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09-03 投稿



unharmonious 发音

英:[[??nhɑ:'m??n??s]]  美:[[??nhɑ:'mo?n?rs]]

英:  美:

unharmonious 中文意思翻译



unharmonious 短语词组

1、unharmonious environment ─── 不和谐环境

2、unharmonious synonym ─── 不和谐同义词

3、unharmonious definition ─── 不协调定义

4、unharmonious meaning ─── 不和谐的意义

5、unharmonious define ─── 不和谐定义

6、unharmonious def ─── 不协调定义

7、unharmonious relationship ─── 不和谐的关系

8、unharmonious arc ─── 不协调弧

unharmonious 相似词语短语

1、panharmonicons ─── 泛音管

2、inharmoniously ─── 不合谐地,不和睦地

3、disharmonious ─── adj.不和谐的;不调和的

4、unceremonious ─── adj.随便的,不拘礼节的;无礼貌的

5、inharmonious ─── adj.不和谐的;不和睦的

6、inharmonies ─── n.不协调,不和谐;冲突

7、harmonious ─── adj.和谐的,和睦的;协调的;悦耳的

8、nonharmonious ─── 不和谐

9、inharmoniousness ─── 不和谐

unharmonious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、While the whole China is building an orderly and harmonious society, how can we tolerate such unharmonious tone? ─── 当整个中华大地在共建和谐社会时,我们怎能容忍这样的不和谐的音调呢?

2、Unharmonious sound from this girl told us she from Taiwan and I said: China Taiwan. ─── 不和谐的音符来自这个小女孩声称来自台湾后,我说:中国台湾啊。

3、According to the present unharmonious situations between hospitals and patients, the article discusses the hospital s responsibilities during emergency treatment. ─── 探讨院前急救常见的医疗创伤与防范问题。

4、Unharmonious sound from this girl told us she from Taiwan and I said: China Taiwan. ─── 不和谐的音符来自这个小女孩声称来自台湾后,我说:中国台湾啊。

5、three relates to the causes resulting in a unharmonious campus. ─── 三是探讨造成高校不和谐现象的原因;

6、unharmonious factor ─── 不和谐因素

7、The Unharmonious Phenomena between Human and Nature in Chinese Textbooks in High School ─── 高中语文教材人与自然尚欠和谐

8、unharmonious development ─── 非协调发展

9、The uneasy symptom of the Yellow River is its limited water and multiplied sediment in an unharmonious relationship. ─── 黄河难以治理的症结就在于水少沙多、水沙关系不协调。

10、This negative energy can collect up in your work space in pointed corners, through piles of clutter and because of unharmonious floor plans. ─── 由于楼层安排的不合理,这种消极的能量可能聚集在工作场所中尖角的地方,渗透在杂乱的文件中。

11、In this way, the unharmonious VI of the brand was appropriately adjusted.We designed the major symbol of MOBO, and made supportive pamphlet, publicizing posts and related design of package. ─── 整合后的美步焕然一新,统一的品牌形象贯穿每件产品,在主打消费者心中树立起尊贵经典的品牌形象,在短短时间内成为中国楼梯市场的强势品牌。

12、Non-government organizations (NGOs) play important and special roles in solving social problems and unharmonious factors during the social transformation. ─── 摘要为了解决社会转型期出现的多种社会问题,消除不和谐因素,必须重视发挥非政府组织的特殊作用。

13、unharmonious labor relations ─── 不和谐劳动关系

14、But unharmonious protests erupted during the torch’s stops in London, Paris, San Francisco and elsewhere. ─── 但在这期间,伦敦,巴黎,旧金山和其他地方均发生了对火炬传递的不和谐抗议。

15、It is a hot social that medical dispute was due to the unharmonious relationship between medical and patients. ─── 医患关系不协调所引发的医疗纠纷已成为社会关注的热点。

16、Non-government organizations(NGOs) play important and special roles in solving social problems and unharmonious factors during the social transformation. ─── 为了解决社会转型期出现的多种社会问题,消除不和谐因素,必须重视发挥非政府组织的特殊作用。

17、There are some unharmonious factors in Tianshui's development. We should constrcut harmonious Tianshui under the view of scientific development. ─── 摘要天水市经济社会发展中存在着不和谐因素,要在科学发展观统领下,全面构建和谐天水。

18、unharmonious anomalous retinal correspondence ─── 非相称性异常视网膜对应

19、Second, such a dark view of life is unharmonious and disrupts relationships. ─── 其次,这种灰暗的生活态度很不和谐且有害人际关系。

20、Unharmonious life will not resonate, not playing beautiful music life! ─── 不和谐的生活不会产生共鸣,无法演奏生活美好的乐章!

21、It cannot be neglected that the "unharmonious voices" are always accompanied by scientific debates, which somewhat obstructs science development. ─── 同时不可忽略的是科学争论中相伴着不和谐的"声音",它干扰了科学发展。

22、However, many unharmonious factors have arisen along with the development of social economy. ─── 随着社会经济的发展,也产生了诸多不和谐因素。

23、Meanwhile, the criteria for law-enforcement were u alanced and unharmonious in the first i tance, coupled with other problems including entitled law a lication and illegal ruling. ─── 以及一审判决存在执法尺度、执法理念的不统一、不协调(如对13平米未追究违约责任)。还有一审判决存在越权司法、违法裁量(如处理2001年房租)的等等问题。

24、Frequently occurred medical disputes and the unharmonious doctor-patient relationship have become the hot social issues. ─── 医患纠纷频繁发生和医患关系不和谐已成为社会热点问题。

25、Reviewing the construction of the undergraduates’ dormitory area by the define、character and forming, we would find that there are many factors which are unharmonious. ─── 依据和谐主题的定义、特点和形成来考察大学生生活园区的建设,出现了诸多的不和谐因素,如:物业管理队伍整体素质不高,其管理很难适应大学生这个高素质群体的需要;

26、Frequently occured medical disputes and the unharmonious doctor-patient relationship have become the hot social issues. ─── 摘要: 医患纠纷频繁发生和医患关系不和谐已成为社会热点问题。

27、Hence, it is an important task of the establishing of the socialist harmonious society to eliminate the unharmonious elements in the positional consumption. ─── 因此,矫正位置消费中不和谐的音符,是我们构建社会主义和谐社会的重要任务。

28、It is the defected market economy system instead of the market economy itself that has caused some unharmonious phenomena in our society. ─── 当前我国社会所出现的某些不和谐现象并非市场经济所导致,恰恰相反,这些不和谐主要是因为市场经济制度尚未健全。

29、Objective To improve the tradition liposuction (multiple stages,unharmonious shape and localized areas),and to achieve circumferential harmony in local area of the body through one-stage operation. ─── 目的探讨如何克服局部分次吸脂术后身体各部环周曲线的不和谐。

30、At present, there are some unharmonious factors which affect new rural construction. We should pay attention them and solve them. ─── 摘要目前,农村还存在着一系列影响新农村建设的不和谐因素,应引起各方的密切关注并加以解决。

31、A Study of the Unharmonious Factors in the Work of Tour Developing Famous Historic and Cultural Cities ─── 历史文化名城旅游开发中的不谐和因子研究

32、However, during the process of promoting leisure industry, many unharmonious phenomena have emerged and the author in this paper tries to figure out a solution to the issues. ─── 我们可以通过加强休闲教育,关注弱势群体,丰富休闲产业品种,加强监督管理,完善休闲环境,处理好各种矛盾,建立公平合理的社会休闲秩序等途径最终促进和谐社会的构建。

33、At present, the wide income disparity is the prominent manifestation of unharmonious relations in interests, the main reason being the income distribution system and policy. ─── 当前,社会收入差距拉大是利益关系不协调的突出表现,主要原因在于收入分配体制和分配政策。

34、The Essential Symbols, Root Interpretation of an Unharmonious Society and Theoretical Boundary of Social Transformation ─── 社会不和谐现象的本质特征、根源与社会转型的理论界点

35、In our country's the middle,small private enterprises and foreign enterprises,the conflicts between employers and employees are outstanding,which causes an unharmonious note in a harmonious society. ─── 在我国中小型私营企业、外资企业中劳资矛盾比较突出,构成和谐社会的不和谐音符。

36、Besides this, an esthetically unharmonious appearance of the teeth is unavoidable, if clasps are placed in visible frontal tooth areas. ─── 此外,如果卡环放置在前牙区域,那么义齿在美观上不令人满意是不可避免的。

37、The cause of Unharmonious Industry Structure and Its Countermeasures ─── 我国产业结构失调的原因及对策

38、On the Unharmonious Factors Which Affect the New Rural Construction ─── 影响新农村建设的不和谐因素

39、The serious practicing environment of doctors mostly caused the unharmonious hospital patient's relationship. ─── 分析了导致医疗执业环境不佳,医患关系不够和谐的主要原因;

40、Settling the Unharmonious Problems of the Party's Leadership in the Service Mechanism ─── 认真解决领导工作运行机制中的不和谐问题

41、unharmonious diplopia ─── 非调和性复视, 不一致性复视

42、Exploration of the Unharmonious Motions Appeared in the Course of Socialist New Countryside's Construction ─── 社会主义新农村建设过程中若干问题探究

43、There are many unharmonious phenomena existing in the administrative organs of our country, such as the aspects of thoughts and attitudes, functions' fulfilling, and obedience of regulations, etc. ─── 我国行政机关存在的不和谐现象有很多,有思想作风方面的,也有职能履行方面的、还有遵章守纪方面的等等。

44、Since the fundamental national strategy of reform and opening in the early 1980's, Chinese commerce has made a great progress, but a few unharmonious phenomena have arisen at the same time. ─── 摘要改革开放20多年来我国商业得到巨大发展,但是在取得成就的同时也产生诸多不和谐的现象。

45、It is a hot social that medical dispute was due to the unharmonious relationship between medical and patients. ─── 医患关系不协调所引发的医疗纠纷已成为社会关注的热点。

46、The mineral resource is a special material which has special features as non-renewable, may used up, dynamic, unharmonious, and the complex. ─── 矿产资源是一种特殊物质,具有不可再生性、可耗竭性、动态性、不均匀性、隐蔽性和复杂性。

47、At present, the unharmonious labor relation is one of the important factors restricting constructing a harmonious society. ─── 目前我国的劳动关系不协调是制约和谐社会建设的重要原因之一。

48、The sociological scholars pay special attention to the unharmonious relations of social classes,proposes some issues about the social repelled=nce,the socialdeprivation,social break and so on. ─── 社会学学者们特别关注社会阶层关系的不和谐,提出了社会排斥、社会剥夺和社会断裂等概念来说明这一问题。

49、Pre- survey and Structure Features of Unharmonious Fold and Deflection in Productive Mine ─── 生产矿井不协调褶皱、挠曲构造特征及预测

50、Couple talk's conflict exits widely in China, and it is the main reason to unharmonious family. ─── 夫妻话语冲突在我国普遍存在,它是造成婚姻家庭成员之间不和谐的主要因素。

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