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09-03 投稿


suture 发音

英:[?su?t??r]  美:[?su?t??(r)]

英:  美:

suture 中文意思翻译




suture 网络释义

n. 缝合;缝合处;缝合用的线vt. 缝合

suture 词性/词形变化,suture变形


suture 短语词组

1、amniotic suture ─── [医] 羊膜缝

2、bolster suture ─── [医] 枕垫 ─── [减张力]缝术

3、bevelled suture ─── [医] 倾斜缝术, 斜角缝术

4、antiseptic suture ─── [医] 防腐缝线

5、Bozeman's suture ─── [医] 博斯曼氏缝术(纽扣形缝术的一种)

6、absorbable suture ─── [医] 吸收性缝线

7、Bouisson's suture ─── [医] 布伊松氏缝术(一种肠缝术)

8、approximation suture ─── [医] 接近缝术

9、blanket suture ─── [医] 纽扣形缝术

10、Albert's suture ─── [医] 阿耳伯特氏肠缝术

11、apposition suture ─── [医] 对合缝术

12、Billroth's suture ─── [医] 比罗特氏缝术, 纽扣缝术

13、Appolito's suture ─── [医] 阿波利托氏连续缝术

14、biparietal suture ─── [医] 矢状缝

15、baseball suture ─── [医] 棒球缝术, 创周连续缝术

16、basilar suture ─── [医] 基底缝

17、bastard suture ─── [医] 假缝

18、bulb suture ─── [医] 球状缝术

19、Bell's suture ─── [医] 贝耳氏缝术(手套缝术)

20、bloody suture ─── [医] 流血缝术

suture 常用词组

suture line ─── 缝合线;缝线

suture needle ─── 缝(合)针

suture 相似词语短语

1、puture ─── 电池

2、future ─── n.未来;前途;期货;将来时;adj.将来的,未来的

3、sutures ─── n.[外科]缝合;手术缝合线;针脚(suture的复数);v.[外科]缝合(suture的第三人称单数形式)

4、multure ─── 给水力磨坊的报酬(麦子或面粉的一部分);磨谷费

5、nurture ─── vt.养育;鼓励;培植;n.养育;教养;营养物

6、pulture ─── 打扫

7、couture ─── n.时装设计制作,高级时装;高级定制店;设计师;n.(Couture)(加、美、法)科图雷(人名)

8、sutured ─── v.缝合,用缝合线缝合(suture的过去式和过去分词)

9、culture ─── n.文化,文明;修养;栽培;vt.[细胞][微]培养(等于cultivate)

suture 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Abstract:Objective To investigate the effect of meniscus suture on meniscus healing which included healing time and healing pattern. ─── 摘 要:目的 探讨半月板损伤缝合对其愈合过程的影响及半月板愈合时间和方式。

2、The Wude suture zone locates between North China plate and the accretion zone in the northern edge of North China plate. ─── 乌德缝合带位于华北地块和北缘增生带之间,显示早古生代属于典型的沟-弧-盆体系。

3、The braided silk suture, applies to Ophtha-Imology department and General surgical department. ─── 医用编织丝线,适用于眼科、普外科。

4、The wound dehiscence was caused by the incision tear of lower segment of uterine, adverse suture, and improper choice of incision position. ─── 子宫伤口裂开多由于子宫下段切口撕裂、缝合不良、切口位置选择不当所致。

5、These have multiple options for suture attachment and can accommodate a large greater tuberosity fragment without causing impingement. ─── 他们有缝合固定的多种选择,适应大结节骨块而不发生撞击。

6、Abstract Objective To probe intraocular lens implantation without the fixed suture of superior rectus. ─── 摘要 目的 探讨在无上直肌固定缝线的情况下行人工晶状体植入术。


8、The Hoh Xil-Lancangjiang-Bentong-Raub suture zone is interpreted as the boundary between southern Gondwana Land and northern Laurasia Land. ─── 华南陆块以越北斋江结合带为界分为扬子和华夏两微陆块。

9、A report on 102 laparoscopic cholecystectomies using suture and knot instrument in the abdominal cavity. ─── 应用腹腔镜腔内缝合打结器施行腹腔镜胆囊切除术102例报告。

10、Objective To investigate the effect of the suture of transverse abdominal velum in the groin hernia repair. ─── 摘要目的探讨腹横筋膜缝合在腹股沟疝修补术中的应用价值。

11、Abstract: Objective To discuss the curative effects of small gaps bridging and epineurial suture in repairing the rupture of peripheral nerves. ─── 文章摘要: 目的:探讨小间隙桥接法和神经外膜吻合法修复周围神经断裂的效果。

12、The Bayan Bold gold deposit is situated in the obduction zone of platform margin to the north of Inner Mongolian suture zone. ─── 摘要白音宝力道金矿床位于内蒙古古缝合带北侧的陆缘逆冲带内。

13、The Ascaris adults may perforate a suture line or cause a bile or pancreatic duct obstruction. ─── 成虫可穿破缝线或引起胆管或胰腺管阻塞。

14、Results The heal rate, length of stay, medical cost of the two perineum incision suture methods have significant difference. ─── 结果两种会阴切口缝合方法的愈合率、住院时间、医疗费用等有明显差别。

15、It's suture. ─── 那是缝合线。

16、We used the methods of repair include:suture use thin acus,"Z" plastic,dissociate plant skin,flap replacement and microsurgical technique. ─── 其中包括细小针线分层缝合、“Z”字改型术、游离植皮、皮瓣转移和显微外科修复等方法。

17、Thus the Nalati-Bindaban-Weiya zone was interpreted as an accretion-collision suture of continental blocks during Paleozoic time. ─── 因此,该带被解释为古生代大洋俯冲、陆块碰撞拼贴的缝合带。

18、Results HPE was performed in 144 cases, THVE in 39 cases, AHPE in 7 cases, ATHVE in 5 cases, PVE in 8 cases and mattress suture in 10 cases. ─── 交替半肝血流阻断7例,交替半肝全血流阻断5例,单纯门静脉阻断8例,局部褥式缝扎10例。

19、When mining under water, the height of the water suture zone in the goaf's overlying strata has direct effect on the safety of the production in mines. ─── 为解决进行水下开采时,采空区上覆岩层导水裂缝带的发育高度直接影响煤矿安全生产问题。

20、DISCUSSION The non suture ECCE is effective method nucleus cataract. ─── [讨论]无缝合囊外摘除术是治疗硬核性白内障的有效方法。

21、It has many surgery approaches, such as laparoscopic sacral suture and hysteropexy. ─── 它有许多手术方法,例如腹腔镜缝合和子宫切除术。

22、The infection can spread into the mediastinum, involving the prosthetic valve, grafts, and suture lines. ─── 感染能够漫延至纵膈腔,影响到人工瓣膜或血管、绕道之血管及缝合处。

23、Xia DC, Shen ZH, Lu DT, et al.Study of the pneumonectomy by interval suture with ligation bronchial stump[J].J Hubei Med Univ,1994, 15(2): 175-6. ─── [4]夏德椿,沈振华,吕大同,等.肺切除支气管残端间断缝合法加间断结扎法的探讨[J].湖北医科大学学报,1994,15(2):175-6.

24、I might have gone with a mattress suture instead of a blanket stitch, But you can't argue with her results. It's a shame it won't scar. ─── 我会用床垫缝纫法,而不会用毯边锁缝纫法,但她缝成这样,你也只能认了。没留伤疤真是太可惜了。

25、We strongly suggest VATS with direct suture and pleurodesis, as the modality of choice, for diaphragmatic defects in patients on CAPD. ─── 我们强烈地建议对于连续性腹膜透析的病人,胸腔镜横膈缺损直接修补及肋膜沾黏手术为一较好的治疗选择方式。

26、The uterosacral ligaments were clamped bilaterally, transected, and suture ligated in a similar fashion. ─── 同法钳夹切断并缝扎双侧子宫骶韧带。

27、The disposable sternum puncture suture needle applies to Sternum surgery. ─── 医用胸骨连钢丝缝合针,适用于胸骨科。

28、At the same time, the company developed cardigan suture needle, needle series of staples, leather needle series, etc. ─── 同时研制开发的还有羊毛衫缝合针、钉书机针系列、皮革针系列等。

29、Therefore, to research the overburden's destructive rules, especially the water suture zone's height i. ─── 因此,研究覆岩破坏规律,特别是导水裂缝带的高度就显得极为重要。

30、The VSD which greater than 5mm in diameter was repaired by Dacron polyester fibre patch, the depth of suture must be minded. ─── 大于5mm的VSD采用dacron涤纶补片修补,注意缝针深度。

31、The general suture needle applies to suture and ligature for human organs, Blood vessel, nerve, skin, thoracic cavity and also for Ophthalmologic plastic and Gynacologic surgery. ─── 医用缝合针,适用于外科手术中对人体组织的内脏、血管、神经、皮肤、眼科、整形、胸腔、妇科等缝合结扎之用。

32、In order to hasten healing the wound is closed by suture at a later date, an event called secondary suture. ─── 为了加快愈合,在晚些时候,通过缝合将伤口闭合,这种做法,称为延期缝合。

33、Branchlets and pedicels pubescent. Follicles puberulous on adaxial suture. ─── 小枝和花梗短柔毛。在正面的缝上被微柔毛的蓇葖果。

34、The fixation method of transcalvarial suture takes advantages of the depth and configuration of the calvarium, allowing the use of autogenous material. ─── 从发际到中脸部整个皮肤瓣,经头骨上方将下垂的肌膜做上滑式的束紧悬吊,来达到上额拉皮的美容效果。

35、There is little available musculature to suture anterior to the sternum. ─── 在胸骨前只有很少可用的肌肉能够缝合。

36、K. Affix the catheter in place (ie, with suture), apply antibiotic ointment, and dress the area. ─── 固定导丝(比如皮肤缝线固定),局部涂抹抗菌药膏,无菌敷料覆盖。

37、Avoid tying with a suture needle in hand. ─── 不要用手带着缝针打结。

38、The nurse will get a suture set. ─── 护士会准备一套缝合器材的。

39、The braided polyester suture applies to Cardiova-scular surgery and General surgical department. ─── 医用涤纶编织线,适用于心血管手术和普外科。

40、Helix spring expansion appliance;palatal suture;Tetracycline;force;age. ─── 01环圈式扩弓器;腭中缝;四环素;力值;年龄

41、The suture with needle is manufactured in the 10 5 degree decontaminated workshop. ─── 员工在十万级净化车间内压制带线缝合针。

42、Class 10 Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture materials. ─── 商标注册类别10外科、医学、牙科和兽医用仪器及器械,假肢、假眼和假牙;矫形用品;缝合用材料。

43、VATS with direct suture of the flaw and pleurodesis were performed successfully. ─── 我们成功地实施了胸腔镜裂缝直接修补及肋膜沾黏手术。

44、Methods To get a serrulated suture by making many tiny serrate which slant towards the center in two ends of a special suture. ─── 方法:将两端具有细微的、向中央倾斜的锯齿状缝线,通过含有针芯的穿刺导引针,置于皮下,治疗面部松弛者168例,观察临床效果。

45、Methods:Laparoscopic common bile duct exploration,T duct drainage or primary suture were used. ─── 方法:采用腹腔镜下胆总管切开取石,T管引流或一期缝合。

46、Results The myometrial suture time of group l was significantly less than that of group 2(P

47、Childbirth often were evident friction hemorrhage, as its vulnerability, will suture bleeding difficult. ─── 分娩时往往使疣体摩擦撕裂出血,由于其组织脆弱,会给缝扎止血带来困难。

48、Temporary inferior rectus suture can provide sufficient pre-operative flattening of retinal, and improve success rate of surgery. ─── 扩大了不放液手术适应范围,提高不放液手术成功率。

49、Avoid having two surgeons suture the same wound. ─── 不要两人同时缝合一个伤口。

50、If recognized during the index procedure, all DTs were repaired using a 4-0 silk suture. ─── 如果在手术中发现了,所有的硬膜囊破裂均用4号丝线进行修补。

51、In line with these questions, this paper coins/uses the concepts of cultural aphasia and hegemonic suture to analyze and respond to these concerns. ─── 基于这样的关切,本文主修正创两个理论的概念-文化失语与霸权缝合-来分析本文的关切。

52、Abstract: Objective To explore a micro-wound suture technica of deep-seated suspensory for the treatment of facial paralysis and aging. ─── 中文摘要:目的 探索一种微创缝合悬吊手术技术,治疗面神经瘫痪瘫和面部老化。

53、A special suture material is used to close the opening in the bladder. This suture is very strong yet causes minimal tissue reaction, and will slowly dissolve over several months. ─── 一种特殊的材料用来缝合膀胱上的伤口。这种材料非常坚固让生理的反应最小,而且会在几个月后慢慢溶解。

54、Methods We retrospectively analyzed clinical outcomes of mechanical suture bronchial stump in 562 cases pulmonary resection. ─── 方法在562例肺切除术中应用支气管闭合器机械缝合支气管断端。

55、The suture method of incisure of lowe eyelid. ─── 切口的皮肤缝合技术改进。

56、Methods 30 patients with colon injury were all treated by surgery,and among them 25 treatcd by suture and 5 by collon resection. ─── 方法30例结肠损伤均行一期手术,其中缝合修补25例,结肠切除5例。

57、The defect is closed with two or three layers of absorbable suture, and an indwelling catheter is left in place for 1 week. ─── 该缺陷是封闭的两个或三个层次的吸收缝线,并留置导尿管留在地方一周。

58、A professional manufacturer and exporter of surgical suture in China. ─── 医用外科缝合线制造商和出口商。

59、Approximate the rectal submucosa with a running suture using a 3-O chromic on a GI needle extending to the margin of the anal skin. ─── 使用GI针,用3-0铬制缝线连续缝合直肠粘膜下层,缝至肛门皮肤边缘。

60、Trocar can be pulled out without suture. ─── 不用缝针,拔出来就可以,这样病人

61、The catgut suture applies to Gynaecologic surgery. ─── 医用羊肠线,适用于妇科手术。

62、Methods we used the technique of rectus muscle recession combined adjustable suture to t reat 51 patients with intermittent exotropia. ─── 方法对51例间歇性外斜视施行联合直肌可调整缝线的直肌后徙术。

63、Methods The ruptured collateral ligament of the interphalangeal joint in 26 cases were repaired by direct suture. ─── 方法对26例指间关节侧副韧带损伤均作韧带直接修补术。

64、The silk suture applies to General surgical department. ─── 医用丝线,适用于普外科。

65、Two foreign body giant cells are seen just to the right of center where there is a bluish strand of suture material from a previous operation. ─── 两个异物巨细胞位于中央偏右,同时可见以前手术留下的浅蓝色的缝线。

66、The EQM can be subdivided into the northern and southern parts, which are separated by the Shangnan-Zhenping suture. ─── 东秦岭以商南-镇平缝合带分为东秦岭北部和东秦岭南部。

67、At removal, tension is applied to the long strands to pull the knot up from the skin surface, and the suture is cut with a scalpel. ─── 在搬运,紧张适用于长链,以拉结从皮肤表面,并缝合切断了手术刀。

68、Methods The operation method of Z-shaped altering has exact design and micro-trauma technique suture. ─── 方法:采用“Z”字改形法,精确的手术设计,采用低创伤显微技术缝合。

69、Objective To discuss the curative effects of small gaps bridging and epineurial suture in repairing the rupture of peripheral nerves. ─── 摘要目的:探讨小间隙桥接法和神经外膜吻合法修复周围神经断裂的效果。

70、The monofilament polypropylene suture applies to Cardiovascular surgery, Orthopedics department and General surgical department. ─── 医用聚丙烯线,适用于心血管手术、骨科、普外科。

71、KRONISH J W, FORSTER R K. Control of corneal astigmatism following cataract extractoin by selective suture cutting[J]. Arch Ophthalmol, 1987,105:1650. ─── 刘平,闫海,王新.小切口无缝线非超声乳化白内障摘除术的临床观察[J].中国实用眼科杂志,2002,8:597.

72、The opening of the distal end of the rectum was closed by means of a purse-string suture and a stapling device was applied. ─── 而后直肠残端行荷包缝合,并置入吻合器收紧荷包线,还纳残端,和乙状结肠行吻合。

73、Of, relating to, or having the direction of the coronal suture or of the plane dividing the body into front and back portions. ─── 冠状线的冠状线的或与之有关的,按冠状线方向的,或指把身体分为前后两部分的平面

74、Relating to the deeply serrated suture in the skull between the parietal bones and the occipital bone. ─── 人字形的与头盖骨内枕骨和顶骨间的锯齿状骨缝有关的。

75、A special suture material is used to close the opening in the bladder. ─── 一种特殊的材料用来缝合膀胱上的伤口。

76、Objective To discuss a good method of suture on flexor tendon . ─── 目的探索满足肌腱早期活动的缝合方法。

77、Absorbable suture had been widely used in surgical operation which was one of the most active domains in biomedicine macromolecule research. ─── 目前医用可吸收手术缝合线广泛应用于医学的外科手术中,是生物医用高分子研究中最活跃的研究领域之一。

78、Using releasable suture technique can reduce the incidence of complications in the early postoperative period. ─── 可拆除缝线技术的应用有利于减少术后早期并发症。

79、This method of small gasps bridging can repair the rupture of nerves in great degree, and its curative effect is superior to that of epineurinal suture. ─── 小间隙静脉桥接法可最大限度地修复断裂的神经,其效果明显优于神经外膜吻合法。

80、The important boundary condition is the suture of Late Proterozoic and Palaeozoicaulacogen. ─── 多期造山运动持续发生,前陆盆地相应迁移叠合,控制了油气的生、移、聚、散;

81、K. Affix the catheter in place to the skin (eg, with suture), apply antibiotic ointment, and dress the area. ─── 将静脉导管放好后与皮肤固定(比如缝结),局部应用抗生素软膏,覆盖穿刺区。

82、Objective: To improve the clinical effect of levator shortening operation through ameliorating the classical adjustable suture. ─── 摘要目的探讨提上睑肌缩短调整缝线改良术的手术效果。

83、Place a second layer of running suture to invert the first suture line and take some tension from the first layer closure. ─── 在第一层的基础上,连续缝合第二层,降低第一层的张力。

84、The treatment included suture of corneoscleral penetrating injury, extracapsular cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation. ─── 分别经历角巩膜穿通伤缝合、外伤障摘出及人晶体植入。

85、B, QuickAnchor (Mitek) suture anchor consists of hook device with suture that is anchored into drill hole in bone. ─── 为此已有用同种异体皮质骨制成的商用螺钉。

86、The calculi with suture material were removed by transurethral cystolithotripsy with crushing forceps. ─── 我们进行经尿道碎石术,藉由碎石钳将医源性膀胱结石与缝线一起取出除掉。

87、NingBo Medical Suture Needle Co., Ltd. ─── 宁波医用缝针有限公司。

88、Methods Treat the 118 cases of open wounds within soft tissues in the malxillofical region with debridement,skillful suture,and so on. ─── 方法:对118例颌面部软组织开放性伤口采用清创、技巧性缝合、药物消肿等措施进行治疗。

89、Methods Simple suture and fixed method, staircase peritoneopexy and so on. ─── 方法单纯缝合固定法、梯形腹膜瓣固定法等。

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