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09-03 投稿



faxed 发音

英:[f?kst]  美:[f?kst]

英:  美:

faxed 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 传真


faxed 常用词组

fax machine ─── 传真机

fax number ─── 传真号码;传真机号

send a fax ─── 发传真

faxed 词性/词形变化,faxed变形

动词过去分词: faxed |动词第三人称单数: faxes |动词现在分词: faxing |动词过去式: faxed |

faxed 短语词组

1、faxed crossword clue ─── 传真纵横字谜线索

2、faxed meaning ─── 传真意义

3、faxed crossword ─── 传真纵横字谜

4、faxed ss-4 ─── 传真ss-4

5、faxed means ─── 传真方式

faxed 相似词语短语

1、faded ─── v.渐弱;(使)褪色;(鲜花)枯萎;落后;(无线电信号)逐渐变弱(fade的过去式及过去分词);adj.褪色的;(记忆等)消褪的

2、faxes ─── n.[通信]传真

3、faaed ─── 粪便

4、famed ─── adj.著名的

5、faked ─── 捏造;假装…的样子(fake的过去式、过去分词)

6、fared ─── n.法依笛(服装品牌)

7、fated ─── adj.命中注定的,宿命的;受命运支配的

8、axed ─── 削减

9、faced ─── adj.有某种面孔或表情的;有…表面的;v.面对(face的过去分词)

faxed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The FAX machine is inoperative forreceiving. ─── 传真机接收不工作.

2、Fax is the abbreviation of Facsimile. ─── fax是Facsimile”(传真)的缩写。

3、Does Scottrade accept faxed application forms and documents? ─── 史考特证券是否接受传真文件申请开户?

4、Oh, by the way, can I send fax to New York in my room? ─── 噢,顺便问一下,我可以在房间里发传真到纽约吗?

5、Something's wrong with the fax machine. ─── 传真机出问题了。

6、faxed over with a copy also faxed to Martin's office. ─── 传真发完后,再给马丁的办公室传一份复本。

7、Can you operate the fax and duplicator? ─── 你会发传真和使用复印机吗?

8、Communication with the head office has been made easier by the fax. ─── 传真机使与总部的沟通更容易了。

9、Allows you to view Microsoft Fax images. ─── 允许查看传真图像。

10、Can you fax me the report right away? ─── 你能马上发传真把报道内容告诉我吗。

11、Type your fax number in the Fax Number field. ─── 在“传真号码”栏中键入您的传真号码。

12、Never a ume that either a fax or e-mail is private. ─── 决不要认为传真或电子邮件是私人的。

13、What's the rate for a fax to England? ─── 发往英国的传真要多少费用?

14、Fax machines were a wonderful invention at the time. ─── 传真机在当时是一项了不起的发明。

15、I was on vacation last week and did not receive your fax. ─── 上星期我正在度假,没收到你们的传真。

16、You must be here to repair the fax machine. ─── 你一定是来修理传真机的。

17、Boah luemz aen zionx nio fax nin Goenzzaen. ─── 不忘那天上忆昆真的故事。

18、Click here to answer a fax call. ─── 单击这里接一个传真呼叫。

19、Fine. We'll send you our completed order form by fax today. ─── 好极了。我们今天会把完整的订单表格传真给你。

20、Search for text within a scanned document or a fax. ─── 在扫描文档或传真中搜索文本。

21、A colleague in Russia had a fax but no fax paper. ─── 在俄罗斯的同事有传真机,却没有传真用纸。

22、In all cases we need to see original documents, not faxed copies or e-mails. ─── 在任何情况下,我们需要看到资料的原件,传真件或电子邮件格式都不予接受。

23、We didn't receive your fax, please fax to me again. ─── 4.我们没有收到你的传真,能请你再传一次吗?

24、He ought to have received my fax. ─── 他应当已经收到我的传真了.

25、Reservations can be made by letter or fax. ─── 可以来信或传真预订。

26、Do you know where my fax of April 14 is,Mr. Smith? ─── 史密斯先生,你见到我4月14日的传真了吗?

27、We feel as if we've been faxed. ─── 我们觉得自己被传真过似的。

28、A fax machine or a computer can be used to send or receive the fax. ─── 传真机或者计算机能用来传送或接收传真。

29、PS Could you send me your fax number again? ─── 又及:请再把您的传真号码发给我好吗?

30、The Fax service requires this information. ─── 传真服务需要该信息。

31、The fax unexpectedly went dead. ─── 传真机突然就坏了。

32、Copies may be mailed, hand-delivered or faxed. ─── 副本可以邮寄,亲自递交或传真。

33、Would you let me know your fax number? ─── 可以告诉我您的传真机号码吗?

34、Could you send this fax to our Paris office? ─── 你能把这份传真发给巴黎办事处吗?

35、The Health Ministry did not immediately respond to a faxed list of questions, and calls to the dairy association rang unanswered. ─── 对于传真过去的一系列问题,卫生部并没有及时回应。打电话到奶制品工业联盟,始终无人接听。

36、Letter and fax accept English. ─── 信件和传真接受英文。

37、Do you have a fax machine available? ─── 你们这有传真机吗?

38、Oh, hello, Ms. Richardson . I just sent you a fax . ─── 哦,喂,Richardson女士,我刚传真一份文件给你。

39、Select the fax modem in the Printers list. ─── 在“打印机”列表中选择传真调制解调器。

40、Any late, faxed or e-mailed EOI Submission will not be accepted. ─── 任何通过传真或电邮方式提交、或迟于截止日期到达的合作意向书均视为无效。

41、Some of the pages of your fax are missing. ─── 你的传真少了几页。

42、ITU comes out with Group 3 recommendation on fax. ─── ITU出台组3传真机建议。

43、But I am sure you need an original signature, not a faxed copy. ─── 但是我需要一份亲笔签名,而不是一份传真签名。

44、A colleague in Ghana had telex but no fax. ─── 在加纳共和国的同事有电传机,但没有传真机。

45、A: Yeah, you are going to have to call them and get them to be re-faxed . ─── 没错,你去给他们打电话让他们重发一次。

46、All the way, she faxed her essays back to the publishing company. ─── 一路上,她都把她写的短文传真回出版社。

47、I will fax again in five minutes. ─── 五分钟后我会再传真一次。

48、He sent me a fax with a stamp on it. ─── 他给我发的传真上竟然贴着邮票。

49、How long does it take to send a fax? ─── 发个传真得多长时间?

50、Tell the boss I'll fire off the fax. ─── 告诉老板我会尽快把传真发出去的。

51、Well, let me see... the fax number is... ─── 嗯,让我想一想,传真号码是...

52、FAX REP: Well, would next Tuesday be convenient? ─── 传真机代表:下周二方便吗?

53、The holder undertakes not to supply copies of the Company's controlled documents, including faxed or scanned copies, to any third party. ─── 持有者保证不提供公司受控制文件的拷贝,包括传真或扫描的副本文件,给任一第三方。

54、Plus a fax machine takes up much less space. ─── 再说,传真机所占地方不多。

55、Booking by post, phone, fax or e-mail or in person. ─── 可通过邮寄,打电话,发传真或发电子邮件或亲自定票。

56、Why hasn't the recipient received my fax? ─── 传真收件人为什么没有收到我的传真?

57、IP fax is a store-and-forward method. ─── IP传真是一种存储转发的方法。

58、All the way, she faxed her essays back to the publishing company. ─── 一路上,她都把她写的短文传真回出版社。

59、Can you see to it that the fax goes this afternoon? ─── 你保证今天下午就把传真发出去,行吗?

60、Your fax of June 2 says you want to buy blouses from us. ─── 你在六月二日的传真上说,你想从我们这儿购买女式衬衫。

61、The supplier faxed back to acknowledge the Sales Confirmation. ─── 供应商传真告知已收到我方的销售确认书。

62、Please send your order by fax to avoid any mistakes. ─── 为了避免错误,请把订单传真过来。

63、Traditional fax has a fairly simple usage model. ─── 传统传真有一相当简单的使用模型。

64、But for now you can send a fax. ─── 不过您现在可以传真一份给我。

65、Like most of her siblings, Ms Wang was sent overseas as a high school student and kept in touch with her family through long faxed letters. ─── 与大多数兄弟姐妹一样,王雪红在高中时就被送往海外读书,通过传真与家人保持联系。

66、Yeah, you're going to have to call them and get them to be re-faxed. These copies are so dark, I can't make out any of the words. ─── 没错,你去给他们打电话让他们重新发一次。这些复本上的字颜色太黑了,我什么也看不出来。

67、Would you put the fax under the door, please? ─── 你能把传真从门下面塞进来吗?

68、After you think it over, please let me know by fax. ─── 你仔细考虑过之后,请用传真相告。

69、Would you please send me the fax again? ─── 你能给我再发一次吗?

70、When do you expect to have it faxed? ─── 传真您想什么时候发?

71、They should be mailed or faxed directly to the invitees. ─── 上述函件请直接邮寄或传真给被邀请人。

72、At work the next day, I faxed my letter to our Warsaw bureau and asked for it to be translated into Polish. ─── 第二天上班的时候,我用传真把那封信发给了我们在华沙的派驻机构,请他们帮忙翻译成波兰语。

73、Could you fax the information to me? ─── 你能把资料传真给我吗?

74、Don't send each other cute messages via e-mail or fax. ─── 不要用电子邮件或传真给对方传达情意。

75、The fax machine's packed up again. ─── 传真机又坏了。

76、Oh,hello. Is there anything wrong with the fax again ? ─── 哦,喂,传真还有问题吗?

77、Sorry, fax system is under construction. ─── 传真系统测试中,请稍后。

78、The fax call was received from UM IP gateway "%5". ─── 传真呼叫通过UM IP网关“%5”接收。

79、Have you ever considered buying a fax machine? ─── 你有没有想过买一部传真机?

80、Can you send it to me by fax? ─── 你能用传真把它发给我吗?

81、Give me a ring or fax when you finalize your time for departure. ─── 伯恩: 你动身日期定下来后给我打个电话或发个传真。

82、I need to send a fax and use the internet. ─── 好。我需要发一份传真,还要使用互联网。

83、Could you fax me the latest version? ─── 你可不可以把最新版本传真给我?

84、Could you fax me a map of your location? ─── 可不可以请你把你那儿的地图传真给我呢?

85、Did you see the fax that came a little while age? ─── 一会而功夫前,你有没有看到有传真进来?

86、The supplier faxed back to acknowledge the Sales Confirmation . ─── 供应商传真告知已收到我 方的销售确认书.

87、Ok. Can you please send us your order by fax or by mail? ─── 好的。请您把订单传真或邮寄过来好吗?

88、Can you tell me your fax number? ─── 你能告诉我你的传真号码吗?

89、In case they want to send us a fax. ─── 以备他们给我们发传真用。

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