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09-03 投稿


administrate 发音

英:[?d'm?n?stre?t]  美:[?d'm?n?,stret]

英:  美:

administrate 中文意思翻译



administrate 网络释义

vt. 管理;经营,实施

administrate 词性/词形变化,administrate变形

动词现在分词: administrating |动词第三人称单数: administrates |动词过去式: administrated |动词过去分词: administrated |

administrate 短语词组

1、administrate definition ─── 管理定义

2、administrate meds ─── 给药

3、administrate define ─── 管理定义

4、administrate gem ─── 管理宝石

5、administrate tms ─── 管理tms

6、administrate it ─── 管理it

7、administrate meaning ─── 管理意义

administrate 相似词语短语

1、administrants ─── n.管理人;行政官;adj.管理的

2、administrator ─── n.管理人;行政官

3、administrates ─── vt.管理;经营,实施

4、to administrate ─── 管理

5、administrable ─── adj.可管理的;可处理的

6、administrating ─── 管理

7、administrant ─── n.管理人;行政官;adj.管理的

8、administrative ─── adj.管理的,行政的

9、administrated ─── v.管理,经营;实施,执行;给予,提供;施用(疗法),分发(药物);给……一脚;(牧师)主持(圣礼)仪式;主持(宣誓)(administrate的过去式和过去分词)

administrate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Regulatory detailed Planning is the methods to instruct and administrate the land-use and construction directly. ─── 摘要控制性详细规划是用于直接指导、管理城市土地使用、建筑建造的规划方式。

2、This system can administrate school roll,credits and graduation information for SCRTVU correctly and effectively. It safeguards data and make it reliable. ─── 它能正确有效地管理四川电大的学生学籍、成绩和毕业等多方面的信息,并且系统地采取了一定的安全措施,对有效数据进行保护,使得信息更具有可靠性。

3、Define applicable categories of trust that you can use to administrate policy. ─── 定义可以用于管理策略的、适用的信任类别。

4、administrate the building site ─── 施工监理

5、The competent authority of finance of the State Council shall administrate and surveil the budget and finance of National Natural Science Funds. ─── 国务院财政部门依法对国家自然科学基金的预算、财务进行管理和监督。

6、Your IP address will also help us identify and diagnose problems with our server and to administrate our website. ─── 你的IP地址也将帮助我们确定和诊断问题,我们的服务器和依法行政的网站。

7、And this requires the principals to be a professional one who knows education and is good at administration and management, with the abilities to administrate, manage and carry out scientific research under the conditions of market economy. ─── 因此要求校长必须懂教育、善管理、会经营,具备在市场经济环境下的管理能力、经营能力、科研能力,成为一名职业化校长。

8、Job Description General administrate branch's business operation. Provide strong leadership, delegate local business team maintain the current custome... ─── 公司性质:合资公司规模:100-499人经验要求:5-10年最低学历:本科/学士及同等学历

9、TF-VPN CMS (VPN centralised management system) allows network administrator to upgrade, configurate, manage and administrate all the local and distant VPN devices. ─── VPN CMS(VPN中心管理系统)可以使用网络管理员对所有异地、本地的VPN设备进行批量升级、配置、管理和监控。

10、Organize, administrate the project financial control cost within the overall traget budget. ─── 工程项目财务的组织管理及成本控制。

11、position purpose: to administrate nagra mobile tv solution databases.reports to:? head of nagra chin... ─── 学历要求:本科以上|工作经验:不限经验|职位类型:全职|公司规模:1000人以上

12、Spontaneous movement and tolerance to administrate intragastrically the complex prescription were observed by opto-electrical counting method for a long-term in mice. ─── 利用避暗、跳台实验,观察复方酸枣仁油栀子油的促学习记忆作用;

13、The CSRC attached offices will, according to these Measures and the authorization of the CSRC, supervise and administrate the directors, supervisors and senior managers of futures companies. ─── 中国证监会派出机构依照本办法和中国证监会的授权对期货公司董事、监事和高级管理人员进行监督管理。

14、Thoughts on Social Model of Enterprise And Administrate Unit Accounting Treatment ─── 企事业单位会计核算模式社会化之设想

15、Reading is speedy, in time, high precision on calculation and easy to administrate. ─── 本系统具有抄收速度快、计算精度高,抄收同时性好、易于管理等优点。

16、Administrate periodical official training & inspection as per governmental regulation required. ─── 依据政府规定要求管理定期培训和检查工作.

17、Beijing Bureau of Quality and Technology Supervision is entrusted to administrate the center. ─── 多次组织技术和管理等方面的交流和协调工作。

18、The improvement of internal control forms and methods and strengthening of internal control have become a powerful measures to the modern enterprises to administrate conformed to standard and ... ─── 改进企业内部控制的方式与方法,加强企业内部控制,成为现代企业规范管理、有效规避风险的强有力的措施。

19、To lower the garment and administrate state affairs ─── 垂裳而治

20、SLAN is a sort of new network storage architecture,whichisdesigned to combine some features of both SAN(easy to expand,etc.) and NAS(price,easy to administrate,etc). ─── SLAN是一种新型的网络存储结构,它融合了NAS的易管理性和SAN的可扩展,具有低价格、易管理、可扩展等优点。

21、Secondly, as the method or means for the state to administrate economic activities, the “Laissez faire” and “Interventionism” are consolidated in parallel. ─── 其次,作为国家管理经济事物的方法或手段,“放任主义”与“干涉主义”又被并行不悖地统一起来。


23、Author Chen Shuzhong(Ganshu Gold Mine) Di Weiming(Gold Administrate Bureau;Henan Province); ─── 作者陈书中;狄卫民;

24、Methods The ISAPI technology was used to administrate the campus net bandwidth. ─── 方法运用ISAPI技术对校园网带宽进行管理。

25、You can create and administrate the site on which you will store your documents, and you want to grant users who visit or use the site different levels of permissions. ─── 您可以创建并管理用于存储文档的网站,并且您需要授予访问或使用该网站的用户不同级别的权限。

26、Grass-roots party's organization in countryside is organization foundation of our party to administrate. ─── 摘要农村基层党的组织是我们党执政的组织基础。

27、organize and administrate the activities of AD publishing and AD operation. ─── 组织管理广告发布与广告经营活动。

28、administrate, supervise and issue the journalist permits across the country. ─── 管理、监制和核发全国新闻记者证。

29、to administrate the university according to morals ─── 以德治校

30、The key to prevent Pseudomembranous colitis is to administrate antibiotics rationally. ─── 合理使用抗生素是预防关键。

31、On the other hand, the law suit of Food qulaity security management is deficient and jurisprudence is faultiness so theat it is difficult to administrate by law. ─── 二是食品质量管理的法律依据不足,法律体系不完善,难以依法行政。

32、To work with international network operation team, administrate the servers, network infrastructure in IDC f...... ... ─── 公司名称:华特迪士尼(上海)有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-4-3

33、The real-time operating system VxWorks is used to administrate the resource; ─── 基于实时操作系统VxWorks对资源管理层进行了设计;

34、In order to administrate the defense industry effectively, it is necessary to solve the problem of competition rules arid inequality of competition process, and to set up regulation rules as well as corresponding laws as soon as possible. ─── 摘要实现对国防产业的有效管制,必须解决竞争规则与竞争程序不平等的问题,尽快建立管制规则和与之相应配套的法律法规。

35、To administrate on the base of tactic means the administrator fix the strategic target according to all the relative factors from the inner side environment and carry out the complete target with series of actions. ─── 战略管理是企业管理者确定战略目标,在综合考虑企业内外部环境中相关因素的基础上制定并实施达到目标的战略和一系列行动计划的过程。

36、However, there is currently a strong lack of a simple, easy to administrate and minimally invasive heating strategy. ─── 但因缺乏简便、微创的机体升温手段,使其尚不能广泛应用于临床。

37、Intro: The National People's Congress had approved by vote to authorize the Macau SAR Government to administrate the new campus of the University of Macau on Henqin Island. ─── 全国人大常委会21日开始审议授权澳门特别行政区对横琴岛澳门大学新校区实施管辖的议案。

38、Search, identify, evaluate and administrate the CAPEX, equipments, tooling and machinery suppliers requesting ─── 寻找,评估,确认设备,工装,备品备件供应商,完成CAPEX批准

39、Of course these instruments are usually controlled by those who administrate the minion training program, but they don't have to be. ─── 当然这些工具通常掌握在那些奴才培训班的管理者手中,当然也并不一定是那样。

40、Then, it introduced the procedure and major aspects of addressing, layout, administrate, talent and money among operating an irradiation center. ─── 同时提出连锁辐照经营的良性赢利机制,系统地阐述了其特点、目标、实现途径和方法以及需要解决的一些问题。

41、The building of public service capacity is an important content in the building of public administrate capacity and ruling capacity. ─── 公共服务能力建设是公共行政能力、执政能力建设的重要内容。

42、The Sun Mountain Resettlement and Development Area Administrative Board is a representative office of Wuzhong City Government, which has the right to administrate economy at county level. ─── 太阳山移民开发区管委会是吴忠市政府的派出机构,享有县级经济管理权限。

43、National Aeronautics and Space Administr ─── 国家宇航局

44、Therefore, under such circumstances, the solution for maintaining a proper body system would be to administrate vitamins and minerals as supplements. ─── 因此,在一般情况下,保持身体系统正常的方法是补充维他命和矿物质。

45、Provided the source code of a book administrate system whick based on SQL in VC environment. The system include insert item,delete item,query item,password renew and so on. ─── VC下基于SQL的图书管理系统源代码,包括数据录入、数据删除、数据查询、秘密修改等。

46、The most important and related to your company is the obligation to administrate an exact documentation on which imported quantities of the substance are covered by our registration and which are not. ─── 对贵公司来说,最重要并且最相关的事情就是管理好准确的档案资料,区别哪些数量的物质是通过我们的注册号出口的,哪些不是。

47、administrate a country according to law ─── 依法治国

48、Therefore, local governments should educate citizens and set up the system of anti-wastes, and administrate cadres and try their bests to fulfill the duty of constructing economical society. ─── 因此,地方政府应该教化民众、建立防患造成浪费的机制、管理好干部队伍,努力履行建设节约型社会的责任。

49、To work closely with sales force, to follow up CRF, CDI, NBA etc and enhance the efficiency; to administrate sales materials, CRF form, internal form etc. ─── 工作,密切配合的销售队伍,跟进慢性肾衰,课程发展处,NBA的等,并提高办事效率;管销售材料,慢性肾衰的形式,内部形式等。

50、To raise the EEA, we must administrate according to laws and other principles. ─── 提高教育行政效率必须遵循依法行政等原则。

51、So many questions like how we protect and administrate the extant forest resources and get information changes of forest resources in time await to be solved. ─── 如何保护和管理好现存森林资源、如何及时得到森林资源变化的信息,很多问题亟待解决。

52、But, there are very more disputes on that the administrate monopoly is the object of the anti-monopoly law or not. ─── 因此,应当综合利用多种手段对之进行综合治理。

53、The article focused on how to intercomect and administrate those isomerous databases while we try to integrate all the related intelligent systems. ─── 在进行智能化系统集成时,必然会面临如何对这些异构数据库进行互联与管理的问题,本文就此作了探讨与分析。

54、Local disabled persons'federations at the provincial (autonomous regional and municipal),prefecture and county levels have been established to serve the disabled,including disabled children in the region,and administrate their affairs. ─── 在地方,建立了省(自治区、直辖市)、地、县残联,对本地包括残疾儿童在内的残疾人事业实施服务和管理。

55、To guarantee the safety of the system and data, STS strictly regulates users'rights and obligations at all levels, that is, nobody has the right to administrate the course wares and papers except the administrator. ─── 为保证系统和数据的安全,严格规定了各级用户的权限和义务,除系统管理员外无权管理课件和试卷。

56、Using"Getting Value Method" to Administrate the Cost of Hydroelectric Engineering Construction Project ─── 利用"挣得值法"对水利水电工程施工项目的成本管理

57、A lot of people can't understand the disabled person's world , often administrate the eyes sympathized with. ─── 很多人都不能理解残疾人的世界,经常给与同情的眼光。

58、administrate education by legal system ─── 依法治教

59、The building of public service capacity is an important content in the building of public administrate capacity and ruling capacity. ─── 摘要公共服务能力建设是公共行政能力、执政能力建设的重要内容。

60、-Coordinate with CIIC/FESCO to administrate employment and termination for local staff,verify monthly social insurance bills. ─── 2、配合人事外包服务公司办理员工入职,核实每月四金缴纳单;

61、The people's governments at all levels shall aggressively support, actively guide and normally administrate the non-governmental awards, and ensure the orderly operation of non-governmental awards. ─── 各级人民政府对社会力量设奖应当大力支持、积极引导、规范管理,保证社会力量设奖的有序运作。

62、Administrate the spare parts of the equipment, tooling and consumable material , make corresponding statistic and report form. ─── 治理设备备件,工量具及设备易耗材料,统计相关信息,并做报表。

63、They had the right to administrate their own internal affairs. ─── 他们有权力管理他们自己的内部事务。

64、How to protect the cargo interests and how to administrate NVOCC business became the pressing tasks of the industry. ─── 如何保护广大货主的利益,规范无船承运业务,成为我国国际海运市场的突出问题。

65、How to administrate students with love and reason under the new situation ─── 实行情、理、管相结合,做好新形势下的学生工作

66、Administrate all supporting logistics include but not limited to security, dining, sanitary, vehicle, gardening, dormitory and etc. ─── 全面负责管理公司包括但不限于警卫、食堂、保洁、车辆、绿化、宿舍等后勤工作。

67、We have passed ISO9002,survey and control our whole process wity the quality administrate system,manufacture with advanced technology and scientific administration. ─── 公司通过ISO9002质量管理体系对生产全过程进行监控、用先进的技术和科学的管理组织生产。

68、In order to get rid of them, Qing Government set up Dongbian Dao and Tonghua county to administrate the region from middle Yalu River to the hinterlandof Changbaishan Mountain. ─── 为了摆脱危机,清政府于光绪初年设东边道及通化等县,管辖鸭绿江中游到长白山腹地的广大地区。

69、To Administrate a University by Law Is the way for Education Development ─── 依法治校是教育兴旺之道

70、You've looked at the key tools and utilities used to analyze threads and administrate your processes. ─── 您了解了一些用于分析线程和管理进程的、关键的工具和实用程序。

71、In the end, the article stresses that it is vital to understand the doctrine effect dialectically and administrate it appropriately in order to make the best of it. ─── 因此,必须辫证地认识最密切联系原则的作用,适度地运用最密切联系原则,做到兴其利,除其弊。

72、Generally speaking, one cannot administrate oneself. ─── 一般来说,人不善于管理自己。

73、A "bolus-like" injection was conducted to administrate the contrast agent into left forearm veins. ─── 声学造影剂经左前臂浅静脉“弹丸式”注射。

74、Objective To analyze the distribution and resistance of non-fermentative Gram negative bacilli isolated from patients and explore how to administrate appropriate antibiotics. ─── 摘要目的探讨临床分离的非发酵菌菌株的分布及耐药情况,指导合理使用抗生素。

75、On the other hand,the lawsuit of Food quality security management is deficient and jurisprudence is faultiness so that it is difficult to administrate by law. ─── 二是食品质量安全管理的法律依据不足,法律体系不完善,难以依法行政。

76、Assist to HR Director; follow HR &Administrate issues for her; ─── 协助人力资源总监,跟进人事行政事务;

77、We should strengthen ideological education,administrate strictly,deepen teaching reform and increase the sense of creation to further promote the construction of it. ─── 应从加强思想教育、严格管理、深化教学改革和增强创新意识等方面进一步促进学风建设。

78、Objective: Establishing methods for distinguish Hogwash fat in bulk, fied old oil and eligibility vegetable oil to administrate the inferior oil in the food and drinking trade. ─── 摘要目的:为加强对餐饮业劣质油监督管理,建立散装再生油、煎炸老油与合格植物油的鉴别方法。

79、To establish and maintain the close cooperation relationship with local sales team. To provide the appropriate training programs, motivate the sales teams, administrate and standardize the business activities. ─── 建立并维护与当地经销商团队的密切的合作关系。对经销商提供必要的专业培训,激励经销商团队,管理业务活动并使业务活动标准化。

80、If he (she) is indifferent to equal human rights, he (she) will probably make prejudiced or unfair laws or enforce laws and administrate partially even if there are equal laws. ─── 如果他(她)视平等人权是随便,就会制订出偏私而不平等的法律,就偏私而不平等地执法、行政;就算具有平等的法律然执法、行政都是不公正的。

81、to administrate the university according to law ─── 依法治校

82、So from the angle of worldwide counterterrorism we should learn from the lessons of other cities, plan, construct and administrate subway of high quality and security. ─── 因此,提出要站在全球反恐的高度,积极借鉴其他城市地铁的经验教训,规划、建设、管理高质量、高安全的地铁。

83、How to operate and administrate pension fund safely and efficiently has become an issue in many countries at present. ─── 摘要如何既安全又高效地管理和营运养老保险基金,是当前世界各国面临的一个普遍课题。

84、Administrate meeting & all the visitors. ─── 安排内外部会议时间表.

85、but under the big subjects , as so far as the concrete relation between constitution and administrate law , there lacks thorough analysis. ─── 然而在这一宏大的主题之下,宪法与行政法之具体关系问题,虽有不少学者提纲挈领式的阐发,却鲜有深入细致的分析。

86、job profile: daily administrate novell, lotus notes domino and ms sql systemsprovide helpdesk and te... ─── 学历要求:大专以上|工作经验:3-5年|职位类型:全职|公司规模:100-499人

87、This section provides a set of guidelines that you can use to help administrate policy for your machine or enterprise. ─── 本节提供一组指南,这些指南可用于帮助管理计算机策略或企业级策略。

88、administrate according the law ─── 依法行政

89、Interms of the problem on how to administrate the state economy using the law, there are two types of ideologies, “Laissez Faire” and “Interventionism” existing all along. ─── 在如何运用法律管理国家经济问题上,始终存在着“放任主义”与“干涉主义”两种思潮。

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