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09-03 投稿


ellipsoid 发音

英:[??l?ps??d; e?l?p?s??d]  美:[??l?ps??d]

英:  美:

ellipsoid 中文意思翻译



ellipsoid 短语词组

1、ellipsoid vault ─── 椭球形拱顶

2、ellipsoid dome ─── 椭球圆顶

3、ellipsoid splatting ─── 椭球散开

4、expansion ellipsoid ─── [电] 膨胀椭球体

5、ellipsoid of revolution ─── 回转椭球

6、ellipsoid zone ─── 椭球体区域

7、ellipsoid joint ─── [医] 椭圆关节

8、ellipsoid shell ─── 椭球壳

9、ellipsoid volumen ─── 椭球体体积

10、rod ellipsoid ─── [医] 杆椭圆体

11、ellipsoid flow ─── 椭球体流

12、ovary ellipsoid ─── 卵巢型椭面

13、Fresnel ellipsoid ─── [电] 夫累耐尔椭圆体

14、ellipsoid volume ─── 椭球体体积

15、ellipsoid set ─── 椭球集

16、ellipsoid of inertia ─── [化] 惯量椭球

17、ellipsoid 2d ─── 椭球体2d

18、ellipsoid of spleen ─── [医] ─── [脾]椭圆体, 脾鞘小动脉

19、ellipsoid method ─── [测]椭球法

ellipsoid 词性/词形变化,ellipsoid变形

形容词: ellipsoidal |

ellipsoid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Arils bright red when ripe;seed red when matured, ellipsoid, 2-2.5 cm long, 1.3 cm wide, with small, mucronulate apex. ─── 假种皮鲜红色,种子椭圆球形,成熟时红色,长2-2.5厘米,直径约1.3厘米,顶端有小尖头露出。

2、Ellipsoid blue white and color as the national flag, is the top one, "May the sun, " with the flag symbolizes. ─── 椭圆面上蓝下白,为国旗色,上端有一轮“五月的太阳”,寓意同国旗。

3、Inertia Moment Projection Ellipsoid ─── 惯量投影椭球

4、Fruit a drupaceous capsule, ellipsoid-ovoid, puberulent, 1-seeded, perianth persistent, style persistent and developing into a beak. ─── 果具核果蒴果,椭圆形卵球形,被微柔毛,1种子,宿存的花被,花柱宿存的和发展成为一喙。

5、When stacking is performed, such amplitude values should be added at various points on the ellipsoid instead of being merely added at the CMP. ─── 因此,在叠加时,该振幅值就不是只在共中心点(CMP)上相加,而应该在椭圆面上各个点相加(当然,在不同点上振幅值是变化的)。

6、On Mean Radius of Reference Ellipsoid ─── 关于参考椭球平均半径的探讨

7、gravitational potential of homogeneous ellipsoid ─── 均质椭球体引力位

8、Post-Newton metric was got inside and outside a uniform uncompressed ideal fluid oblate ellipsoid at rigid rotation. ─── 摘要在后牛顿近似下,得到由均匀不可压缩理想流体在刚体自转下形成的扁球体的内外度规。

9、The interrelation between the signs of the birefringence in the planes of symmetry can be deduced from the index ellipsoid . ─── 各对称面的双折射符号之间的相互关系,可以从标准椭球体推定。

10、Nut ellipsoid or obovoid, bony, with a prominent persistent lateral style. ─── 坚果椭圆形或倒卵球形的,骨质,具一突出宿存侧生花柱。

11、Compared to normal ore drawing,the eccentricity of ellipsoid,the viscosity resistance and inner friction amo... ─── 散体颗粒受振运动是一种不规则、复杂和随机的运动,具有分形特征,对其进行了分形分析和模拟。

12、The Method of Increasing the Response Range of DOP Ellipsoid to Polarization Mode Dispersion in 40Gb/s RZ System[J]. ─── 引用该论文 陈林,文双春,周光涛,郑远,张晓光,于丽,张茹,杨伯君.

13、A tipless cantilever was used to measure the elastic modulus of the single voxel with the ellipsoid shape. ─── 借助于原子力显微镜,选用无针尖探针对成型点的力学性能进行了测试,建立了椭球-平面接触的弹性力学模型。

14、The interrelation between the signs of the birefringence in the planes of symmetry can be deduced from the index ellipsoid. ─── 各对称面的双折射符号之间的相互关系,可以从标准椭球体推定。

15、According to the force mapping relation between joint space and object space, the generalized force ellipsoid and internal force ellipsoid are proposed. ─── 按照关节空间和物体空间的力的映射关系,提出了广义力椭球和内力椭球。在此基础上,定义了抓持系统的最优抓持能力和最优内力。

16、The solution of geodetic problem is an important problem in the geodetic surveying.There are a lot of methods for the solution of geodetic problem because of the complexity of the ellipsoid. ─── 大地主题解算是大地测量中的重要问题,由于椭球的复杂性,随之产生的解算方法也是多种多样。

17、B-type tilted ellipsoid methane tank ─── 斜置椭球B型沼气池

18、Leaf blade (0.7-)1.1-2.5 cm. Aril of seed ellipsoid to ovoid or elongate-ellipsoid, apex obtuse-rounded. ─── 叶片(0.7-)假种皮的种子椭圆形到卵球形或1.1-2.5厘米拉长椭圆形,先端钝圆形。

19、Of the 2D visualization modes, DEC map is better than FA map and ellipsoid map in displaying the CST. ─── 分别显示2D的FA图、DEC图及椭圆体图。

20、On the basis of manipulability ellipsoid of mechanism velocity and force, the mechanism velocity and the directional manipulability measures of force of dual armed robot were defined. ─── 摘要在机构速度、力可操作椭球基础上,定义了双臂机器人机构速度和力方向可操作度,以方向可操作度为目标函数。

21、Components / Effects :Aontains pliancy factor activity and wine, nutmeg, ellipsoid natural plant oil extraction cream Clean hair dirt and chemical residues. ─── 成份/功效:蕴含活性柔顺因子及月桂、豆蔻、椰油等天然植物萃取精华,清洁头发污垢及化学残留物。

22、Isoperimetric inequality for sphere and ellipsoid is discussed, and the isoperimetric inequality of some region satisfying certain conditions is given. ─── 摘要讨论球面和椭球面上的等周不等式,并给出了球面与椭球面上满足一定条件的区域的等周不等式。

23、The magnetic foliation (F) of almost all of the samples is higher than the magnetic lineation (L) and the degree of AMS (P) is correlative with F more effectively, and the shape parameter of the AMS ellipsoid is oblate. ─── 几乎所有样品的磁面理值F都大于磁线理值L,各向异性度P与磁面理值F相关性较高,磁化率椭球体表现为压扁状。

24、international ellipsoid of reference ─── [地理]国际参考椭球体

25、If we define the surface of Earth as being at the mean sea level (often referred to as the Geoid), we don't get a spheroid or even an ellipsoid. ─── 如果我们把地球表面定义为平均海平面(称作大地水准面),我们得到的不是球面,也不是椭球面。

26、Most TLCP distributed in matrix in form of ellipsoid with less orientation degr... ─── 形态表明,共混物中的TLCP多以取向度较小的椭球体形式存在。

27、In this way the sphere is transformed into an ellipsoid . ─── 于是球体变成为椭球体。

28、To study the effect of gravity eccentricity on the ranges,the expression of gravity was educed using spherical harmonic function when the earth is considered as an normal ellipsoid or sphere. ─── 为了研究地球的重力偏心对射程的影响,用球谐函数展开法推导了地球为正常椭球体和圆球体时的重力表达式,对地球的重力偏心进行了计算分析,求出了偏心值。

29、Based on Gaussian heat source model and double ellipsoid heat source model respectively, the calculating formulas of two models in double wire welding were derived, the proper finite element model was constructsed. ─── 摘要分别以高斯热源模型及双椭球形热源模型为基础,推导出两种模型用于双丝焊的计算公式,建立了合适的有限元模型。

30、New DTM Based on Surface of Regional Ellipsoid ─── 基于区域性椭球面数字地面模型的研究

31、During on-line computation, an appropriate invariant ellipsoid is chosen from the terminal convex set according to the real state, which enlarges the initial feasible region efficiently. ─── 在线运算时,根据实际的终端状态即时地选择合适的终端不变集,从而有效地扩大了系统的可行域。

32、ovary ellipsoid prolate spheroid ─── 卵巢型椭球

33、What he envisions is an ellipsoid with tiny wings that he says can take off vertically and move like an alien spaceship, albeit at subsonic speed. ─── 他所设想是极有椭翅膀起飞,他说像一个垂直和举措外国人飞船,不过亚音速速度.

34、An evergreen tropical American tree(Theobroma cacao)having leathery,ellipsoid,ten - ribbed fruits borne on the trunks and older branches. ─── 可可一种美国的热带常绿树木(可可树可可树属),果实呈椭球形,有坚韧外壳,壳上有十道棱,果实结在树干上和老的枝条上

35、Follicles narrowly ellipsoid, 3-5 cm, both surfaces densely ferruginous villous, apex shortly beaked. ─── 蓇葖果狭椭圆形,3-5厘米,两面浓密具铁锈色长柔毛,先端具短喙。

36、Secondly, based on the result of its static analysis, the static stability of single-layer ellipsoid reticulated shells was thoroughly analyzed with geometrical nonlinear finite element method. ─── 在静力分析的基础上,本文采用非线性有限元分析方法,深入全面地分析了该网壳结构的静力稳定性能。

37、Analytic solutions of post-Newton metric component were got by series expansion in oblate ellipsoid coordinate system. ─── 对由后牛顿效应产生的度规分量利用椭球坐标系及级数展开求得解析解。

38、Seeds blue at maturity, berrylike, ellipsoid to globose. ─── 成熟时的种子蓝色,浆果状,椭圆形到球状。

39、ellipsoid ore in discharged ores ─── 放矿椭球体

40、Flowers bisexual, globose to ellipsoid in bud. ─── 在芽中的花两性,球状到椭圆形。

41、In this paper, unit moving trihedron is first constructed for a point on the surface of a revolution ellipsoid. ─── 摘要以旋转椭球体面上某点为原点建立一个大地坐标单位活动坐标架。

42、As input/output data points are clustered by multiple ellipsoids, a second GA is proposed to fine-tune the parameters of each ellipsoid for fuzzy modeling. ─── 待输入/输出资料点以多个椭圆形体涵盖后,再另以第二个基因演算法依据输入/输出点,调整已学习而得之椭圆形体,达到模糊建模之目的。

43、The earth is an ellipsoid. ─── 地球是椭圆体。

44、Finally, the body factors of the particles are achined from the inversion to the diffraction pattern of ellipsoid model. ─── 并从椭球模型的衍射图像反演得到微粒的形体因子。

45、orientation of reference ellipsoid ─── 参考椭球定位

46、In this paper, unit moving trihedron is first constructed for a point on the surface of a revolution ellipsoid. ─── 以旋转椭球体面上某点为原点建立一个大地坐标单位活动坐标架。

47、To solve this problem, the paper establishes several corresponding relationships between sphere space and ellipsoid space by which the grids are projected from the formal to the latter. ─── 围绕这一问题,建立了球面到椭球面的几种对应关系,从而将球面网格投影到椭球面上;

48、In this paper,Isoperimetric inquality for Sphere and Ellipsoid is discussed.And the Isoperimetric inequality of some region satisfying certain conditions is given. ─── 本文讨论了球面和椭球面上的等周不等式,给出了球面与椭球面上满足一定条件的区域的等周不等式。

49、An inner segment with calycal processes is formed.The inner segment is then differentiated into an ellipsoid and a myoid. ─── 因此提供了另一线索:硬骨鱼胚后视网膜的生长极大地剌激(促进)了胚胎视网膜的发育。

50、For precompressed wood, the failure arid collapse of cell walls in springwood were more easily observed in SEM micrographs, and the pit was deformed to an ellipsoid shape. 3. ─── 二、以扫描式电子显微镜观察之结果得知在压缩处理之过程中,由于春材细胞壁较薄而明显地受到变形与压溃,其壁孔亦受到变形而呈椭圆形。

51、Degree of polarization ellipsoid ─── 偏振度椭球

52、Based on the axisymmetrical potential flow theory of an invicid incompressible fluid, the exact solution of an longitudinally accelerated flow passing an ellipsoid was obtained. ─── 本文基于理想不可压轴对称位流理论,导得纵向加速流绕椭球流动的精确解;

53、We numerically analyzed the performance of the two polarization-mode dispersion (PMD) compensation methods of the single degree of polarization (DOP) sampling and DOP ellipsoid sampling methods. ─── 数值分析了单偏振度取样和偏振度椭球取样的对高阶偏振模色散的补偿性能。

54、Nutlets triquetrous, ellipsoid, yellow-brown, golden glandular. ─── 三棱的小坚果,椭圆体,黄褐色,金色腺。

55、New Object Tools, including Rounded Rectangle, Box, Ellipsoid, Cylinder, Cone, Torus, Truncated Cone, and Tube. ─── 新增了圆环、立方体、圆柱体等实体模型的建造方法。

56、As there are anisotropy in the media surrounding the sonde,the stress coefficients may be fitted with the analytical function of the ellipsoid. ─── 探头周围介质若非各向同性时,应力系数可用椭圆的解析式拟合。

57、Follicle sessile, cylindric or ellipsoid, glabrous, dehiscing by an adaxial slit, apex mucronate. ─── 蓇葖果无梗,圆筒状的或椭圆形,无毛,通过一条正面的裂缝开裂,先端短尖。

58、Nuts ellipsoid to cylindrical, ca. 2 mm long, smooth, apex beaked. ─── 坚果椭球形至长圆柱形,长约2毫米,光滑,顶端具喙。

59、In addition to plane, sphere, the LTP can test surface of cylinder, conic, toroid, ellipsoid, hyperboloid, different kind of rotary surfaces and no standard asphere. ─── 可测量的面形除了平面、球面外,还有所有非球面,如圆柱面、圆锥面、抛物面、椭球面、双曲面、超环面、各种旋转面和其他非标准非球面。

60、The Earth is not round: Ellipsoid models. ─── 地球不是圆的:椭圆体模型。

61、In reality the earth is not exactly spherical but rather shaped somewhat like a flattened ellipsoid. ─── 实际上地球不是精确的球形,而有点象一扁椭球。

62、The rotation ellipsoid model was put forward according to the physical development and space profile of plasma, which lay a theory foundation for plasma three dimension model. ─── 对于等离子体的物理发展过程及空间结构,提出了旋转椭球体模型,对进一步研究、建立微尺度激光冲击强化等离子体三维模型奠定了理论基础。

63、Quasi Level Condition of Parameter Ellipsoid ─── 参数椭球的准等位条件

64、Furthermore,it can accurately represent torus,ellipsoid and so on. ─── 另外,所得曲面还能精确表示圆环面、椭球面等二次曲面。

65、Long axis of the overall construction was 150m, width of 65m and 22.5m high single-layer shell ellipsoid. ─── 整体建筑呈长轴150米、短轴65米、高22.5米的单层薄壳椭球体。

66、In this paper, a double-ellipsoid heat source model was used for simulating the welding heat source of bogie frame. ─── 采用双椭球热源模型,对转向架构架焊接过程中所涉及热源进行仿真计算,并通过试验验证了结果准确性。

67、Winter buds terminal, ovoid to ellipsoid, scales spirally imbricate. ─── 冬芽顶生,卵球形至椭圆体形,鳞片覆瓦状螺旋排列。

68、In order to improve the precision of the current computer simulation study of hip joint, a novel acetabular surface model-a rotating ellipsoid model was developed. ─── 摘要为了提高髋关节模拟研究精度,提出一种基于逆向工程技术建立和验证髋臼软骨参数化曲面模型的新方法。

69、Then, electroforming the ellipsoid was used to form a concave mold. ─── 将椭圆光阻透镜进行微电铸,电铸成分为镍。

70、Stress ellipsoid is often used to describe the variation scope of stress state. ─── 全应力的变化范围常用应力椭球方程和应力椭球面来描述。

71、An evergreen tropical American tree(Theobroma cacao) having leathery, ellipsoid, ten-ribbed fruits borne on the trunks and older branches. ─── 可可一种美国的热带常绿树木(可可树可可树属),果实呈椭球形,有坚韧外壳,壳上有十道棱,果实结在树干上和老的枝条上

72、Abstract in the geocentric coordinate system defined in the ellipsoid Earth on the basis of geography gives the mathematical definition of lunwen114space. ─── 在地心坐标系中定义地球椭球面的基础上,给出了地理空间的数学定义。

73、The strain state of the emplaced magma is shown by ellipsoid parameters, and distribution of stress field of the magma reflects the ways of emplacement and tectonic environment. ─── 从磁化率椭球参数可以看出岩浆侵位的应变状态;岩浆应力场分布体现了岩浆侵位元方式及其所处构造坏境。

74、Nutlets oblong-ovoid, ellipsoid, ovoid, or obovoid, adaxially slightly ribbed, smooth or warty. ─── 卵圆形小坚果长圆形,椭圆体,卵圆形,或倒卵球形,正面稍具肋,光滑或者疣。

75、filaments glabrous; anther locules connate, slightly divergent proximally, ellipsoid, longitudinally dehiscent. ─── 花丝无毛合生的药室,分叉下部,椭圆形的稍,纵向开裂。

76、Leaves opposite or verticillate; anthers oblong, ellipsoid, or subglobose, apex obtuse to subrounded, connective not dilated. ─── 叶对生或轮生;花药长圆形,椭圆形,或近球形,先端钝的到近圆形,药隔不膨大。(13

77、ellipsoid for dielectric constants ─── 介电常数椭球

78、New DEM Based on Surface of Regional Ellipsoid ─── 区域椭球面上数字高程模型的建立

79、The third defines how big the object is, it is the radius of an ellipsoid. ─── 第三个定义对象的大小,即椭球半径。

80、Drupe compressed ellipsoid, with nonaccrescent persistent calyx. ─── 压缩椭圆体,具的核果宿存花萼。

81、Leaf blade base broadly cuneate to rounded, margin obtusely serrate; drupe and endocarp ellipsoid to oblong. ─── 叶片基部宽楔形到圆形,边缘钝锯齿;核果和内果皮椭圆形的到长圆形。

82、When the DOP ellipsoid sampling method is used the performance is evidently better, because the effect of high-order PMD on PMD compensation is reduced. ─── 但采用偏振度椭球取样方法,其补偿的误码特性明显要优于单偏振度取样,从而补偿了高阶偏振模色散。

83、The large-scale honeycomb structure, an important component of the last stage fuel tank of launch vehicles, is composed of the honeycomb sandwich and thin aluminum alloy sheets with ellipsoid shape. ─── 大型蜂窝共底构件是液体运载火箭末级推进剂箱的一个关键部件,它是由蜂窝夹芯复合材料和上、下薄铝合金蒙皮粘接固化而成的。

84、Drupe red when ripe, narrowly ellipsoid or oblong, 1-1.6 cm, densely brown scaly. ─── 成熟时核果红色,狭椭圆形或长圆形,1-1.6厘米,密被棕色鳞片。

85、The wetting front simulated an ellipsoid in irrigation process, but it is changed hemisphere after irrigation. ─── 在灌水过程中,湿润锋水平扩散速度总大于垂直入渗速度,湿润体为平卧的椭球体。

86、Mature nuts ovoid or ellipsoid, shell thickness, fiber, endocarp hard. ─── 成熟的坚果卵形或椭球形,外壳厚,纤维质,内果皮硬。

87、The dynamic manipulability ellipsoid is established and the Dynamic Manipulability Index is introduced. ─── 文中引进了步行机的动力学操作椭球和动力学操作性的性能指标。

88、Styles long.Follicles erect, free almost to base, narrowly lanceolate, ca. 5.2 mm.Seeds ellipsoid, ca. 1 mm, striate. ─── 几乎的蓇葖果直立,离生至基部,狭披针形,约5.2毫米种子椭圆形,约1毫米,具条纹。

89、A Method for Area Calculation on Earth Ellipsoid ─── 地球椭球面上区域面积的算法研究

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