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09-03 投稿


flaunted 发音

英:[?fl??nt?d]  美:[?fl??nt?d]

英:  美:

flaunted 中文意思翻译





flaunted 短语词组

1、flaunted laws ─── 炫耀的法律

2、flaunted antonym ─── 炫耀的反义词

3、flaunted it ─── 炫耀它

4、flaunted means ─── 炫耀手段

5、flaunted meaning ─── 炫耀的意思

6、flaunted syn ─── 炫耀的syn

7、flaunted define ─── 炫耀的定义

flaunted 词性/词形变化,flaunted变形

名词: flaunter |动词过去式: flaunted |副词: flauntingly |动词过去分词: flaunted |动词现在分词: flaunting |动词第三人称单数: flaunts |

flaunted 相似词语短语

1、flaunter ─── 炫耀者

2、flatted ─── 使变平(flat的过去式、过去分词)

3、flaunts ─── vt.炫耀;飘扬;vi.飘扬;夸耀;n.炫耀;飘扬;招展

4、flauntier ─── adj.虚华的(flaunty的变形)

5、fainted ─── vi.晕厥(faint的过去式和过去分词)

6、flaughted ─── 炫耀

7、blunted ─── adj.钝的,不锋利的;生硬的;直率的;vt.使迟钝;n.(Blunt)人名;(英)布伦特

8、flaunt ─── vt.炫耀;飘扬;vi.飘扬;夸耀;n.炫耀;飘扬;招展

9、daunted ─── vt.使气馁,使畏缩;威吓;n.(Daunt)人名;(英)当特

flaunted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She flaunted her diamonds. ─── 她炫耀着她的钻石。

2、One of the most powerful displays consists of Milk's suit and shoes, placed in a transparent case in a way that reveals but does not flaunt the bloodstains. ─── 含有缪克衣服和鞋的最具张力的展览之一就是把他们放在一个透明的容器内,使血污明显而不张扬地为人所见。

3、in "art school confidential", the role isn't very big but the character is quite despicable. she takes herself too seriously and isn't afraid to flaunt it. ─── 在“艺校的机密”一片里,我虽然演了个小配角,但是发挥空间很大,她比较自我为中心,而且对此反而还很乐意地表现出来。

4、Ever did not flaunt oneself is the brand expert and consultant the pattern, we solid thought oneself only is the specialized vision portrays the designer. ─── 从不标榜自己是品牌专家及顾问模式,我们实在的认为自己只是专业的视觉塑造设计者。

5、PetroChina gained its profit by the benefit from Chinese citizens' mass consumption and the rising oil price, so that it can flaunt the market value.Sigh! ─── 中国石油的业绩靠的是中国大众的消费,油价的提升带动股价的提升,以得到自己市值炫耀,可悲!

6、8. The women shimmered in claret-coloured velvets and harlequin headscarves, and the young men flaunted black bomber-jackets and flared jeans. ─── 女人们穿着深红色天鹅绒,头戴花格头巾,神采奕奕,而穿着松紧口夹克和阔摆牛仔裤的小伙子们也很招摇。收藏指正

7、Justice all may without hesitation giving up all flaunt which for the little piece benefit flaunt the chastity! ─── 为了丁点儿的利益就可以毫不犹豫的放弃一切标榜的正义一切标榜的纯洁!

8、Young people today mock, ridicule, and openly flaunt their parents. Such conduct is encouraged by many aspects of society and is ignored by many parents. ─── 今天的年轻人有的嘲笑父母,让父母难堪,有的则四处炫耀他们父母如何了不起。这些行为都是社会多方面因素引导的结果。很多家长自己也对此视而不见。看看圣经怎么说

9、he openly flaunted his affection for his sister. ─── 他公然标榜他对他妹妹的友爱。

10、He proudly flaunted the fruits of his labour during the concert, showing off a well-toned torso. ─── 在演唱会中,他自豪地炫耀劳动成果,炫耀好听但还未完成的作品。

11、Don't worry about what other people think! As my grandmother always used to say, 'if you've got it, flaunt it'! ─── 别担心别人怎么想!就像我祖母常说的那样,有什么能耐就施展出来!

12、You can't miss the rippling muscles on his forearms, and a buff body that he has flaunted often on screen. ─── 你不会不注意到他前臂上起伏的肌肉以及经常在荧幕上展现的黝黄的身体。

13、In fact, everyone wants to flaunt his wealth in heart, but not all to do it. I want to do it, too. But I'm poor. ─── 事实上,每个人内心深处都想炫富,但并不是每个人都炫的,我也想,但我没什么可炫的。

14、At here, I hope the people who is dishonest and like flaunt and cheat can changed, never use people's feeling to cheat every people as this kind of behavior is very disgraceful! ─── 在这里,我希望他们不诚实喜欢招摇撞骗的人能够改过自新,不要利用人们的同情心去欺骗任何人.这种行为是相当可耻的!做为一个中国人,要善良不要卑鄙!

15、But the 35-year-old seemed unconcerned by her weight critics as she flaunted her tiny frame in a bandeau-style bubble mini-dress. ─── “瘦”出来的时尚:身穿露肩迷你小礼服的维多利亚大方地展现在镜头前。这位35岁的辣妈显然丝毫不被那些批评家们所干扰,优雅地展示自己美好身材。

16、An exercise intended to flaunt the new, outward-looking and confident China has displayed its dark side: nervous, repressive, prickly and stubborn. ─── 一次展示现代的,外向的,自信的中国的大好机会却暴露了其阴暗面:紧张,压抑,暴躁而又固执。

17、She flaunted the school rules by not wearing the proper uniform. ─── 她不穿规定的校服,以示对校规的藐视。

18、But I don't want to spend more time here flaunt my experienced no matter sadness or happiness. ─── 但是我不想花太多的时间太炫耀我自己的经历,不管是悲伤还是幸福!

19、She openly flaunted her affair with the senator. ─── 她公开夸耀与参议员的恋情。

20、And Agriculture Minister Gianni Alemanno said even if eateries did flaunt Italian roots, it was often a false claim. ─── "而农业部长吉亚尼-阿莱曼诺说,即便有些餐馆吹嘘自己源自意大利,那也通常是靠不住的。

21、WITH an unprecedented display of its rapidly growing naval armoury , China has flaunted its ambitions as a global power. ─── 随着一场迅速成长的海军装备的空前盛大的展示,中国作为世界重要力量显示了其雄心抱负。

22、She openly flaunted her affair with the senator. ─── 她公开夸耀与参议员的恋情。

23、FLAUNT is a magazine that is one of the most talked-about and trend-setting today. ─── 一本看似流行时尚杂志,其实这是一本充满人文艺术气息的杂志。

24、We everyone should be modest and honest in our daily life, flaunt may not only make yourself be disgusting, but also draw down some unexpected dooms. ─── 在日常生活中,我们每个人都应该谦虚、诚实,因为炫富不仅会让你自己变得让人讨厌,还会招致一些不可预料的厄运。

25、In short, neither do flaunted " modernists " more to do with the grade of "classical school" . ─── 总之,既要做自我标榜“现代派”,更要做有品位的“经典派”。

26、flaunt one's knowledge; parade one's knowledge ─── 夸耀自己的见闻

27、He flaunts his queer style as a savage might flaunt a top-hat retrieved from somebody's dustbin. ─── 他对自己那种怪异的文体加以夸耀这恰似一个野人从别人的垃圾箱里捡出一顶礼帽时那种洋洋得意的样子。

28、10.Do according to one's abilities, cannot flaunt his superiority, the start is slow, cannot exert oneself to do sth. abruptly, not sedulous pursuit " standard " . ─── 10.量力而行,不可逞强,动作缓慢,不可骤然用力,不要刻意追求“标准”。

29、But the nanocrystals enabled the pair of researchers to flaunt this type of nano patterning. ─── 不过,这些奈米微晶让这两位研究者得以炫耀这一类的奈米图案化技术。

30、"Every great hostelry flaunted the flag of some foreign potentate" (John Dos Passos). ─── “每一个大旅店上都招展着某一外国君主的旗帜” (约翰·多斯·帕索斯)。

31、The women shimmered in claret-coloured velvets and harlequin headscarves, and the young men flaunted black bomber-jackets and flared jeans. ─── 女人们穿着深红色天鹅绒,头戴花格头巾,神采奕奕,而穿着松紧口夹克和阔摆牛仔裤的小伙子们也很招摇。

32、They use the glittering metal as ornaments to flaunt family wealth, as a source of retirement savings and as insurance against calamities. ─── 他们把这种金光闪闪的金属做成炫耀家族财富的饰品、当作退休储蓄和防灾保险。

33、flaunt one's influence ─── 夸耀势力

34、Last month he flaunted both his technical know-how and his flair for self-promotion by emerging as the country's top blogger. ─── 上个月,他炫耀起他的网络才能和自我推销的本事,因为他成为了这个国家访问数量最高的博主。

35、Erect, haughty, brilliant, he flaunted abroad in open day the superhuman bestiality of a ferocious archangel ─── 他挺身直立,气派雄豪,威风凛凛,把个勇猛天神的超人淫威布满了天空。

36、Flaunt and frugality are a pair of inconsistent but concomitant consumptive tendency, which consists in the majority of consumers currently. ─── 夸耀和节俭是一对互相矛盾又共生共存的消费倾向,在当前多数消费者身上都有所体现。

37、a young woman in the 1920s who flaunted her unconventional conduct and dress. ─── 在二十世纪二十年代炫耀她非传统的行为和衣着的年青女子。

38、flaunt one's riches in public ─── 在大众面前炫耀自己的财富

39、You can't miss the rippling muscles on his forearms, and a buff bodythat he has flaunted often on screen. ─── 你不会不注意到他前臂上起伏的肌肉以及经常在荧幕上展现的黝黄的身体。

40、Mei on the live defibrase FAQ: 1.Live defibrase Mei flaunt natural herbal food, whether laxatives or medicines have to add? ─── 关于活纤梅的常见问题: 1. 活纤梅标榜天然草本食物,是否有添加泻药或成药?

41、The high rankers among them wear garishly decorated back banners and the richest openly flaunt their wealth by wearing necklaces of teeth. ─── 其中地位高的会在背上背一面装饰繁复的战旗,而最富有的家伙则戴着牙齿穿成的项链公开炫耀。

42、Fake photographs, leave the translation of fake video, you have this ancient slander a moderate country, and how can be used to flaunt their own civilization? ─── 假的照片,假的翻译,假的视像,你们这样诬蔑一个有古老温和的国家,又怎么能够用文明来标榜自己?

43、They play with it like a boy;they flaunt it as a boy flanuts his first cigarette. ─── 他们像摆布一个玩具那样玩弄爱情,炫耀自己的爱情经历,像一个男孩刚刚开始学会抽烟那般得意。

44、He flaunts his queer style as a savage might flaunt a top-hat retrieved from somebody's dustbin ─── 他对他的奇怪的文体,就象一个野人对于他从别人的垃圾桶里取出来的礼帽那样夸耀。

45、Adamancy and flaunt his superiority after all is distinction in? ─── 坚强和逞强到底区别在哪?

46、a young woman in the 1920s who flaunted her unconventional conduct and dress ─── 在二十世纪二十年代炫耀她非传统的行为和衣着的年青女子

47、"Innovation is dangerous " this is a very adj view, a lot of people are willing to flaunt me this enterprise has innovation sex, but do not have competition ability truly. ─── “创新是危险的”这是一个很辩证的看法,很多人都愿意标榜我这个企业具有创新性,但并不真正具有竞争力。

48、Time performance compared with the domestic similar products, can be flaunted, superior product quality, reliable, and rounded off, has reached the international top level, a leading. ─── 其时成绩与国内同类产品相比,堪称标榜,产品品质上乘,质量可靠,臻于佳境,已达国际顶级水平,着着领先。

49、From the day on, I will write in English. It is not for flaunt or something else, I just want to try to represent in English, that's all. ─── 从今天起,我会用英文写作,不是为了炫耀或其他什么的,而仅仅视为了想要尝试,仅此而已。

50、Will they flaunt convention, abandon families, and run away to pursue lost dreams? ─── 他们会蔑视传统抛弃各自的家庭而去续写他们的旧梦吗?

51、Their markets sell more on the "hotel-type services" flaunted. ─── 他们的市场卖点,多是以“酒店式服务”来自我标榜。

52、He claimed his wife had flaunted her infidelity . . . ─── 他声称他的妻子曾在人前炫耀过自己的不忠

53、Candy : Why cover up your body? If you've got it, flaunt it. ─── 坎蒂:为什么埋没你的好身材?假如你拥有,就炫耀它吧。

54、I don't think beauty should be flaunted," she said. ─── 我不认为美要招摇,”她说。

55、Flaunt The Imperfection China CRISIS ─── 中国危机合唱团

56、For the following paragraph, which should have inaugurated the narrative, is too wildly extravagant and preposterous to be flaunted in the face of the reader without preparation. ─── 在接下来本该展开叙述的段落里,因为太过放肆和荒谬,不能毫无准备就面对读者炫耀。

57、Flaunt all she's got in our old neighbourhood ─── 她炫耀着从我们老邻居那里得到的一切

58、"Why would you flaunt that on a public forum? ─── “为什么你们会在公共论坛大肆炫耀?”

59、Until recently, the flag was rarely flaunted. ─── 而直到最近之前,国旗也是鲜见飘扬。

60、Natures geometric flawnessness flaunted by egocentric flower. ─── 头状花序种子图片 Flower head seeds.

61、Magnificent, luxurious, flaunted that with the element which shows off desalinates gradually, the one who more lets the human appreciate is one kind of brief luxury, comfortable honored. ─── 华丽、奢侈、标榜与炫耀的元素逐渐淡化,更为让人欣赏的是一种简约中的奢华,舒适中的尊贵。

62、Wang Lee Hom rocked the crowd at Bukit Jalil last weekend as he flaunted his vocal and musical skills. ─── 上周末,王力宏在武吉加里尔国家体育馆大展歌喉,并演奏了多种乐器。

63、They so love to flaunt their work. ─── 他们很喜欢炫耀自己的成果。

64、If one wishes to be a prig or a Puritan, one can flaunt one's moral views about them. ─── 一个人要是愿意当道学先生或清教徒,当然可以炫耀自己的伦理观点。

65、brag about; show off; flaunt ─── 夸耀

66、flaunt one's success ─── 夸耀自己的成功

67、1.to sell; 2.to betray; to harm another in order to benefit oneself3.to exert to the utmost4.to show off; to flaunt ─── 卖

68、The counter-hoodlum software alliance establishes 2 years ago, initially once flaunted the counter-hoodlum software's banner to build the momentum in the Internet profession. ─── 反流氓软件联盟在2年前成立,当初曾打着反流氓软件的旗号在互联网行业造起过声势。

69、5. Xueyeyoucheng him, but he never flaunted. ─── 他学业有成,但他从不炫耀.

70、If you are real rich enough, maybe you have a inherent superiority complex, and sometimes maybe you can not conceal your flaunt. ─── 如果你确实很富有,可能你会有一种与之俱来的优越感,有时可能你也无法掩饰你的炫耀。

71、Turing was gay but neither flaunted nor made any secret of it. ─── 图灵是同性恋者,但既不招摇也不保守秘密。

72、They dress to flaunt ths, to hide that. ─── 她们用穿着来突出优点,掩盖缺点。

73、Women looking for love on the Net this Valentine’s Day may get more roses if they flaunt their wealth rather than their good looks, a study of online personal ads suggests. ─── 一个网上在线的个人广告研究发现: 女人在网络上寻找爱情,如果她们炫耀她们的财富会比炫耀她们的美丽更能让她们在情人节这天得到多的玫瑰.

74、The remaining mouth trying to flaunt, his eyes unable to support. ─── 剩下嘴巴逞强眼睛无力支撑.

75、I am just a common man, with a modest, honest and virtuous heart, and I am unable to flaunt absolutely, not before, not now, and not the future either. ─── 像我只是一个普通的人,有着一颗谦虚、诚实、善良的心,我就绝对不会炫富,以前不会,现在不会,将来也不会。

76、She knows that the generation that flaunted *ual freedom is queasy now ,what with abortion so common among teenagers and the illegitimacy rate triple that of 20 years ago. ─── 她知道同龄人崇尚的自由令人感到羞耻,青少年中普遍的堕胎现象和非婚子女率是20年前的3倍。

77、The late afternoon sky flaunted its splendour of blue and gold like a banner over the Pacific, across whose depths the trade wind droned in measured cadence . ─── 午后的天空闪耀如太平洋上空的旗帜,或金灿灿的或蓝澄澄的。

78、Arguably, Beijing would like to put India on notice that it could also flaunt a Kashmir card . ─── 可以说,北京想要警告印度它也能眩耀一张"克什米尔牌".

79、2.His behavior was an outrageous flaunt. ─── 他的行为是一种无耻的炫耀。

80、They flaunt rebellious leather, show off Harley and Honda choppers, and brag of outracing cops. ─── 他们炫耀着身上叛逆的皮装以及胯下的哈雷和本田机车,吹嘘他们逃过警察尾追的光荣史。

81、They flaunt their conjugal felicity in one's face, as if it were the most fascinating of sins ─── 她们在旁边人面前炫耀自己的伉俪之乐,仿佛这是最诱人的罪过。

82、Even though Mr. B possesses unique grey matter, he does not flaunt himself. ─── 即使B先生才智不凡,他也不夸耀自己。

83、But surely this is not a serious argument to make against the man who has flaunted his ability to multitask in the face of those who asserted he had too many big issues to juggle at once. ─── 但如果一个人在别人断言他同时应付了太多大问题时,仍然在多项任务中展示了自己的实力,那别人还有什么可指责的呢?

84、Some of you delight to flaunt in our faces the warning against sectional parties given by Washington in his Farewell Address. ─── 你们有些人喜欢当着我们的面卖弄华盛顿在他的告别演说中提出的对地方主义的警告。

85、Candy: Why cover up your body? If you've got it, flaunt it. ─── 坎蒂:为什么埋没你的好身材?假如你拥有,就炫耀它吧。

86、Flaunt your age and you must not have much longer to live. ─── 卖老要活不长的。

87、he proudly flaunted the fruits of his labour during the concert , showing off a well - toned torso. ─── 在演唱会中,他自豪地炫耀劳动成果,炫耀好听但还未完成的作品。

88、Second, constrained by the structure logic, does not flaunt unusual and the surprised artistic effects. ─── 二、不囿于结构逻辑,标榜反常与惊奇的艺术效果。

89、Last month he flaunted both his technical know-how and his flair for self-promotion by emerging as the country’s top blogger. ─── 上个月,他炫耀起他的网络才能和自我推销的本事,因为他成为了这个国家访问数量最高的博主。

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