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cottonwood 发音

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cottonwood 中文意思翻译



cottonwood 网络释义

n. 杨木;三角叶杨

cottonwood 词性/词形变化,cottonwood变形

动词第三人称单数: cottons |动词过去分词: cottoned |动词过去式: cottoned |动词现在分词: cottoning |

cottonwood 短语词组

1、cottonwood arizona map ─── 亚利桑那州棉白杨地图

2、cottonwood az ─── 棉白杨az

3、cottonwood bark ─── 棉白杨树皮

4、black cottonwood ─── 美国黑杨,毛果杨(Populus trichocarpa); 湿地白杨,池杨,异叶杨(Populus heterophylla)

5、swamp cottonwood un. ─── 池杨 [网络] 异叶杨

6、cottonwood ridgeview plano ─── 棉白杨脊景平面图

7、Eastern cottonwood ─── [网络] 东部杨木;东部棉白杨;美洲黑杨

8、cottonwood ranch ─── 白杨牧场

9、cottonwood church ─── 白杨木教堂

10、cottonwood tree ─── 棉白杨

11、cottonwood colorado ─── 科罗拉多白杨木

cottonwood 相似词语短语

1、cottonweed ─── n.鼠曲草属植物

2、cottonwoods ─── n.杨木;三角叶杨

3、cottonweeds ─── n.鼠曲草属植物

4、buttonwood ─── n.梧桐树;两种热带美洲的红树林植物之一

5、cotton wools ─── 原棉;棉绒;[医]脱脂棉

6、cotton goods ─── 棉制品;棉纺织品;应交税的商品

7、citron wood ─── n.香木

8、cotton wool ─── 原棉;棉绒;[医]脱脂棉

9、buttonwoods ─── n.梧桐树;两种热带美洲的红树林植物之一

cottonwood 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ceiba Honduras cottonwood Ceiba occidentalis ─── 洪都拉斯吉贝木

2、like a cottonwood's seed to the wind. ─── 像杨种子风。

3、actually snowing very hard a few miles uphill toward Cottonwood Pass. ─── 实际上,下雪时即使几英里也很难登上卡顿山口。

4、With the autumn foliage in the background, a group paddles their sinking fishing boat to shore at Cottonwood Lake, near Buena Vista, Colorado on September 29, 2009. ─── 随着背景红叶,一组桨其沉没渔船上岸在三叶维斯塔湖附近,科罗拉多州,于2009年9月29日。

5、Cottonwood Leaf Beetle; ─── 三角叶杨叶甲虫;

6、Just back of Billy was a grove of cottonwood trees, and here the men halted for a short rest in the shade, and all they said distinctly reached the boy's ears. ─── 刚刚结束了对贝利是棉树,林,这里的男子在树荫下休息片刻停止,他们说清楚所有达成的男孩的耳朵。

7、Winter Market will feature Outdoor Retailer of 3rd Annual Backcountry Base Camp at Brighton, in Big Cottonwood Canyon on January 27, 2006. ─── 冬季户外运动用品展的特色项目第叁届"BackcountryBaseCamp偏远山区大本营"活动将于2006年1月27日在BigCottonwood峡谷的Brighton扎营。

8、I don't want myself to be like the fruits of cottonwood. ─── 是的,絮儿要有咏絮之才,不要做杨花,絮儿在心里又对自己说了一遍。

9、Dirt roads readily drivable in passenger cars with moderate clearance stretch up from Park City, Heber, and Big Cottonwood Canyon. ─── 泥路容易在实际驾驶的客车从中度间隙伸展公园市,希伯,大顿峡谷了。

10、Cottonwood Hockey League - Game schedule, league standings, players and statistics, past season records. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

11、Cottonwood, maple ,pinewood, birch, miscellaneous tree. ─── 杨木,枫木,松木,榆木,杂木等

12、black cottonwood ─── 美国黑杨

13、At first light, I started my trek up an alluvial fan into an unnamed canyon in the Cottonwood Mountains. ─── 天刚亮,我就从一片冲积扇区(峡谷山口的扇形沉积物)处开始了旅程,进入了卡顿伍德山脉中的一个无名峡谷。

14、Keywords Cottonwood Thick veneer Continuous platen drying Drying shrinkage rate Warp; ─── 美洲黑杨;厚单板;连续热压干燥;干缩率;翘曲;

15、A rain of fluffy cottonwood seeds; a rain of insults ─── 如雨般落下的白杨子;一阵侮辱

16、The foundation, or key, species in this case is the cottonwood tree, which is the first tree to have all its genes sequenced, or mapped. ─── 在这次研究中的基础物种,或者说关键物种是白杨木,这是第一棵所有的基因序列已经完全被解读排列、比对出来的树。

17、Leon and his brother-in-law, Ken, gathered the sheep and left them in the pen at the sheep camp before they returned to the cottonwood tree. ─── 李昂和他的姐夫,肯恩,聚集了那只公绵羊,把它们放在了这支笔于羊营地之前,他们回到了棉白杨树上。Leon里昂

18、Keywords Cottonwood;high temperature;veneer drying;measurement of relatively humidity;unsteady-state diffusion;energy consumption; ─── 美洲黑杨;高温;单板干燥;湿度测量;非稳态扩散;能耗;

19、Any of various soft, downy substances produced by other plants, as on the seeds of a cottonwood. ─── 棉絮产生于其他植物(如棉白杨种子上)的柔软羽绒状物质

20、a rain of fluffy cottonwood seeds ─── 如雨般落下的白杨子

21、Eastern cottonwood (Poplar) ( Populus deltoides): A widely studied tree with potential for hydraulic control, phytodegradation, and phytovolatilization. ─── 东方三叶杨,也叫白杨,被广泛研究,有潜在水力控制、植物降解和植物挥发的植物。

22、Her beloved Hank hung lifelessly from the branches of a tall cottonwood tree. ─── 她心爱的汉克悬挂在一棵高高的棉白杨树干上, 生命已经停息。

23、Cottonwood, Idaho is home to the Dog Bark Park Inn and can certainly boast of having the world's biggest beagle.It's not a real beagle, but a two-story hotel that's shaped like one. ─── 犬吠公园小旅社位于爱达荷州的卡特伍市,他们绝对可以自夸说拥有世界上最大的米格鲁,不是真的米格鲁小猎犬,而是一栋外形像米格鲁的两层楼旅馆。

24、With the autumn foliage in the background, a group paddle their sinking fishing boat to shore at Cottonwood Lake, near Buena Vista, Colo. on Tuesday, Sept. 29. ─── AP / Nathan Bilow 随着背景红叶,一组桨其沉没的渔船在三叶湖岸边,维斯塔附近,周二美国科罗拉多州9月29日。

25、Studies on High Temperature and Humidity Drying Technology of Cottonwood Veneer ─── 杨木单板高温高湿干燥工艺研究

26、A poplar tree, especially a cottonwood ─── 三角叶杨一种杨树,尤指三角叶杨

27、Several scrawny cottonwood trees do not usually generate much excitement in the world of ecology. ─── 在生态学世界中,几株瘦骨嶙峋的三角叶杨通常没什么好令人兴奋的。

28、narrow-leaved cottonwood ─── 狭叶杨

29、any of various deciduous trees such as the tulip tree,basswood,or cottonwood ─── 白木树,如美国鹅掌揪、椴、三角叶杨等各种落叶树

30、Cottonwood,maple,pinewood,trimed,birch,miscellaneous tree,log or heart wood of clamp-shaft remained. ─── 杨木,枫木,松木,按木,榆木,各种硬质木材或修直以后的原木或有卡剩下的木芯

31、Cottonwood, maple ,pinewood ,birch, miscellaneous tree,trimed log or heart wood of clamp-shaft remained. ─── 杨木,枫木,松木,榆木,杂木,修直以后的原木或有卡剩下的木芯

32、any of various soft, downy substances produced by other plants, AS on the seeds of a cottonwood. ─── 产生于其他植物(如棉白杨种子上)的柔软羽绒状物质。

33、A rain of fluffy cottonwood seeds; a rain of insults. ─── 如雨般落下的白杨子; 一阵侮辱

34、"any of various soft, downy substances produced by other plants, as on the seeds of a cottonwood." ─── 产生于其他植物(如棉白杨种子上)的柔软羽绒状物质.

35、Taking days to cross a fascinating place like northern Nebraska on two-lane roads.Half-a-day just sitting in a cottonwood grove at Fort Robinson where Crazy Horse was killed. ─── 会连续好几天在双车道公路上穿行于一个像内布拉斯加北部那样令人神往的地方,或者在疯马[1]被杀的罗宾逊堡的三角叶杨树林里一坐就是半天。

36、When it was beginning to come on dark, we poked our heads out of the cottonwood thicket and looked up and down, and across ─── 天快要黑的时候,我们从白杨树里伸出头来,向上下游和眼前河面望了一阵。

37、Sumac leaves glow red in the autumn light at the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve in Cottonwood Falls, Kansas. ─── 堪萨斯州,三白杨瀑布,高秆草大草原国家保护区,漆树叶在秋天的光亮下泛着红色。

38、So we slept all day amongst the cottonwood thicket, so as to be fresh for the work, and when we went back to the raft about dark the canoe was gone! ─── 所以我们便在密密的白杨丛里睡了一整天。等到擦黑我们回木筏那里,小划子不见啦!

39、Its banks were shaded by cottonwood and redwood trees. ─── 河流的两岸被棉花树和红木树遮蔽住了。

40、Keywords Cottonwood veneer;Continuous platen drying;Drying shrinkage;Split; ─── 杨木单板;连续式热压干燥;干缩;撕裂;

41、At first light, I started my trek up an alluvial fan into an unnamed canyon in the Cottonwood Mountains. ─── 刚亮,我就从一片冲积扇区(峡谷山口的扇形沉积物)处开始了旅程,进入了卡顿·伍德山脉中的一个无名峡谷。

42、It was actually snowing very hard a few miles uphill toward Cottonwood Pass. ─── 实际上,下雪时即使几英里也很难登上卡顿山口。

43、We found him under a cottonwood tree in the big arroyo near sheep camp. ─── 我们在一棵棉白杨树下找到他,牧羊营附近的那条大河谷里。

44、When it was beginning to come on dark, we poked our heads out of the cottonwood thicket and looked up and down, and across. ─── 天快要黑的时候,我们从白杨树里伸出头来,向上下游和眼前河面望了一阵。

45、Here the world drops away. The only sounds are the occasional meow of a cat and the wind rustling through cottonwood trees. ─── 这里远离尘嚣,偶有小猫的叫声和风吹过杨树发出的窸窣声。

46、Han Yifan, a Chinese Academy of Forestry researcher, told us that Beijing began planting cottonwood poplar trees about 20 years ago and that about 70% of the city's trees are now this species. ─── 我决定还是多听听专家的意见。中国林科院的韩一凡研究员告诉我们,北京从20年前开始种植毛白杨,北京目前70%的树木都是这一树种。

47、Study on growth performance of new cottonwood clones at nursery stage ─── 黑杨派杨树新无性系苗期测定

48、Red maple leaves and gold on a cottonwood announce the arrival of fall in the pink sandstone canyons of Zion National Park in Utah. ─── 意译:秋天在美国图片。红枫树叶和金色的在一棵杨木宣告秋天的来到在非常健康砂岩峡谷的“天国国家公园”在犹他州。

49、Any of various deciduous trees such as the tulip tree, basswood, or cottonwood. ─── 白木树如美国鹅掌揪、椴、三角叶杨等各种落叶树

50、cottonwood fibre ─── 三角叶杨树皮纤维

51、Over time, plant life develops on these sand hills.For example, the cottonwood tree is usually first to grow on a new dune. ─── 随着时间的流逝,一些植物也就在这些沙丘上生长,例如,棉白杨通常是新沙丘中第一个生长的植物。

52、Cottonwood Populus spp. ─── 三角叶杨

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