 1990年殷情的FernandoCollor部分的放开了经济,从而将工业带入到了现代化。之后,FernandoCollor因腐败而受到指控。

27、He stroll about , look very debonair In his elegant new suit ─── 他穿了一身讲究的新衣服逛来逛去, 显得颇为惬意

28、He strolled about, look very debonair in his elegant new suit. ─── 他穿了一身讲究的新衣服逛来逛去,显得颇为惬意。

29、d like to live in New York, because we all plan to visit you there when you land this job. " As I spoke my gaze drifted back to the debonair man. ─── 要知道我们都打算等你工作定了去那儿看你。"我回答着她的问题,目光却不由自主地移向那个神采飞扬的男人。

30、He's handsome, debonair and an extremely talented magician with a bent sense of humor. ─── 他有英俊的, 快活的和有一个弯曲幽默感的一个极端地才能的魔术家。

31、2.While the story sounds impressive, he seems ungainly for such exploits, possibly a bit more hapless than debonair. ─── 虽然这故事听起来叫人印象深刻,这些事情似乎并没有给他带来太多好处,厄运多过于喜悦。

32、eg.The headwaiter was debonair with the guests but firm with the waiters. ─── 领班对客人温文有礼,但是对侍者却很强硬。

33、debonair; carefree ─── 举度潇洒

34、Life that is gay, brisk, and debonair. ─── 快乐、活泼、惬意的生活。

35、You're also charming, debonair and always right. ─── 你还是非常迷人、温文尔雅的,而且总是对的。

36、His debonair charm and magnetic good looks on screen captivated audiences around the globe. ─── 他在银幕上温文尔雅以及极具吸引力的形象征服了全世界的观众。

37、" As I spoke my gaze drifted back to the debonair man. ─── 我回答着她的问题,目光却不由自主地移向那个神采飞扬的男人。

38、GUCCI distinctive gentler pattern, debonair cutting in base processing and band decoration together show elegant and fashionable woman's quality. ─── GUCCI特有的优雅图图案,加上温婉的剪裁手法的底部处理和带子装点,时尚女典雅.



英 [ deθ ]

美 [ deθ ]








1. Doctors become inured to death.


2. But his death was so needless.


3. I do not weep over his death.


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