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09-03 投稿


whelk 发音

英:[welk]  美:[welk]

英:  美:

whelk 中文意思翻译



whelk 词性/词形变化,whelk变形


whelk 短语词组

1、whelk attack ─── 青春痘

2、whelk egg case ─── 青春痘蛋壳

3、whelk shell eggs ─── 螺壳蛋

4、whelk shell ─── 青春痘壳

5、whelk poison ─── [医]蛾螺毒

6、whelk attack spongebob ─── 青春痘海绵宝宝

7、whelk adaptations Whelk ─── 自适应

8、whelk shell beads ─── 青春痘壳珠

9、t whelk T ─── 轮

10、pyroxene whelk ─── 辉石青春痘

whelk 相似词语短语

1、welk ─── n.(Welk)人名;(英)韦尔克

2、wheels ─── n.[车辆]车轮(wheel的复数);旋转;v.推动;改变…的方向;装以车轮(wheel的三单形式)

3、whelp ─── n.小狗;幼兽;vi.下崽;vt.下崽

4、whelks ─── 蛾螺属动物;[无脊椎]海螺;小脓疱,疹块(whelk的复数)

5、whilk ─── 鞭子

6、whelky ─── 青春痘

7、wheals ─── n.鞭痕;水疱

8、whelm ─── v.淹没;覆盖;压倒;泛滥;n.泛滥;溢出;汹涌起伏

9、whelked ─── 青春痘

whelk 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Stir-fried whelk slice with garden greens ─── 碧绿滑炒凤枝片

2、Wash a face with vinegar can scour off whelk? ─── 用醋洗脸能洗去青春痘吗?

3、Additional, adjust your constitution alkalescent, if your constitution belongs to weaker acidity, grow whelk easily. ─── 另外,把你的体质调整到碱性,假如你的体质是属于比较弱酸性的,就轻易长青春痘。

4、Acarid eliminating whelk eiminating and skin cleaning crystal ─── 净螨止痘洁肤乳

5、premier sliced whelk saute ─── 清炒香螺片

6、Who knows medicine treats the prescription of whelk excuse me? ─── 请问谁知道中药治疗青春痘的处方?。

7、Divide whelk along with informal clothes with medicaments with prophylactic, or the way that allows a breast to become plump with prophylactic cannot be taken. ─── 随便服用药物用避孕药来除青春痘,或用避孕药让乳房变丰满的做法都是不可取的。

8、The whelk scar that leaves on the face, have what idea, recover from an illness? ─── 脸上留下的青春痘疤,有什么办法,复原吗?

9、Applicable skin: acne, whelk, big pore, acarid and other facial skin issues. ─── 适用肤质:粉刺,青春痘、毛孔粗大,及有螨虫的青春期常见的面部皮肤问题。

10、Human body can appear the each vaccination disease such as whelk, prime cause is male hormone secretes fat of exuberant, skin to excrete an obstacle. ─── 人体之所以会出现青春痘等各种痘症,根本原因是雄性激素分泌旺盛、皮脂排泄障碍。

11、Acarid eliminating, whelk eliminating and skin cleaning crystal ─── 净螨止痘洁肤晶

12、Keywords veined whelk Rapana vanoswa, genetic diversity, taxonomy; ─── 脉红螺;遗传多样性;系统发生;

13、How to treat the whelk on the face? ─── 怎么治疗脸上的青春痘?

14、Whelk of how fast dispel? ─── 怎么快速祛除青春痘?

15、How can effective cure whelk? ─── 怎么能有效的治疗青春痘?

16、Who knows Chinese traditional medicine treats the prescription of whelk excuse me? ─── 请问谁知道中药治疗青春痘的处方?

17、Can the thing that uses those dispel blain eliminate whelk really and do not leave scar? ─── 用那些祛痘的东西真的能消灭青春痘而且不留疤痕吗?

18、Fried sliced whelk in a bowl ─── 白灼螺盏

19、Hooped Whelk ─── n. 细纹峨螺(骨螺超科,峨螺科)

20、fried whelk balls with bamboo shoots ─── 笋炒螺球

21、Removed whelk to wash a face with cold water? ─── 起了青春痘用冷水洗脸?

22、It also has a special relaxative effect on whelk, scar, and baldhead. ─── 青春痘、抗疤、秃头也有特殊缓和的作用。

23、Got whelk through the proper care, treatment or can heal. ─── 得了青春痘通过适当的护理、治疗还是能痊愈的。

24、North's Long Whelk ─── n. 诺氏长峨螺(骨螺超科,峨螺科)

25、common spiny whelk ─── 蝾螺

26、sliced whelk ─── 螺片

27、Little imagine squeezes whelk forcedly, ugly scar leaves very easily on the face. ─── 对于精油,人们对其听得最多的就是“从植物中提取的纯天然物质,可以改善肤质健康,调理身心平衡。”

28、Moon snail is one of the relatives of whelk living in the shallow Yellow sea. ─── 月亮蜗牛是一种生活在黄海浅海的海螺。

29、What method can treat whelk? ─── 有什么办法可以治疗青春痘?

30、Just grew a whelk this morning, how does everybody treat this abhorrent whelk effectively excuse me? ─── 今天早上刚长了一个青春痘,请问大家如何有效的治疗这可恶的青春痘?

31、What cosmetic can treat whelk more? ─── 什么化妆品更能治疗青春痘?

32、How fast purify whelk and acne? ─── 如何快速去除青春痘和粉刺?

33、Whelk eliminating and scar eliminating essence ─── 祛痘消印精华乳

34、Some like this whelk, have a shell. ─── 有些象这只蛾螺是有壳的。

35、This face film can achieve the dispel whelk, effect that combats facial furrow. ─── 这款面膜可以达到祛除青春痘、抗面部皱纹的功效。

36、fried sliced whelk with chicken giblets ─── 金银螺片

37、How is ability thoroughly cleared whelk? Precaution? Cure? ─── 怎么才能彻底清除青春痘?预防?治疗?

38、Also can improve whelk, allergies, eczema, burns. And it is said to be one of the best essential oils. ─── 改善青春豆、过敏、湿疹、烧烫伤,是皮肤最佳精油之一。

39、What dispel whelk does oily skin use? ─── 油性皮肤用什么祛青春痘?

40、Who has the method with remedial the simplest and effective whelk? ─── 谁有治疗青春痘最简单有效的方法?

41、The back after prothorax often grows doubt to be like whelk (I already two) , how to treat? ─── 前胸后背老是长疑似青春痘的(我已经二十几了),怎么治疗?

42、Protect wet it is indispensable, strengthen protect wet, not only but bate is corneous, reduce whelk, also can add skin luster, improve the color of skin before classics dark heavy problem. ─── 保湿是必不可少的,加强保湿,不但可软化角质,减少青春痘,也可以增加皮肤光泽,改善经前肤色暗沉的问题.

43、Acne, does the cure of whelk reach defence? ? ? ─── 粉刺,青春痘的治疗及防御???

44、The whelk grain on both sides of scabbard and that on grip matched perfectly. No problem. ─── 鞘两头的海螺纹和手柄上的对得很完美,应无问提。

45、With what cosmetic precaution does oily skin give whelk? ? ? ? ─── 油性皮肤用什么化妆品预防出青春痘????

46、For more about Marge's eating habits, follow this link about the whelk. ─── 要想了解更多玛姬姨妈饮食的习惯,请看这篇关于“油螺”的文章。

47、How is purify whelk best? ─── 怎么去除青春痘最好?

48、tabled whelk ─── 宽香螺

49、What is treating whelk and the optimal method of the mark that eliminate speck? ─── 治疗青春痘和除斑痕的最佳方法是什么?

50、Is the thing that looks like acne prickly heat, be also whelk what is that? Are there several to want to do how on my hand? ─── 貌似粉刺的东西又不是痱子、也不是青春痘那是什么?我手上有好几颗要咋办啊?

51、Wok-fried sea whelk with green bean and X.O. Sauce ─── 酱蜜豆螺片

52、21 years old return chairman whelk? ─── 21岁了还会长青春痘吗?

53、It is the small ditch above the skin, once urine channel jammed, can produce a lot of blackhead or hoary head acne slowly, if have bacterial generation again, invade, can form the whelk that we see. ─── 就是皮肤上面的小水沟,小水沟一旦堵塞了,慢慢就会产生很多的黑头粉刺或白头粉刺,假如再有细菌的产生、侵入,就会形成我们所见到的青春痘。

54、Must not squeeze acne of dig or dig out with a finger or sth pointed with the hand, the result can be done more more flooey, squeeze a red whelk to come. ─── 千万不要用手去挤抠粉刺,结果会愈弄愈糟,挤出红肿的青春痘来。

55、whelk poisoning ─── 蛾螺中毒

56、Is water chloric Ding right whelk curative effect how? ─── 水氯酊对青春痘疗效怎么样?

57、Speckled Whelk ─── n. 细斑峨螺(骨螺超科,峨螺科)

58、Wok-fried Scallop and Sea Whelk with Peas in XO Sauce ─── XO酱蜜豆带子螺片

59、Vernon Dersley: Marge is ill. Ate a funny whelk. ─── 弗农·德思礼:噢,玛姬病了,吃了个怪油螺。

60、"Back sebaceous glands is secreted the most exuberant, some people return chairman whelk, can use a few relaxed embellish system products, even need not. ─── “背部皮脂腺分泌最旺盛,有些人还会长青春痘,可以用一些清爽的润体产品,甚至不用。”

61、Whelk - O1 CSP ─── 手性固定相Whelk-O1

62、Lightning Whelk ─── n. 左旋香螺(骨螺超科,香螺科)

63、Kellet's Whelk ─── n. 克来特峨螺(骨螺超科,峨螺科)

64、Some like this whelk, have a shell. ─── 有些象这只蛾螺是有壳的。

65、So if when long whelk, unripe sore, catch a cold catchs a cold or having acute inflammation, unsuited eat litchi, can accentuate otherwise disease. ─── 因此如果正在长青春痘、生疮、伤风感冒或有急性炎症时,就不适宜吃荔枝,否则会加重病症。

66、The scar that resembles long whelk appears on ham, and very urticant, that scar is bigger and bigger. Is this serious? ─── 大腿上出现象长的青春痘的疤,而且很痒,那块疤还越来越大。这严重吗?

67、: Mixed and oily skin; skin which can easily grow acne; skin which suffers from blackhead, acne and whelk. ─── 有痘痘、粉刺、黑头等问题的混合性、油性肌肤。

68、He was petrified by boredom and his tiny mind squirmed like the snail-like meat inside a whelk. ─── 他被乏味的生活弄呆了,他的小脑子就像海螺里蜗牛似的肉一样蠕动着。

69、The isthmus would be greyish brown , littered with whelk shells and punctuated by shipwrecks . ─── 海峡可能是灰褐色的,到处散落着海螺壳,时而还会有失事船只的残骸。

70、Bai-top shell (whelk) is one of the most expensive shellfishes served by the gourmet cuisine in Korea. ─── 白顶壳(海螺)是最贵贝类的一种,在韩国是专供给美食家烹饪的。

71、How can you have the whelk on side-effect dispel forehead? ─── 怎么样可以无副作用祛除额头上的青春痘?

72、Fried whelk with chicken liver ─── 凤肝炒螺片

73、whelk poison ─── 蛾螺毒

74、sliced whelk with ham ─── 火腿螺片

75、Certain gastropod mollusks, such as abalone, whelk, and conch, are also marketed. ─── 某些腹足纲的软体动物,如鲍、蛾螺和康克螺也是市场商品。

76、Fried sliced whelk ─── 白灼螺片

77、Caution: Don't use it when kin has cut, canker, whelk grouting and eczema, to avoid excite skin and cause skin uncomfortable. ─── 注意事项:皮肤有伤口,溃烂,青春痘灌浆,湿疹,等情况下不可以使用。以免造成皮肤刺激引起不适。

78、fried whelk slice & chicken livers ─── 凤肝螺片

79、People were capturing the crabs and selling them as bait for the more profitable eel and whelk fisheries. ─── 人们捕获和销售马蹄蟹作为更有利可图的鳗鱼和峨螺养殖业的诱饵。

80、I just to crush a whelk. ─── 我只是想要挤一颗青春痘。

81、Fried sliced whelk with chicken liver ─── 金银炒煨片

82、Because nervous, fuggy, be agitated and make extensive of pieces of whole face red this kind of case is more clear and quicken grease to secrete, form whelk more easily. ─── 因为紧张、闷热,烦燥而使整张脸泛红这种情况更加明显并且加速油脂分泌,更容易形成青春痘。

83、Because, if clean face breast removes foam inadequately, not only effect of short of cleanness, the likelihood still can remain to cause whelk in pore. ─── 因为,如果洁面乳不充分起沫的话,不但达不到清洁效果,可能还会残留在毛孔里引起青春痘。

84、Greece Whelk Sashimi with Kale ─── 冰镇希腊乡螺拌芥蓝

85、We then moved onto a whelk and curried seafood. ─── 好友说从未见过巨螺;

86、Why is what whelk disappears so difficult? ─── 为什么青春痘消失的那么难?

87、Common Northern Whelk ─── n. 欧洲峨螺(骨螺超科,峨螺科)

88、The disintoxicating, the sterilization, dispel the whelk: Sticks on with aloe's fruit jelly shape part in the parts affect, may lessen the swollen area the suppuration. ─── 解毒、消炎、祛青春痘:用芦荟的果冻状部分敷贴于患部,可以消肿化脓。

89、Sliced Whelk with Weak Wine Sauce ─── 淡糟香螺片

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