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09-03 投稿


cruciate 发音

['kru????t; -e?t]

英:  美:

cruciate 中文意思翻译



cruciate 短语词组

1、cruciate ligament in dogs ─── 犬十字韧带

2、cruciate ligament ─── 十字性韧带

3、cruciate muscle ─── 交叉肌

4、cruciate ligament injury ─── [医]十字韧带损伤

5、cruciate bristle ─── 下颜鬃

6、cruciate definition medical ─── 十字定义医学

7、cruciate anastomosis ─── 交叉吻合

8、cruciate sulci ─── [医] 十字沟(在中脑背侧四迭体间)

9、cruciate flower ─── 十字花

10、cruciate ligament surgery recovery ─── 交叉韧带手术恢复

11、cruciate eminence ─── [医](枕骨)十字隆起

12、cruciate and collateral ligaments of knee ─── 膝交叉韧带和副韧带

13、cruciate ligaments of knee ─── [医] 膝交叉韧带

cruciate 词性/词形变化,cruciate变形

副词: cruciately |

cruciate 常用词组

anterior cruciate ligament ─── 前交叉韧带

cruciate 相似词语短语

1、cruciates ─── 十字架

2、crustate ─── adj.具赘物

3、crucible ─── n.坩埚;严酷的考验

4、crucial ─── adj.重要的;决定性的;定局的;决断的

5、cruciately ─── 十字军

6、excruciate ─── v.(使)受酷刑,折磨

7、craniate ─── adj.有头盖的;有头动物的;脊椎动物的;n.有头动物;脊椎动物

8、crucians ─── n.欧洲鲫鱼

9、crucian ─── n.欧洲鲫鱼

cruciate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Campbell operation on anterior cruciate ligament ─── 前交叉韧带Campbell手术

2、Xia C,Zhou JN,Hu H,et al.Clinical research on the arthroscopic semitendinosus-gracilis tendon autograft for reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament.Chin J Orthop,2003,23:392-395. ─── [3]夏春,周江南,胡海,等.关节镜下多股半腱肌腱与股薄肌腱重建前十字韧带的临床应用.中华骨科杂志,2003,23:392-395.

3、Obesity or excessive weight can be a strong contributing factor in cruciate rupture. ─── 肥胖或过重可以是一个强有力的促进因素十字破裂。

4、Preliminary Study on Selection of Seeding Cells for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tissue Engineering ─── 前交叉韧带组织工程种子细胞筛选的初步研究

5、PCL (posterior cruciate ligament) ─── 后交叉韧带

6、anterior cruciate ligament repture ─── 交叉韧带断裂

7、Objective as the most important stable factor in knee joint,anterior cruciate ligaments can direct and limit the movement of knee joint. ─── 前交叉韧带是膝关节最重要的稳定因素,对膝关节起着导向和限制作用.前交叉韧带断裂可以导致严重的关节不稳,从而严重影响运动功能;

8、posterior cruciate ligament/SU ─── 后交叉韧带/外科学

9、Posterior cruciate ligament(PCL) ─── 后交义韧带

10、posterior cruciate ligament/surgery ─── 后交叉韧带/外科学

11、The chopping and changing came about after Brazilian midfielder Lucio was ruled out for the rest of the season afater damaging cruciate ligaments. ─── 在巴西中场卢西奥十字韧带损伤铁定无法参加本赛季余下的所有比赛后,无定见的变阵、调整便开始了。

12、anterior cruciate ligament/injuries ─── 前交叉韧带/损伤

13、posterior cruciate ligament avulsion fracture ─── 后交叉韧带撕脱性骨折

14、Preservation of the remnants of cruciate ligament ─── 保留交叉韧带残端

15、A study of meniscus and cruciate ligaments on sagittal section ─── 半月板和交叉韧带矢状断层研究

16、However, Gabriele Heinz's injury from yesterday is a cruciate ligament rupture and United's squad is beginning to look a little thin. ─── 同样是在今天,海因策昨天受的伤已确诊为十字韧带撕裂,看起来曼联的阵容会变得有些单薄咯。

17、Keywords Anterior cruciate ligament;Arthroscopy;Tendon;Knee; ─── 前交叉韧带;关节镜;腱;膝关节;

18、Altmana G H , Horan R L , Lu H H , et al . Silk matrix for tissue engineered anterior cruciate ligments [J ]. ─── 吴海涛,钟翠平,顾云娣.蚕丝在软骨细胞立体培养中的应用[J].组织工程,2000,14(5):3012304.

19、Keywords Anterior cruciate ligament;Knee;Magnetic resonance imaging; ─── 关键词前交叉韧带;膝;磁共振成像;

20、Experimental Study on Viscoelastic Property of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament ─── 前交叉韧带粘弹性特性的实验研究

21、Ao YF,Qu MY,Tian DX,et al.Reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament using bone-paterllar tendon-prepatellar periosteum free graft with impacting bone technique.Chin J Surg,1997,35:725-727. ─── [5]敖英芳,曲锦域,田得祥,等.骨-髌腱-髌前骨膜-股四头肌腱条骨块嵌入法重建交叉韧带.中华外科杂志,1997,35:725-727.

22、rupture of anterior cruciate ligament ─── 前十字韧带断裂

23、Old disruption of anterior cruciate ligament ─── 前交叉韧带陈旧性断裂

24、Gus Poyet scored on his comeback from a cruciate injury to set us on our way; Mark Hughes rose from the bench to do what only he could and complete the job. ─── 十字韧带伤愈复出的戛斯-波耶特有进球入帐,帮助球队打开局面;马克-休斯替补出场使出独门绝活再度进球。

25、Keywords arthroscopy;hypothermia;allograft;tendo calcaneus;cruciate ligament; ─── 关节镜;低温;异体骨;跟腱;交叉韧带;

26、Keywords Arthroscopy;Anterior cruciate ligament;Tendon transfer;Knee joint; ─── 关节镜检查;前交叉韧带;腱转移术;膝关节;

27、Background and purpose: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the most complicated structure in human body. Treatment of ACL injury has been attached more and more importance in recent years. ─── 一、研究背景和目的:前交叉韧带(Anterior Cruciate Ligament, ACL)是人体中最为复杂的结构之一,其损伤的治疗越来越引起人们的重视。

28、ACL(anterior cruciate ligament) ─── 前交叉韧带

29、Trauma can be responsible for cruciate injuries, although the trauma may not always be observed by the owner. ─── 外伤可以伤害负责十字,虽然不一定是创伤业主观察到。

30、Shaped like a cross; cruciate. ─── 十字形的十字形的;以十字形排列的

31、Injuries of the posterior cruciate ligament(PCL), an important structure to maintain the stability of knee joints, require early interventions to curb complications and improve effects of treatment. ─── 后交叉韧带是维持膝关节稳定的重要结构,损伤后宜早期干预,才能减少并发症的发生并提高治疗效果。

32、The doctors wisely decided to sort out the cartilages first and I will return for my cruciate operation at the start of August. ─── 医生们明智地决定他们要先修复软骨,并在八月初我将接受韧带手术。

33、To the hospital for a check: posterior cruciate ligament tear! ─── 到医院一检查:后十字韧带撕裂!

34、The injury anterior cruciate ligament is a common kind of exercise injury of knee joint.People have already made detailed explanation on it in the past. ─── 前交叉韧带的运动损伤是常见的膝关节运动损伤,前人已对该损伤进行了诸多详尽的论述。

35、anterior and posterior cruciate ligament ─── 前、后交叉韧带

36、Keywords Knee joint;Anterior cruciate ligament;Magnetic resonance imaging; ─── 关键词膝关节;前交叉韧带;磁共振成像;

37、Three Meta-analyses about anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction did not come to a definite conclusion. ─── 三篇关于前交叉韧带重建疗效的meta分析也未得出明确的结果。

38、"He had his cruciate knee operation, we looked after him and we let him him do his rehabilitation in Spain which he wanted to do. ─── “他做过十字仍带手术,我们一直照顾他,我们让他去西班牙做手术,那是他想要的。”

39、Old disruption of posterior cruciate ligament ─── 后交叉韧带陈旧性断裂

40、Fig. 1-43 Median septum separating two posterior compartments of knee. Note fenestrum at proximal pole. Synovial septum invests cruciate ligaments and contains branch of middle genicular artery. ─── 图1-43中隔将膝关节后部分成两个腔室,注意隔膜近端的卵圆孔,滑膜中隔包裹交叉韧带及膝中动脉的分支。

41、In September 2008, he ruptured the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee on international duty and was ruled out for six months. ─── 在200年九月,他在国家队的国际比赛时撕裂了左膝盖十字韧带,并被诊断最少要修养六个月。

42、Guo YZ,Jiang X,Li HX,et al.Arthroscopic reconstruction of posterior and anterior cruciate ligaments of the knee with double semitendinous tendons.Chin J Orthop Trauma,2005,7:113-115. ─── [5]郭永智,姜鑫,李汉秀,等.关节镜下双股半腱肌腱单端固定法重建膝交叉韧带.中华创伤骨科杂志,2005,7:113-115.

43、Effects of arthroscopic reconstruction of posterior cruciate ligaments with deep-frozen allogeneic ligaments ─── 关节镜下深低温冷冻异体韧带重建后交叉韧带的疗效分析

44、Liverpool midfielder Francisco Duran has been ruled out of action for six months with a cruciate ligament injury. ─── 利物浦中场小将弗朗西斯科.杜兰遭遇了严重的十字韧带受伤,这使得他不得不缺席6个月的比赛。

45、The playmaker, who was ruled out for the season after rupturing a cruciate knee ligament against Arsenal in January, expects to start running again next week. ─── 加西亚在1月对阵阿森纳的比赛中十字韧带受伤,从而本赛季无缘比赛。他希望下个星期能够开始重新训练。

46、"We've had some really bad news with Francisco damaging his cruciate, this time on his left knee," reserve team boss Gary Ablett told Liverpoolfc.tv. ─── “杜兰的左膝遭受了一次严重的十字韧带断裂,”预备队教练阿贝莱特告诉官网。

47、Anterior cruciate ligament cell ─── 前交叉韧带细胞

48、anterior cruciate ligament/surgery ─── 前交叉韧带/外科学

49、Keywords arthroscope;anterior cruciate ligament;reconstruction; ─── 关节镜;前交叉韧带;重建;

50、tibial avulsion fracture of posterior cruciate ligament ─── 后交叉韧带胫骨止点撕脱骨折

51、Objective To compare the clinical outcome of different time of operation of reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament(ACL) and combined intraarticular injuries. ─── 合并半月板损伤或内侧副韧带损伤对临床结果的统计分析,两者均无显著性差异。

52、He was carried off but initial fears he had ruptured an anterior cruciate ligament were allayed when scans instead indicated a much more minor injury to a posterior cruciate. ─── 他被迫离开赛场,他的十字韧带破裂使得他感到恐惧,还好扫描结果显示十字韧带破裂的伤势要比之前估计的要轻得多.

53、anterior cruciate ligament/AH ─── 前交叉韧带/解剖学和组织学

54、The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a strong band of tissue that is located within the knee and connects the thighbone (femur) to the shinbone (tibia). ─── 前交叉韧带(ACL)是一结实的组织,它位于膝关节内,连接大腿骨(股骨)和小腿骨(胫骨)。

55、Palmer's cruciate ligament guide ─── 帕麦尔(氏)十字韧带导引带

56、To the hospital for a check: posterior cruciate ligament tear! ─── 到医院一检查:后十字韧带撕裂!

57、The midfielder watched from the bench as Garcia ruptured the anterior cruciate ligament in his right knee against Arsenal last week. ─── 上周对阵阿森纳的比赛中,这名中场球员在板凳上目睹了加西亚十字韧带前部受伤的一幕。

58、Keywords Arthroscopy;Cruciate ligament;Semitendinous tendon; ─── 关节镜;半腱肌;交叉韧带;重建术;

59、Keywords knee injury;wide fascia flap;cruciate ligament; ─── 关键词膝损伤;阔筋膜瓣;交叉韧带;

60、A whizz in the Carling Cup until his season was cut short with a cruciate injury. ─── 参加了联赛杯时十字韧带拉伤。

61、Keywords Allogene;Tendon;Anterior cruciate ligament;Rehabilitated nursing care; ─── 同种异体;肌腱;前交叉韧带;康复护理;

62、Cruciate ligament reconstruction ─── 交叉韧带重建

63、Patients with posterior cruciate ligament, lateral collateral ligament, or only grade-I or II MCL injury were excluded. ─── 后交叉韧带、外侧副韧带或仅有I或II度MCL损伤的患者均予以排除。

64、The 27-year-old former Liverpool and Real Madrid forward returned to running outdoors earlier this week almost seven months after rupturing his anterior cruciate ligament at the World Cup finals. ─── 27岁的前利物浦和皇家马德里前锋在本周早些时候开始了户外跑步,距离去年世界杯十字韧带受伤已经7个月之久了。

65、Keywords Anterior cruciate ligament;Knee joint;Magnetic resonance imaging; ─── 关键词前交叉韧带;膝关节;磁共振成像;

66、cruciate ligament of fingers ─── (手指)纤维鞘交叉部韧带

67、Injury of anterior cruciate ligament ─── 关节镜

68、Cruciate incisions heal poorly and are not required. ─── 需要愈合差的十字形切口。

69、He said: “Within an hour of injuring my cruciate in Germany last summer my first feeling was one of guilt. ─── 他说,“当去年夏天我在德国弄伤我的十字韧带后的第一个小时内我就开始感到负罪。

70、rupture of posterior cruciate ligament of knee ─── 后十字韧带断裂

71、Gus Poyet scored on his comeback from a cruciate injury to set us on our way; ─── 十字韧带伤愈复出的戛斯-波耶特有进球入帐,帮助球队打开局面;

72、Cruciate incisions heal poorly and are not required. ─── 不需要愈合差的十字形切口。

73、Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) Reconstruction ─── 前交叉韧带重建

74、Bilateral Anterior Cruciate Ligament Ruptures ─── 双膝前交叉韧带损伤特点及治疗

75、The Dane, who missed almost all of last season with a metatarsal injury, has enjoyed an extended run in the side since Martin Skrtel suffered cruciate ligament damage against Man City in October. ─── 因为跖骨受伤丹丹缺席了上赛季几乎全部的比赛,而本赛季斯科特尔在对曼城比赛中的受伤使他重回主力位置。

76、anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction ─── 前交叉韧带重建术

77、Keywords Posterior cruciate ligament;Tendon;Knee joint;Semitendinous muscle; ─── 关键词后交叉韧带;肌腱;膝关节;半腱肌;

78、Epidemiological Study of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury ─── 前交叉韧带损伤的临床流行病学研究

79、That way I can give myself the best possible chance of having the cruciate operation. ─── 只有这样我才可以使自己获得接受十字韧带手术的最佳机会.

80、Keywords Posterior cruciate ligament;Reconstruction of tendon; ─── 关键词后交叉韧带;腱重建术;

81、posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction ─── 后交叉韧带重建

82、Resulting in less stress on the posterior cruciate ligament for a safer, more effective movement. ─── 字型韧带的压力,使锻鍊更加安全有效。

83、Economics of Nerve Block Pain Management after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Hospital Cost Savigs via Associated Postanesthesia Care Unit Bypass and Sameday Discharge Williams BA, et al. ─── 前十字韧带重建后神经阻滞疼痛治疗的经济学:医院费用节约,相关的麻醉后监护室,流通和当日出院。

84、The moment he knew it was the cruciate ligament he was down but he is a positive guy. ─── 当他知道自己十字韧带受伤的时候有点压抑,但是他可是一个乐观的家伙。

85、“It's good that Alan hasn't done his cruciate,” he said. ─── “很幸运希勒没有伤到十字韧带,”他说。

86、Keywords Anterior cruciate ligments Patellar tendon Reconstruction Arthroscope; ─── 前交叉韧带;髌韧带;重建术;关节镜;

87、Anterior cruciate ligament(ACL)injury in female athletes was investigated compared with male athletes based on the epidomiology of injuries in 6810 athletes from 47 higher level teams nationwide. ─── 在对47个运动队共6810名现役集训运动员运动创伤流行病学研究的基础上,对女姓运动员膝关节前交叉韧带(ACL)的损伤进行了研究,并与男性相比较。

88、anterior cruciate ligament injuries ─── 前交叉韧带损伤

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