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09-03 投稿


conversationalist 发音

英:[?kɑ?nv?r?se???n?l?st]  美:[?k?nv??se???n?l?st]

英:  美:

conversationalist 中文意思翻译



conversationalist 词性/词形变化,conversationalist变形

异体字: conversationist |

conversationalist 短语词组

1、conversationalist movie ─── 对话电影

2、conversationalist definition ─── 会话定义

3、conversationalist mean ─── 健谈主义者

4、conversationalist books ─── 会话书

5、conversationalist tips ─── 会话技巧

6、conversationist or conversationalist ─── 健谈者或 ─── 健谈者

7、conversationalist job ─── 健谈的工作

conversationalist 相似词语短语

1、conversationists ─── n.健谈者;交谈者

2、conversationist ─── n.健谈者;交谈者

3、conversational style ─── 会话风格

4、conversation pit ─── 谈话坑

5、conversational ─── adj.(谈话的风格、用语等)非正式的,口语的;谈话的,会话的

6、conversationalists ─── n.健谈的人

7、conventionalist ─── n.拘泥习俗者;墨守成规者

8、conversationally ─── adv.会话地

9、conversationism ─── 健谈

conversationalist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I continued to argue my point with one of the women who was soft-spoken and a charming conversationalist. ─── 我继续与其中一个说话温和且可爱健谈的女孩谈论我的观点。

2、A great conversationalist encourages the exchange of experiences, ideas and information.Asking open-ended questions will help foster such an exchange. ─── 谈话高手会促进经验、想法和信息的交流,开放式问题有助于这样的交流。

3、One of the student currently in trouble for attacking my conversationalist is a girl with a particularly difficult fe. ─── 一位学生最近因为谩骂我的健谈,而被禁足。她是一个女生,家里特别困难。

4、I find she is a good conversationalist, very lively. She never takes life too seriously, always looking on the positive side of situations. ─── 方是一个很健谈很有朝气的女孩,对待工作和生活,她无比热情和投入。

5、a fluent conversationalist ─── 健谈的人.

6、Patient: You're not much of a conversationalist, are you?You got some problems? ─── 克里斯:你这小家伙不大爱讲话是吗?你是不是有心事?

7、He stared at his conversationalist as one might stare at some strange repulsive animal. ─── 他盯着和他谈话的人,就像盯着什么古怪可憎的野兽似的。

8、3.Listening is as important as talking.If you are a good listener, people often compliment you for being a good conversationalist. ─── 3、会聆听就像会说话一样重要,如果你是一个好的聆听者,人们会称赞你是一个出色的交际家。

9、1 Barber: a brilliant conversationalist, who occasionally shaves and cuts hair. ─── 理发师:一个非常聪明的交谈对象,偶尔也给人理发,刮胡子。

10、He was an engaging conversationalist with an unusual, elegant accent. ─── 他和人聊天十分专注,说起话来带有一种优雅不凡的语调。

11、This is very annoying to the person to whom you're speaking; it feels like you're hoping to find a more interesting conversationalist. ─── 对于你的谈话对方来说是一个很令人讨厌的行为;就好像你正在寻找另一个更有趣的谈话伙伴。

12、Generally, if you listen more than you talk, you will (ironically) be considered not only a good conversationalist but also smart. ─── 一般的,如果你听的比说的多,你将被人(挖苦地)认为不仅是一个好的谈话者,而且很聪明。

13、If you are highly knowledgeable about your major field, but have little knowledge of other subjects, there will be relatively few people who will find you a stimulating conversationalist. ─── 当我们和病人交流时,除了要很好的了解病情,或者病人此次找你交谈的目的,还需要了解什么呢?

14、An intelligent conversationalist is one who nods his head in agreement while you're talking. ─── 一个聪明的交谈者是当你发表意见时,他点头赞同.

15、He was more inspired (and inspiring) as a teacher and conversationalist than as a writer. ─── 他比起写书,更喜欢当一名激励人心的老师和一个健谈的人。

16、She is shapely and patient, but not an interesting conversationalist. ─── 她外形纤美,很有耐心,但不是一个有趣的交谈者。

17、1318,She is a great conversationalist. ─── 她是一个非常健谈的人。

18、a brilliant conversationalist is one who talks to you about yourself. ─── 跟你谈你自己的人,是个会话大师。

19、He is even-tempered, easy-going and an excellent conversationalist. ─── 他是处事不惊的,待人随和,同时也是个非常健谈的人。

20、He stared at his conversationalist as one might stare at some strange repulsive animal. ─── 他盯着和他谈话的人,就像盯着什么古怪可憎的野兽似的。

21、And so I had him thinking of me as a good conversationalist when, in reality, I had been merely a good listener and had encouraged him to talk. ─── 由于如此,他认为我是一个善于谈话的人,其实,我不过是一个善于静听,并且善于鼓励他谈话的人而已。

22、So if you aspire to be a good conversationalist,be a attentive listener. ─── 所以, 如果你要成为一个谈笑风生,受人欢迎的人,你需要精听别人的谈话。

23、Experienced moderators spent years honing their skills - a charming conversationalist is no substitute for a professional. ─── .有经验的主持人要花几年时间来磨练他们的技巧,迷人的、善谈的人不能代替专业人士。

24、She may be good looking but don't forster talking to her. She 's a horrible conversationalist. ─── 她也许长得不错,但想和她说话,别费劲了。她一点都不健谈。

25、1、he is a polite conversationalist who makes sure he asks as many questions as he answers. ─── 他是个斯文的的健谈者,会确保自己的问题和回答一样多。

26、If you learn what it takes to be a good collaborator, you'll also be a good conversationalist. ─── 如果你了解如何才能成为一个好的合作者,你将是一个好的沟通者。

27、It is not always good to talk.Anyone who wants phone sex, webcam peaks and perks, or just sounds a bit odd, is not a conversationalist. ─── 比起在单身舞会上提着手提包跳支舞,等待属于你的那条鱼儿上钩的方式,网络约会的确更快捷地帮她们实现了鱼水之欢的欲望。

28、One of the student currently in trouble for attacking my conversationalist is a girl with a particularly difficult fe. ─── 一位学生最近因为谩骂我的健谈,而被禁足。她是一个女生,家里特别困难。

29、I continued to argue my point with one of the women who was soft-spoken and a charming conversationalist. ─── 我继续与其中一个说话温和且可爱健谈的女孩谈论我的观点。

30、Engage in more conversations and practice to become a better conversationalist. ─── 3.参与更多的交流和实践,变的更健谈。

31、The fan came in also as a beautiful adjunct to conversation,the conversationalist opening,waving and closing it,as an American old man would take off his spectacles and put them on again during a speech,and was just as beautiful to look at. ─── 扇也成为谈话的可爱的附属物,谈话者把扇时而张着,时而挥着,时而摺起来,有如美国的老人家在演讲时把眼镜再三架在鼻上又拿掉一样,看来颇为悦目。

32、Here is some advice if you would like to be a good conversationalist: be an attentive listener. ─── 如果你想成为一名优秀的会话者,这里有一些建议:作一名忠实的听众;

33、” Being a good conversationalist requires interest in other people, creative thinking, and knowing what's appropriate. ─── 要想成为一个好的侃侃健谈的口才者,要用语言引起别人的兴趣,增加彼此的思维兴趣和懂得欣尝。

34、it feels like you're hoping to find a more interesting conversationalist. ─── 就好像你正在寻找另一个更有趣的谈话伙伴。

35、I was this and I was that, and he ended by saying I was a “most interesting conversationalist. ─── 所以,如果你要成为一个谈笑风生,受人欢迎的人,你需要静听别人的谈话。

36、It will also make you a better thinker, speaker, and conversationalist. ─── 它还可使人成为一个较好的思想家、演说家和交谈家。

37、Conversationalist Go through every dialog with Lucy. ─── 完成以及Lucy旳所有对话[?

38、You wanna be a great phone conversationalist? ─── 你想要成为一个在电话中很善于健谈的人吧?

39、Joan is a brilliant conversationalist. ─── 琼安是一位出色的健谈者。

40、be a good talker; be a brilliant conversationalist ─── 健谈

41、Sit back with a smile as you watch as one hand-waving conversationalist provoke mirror reactions in another. ─── 当你看到一位手舞足蹈的健谈的人,就会微笑着停下来看着他,这也是激发了另一个人的镜像反应。

42、One good way to become a good conversationalist is to learn from someone who already is.Another is to work with a coach. ─── 一个掌握好的对话的方法就是从那些对话能力强的人那里学,另外就是在老师的指导下学习。

43、She 's a horrible conversationalist. ─── 她一点都不健谈。


45、I like to think I'm a pretty good conversationalist. ─── 我认为自己是一个很棒的交谈者。

46、Rorty’s antipresentationalism is tied up with his conversationalist stand. ─── 我的第三个问题,稍微复杂些,引起我和罗蒂几个回合的交锋。

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