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09-03 投稿


satisfaction 发音

英:[?s?t?s?f?k?(?)n]  美:[?s?t?s?f?k?(?)n]

英:  美:

satisfaction 中文意思翻译



satisfaction 词性/词形变化,satisfaction变形

动词第三人称单数: satirizes |动词现在分词: satirizing |动词过去分词: satirized |动词过去式: satirized |

satisfaction 短语词组

1、give satisfaction ─── 使满意, 接受挑战

2、job satisfaction ─── 工作满意度; ─── 工作满足感, ─── 工作乐趣

3、certificate of satisfaction ─── [法] 清偿证书

4、full satisfaction guaranteed ─── [经] 保证满意

5、give satisfaction to ─── 使…满足,符合…得要求

6、enter up satisfaction ─── [法] 在法院备案表示债款已还

7、demand satisfaction ─── 要求赔偿, ─── 要求决斗

8、feel satisfaction at ─── 对…感到满足

9、keen satisfaction ─── 十分满意

10、liability for satisfaction ─── [法] 清偿责任

11、entry of satisfaction ─── [法] 清偿报单

12、memorandum of satisfaction ─── [经] 报偿备忘录

13、constraint satisfaction ─── [计] 约束补偿, 受限制满足

14、afford satisfaction to ─── 使…满足

15、in satisfaction of ─── 作为...的赔偿

16、make satisfaction for ─── 赔偿..., 偿还...

17、accord and satisfaction ─── [法] 和解和清偿

18、entry of satisfaction of mortgage ─── [法] 抵押权的涂消

19、find satisfaction in ─── 在...中得到满足

satisfaction 同义词

atonement | gratification | consummation | redress | recompense | reparation | placating | remuneration | compensation | trust | liking | happiness | fulfillment | indemnity | content | zest | acceptance | joy | appeasing | delight | indemnification |pleasure | reward | assuagement | approval | reimbursement | agreement | repayment | amends | expiation | requital | assuaging | contentment | enjoyment | belief | fulfilment | restitution | comfort | payment | taste | settlement

satisfaction 常用词组

customer satisfaction ─── 客户满意度

with satisfaction ─── 满意地

job satisfaction ─── 工作满意

satisfaction 反义词

dissatisfaction | discontent

satisfaction 相似词语短语

1、dissatisfactions ─── n.不满;令人不满的事物

2、dissatisfaction ─── n.不满;令人不满的事物

3、satisfactions ─── n.满意,满足;赔偿;乐事;赎罪

4、satisfactionless ─── 不满意

5、satiation ─── n.饱满;饱食;满足;厌腻

6、satisfactional ─── 满足的

7、satisfactory ─── adj.满意的;符合要求的;赎罪的

8、job satisfaction ─── 工作满意

9、unsatisfaction ─── 不满意

satisfaction 习惯用语

1、in satisfaction of ─── 作为...的赔偿

2、in full and complete satisfaction ─── 全数还清

3、receive [get]satisfaction from ─── 对...感到满意

4、enter (up) satisfaction ─── 【律】在法院备案表明已偿还应付款项

5、with satisfaction ─── 满意地

6、obtain satisfaction of a claim ─── 胜诉, 索赔圆满解决

7、find satisfaction in ─── 对...感到满意

8、give satisfaction ─── 使满意, 使满足 ─── 符合要求 ─── 答应决斗

9、feel satisfaction at ... ─── 对感到满意

10、entry of satisfaction ─── 【律】偿清登记

11、obtain satisfaction or recognition of a claim ─── 债权得到承认履行

12、demand satisfaction ─── 要求赔偿; 要求恢复名誉; 要求决斗

13、make satisfaction for ─── 赔偿, 偿还

14、to sb.'s satisfaction (to the satisfaction of sb.) ─── 达到使某人满意的程度 ─── 达到使某人确信的程度

satisfaction 特殊用法

1、constraint satisfaction ─── 受限制满足

2、satisfaction of mortgage ─── 赎回押品

3、satisfaction of a claim ─── 理赔

4、economic satisfaction ─── 经济满足

5、satisfaction of wants ─── 满足需要

6、satisfaction of lien ─── 解除留置权

satisfaction 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry. ─── 她不愿当着他的面哭,让他幸灾乐祸。

2、Do you get any job satisfaction? ─── 你能从工作中得到乐趣吗?

3、There is a severe look of satisfaction on his face. ─── 他脸上浮起了一种严肃而惬意的神情。

4、Is everthing to your satisfaction. ─── 一切都还满意吗?

5、He received great satisfaction from the news of his son's success. ─── 他听到儿子成功的消息感到非常满意。

6、Your success gave me great satisfaction. ─── 你的成功另你的父母满意。

7、He looked at his work with a smile of satisfaction. ─── 他看着他的工作,露出满意的微笑。

8、Director Feng looked his satisfaction. ─── 冯厂长看起来很满意。

9、Elinor's satisfaction at the moment of removal was more positive. ─── 埃莉诺在动身时刻的情绪是较为积极的。

10、Can you demonstrate to our satisfaction that your story is true? ─── 你能不能证实一下,让我们确信你说的是事实?

11、Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. ─── 增强客户满意度和忠诚度。

12、The OFT will also examine customer satisfaction. ─── 公平交易办公室也会调查顾客的满意度。

13、He surveyed his neat garden with satisfaction. ─── 他满意地环视着他那整洁的花园。

14、Also, as our material wealth increases, the gap between income and satisfaction with life seems to be widening. ─── 而且,随着物质财富的攀升,我们的工资和对生活的满意度之间的差距似乎也在加剧。

15、Pursue satisfaction of desires the world way. ─── 以世界的方法追求私欲的满足.

16、You have insulted my wife ; I demand satisfaction ! ─── 你侮辱了我的妻子,我要与你决斗。

17、She beamed with satisfaction. ─── 她笑逐颜开。

18、His satisfaction can be traced between the lines. ─── 从字里行间可以看出他很满意。

19、He signed his name with evident satisfaction. ─── 他显然很满意地签了名。

20、He was purring with satisfaction. ─── 他满足地轻声低语。

21、Is everything to your satisfaction, sir? ─── 先生,您对一切都满意吗?

22、She can look back on her career with great satisfaction. ─── 她回顾自己的经历觉得心满意足。

23、Even though moaning is usually an expression of the pleasure and satisfaction, it may not remain the same always. ─── 即使说呻吟通常是一种快乐和满足的表达,它也不可能始终如此而不变。

24、It gave me a feeling of satisfaction. ─── 它给了我一种满足感。

25、We hear languorous laughter, moans of satisfaction. ─── 可以听到柔弱的笑声和满意的呻吟。

26、What satisfaction canst thou have to-night? ─── 你今夜还要什么满足呢?

27、He complains that his job gives him no satisfaction. ─── 他抱怨说他的职业不能使他满意。

28、She felt satisfaction at having her ability recognized. ─── 她因自己的才能得到赏识而满足。

29、Once his voice was percolating to her satisfaction. ─── 他的声音曾使她感到满意。

30、His election was a great satisfaction to all concerned. ─── 他的当选于所有有关人士都觉得很满意。

31、She felt a sense of satisfaction and gratitude beyond expression. ─── 她感到非常满意,感激得不知怎么说好。

32、He summed up to everyone's satisfaction. ─── 他作的总结人人满意。

33、She extracted satisfaction from the success of her daughter. ─── 她从女儿的成功中得到满足。

34、He showed unfeigned satisfaction at his friend's success. ─── 他对朋友的成功表现出真正的满足。

35、In the end Susan gave in, not without a secret satisfaction that Mary Maria Blythe would see that she was no common hired girl. ─── 最终苏珊屈服了,心里却偷偷地满足极了,玛丽·玛利亚·布莱特会看到她并不是普通的女佣。

36、"Your satisfaction" is our highest pursue! ─── “您的满意”是我们的最高追求!

37、Customers' Satisfaction is the wish of Aigret Co. ─── 优质高效---是玉鹭的宗旨,

38、To my satisfaction,the laundry does up my skirt quite well. ─── 使我满意的是,洗衣房把裙洗烫得很好。

39、She went away with satisfaction. ─── 她满意地走了。

40、Aftercare available and satisfaction. ─── 售后服务的到位性和满意性。

41、For satisfaction of you, we is constant efforts! ─── 为了您的满意,我们将不断的努力!

42、His satisfaction was strong, almost surprising in his face. ─── 他感到十分得意,简直可说得意非凡。

43、I demand some satisfaction for that loss. ─── 为那项损失我要求一些补偿。

44、His special satisfaction comes from volunteer work. ─── 他从义务服务中得到最大满足

45、Captain(C): Is everything to your satisfaction? ─── 一切还满意吗?

46、You have insulted my wife; I demand satisfaction! ─── 你侮辱了我的妻子,我要与你决斗!

47、Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. ─── 保证满意否则退钱。

48、We hope the information you find here will help you get as much joy and satisfaction as possible out of every day for the rest of your life. ─── 我们希望你在有生之年尽可能的在每天的生活之余获得乐趣与满足。

49、They wrapped up the case to their own satisfaction. ─── 他们为那案子作了他们自己感到满意的了结。

50、Feeling or exhibiting a lack of contentment or satisfaction. ─── 不满意的,不高兴的感觉或流露不满意或不满足的

51、He smiled in satisfaction when he won the race. ─── 他赢得赛跑后满意地笑了。

52、His father beamed with satisfaction. ─── 他爸爸眉开眼笑表示满意。

53、The compensations for the injuries seldom yield complete satisfaction. ─── 伤害赔偿很少使受害人称心如意。

54、Her whole plump countenance beams with satisfaction. ─── 她的丰满的脸蛋上挂着满足的微笑。

55、Their manner breathed self - satisfaction. ─── 他们的举止透出自满

56、Perhaps his sighs expressed some satisfaction too. ─── 但说不定在他的叹息中,也夹杂着几分快意。

57、He surveyed his garden with satisfaction . ─── 他满意地环视着他的花园。

58、A gathering to engender and promote love, as for the satisfaction of the participants or as a form of social activism. ─── 友爱聚会一种产生或促进友爱的聚会,如为了满足参与者或作为社会行为主义的一种形式

59、He derives great satisfaction from his stamp collection. ─── 他从集邮中得到极大的满足。

60、Perfect satisfaction is guaranteed to our customers. ─── 保证我们的顾客完全满意。

61、What she wanted was, he said, satisfaction: "physical at least as much as psychic, sex as much as soul. " ─── 他说,她唯一想要的就是满足:“生理上至少与心理同样满足;性与灵魂都满足。”

62、"Yeah," Francie said, arms folded in satisfaction. ─── "是啊,"弗朗西说,胳膊很满意的抱在一起。"

63、Your salary to you satisfaction? ─── 你对你的薪水满意吗?

64、He was purring with satisfaction. ─── 他满足地轻声低语。

65、To our satisfaction the war came to an end. ─── 使我们满意的是战争结束了。

66、He looked upon me with so much humour and benignity that I could scarcely contain my satisfaction. ─── 他是多么幽默地仁慈地瞧着我,我简直没办法抑制心头的满足。

67、She gets a perverse satisfaction from making other people embarrassed. ─── 她有一种不正常的心态,以使别人难堪来取乐。

68、The happy news was a satisfaction to us all. ─── 喜讯传来, 人人高兴。

69、He recounted with satisfaction the compliments paid to him. ─── 他满意地详述着对他赞美的话。

70、Huggins made satisfaction for his debt. ─── 哈金斯还清了他的欠债。

71、She looked back on her career with great satisfaction. ─── 回顾自己的事业,她深感欣慰。

72、Unless you push your claim,you will not get satisfaction. ─── 不努力争取就得不到满意的结果。

73、He thought of her without satisfaction. ─── 他一想到她心里就不痛快。

74、She read what she had written with satisfaction. ─── 她满意地读着她所写的东西。

75、Your satisfaction is guaranteed. ─── 包你满意。

76、Excitement will be easy to find, but satisfaction will be fleeting. ─── 人们将发现:找刺激容易,要满意却不易!

77、He rubbed his hands together in satisfaction. ─── 他满意地擦搓着双手。

78、I heard the news with great (much) satisfaction. ─── 听到这个消息,我感到非常满意。

79、He looked at them with great satisfaction. ─── 他十分满意地看着他们。

80、It gives me great satisfaction that you have got a job. ─── 你找到了工作使我感到十分欣慰。

81、His smile betoken his satisfaction. ─── 他的微笑表示他满意了。

82、She looked in the glass with great satisfaction. ─── 她满意地看着镜子。

83、His face was expressive of satisfaction. ─── 他的脸上露出满意的神情。

84、A sense of satisfaction attaches to the successful performance of one's duty. ─── 任务顺利完成之后,伴随而来的是一种满足感。

85、Is everything to your satisfaction? ─── 吃得满意吗?

86、They watched our performance with satisfaction. ─── 他们满意地观看了我们的演出。

87、They noted with satisfaction the upsurge of the national liberation movement. ─── 他们满意地看到了民族解放运动的高涨。

88、Customers' Satisfaction is HL's service principle. ─── "顾客满意"是海林的服务宗旨 !

89、She felt a small glow of satisfaction. ─── 她感到了一丝满足的喜悦。

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