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09-03 投稿


connector 发音

英:[k??nekt?r]  美:[k??nekt?(r)]

英:  美:

connector 中文意思翻译



connector 常用词组

cable connector ─── 电缆连接器

electric connector ─── 插座;电连接器

quick connector ─── 快速接头;快速连接器

connector 短语词组

1、channel connector ─── [计] 通道连接器

2、connector end ─── [电] 端接器

3、cable connector ─── [计] 电缆插头座

4、connector lug ─── [电] 线端卸套

5、blue-ribbon connector ─── [计] 矩形接插件; "蓝带"程序

6、connector conspiracy ─── [计] 连接头协议

7、connector symbol ─── [计] 接插件符号

8、BNC connector ─── [计] BNC接头

9、connector pin ─── [计] 连接器插针

10、BNC connector jack BNC ─── 插座 [计] BNC ─── 插座

11、BNC connector plug BNC ─── 插头

12、clip connector ─── [化] 夹连器; 电极夹连器

13、male connector ─── 外螺纹管接头

14、connector assembly ─── [计] 接插件

15、Barrel connector ─── [计] 直通接头

16、connector tube ─── [化] 连接管

17、BNC connector plugs ─── [计] BNC插头

18、connector reliability ─── [计] 拉插件可靠性

19、coaxial-line connector ─── [电] 同轴线连接器

connector 词性/词形变化,connector变形


connector 相似词语短语

1、convector ─── n.对流式暖房器;对流散热器;[建]换流器

2、conductor ─── n.导体;售票员;领导者;管理人

3、connecter ─── n.连接器;联系者

4、connection ─── n.连接;关系;人脉;连接件

5、connect ─── vt.连接;联合;关连;链接;vi.连接,连结;联合

6、connectors ─── n.[电子]连接器;[电子]接插件(connector的复数形式)

7、collector ─── n.收藏家;[电子]集电极;收税员;征收者

8、concoctor ─── 炮制者

9、connecters ─── n.连接器;联系者

connector 常见例句(双语使用场景)


2、Do not connect to the selected printers. ─── 不连接到所选打印机。

3、Plug the A connector into the USB port on your computer. ─── 将A接头插入电脑的USB端口。

4、I'd like to confirm our connect flight reservation, please. ─── 我想确定我们联运班机的预定票。

5、During development of the sample connector for this article, I ran into a problem that serves as a good example of this issue. ─── 在开发本文中的连接器示例的过程中,我曾经遇到过一个问题,可以作为很好的例子来说明这个问题。

6、People connect Vienna with waltzes and coffee-houses. ─── 人们一提到维也纳就会联想到华尔兹圆舞曲和咖啡馆。

7、The first instance of a Lotus Notes or Novell GroupWise connector. ─── Lotus Notes或Novell GroupWise连接器的第一个实例。

8、Should begin by verifying that the connector instance is currently logged on. ─── 应该先检查连接器实例当前是否已经登录。

9、Bar Connector: Housing & Teminal. ─── 具体请参考所附产品图片。

10、Unplug the antenna coaxial cable connector from the radio chassis. ─── 从收音机底盘拔开天线同轴导线。

11、How long will the connection of the telephone take? ie How long will it take to install a telephone and connect it to the exchange? ─── 安装电话机与总机接通要多长时间?

12、Disengage power mirror connector from trim panel. ─── 从饰板上拆开电动视镜接头。

13、Stab the riser onto the pin connector. ─── 将隔水管插入销钉连接器。

14、Can you connect the two loudspeakers? ─── 你能把这两个扩音器连接起来吗?

15、The following table shows the connector limits. ─── 下表说明了连接器限制。

16、How do you connect to the Internet?@ says Wang Mei. ─── “你怎么连网?”王梅问。

17、A surface containing all the straight lines that connect any two points on it. ─── 平面包含面上所有连接任意两点的直线的平面

18、Do not attempt to connect the speakers in parallel. ─── 不要企图并联扬声器。

19、Can you connect to your network with PCs? ─── 你能把PC机与你的网络相连吗?

20、The candidate failed to connect with the voters. ─── 候选人无法与选民建立关系

21、I'll connect you with his office. ─── 我会打电话到他的公司和你联络。

22、It allows users to effortlessly connect to Internet and network resources. ─── 它可以让用户不费力气就能接到因特网和网络资源上。

23、FIGURE 2. These reliable connector systems all use spring contacts. ─── 图2.这些可靠的连接器系统全部使用弹针。

24、The connector sent by the higher-up is already waiting for us. ─── 上级派来的联络员已经在等候我们了。

25、Run the pin connector and riser. ─── 下销钉连接器和隔水管。


27、Connect the gas stove with the gas pipe. ─── 将煤气炉和煤气管接起来。

28、Eliminates droplet formation in the connector tube. ─── 在连接管中防止液滴的形成。

29、Connect the choke and kill lines to slip joint. ─── 将放喷和压井胶管与伸缩节连通。

30、the box body is provided with an optical fiber connector and a circular disc used for winding the ponderous tail fiber. ─── 在盒体上装有光纤连接器和设有用于盘绕冗长尾纤的圆盘。

31、See chapter5 for information on how to connect a second video source. ─── 关于如何连接第二个视频源的信息,请参阅第五章。

32、Disconnect electrical connector at sensor. ─── 在感知器处断开电气接头。

33、Send connector %1 has failed to authenticate with %2. ─── 发送连接器%1使用%2进行身份验证失败。

34、You must connect up the cells before you can get any current. ─── 你应该先把电池连接起来,才会有电流。

35、Stab the rise onto the pin connector. ─── 将隔水管插队入销钉连接器。

36、There was nothing to connect him with the crime. ─── 他与那起犯罪毫无关联。

37、Remove pump motor connector from the CAB. ─── 从cab上拆下泵马达接头。

38、DIP switch,patch panel ,connector,modul etc. ─── DIP开关,综合布线类产品,(配线架,模块,连接器,面板)

39、Retry policies can attempt to connector to the resource repeatedly over a time period, trigger escalations and fire off notifications. ─── 重试策略会每隔一个时间段尝试连接资源、触发上报和发出通知。

40、If equipped, engage the power seat connector to the power seat switch. ─── 如果配备,联接电动接头到动力座椅开关。

41、They planned that the two routes would connect. ─── 他们计划让两条路接上。

42、Start the connector process. ─── 启动连接器进程。

43、Provide information to help you connect to the internet if you have not do so already. ─── 如果您还没与Internet连接,它会提供您如何与Internet连接的信息。

44、Will you connect this wire to the television? ─── 你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗?

45、We connect the word "blue" with the color of sky. ─── 我们由“蓝”这个字联想到晴空的颜色。

46、Connector of websites for global enterprises! ─── 加盟企业遍布于全球各地:亚洲!

47、The ATX power connector is keyed for proper insertion. ─── ATX电源线具有方向性,如此可避免使用者有插错方向之虞。

48、Unplug the wire harness connector from the switch. ─── 从开关拔出线束接头。

49、Will you connect this wire to the television. ─── 你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗?

50、The 30-pin dock connector is one of the worst things Apple has made (the other is "all mice it has ever created" ). ─── 30针的基座接头是水果出品的最次物件之一(史上曾存的所有鼠标是另一次品)。

51、A pin, also called a base pin, on a connector or plug. ─── 在接插件或插头上的一种插脚,也称管脚。

52、I am awfully sorry for the trouble. I'll connect you again. ─── 实在抱歉给你添麻烦了,我再为你接通一次。

53、Doctors connect crime with insanity. ─── 医生认为犯罪与精神错乱有关。

54、I am just trying to connect you, sir. ─── 先生,我正设法给你接通。

55、It requires that the connector use TLS before it tries AUTH. ─── 它要求连接器在尝试AUTH之前使用TLS。

56、He doesn't seem to connect with anybody. ─── 他好像和谁都不来往。

57、We connect the word "blue" with the color of the sky. ─── 我们由"蓝"这个字会联想到晴空的颜色。

58、Remove relay from connector before testing. ─── 在测试前,从接头拆卸继电器。

59、The connector between two data flow components is called a path. ─── 两个数据流组件之间的连接器称为路径。


61、If equipped, disconnect mirror harness wire connector. ─── 如果配备,断开镜子线束接头。

62、Connect the DRB scan tool to data link (diagnostic) connector. ─── 将DRB扫描工具连接到数据链路(诊断)接头。

63、Audio, video connector parts, switches, plugs and jacks ...... ─── 二、通讯、影音、元器接驳件(开关、插头插座....

64、Connect vacuum line to EGR valve. ─── 将真空管路连接到EGR阀。

65、Connect negative (ground) cable to the battery. ─── 将负极(地)电缆连接到电瓶。

66、Lower the slip joint and fix its top connector into the diverter. ─── 下放伸缩隔水管,将伸缩隔水管顶部接头安装到转喷器壳体上。

67、External air duct and exhaust pipe connector. ─── 外置式出入油管连接座。

68、Turn the nut by hand, and fix the connector in suitable location. ─── 先用手旋紧螺母,把线夹固定在合适位置。

69、The connector between two items represents a precedence constraint. ─── 两个项之间的连接器表示优先约束。

70、Lift BOP stack and replace wellhead connector AX ring. ─── 吊起防喷器组并更换连接器AX密封圈。

71、A printed circuit connector contact. ─── 印刷电路板连接器触点。

72、Connect the vent hose to the axle shaft tube. ─── 向主动轴管上连接通风管。

73、The power supply connector can realize safe electriferous insertion in the power transmission of a power interface. ─── 在电源接口的功率传输中,电源接头可以实现安全带电插接。

74、I see the role of an acquisitions editor as that of a connector. . . publishing is all about relationships. ─── 我将文献编辑的作用视为连接器……出版都是围绕着关系进行的。

75、Click the connector icon whose settings you want to change. ─── 单击你想改变设置的连接器图标。

76、In order to hear the vcr playback locally, you must connect a second speaker(in this case, amplify) to the vcr. ─── 为了能在当地听到VCR播放,你必须连接另一台扬声器到VCR(被放大的)。

77、One of two spiral bands of tissue in an egg that connect the yolk to the lining membrane at either end of the shell. ─── 卵黄系带鸡蛋内将蛋黄和蛋壳任一端的内膜连接的两个螺旋的带状组织之一

78、Cannot select a session to which to connect. ─── 不能选择要连接的会话。

79、Connect these wires to the leads of the battery. ─── 将这些导线接到电池的引线上。

80、I'll connect you with the front desk,madam. ─── 夫人,我将让您和前台通话。

81、People from ot her countries often connect Japan with Mt. Fuji. ─── 外国人时常将日本兴富士山联想在一起。

82、Use the Cost parameter to assign a cost to the connector. ─── 使用Cost参数可以为连接器指定开销。

83、RF coaxial connector BNC, TNC, N, UHF. ─── 射频同轴连接器BNC、TNC、N、UHF。

84、The installation of the Falcon hybrid rocket has been decided, using a "simple" clamp at the back end and a quick-release connector at the front. ─── 猎鹰混合动力火箭的安装已经确定,在火箭的后端使用一个“简单的”夹具,在前端使用一个快速释放连接器。


86、Never link the audio out to the vcr and the monitor by connect them to each other as you will do at home. ─── 千万不可象许多人在家里做的那样将音频连接到VCR和监视器上。

87、Don't connect up the two wires, or there will be a short circuit. ─── 不要把这两条电线接在一起,否则会短路的。

88、Above 3 years connector industry relative work experiences. ─── 3年及以上连接器相关领域工作经验。

89、You'll be able to see your events being processed by the connector in the command line window. ─── 在命令行窗口中,您将能够看到您的事件被连接器处理。









FC是Ferrule Connector的缩写,其外部加强方式是采用金属套,紧固方式为螺丝扣。



它是TIA-568-A标准化的连接器,但初期由于价格昂贵(ST价格的两倍)而没有被广泛使用。4、SC的英文全称有时记做"Square Connector", 因为SC的外形总是方状的。






它具有一个卡口固定架,和一个2.5毫米长圆柱体的陶瓷(常见)或者聚合物卡套以容载整条光纤。7、ST的英文全称有时记做"Stab & Twist",很形象的描述,首先**入,然后拧紧!翻译为“卡套”外壳为圆形,固定方式为螺丝扣。


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